AROUND siMcoE COUNTY BOND HEAD Mrs Gummerson is visiting Mrs Green Sympathy is extended in Mrs George Sheppard whose brother Robert Sykes passed away in Thronln last week Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith vis Ited Mrs Smiths mother Mrs Council in Barrie Sunday PPC Wilfred Giikinmn Mrs Gllkinson Brian and Bryce mailed to Bradlorri last week large crowd attended the donkey ball game in the park pn Friday night Bond Head and Holland Marsh boys played sait bali Despite the delay in wait ing for the donkeys and the vanIigth to be erected all present were repayed with good laugh when Tecumseth and West Gwlllimbury hauled it out on donkeys The Breednn Westlake re union wu held in the park on Saturday and the Cameron iam Iiies held their picnic here on Sunday memorial service was held In the United Church on Sunday afternoon when former residents and friends joined with the local residents to pay tribute to loved ones buried in the cemetery here DALSTON StanWalt spent last week at tending the Oddiellows Canter enoe in Toronto Mr and Mrs Boo Handy spent the weekend in Sault Ste Marie On Monday they attended the funeral at their brotherinlaw IJIonias Perryman at George town Lucilleiiarper Aurora spent the weekend with her grand mnther Mrs Dora Hart Sunday was baptizimal service attire Dalston United Church Those baptized were Kevin Robert son of Mn and Mrs AI lan Brown Glen Edward son oi Mr and Mrs Lyman Rice Paul Allister son of Mr and James Partridge Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Allan Brown were Mr and Mrs Ernesa Knecshaw and Bob Mrs Edwin Kneeshaw of Eben ezer Mrs Addie Peacock and Mr and Mrs Hap Down and family of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Mr and Mrs Stan Watson at tended the oiiicinl opening and reception of the Ontario Travel iniormation Bureau Friday Mrs Dora Bart spent few days this inch with her daught or Mrs Wesley Harper of Aur ora Congratulations to Misses Del la and Myrtle Emms who grad uated at the exercises at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Tom Ferris and family of Jamaica New York visited Rex Watson last Monday Mrs Rule of Stayner is on hol lday with her son and family Mr and Mrs George Bule Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy Sr oi men Hill spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy UTOPlli CONFIRMATION SERVICE The order of continuation or laying on of hands in the Parish oi North Essa by the Bishop oi Toronto took place June 14 in St Georges Anglican Church Utopia Twentyone candidates were presented to the bishop to heconiirrned The churdi was decorated with flowers and was filled to capacity The Rt Rev Snell MA PHD gave splendid address after which class photograph was taken their all proceeded to the church basement where luncheon was served by the ladies of the church MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER On Saturday evening num ber of friends and neighbors gathered in the Community Hall where miscellaan shower was given in honor of Mr and Mrs William Orr newlyweds They received lovely gifts and best wishes oi all go with them to their new home in Barrie Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Vern Welland on the birth of baby girl sister for Step hen in the Royal Victoria Hos pital last week Mr and Mrs Albert Dawson and Miss Margurite Simpson at Barrie were Sunday vulinrs of Mr and Mrs Jack McCanu and Dawdon Mr and Mrs Frank Elphick and Mrs Hilda Elphlck were in Gravenhurst on Saturday at tendlng the wedding of Mr and Mrs Fred Readers granddau ghter Mr and Mrs Ronny Campial of Alliston had their baby Laure TELEVISION PROGRAMS NEEDI JUNE ll room and Fall Junior nunndup Huckleher Hound 13 31 in ar va py Farm Market Edpflflal Dan Jameson News Weather Sports The out aiecny liacheior rather Anlel My Three Sana Kraft naymy TheLu St Lawrenca North Ex ntivoifl an 400 Today In Sports Communil Nun Not For THURSDAY sum 21 IDJUMIISL Pattern 106 Salvation Many 1100 Romper lloom anays and ran 15 Noondly Report News sput Weium Farm in on Comm Movie Spoilers at can lorsrt Womens Shiiw lalk of the town Muna in Miniature Variation Yuan Popeye and au Junior Roundup Roy norm News Headlines Lonaway Home From School Firm Market Report Don Jamlernn News Walther Gunman ants spam CKVR CHANNELS llARRIE rn Rebel am Borrowed Lin Checkmate Summer Circuit Country Junction Peter Gunn codav News leatgerman ay on Communl faw iiss AilStar all riuuiui JUNE 21 man resi Pattern 1000 loan 1100 1115 in sound Eem nos Romper aonn 1200 roam anusu ms Nonndly Report Nawl Sport Weather Earn 225 0m 118 Bull izso Movie aura rmm Glory 200 Womens Show zso ovenannea 3an The Verdict is Yours 100 Popeye and Fall iao Junior tuunann ssa Cannonball coo News tiedune soi Dareduvll Don aio Farm iumu aspen on Don Jamieson are News Walther on 100 none KnownB isu Wyatt Earp IW Countr noeanwn sao Perry asunn 930 Danae Man moo am Gun wui Inval in Tightrope 2100 cacav News 1115 Ta Wannerman Today to Sports Community News tins Movio To ht inr rem cho CHANNEL TORONTO wanimam runner Proleasors Hideaway Fmowton ml and non Proierxors Hideaway Part1 Robin aono Jim Elckus Newa Walther Snort rin Wm Andy ensuin Show 11 Suilast strip Staga noun at Oklahoma Nawl Weather Sport non Better Late 1145 Playhous in Thaml Beau l2 awl Weather 1120 Epilogue