GARDEN DEcusslnglastmlnute plans the Gordon Tea held at the home oi Mrs Rusell Ding Eli liinsfzY BUILDING man Cook Street yestaday attarnoon from left are Mrs Dudley Oliver President of Ladies Auxiliary Mrs Char PATIENCE AND FIBMNESS Modern Approach gt Old Fashioned Discipline renouro ca patience and Helert and might find it in selecting both their own tale and ï¬rmnessrather than the old fashioned spare the rod and spoil the child is the modern approach to bringing up disciplined children Thats the View 01 Helen Bewson presidentoi the Parent Education Bureauhere She is wellacquainted with the works of modern child specialists but she admits that if the childs behavior doesnt improve with handling along the expert lines then you simply have to resort to usingcommon sense But scolding berating and lecturing are largely useless she says Your own selfrespect and juniors growing awareness or his responsibilities should be of first importance regular routine for meals recreation and bedtlrhe should be established in the childs formative years As the child grows older this routine can be loosenedto suit various needs DONT palm It meal time is sometimes unbearable with the child re fusing to touch his load then take it away horn him His appetite will soon return andso will hls complacency at the table If the child is quarrefling with other youngsters separate them or flatteninteuigent com versatlon with your husband This will probably interést the children and encourage themio Join in Sending the child to his room as punishment otten is over done Mrs Hewson says Par ents become Worried when the child does not appear hum and contrite alter his contin3 merit But the childvhas paid the maltyand the matter should be forgotten could be the paralits fault in the case of child who in sists on getting out of bed two or three times atter being put away for the night The father who hasnltseen =Castro ol Lima Peru said it 31959 and returnedmolnewritba Marseille clinic and research World Health Organization more dililcult to shut out any stimuli Mrs Hewsoh believes parents should he more discriminating Couples Visit Wedding Plate MONTREAL CPlTbe lour ney to Montreal was senti mental major at least two of the couples who attended the World Congress of Psychiatry hem Doctors Rénato and Maria was bit like apilgiirnage Married the day they lclt Lima tor Montreal in 1955 to study Psychiatry at McGill lini versity they both graduated in Canadian born twoyearold daughter Dr Renato Castro do ing research in family psychic try under McGill auspices in Lima while his wile works with children in the ophthalmology department at Limas General Hospital for Women Their eldest son is proud oi his Canadian citizenship Tha whole school knows about they said The couple who now have two other children practise psychiatry at the Centre Saint Paul for epileptic children in centre under sponsorship of the summit commission by Experts witlr special Equiemm oANGEsFlELD Vl5l0ll on theirchildren it they negro FUND loo Keyworth Mrs Andrew Nielsen eonvtner Mrs Neils Anderson and Mrs Campbell Palkes Examiner Photo Replaces vision programs and those for their children Set good air ample by discussing the pro grams with your children and dont use television as mech anical babysitter The child will lee more in dependent it he is given regular allowance But she saysdont give him too much undidoencouroge him to start back accountnAs the girl or boy grows up theyymlght get parttime joband use the Asurvayotlchildren rearilt ing habits Canadapoints out lreading habik is lack7 of parent with their dliidlfll son notes until thechildtcan talk he re they speak to him and sing he old nursery rhymes They would be less