GRAPH SHOWS BREAKDOWN OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE DOLLAR Varied Reaction T0 Néw Beet By THE CANADIAN PRESS Businessmen and markets reacted in varied ways Wednesday to Finance Minister Flemings economic budget The British government was startled United States re porter saw American tourists getting break from plans to make the Canadian dollar worth less than the American South African opposition spokesman contrasted his nations shortage of foreign capital with Canadas overabundance On international money man km the Canadian dollar fell to 97 cents in the wake of Mr Flemings announced desire to depress its value Canadians ally were happy with the abolition of the per cent excise tax on cars But many who tried to peer into the future to see the overall results of the budget found their crystal balls unrevealing Here is sampling of the re action from varied quarters CANADA Members of the investment community were particularly in clined to take waitandsee attitude and their comments mostiy oilrccordranged from optimism that the finance mialt lster will succeed inhis objec Lives to strong doubt One investment sman saw the possibility that if the Canadian dollar stays weak and interest rates continue historic pattern of higher rates in Can ada than in the United States then another surge of American buying may come into Canada ilugh Montgomery vice president of the Canadian Con struction Association said We are apprehensive that Mr Flemings budget is not going to do the job he thinks it is go ing to do Mr Montgomery said the as sociation for several years has been promoting wintertime con struction to assist employment and had asked for higher de preciation on structures based nnwintertime payrolls and for sales tax relief an extra equip ment needed for winter con struction The Canadian Chamber of Commerce e1 some features of the budget but added that there is still great and pressing need for complete re vision of the Canadian tax structure and that still further tax incentives are needed to help increase the lagging growth ra LABOR CRITICAL The Canadian Labor Con gress in statement by its sec retary treasurer Donald Mac Donald approved several of the budget proposals batsaid it contains improyements in social security no real relief for the smell taxpayer and no measures that would produce substantial increases in con sumer purchasing power Dr Yohe president of Goodrich Canada Ltd Kitchener hoped the dbllar wouldnt be forced down more than one or twoper cent If it wenttoo low it would have significant effect on living costs because of the higher cost of needed imports Government economists are hoping that the unused capac ity availahievin Canadian indus tryidle machines unemployed menwill help hold the costof living increase to minimum it this happens then the im pact of higherpriced imports according to the thinking of fi nance department experts will be only fractional Mayor Michael Patrick of FURNITURE THE BEST IN PRICES SELECTION SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD 11 nuance st mum Vi Jill Colonial bolt REPEAL of theWz per cent excise tax on passenger cars designed to stimulate pmdue tion in the sagging Canadian auto industry will choke off an important source of federal revenue Graph left shows total urciss tax colieded 1955 to 1960 on passenger cars pro duoed in Canada The tax wm lowered again to per cent on Dec 1957 Second graph Windsor said elimination of the excise tax on automobiles is step in the right direction but is by no means the whole an swer to the problem of the auto motive industry UNflED STATEï¬ Associated Press business an alyst Sam Dawson took look atthe Canadian budget and said Americans planning Ca nadianvacatlon or wishing to buy goods there may be in for break But if the Canadian plan to force its dollar below the value of the American dollar goes through he added Americans who want to sell goods there or who get dividends from invest ments in Canada may be on the losing side GREAT BRITAIN The recessionbattling budget plunged foreign exchange mar kets into state of nervous ten sion and startled the British government alre dy deeply worried about trading problems Government and motor indus try spokesmen in London ex pressed grave concern over the possbility that Canada may levy hypercent duty on Brit ish vehicles and parts which npw enter the country free of tariffs The Ottawa moves compli cated matters still more for the Britsh governmentwhich now is studying the prospects of join pgt the European Common Mar The EveningNews says many politicians view Flemings budget as warning shot in the preliminaries of the larger Common Market battle The decision to reduce the va Iue of the dollar in terms of other currencies will have twoway effect on BritainCa nadian productssucb as news print wheat and metals will be cheaper But it will make the sales of British goodsand those from other countriesin creasineg difficult in Canada since they will cost Canadians more in terms of their own money Some authorities feel the Ca nadian moves will help res irieaséfNé€e nu ALAMO sun crs N0 ADVANCE THIS BIG shows how vdiicle production in main European countries has skyrocketed in the period 195060 compared with Can ada Production of cars and trucks in Canada in 1960 was only slightly above the 1350 level In West Germany it was up six times Italy five FranI ce four the United Kingdom doubled Many of these coun tries have exported vehicles to Canada CP Newsmap inforce British arguments in fa vor of joining the economic com munity formed by FranceGcr many Italy Belgium The Ne therlands and Luxembourg MARKETS The Canadian