worried about the in fluence oi comic books and tele money for cloihes and social thattherchiedetdrrént to good Parents dont have to wait concentrated on having good conversation and reading good 110015 Peter PipérReaIly BlowsHis Horn to THE suns SAY WA FOB TOMORROW YesurdBYo adverse Aspects where personal relationships or mnaemed lilt now and you should have much more at ioyahlc day especially where tamlly matter and social lunc tions are concerned Be conserv ative in financial matters how ever FOR THE BIRTIUMY it tomorrow is your birthday matters concerned with your Job and future security will on doubtedly occpy most of your time and enery this year This is as it should be however since your horoscope promises lino occupational and ï¬nancial headway it you are willing to work hard and profit by all available opportunitieseven at the expense of some personal desires Look for exceptionally good periods in the balance of this month in November mid Decemher and early 1962 You could experience some tension during September and October but this can be averted if you do not overtax yoursell to the point at fatigue Persona relationship will be under tine aspects for most of the year and this month December and nut May and June should prove exceptionally interesting troma social and romantic standpoint August will be gcperously cs pectcd where travel is con cerned Early January should Lind your business interests or pending considerably child born on this day will he talented efficient would make on elilciant leader in any ï¬eld he may choose Teacher Wins Literary Award ST eANDREWS NB GP Guelph schoolteacher Jenn Lit fls 29 bus ivon the 1961 Little Brown an nd Children Boobytwai it was announced Monday ni gt The 1000 award is or the manuscript of book for chil drenoi any age group written by citizen resident of Can ado Miss Little won it ior her story Mina tor Keeps which willbo published in Canada and the United States next spring Douglas Bbllock at Little Brnwn Canada made the an nouncament at the Canadian Library Association convention here Try An Examiner want Ad Phon Pa was in te es tr andcommunication Mrs Hew shown ll ta who Aenvm ln MN Iilnnuumw Frésh Cherry Tarts Are Tasty Dessert By IDA BAILEY ALLEN Fmb cherry time deserve celebrationl exclaimed the Chet big bowl of the trash lruit Items on it possible In dunk in glasses at chilled water and enjoy glistening cold or one unuu nepoon iorthedi it the chords are wi ut Items For our trash cherry celebra tion hero in the testkitchen will prepare the favorite tart of France at ith seasonhurts qu oerisu Measurements are level Recipes to reach Fran cherry Tutor Bake pastry shells Soiten ulvelope pnflavored gelatin in $6 cold water and set aside Combine sugar tsp salt and slightlybeaten eggs in top at double boiler Stir in lit milk Cookstir until mix ture coats metal spoon Remove from heat Stir in gelatin when dissolved relrlg erate until beginning to thicken Fold in cquartcrad pitted trash cherries whipped heavy cream and Vt tsp pure vanilla extract him into pastry shells Re trigerotelhr Meantime mix helvod pitted lresh cherries with tbsp sugar Let stand hr Drain juice into measuring cup add water to make Mix in IA tsp cornstarch until smooth Stier until clear to use as glare Half cool Arrange cherries on tarts Spoon over cherry glaze ite lrigerato hr Garnish with whipped cream it desired MONDAY DINNER BaddislnCarrot Juliennes Selsdeites Beet la Mode Whipped Potato Spinach with Chopped Scalllons French Fresh Cherry Tarts or Big Bowl of Fresh Cherries Hot or lead Coliee Tea Milk Bee to Mode American ized Make marinade in sauce pan by combining at mild tsp salt papenthin slices oi lemon tsp poultry seasoning sliced