dollar closed on the international money mar kets Wednesday worth only 97 cents in terms of United States fundsa gain of threeeighths of cent over the days open ing figure The drop sharpest in noes ade was flieimmediate result of Finance Minister Flemings depressed dollar statement The closing quote Wednesday of 97ewas registered in New York and Montreal The industrial index onthe Toronto Stockrnarket set new high of 59013 Wednesday re flecting confidence in the bud get Papers and automobile stocks rose in price SOUTH AFRICA Sir de Villiers Graaff leader of south Africas Unitedparty said the announced move by the Canadian government to lower the value of the Canadian dol lar in relation to United States currency was result of Can adas having so much capital from overseas that her cost structure had risen to the point where she could not compete in world markeLs Our ipasition is completely the opposite We are so short 10E capital that Aweve no money to develop our industries rvrswmrsns MW REBUILT EDOM 495° RENTAL and SERVICE Simone nusnvsss Machines 69 nuniop st PA 84824 HEFD OVER PRICES To Its Length at 830111 915 pianos SHOT CNR Head Says MPs Malicious mam cman run dcnt Donald Gordon holds firm to his view that members of Parliament attacking him have been unfair irresponsible and malicious stand by it he said as his parting shot to the Com mons railway committee Wed nesday night when it completed study of the publicly owned CNRs 1960 annual report and budget for 1961 His cbief critic Douglas Fisher CCFPort Arthur bad told the committee few min utes before that he continues in his belief that the ONE needs president who can win the will ingness of employees by win ning their hearts Mr CNR head While CNR accounts and bad get wcre approved without vote Mr Gordon will continue in further in to be figure quiry Fisher said he would move himselfor support any other members motion to have the committee recommend Mr Gordons replacement at The committee was scheduled today to consider pension rights of OMB cmployes whose ser vice is interrupted by layoffs and benefits provided for CNR train crews during turnaround at the end of line Mr Gordon said he will be present next week when the committee studies Atheaanual report and budget of Trans Canada Air Lines As TCA director be announced that President Gordon McGregor will not appearthls year He is in hospital for medical check up Mr Gordon said The 1961 budget approved by the CNR board of directors in February estimated deficit of $64000000 this year compared with 561497000 last year Mr Gordon saidthat earlier in the committee hearings he had been challenged for using tho words unfair irresponsible and malicious to describe at tacks in the Commonspn him by critical MPa 0n checking the record he said he found he had used the words Another Success For Stratford By WILLIAM MACDOUGAIL Canadian Picss start Writer smrroao ltcr The Stratford Shakespearean Fes tival apparently is in for an other big season The last of the festivals three Shakespearean plays of 1961 went before the watchful eyes of the critics Wednesday night and as did the first two emerged relatively unscathed If anything the main fault found in the performance of Loves Labors Last was not that of the director or cast but of the author and circumstance ot the author because he was comparatively young when he wrote it and of circumstance appearance here as Don Adri ano de Amado He too res ceivcd his share of plaudits Hardly an actor in the cast was not mentioned by at least one critic as turning in top notch performance They included Leo Ciceri King of Navarre and Gary Krawford and Peter Donnt as Dumain and Longaville respec tively with Berowae Lords in the kings court The critics generally waxed enthusiastic some of their comments Robert Tanner Belleville 1n telligencer The play presents considerable challenge to the just 19 to go because it contains many now unintelligible topical allusions and aspects not so palatable with zotlrcentury audience as with one around 1500 There was hardly critic who could find fault with the way director Michael Langham and his cast handled the difficult comedy Among the actors Jnhn Coli cos probably toolr the prize hs Berowne His part called for many witty exchange espe cially with Zoe Caldwell an Australian making her first ap pearance in Canadas Shake apearean centre She did not fail him newcomer to the festival Mr Colicos was also seen Mon day night as iullus Aufldius in Corlolanus He was overshad owed then by the performance Kai Paul Scofield as the tragic ero APEARS AGAIN Mr Scot well known on Britain legitimate stage Wed nesdaynight made his second HURONIA naIyaLN THEATRE PA 84391 TONIGHT AND roman errs alumnus Irs sum film llle ORIGINAL THREE mfiivnumnemmunn anomalous director and company chal lenge which to judge by the obvious delight of the audience tonights performance triumph antly met This is per formance in which all of the acting is so good that it is harder to decide who to leave out than who to mention Birke Martin London Free Press Michael Langham gave us thoroughly wdeligbtful prodch tinn of what is inessence an inconsequential trifle of play written when Shakespeare was obviously intoxicated wtih words and wordplay Herbert Whittaker Toronto Globe and Mail This is most difficult stuff to bring to substance because to do so woulddestroy it Mr Longhorn sees to it that all matters are handled with the utmost delicacy scarcely flaw to be found in the casting here There is MWWWDAYJUNEZINlS Mk news or BARBIE titan dim in nonspecific terns which oftm fail to chose readers to apply it to themselves or to do some thlag about it This week am going to be ver speciï¬c about what teen boys should be able to expect of themselves in the way of pafonnanee For the deatils have leaned heavily on an article by Dan bieGregor director of Physical education Toronto Central YM ca And mm clearly moha size that this set of achieve ment levels are set down for an average expectation of boys inttheir team Younger fellows may be quite fit for their age and build yet has and correctable con ditions are also limiting fact are in fact those who have had not attain the suggested levels illness in the past month or who are not medically fit should not try the tests because they might do themselves serious and possibly permanent harm Wellhemarathetestsfmw would you do with than strengthChill the bar 10 ti men This means hanging from bar which will allow you to hang fully extended without touching the floor front or bad grip with bands and pull yourself up till your chin is over the bar then lowering to full extension Do in push ups Lie on your stomach put your hands on the floor at ona shoulder and push up keeping body insight so on toes and ham are in con tact with the floor then lower ing body still straight till your nose joinsbands and toes tou ching the floor Thats one Physical fitness is perhaps too theoretical Finally stand against wall aad put chalk mark as for up as you can reach Jumvatp as high as you can and put an other mark it should be 18 ia obes higher BalanceStand with feet t6lt gather and raise arms to front horizontal position Clase your eyes raise on your tors and hold the position for 20 seconds Place 15foot on edge it may be held Walk up the edge turn around and return without slipping off FlexibilityTonal the floor without bending knees The best way todo this is stretch up as high as possible and push out with hands as you slowly bend at the hips An alternate test is to put your hands behind your head and bend over to touch your knees with your el bows without bending your lmeesor sit on the floor and try it if thenther two fail AsflltyKneel on theIfloor Now just jump to standing position The second test is to squat down with your hands on the floor in front of your feet Ex tend feet to rear then beds to squat position then stand Down outinup Easy eh PowerLie on the floor with arms stretched over your head Havesomeone mark the distan ce between toes and finger tips You sbould be able to broad lump this distance from stand ing position Endurance Bun one mile without stopping or do L50 skip jumps up and down with feet together 12 150 straddle jump legs together legs apart or 150 stride jumps loueioot for ward one foot badr jump up reversing position cmcrnr nxnncisn Dave Keybo introduced cir cuit urnelse to our mens physi cal class which would help any of you to build up to these stand mk By the way the levels of achievement outlined just re preseatfitnm and dont estab lish you as national hero or angthlng like thaL The idea of Daves exerc sctasne is that you do many ropltitlnas of each exercise as you can and mark the totals down The next day you divi do cacti of these totals in half but go around the circuit oi each exercise three times Af ter number of days you re lmt yourself to find the new to tals you can attain and set up new schedule totbe formula Well that is the storyhow well can you do with the sug gested standards it you are not up to scratch why not re solve in work at getting in shape over the summerl You must realize though that even after you get in good condition months layoff will put you back where ya started HAS CONVICTION Don McGrcgor stated in the article from which most of my material has been taken that totalhv tit teenager km satisfactory philosophy of Ville knows who be is and has con viction about his datiay accepts people around him of all ages and is acceptable to them and is free fmm disease and conectlblo conditions has good posture enduranceand streng Exercise of the principles in volved in religious life relation ships to others and mental de velopment are made available in church home and school Bodily fitness requires additional effort and the challenge is left with each of you during these sum mer montlu FlAVEllS MLEJ BRINGS sveavggnvs FAVORITE STORY Mods TO FABULOUS NEW LIFE Montreal Group Form Newspaper MONTREAL CF new Montreal daily newspaper planned by group formerly as sociated with La Pmse due to appear Sept it was are honored Wednesday officers of the French long uage afternoon paper also an nounced that Mme Angelina Dufremblay former president of La Presse will be president of the new publishing company Les Publications de la Fonda tiaa Limilee Editor in chief of the news paper Le Nouveau Journal The New Journal will be Jean Louis Gagnon who held similar post at La Prcsse un der Mme DuTrernblay Mr Gagnon said LeNouveau Journal will be an independent family newspaper for all fronch Canadians in Quebec and elsewhere At present there are three French language and two In gllsh language daily newspa pers in Montreal MDVING someone you know is moving trion call in an elooma axon wuss wull help them feel at home Wiritofholï¬iltniit Tell oicoma on this name and ad of familiesyon know who are room PA 66302 WELCOME wacou nuouonounsucrosevoouwvvmvro noununauuunuu NOW SHOWING restore Times 740 945 nan To heel beautifully this suinmer Peter Pams lightweight foundations th InviSinehu Invisinet is specially treated nylon net lining that keeps its beauty shape even after repeated washings It is soft transpareht wonderfully weight less and cool too me in this week for your tryon The are private ï¬t ting roomstratn pcrsonneiand 90mplete elec the prop chooe to assure you of