peeled small olï¬on and sliced peeled medium carrot boil min Put lbs ttenderizedi round or fresh brisket ol beet in deep bowl Pour over preceding map inade cool Cover cider vinegarpalé water Eelrlgcrotc 24 hours Rename meat but main and me liquid Place in good stud kettle brown all over in tbsp savory drippings Pour over marinade Add us in boiling water to heli the height or meat Snugcover sim mer bra or until forktender Make gravy from liquid When your SIIPPPIHG never fl GINGER ALE nloro flavor l°l8 QUAIISllt FOR SIX I2 02 HOME nus lures vo Bl sALnsmmv Reg 54500 12 BRADFORD ST For clothes matlead the active life at camp and on vacationssee our selection plannedtoplease lively boys andg us at prices that are pleasure to your budget Sturdy comfortable goodlooking play tags in sizesto lit your young carn COTTAGE DISPLAY OPEN IILL 9PM DUTY EVERY nvnsma DEMONSTRATION MODEL sullnmas sun moon 7497m Can lie Moved To Your Lot For $94900 GOES ON SALE MON JUNE 12 WE ALSO HAVE COllAGE 0N DISPLAY WHICH IS COMPLETELY WINTERIZED BEAVER LUMBER PA 85541 ran Mann Wm raunsmr rune 1255 Passing Gear Performance at any Speedt 80 050 mm or 1750 mm Whatever your WOOdevlnsethslhlnl on mu shark lllllI mateIsl nu Inmnr socbutton rm Pass In any Palomino the result oi Wort Bonds lllllslv Power Spread Pulling skins mm water sun or pumlnll huvy wiser gush1k has on menyou nced lnysplad IllcIl max SYSTEMkCon mm Curv AHEHIIIDBGIHCVBN Gill at tdIlng mean In QPERRYIDNDfl throat with IDWIVII moorings95mg um cover DUAL YDROJINIHIE SNUCK ABSURBERSuknho SillEX outol tilting ruu onerun vmmrm Pill Illa Llhflr COMPACT APPEARANCE blonds Ill II 0110 bell lYNCNRnnll smn LKEVKR Colllao lum lmnl mum nsl no em EPEIID ON on mnrm mt ucunomzrnc Accumu iu mflud Inmumlnl aim in Illc Saelhafi sh 25 n3 125151 ru ï¬llsmhnï¬lstt senior session BIG SAVINGS ON NEW I960 25 AND 40HP MOTORS MYEBS BOAT SERVE ljoot or Maple St the Tune IPA 66379 the child all day might have MQTORS excited him by playing boister oils games before bedtime she as Collier st PA 32481 says And as the child grows older he becomes more waketul and Girls Fine Little Girls ciany Pran PLAY JEANS Four needle elastic back two cute slashvstylapack cis these come in united culunn or summer Sizes sex Pm PIPER TRUE VALUE Jumbo Sided wBEACH BASKETBALL Burshl hurl polyethylen colours About 11 tn meter Comb Cotton ANKLE SOCKS Size 51095 nylon reinfore ediheél and toe ellnfln tap Striped patterned in multi colours PETER PIPER mun vanur Choose mes PETER PIPER TRUE VALUES in many summer Ideal for Hddler lnn morc bounce in the ounceu AEE7EB PIPER mun VALUE Kiddles Button shoulder cREw NECK TSHIRTS TSHRTS sizes Mr Crew neck rr Nest tuncy patterned rtyla in assorted colours ldell page cm mine or our re 59 um Wm man mun Fine Combed Cotton BOYS GIRLS miss PIPE mug VALUE En strong durable plastic in VALUE EL bright red and yellow cola Boys and Gilll axon Large STAKE TRUCKS With him back doom that OPEII HEW Nil ffll ture 19a magma olr our combinations PETE PIPER TRUE Viscoseen FT Ill IS wurltwrsinwnrztm VBEUAUSE HOODED SWEATV Girls VNeek FEMSy SHIRTS SEEEITEIIE Paginatmmu walla£50 barrier MP is can neew enwn BLOYUSESS 93 Pm LINE or UNDERWEAR swï¬ combed mm WEAR AND PLAY CLOTHES seax 523 sll ittcylil Egggamï¬gm in wits gznï¬sbï¬Ã©ggg 9117 Sim SML m1 TOGS UTE REMEMBER IF BABY BECOMESUNCOMFORTABiE leLE Bannmnmngrwmï¬ gt SHOPPINGDOWNTOWNBRINGHIM lNFoRA CHANGEIN it OUR NewPiNjNPoonRRooM mmï¬twhlï¬gï¬iï¬m From oVlZflllrifbn Shelves mvouRTNiEw CHILDRENS bEBAilTMENT STORE milmisril s17 PA 67653 HFOFAHEWEEIQI slmcoe County dairyrnen now feedin 6001 mmmu RATION soyour9ows arestayipgup 2191 in body weightlimo yearand woritdrop in srttEETEnsrMnme now tnAuyuu reception names