THURSDAY JUNE 22 um Eresvand am on Channel Nine Tuner Mills of Cellini gm as 6550 QIW African rimi gt Barfls Rent New Weather Sports am or the Peer DILLockup 1030 arlmnial SUM SilcllliliilillamisSTYIlll It your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will I39 Delivered io Your Home VALLEYTAXi DRIVEYOURSELF 000 Theatre Elliit Eizht Iron Men 91 The Rebel moo Hart the Matter 1180 NIWI Weather Sport 1100 aettar Late 11 AilStar Parloursnae Segment iua News Weather spans tun muon Channel Theatre grnree Fortha Show aw Professors tieWI Men into Spa um oouen aws Walnut and Sports outdoors Leave it To sum In Third Man sane Brothera Bruins own Fan Wm gggï¬gza News FridayNlabt Theatre icbinoen snip anacon she=ssrner S233283$ 38 sh IrAnn christened in Si Georg es Church Mr and Mrs wa tiara Tordii were the godpm eats Mr and Mrs Borden Janneit and Mr and Mrs Eugene Smth attended the milk pruducers meeting at Mr Woods at Alilrton Little Danny Catt has been patient in Royal Victoria Hospit al where he had his tonsilsre moved Miss Ruth Jennett was home from London for the wcokcnd Ruth has taken position in camp for crippled children at London Mr and Mrs Borden Jenaett spent Sunday at Fainswick with Mr andlllrs Pelrie Prank iligginson at Angus was taken in hospital on Sunday with heart attack riiIzipsroa cwniuaarmc Copies of the Co bylaws of Cathnlie Womans Loagua were distributed to the members present at the monthly meeting Monday evening Art idea to Vi were reviewed und er leadership of Mrs James Stoneit was agreed to have meetings during July and Ana ust in the mission church at Our Lady of Lourdes Elmvalc Mrs Thomas Slono won guessing contest and Mrs Ritchie won the draw and rug STEELESCORtIERS Mr arid Mrs William Sturg eon and Miss Jean Sturgeon are on vacation in Texas Mr and Mrs Jack Rumble Mae and Jackie attended the Rumble reunion Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Stewart Rumble Hedfnrd Ebenezer United Church will hold its Sunday School picnic Saturday June 24 at pro at the Hollow Community Hall Congratulation to Bantam and Miss Marie Moriar lty who were married Saturday morning at the Forty Martyrs oi Japan Church Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Eriirst Dales were Mr and Mrs Elmer Dales Mr and Mrs Harold Dales John lion nie and Heather and William Kirkpatrick all of Toronto Mr BLONDIE and Mrs William Hunter and Robin Mount Dennis Mr and Mrs Archie Adams and Carol Ann Weston Mrs Ernest Dates and Mrs Jack Rumble were among the guests who spent very please ant afternoon last Wednesday with the Coulsnn lllll institute who were celebrating their 50th anniversary Monday evening callers at Ernest Dales were Mrs Cross and Mr and Mrs Harry Cross Benton TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA sun CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY dealer EastWest vulnerable worm Qnoc VKQ was near ions 64 152 411035 sum ones VAEIZ use 41 riie olddlng East South West Pass Pass Paaa Poss ZNT Pass waar iKiz 110953 QAQ in North ah Opening leadjack of hearts When it comes to defense you have to put your thinking cap9njL lino expect to get the best resuiLs There areal kinds ARS ANaTRucits at clues that can he gathered in raost hands to guide you to the best line oi defense But it you get into the habit at defending mechanically there arebnund to be timeswhen your defense will fail shqrt of the mark Here is case where alert play is required to stop three notrump West opens heart and dummy wins with the queen Declarer loads the queen of spades and finesses West wins the king and the question is what he should now play If he returns heart the GRANDMA BECKER lazy mans play he learns quickly enough that declarer has nine waning tricks and that the party is over He also discovers but too late that he could have defeated the con tract by ahliting his attention to diamonds at trick three The presented is whether West should have the penspinacity to lead the ace of diamonds after winning the king of spades Lets see what West knows about Souths hand alter two tricks are played First lets review the bidding South pass ed originally and then jumped to two notrump 0n the ï¬rst two plays he showed up pre sumably with the non of spad es and ace of hearts lle there tore cannot have both the king of diamonds and king of clubs or he would have opened the bidding Jtis reasonable toscredit mm with one of this kings and prob ably jack in addition If it Is thejking of clubs the ace nfdia monds must be the right play because on it East will signal and the bostdefense will have been found If South has the king of dia monds then the only real hope Is that East has Jxxx of diamonds as well as the king of clubs The ace of diamonds play at trick threethereiore is likely to heat the contract either immed iately or eventually Tomorrow The rehld by the opening bidder ETIA KETI JULIET JONES TII lCE CREAMMNJ DIDNT PASI MEI MOUSEA Umflus MORNINI BUZ SAWYER latices AND sxssraa LARRY GRAN NON aw me omen my was raviasm mm UPNI raa amt munan manna at not II weLLwave woman amp see THEIR FORGIVENESS OUR WVASSILY WONT BE HAW uNni THEYORTHIMDFFON MHIlLES XWINK SOMETHING HIS SHIELD UKEIHAT 200 PARK MO mi amen zoo RIDEAUS TRADEJN on STRAIGHT DEAL IOO CASH 0R TERMS COMPANY owNea TORS s2199 anaorono ST BARRIE man AUTOMATIC wtrtr aiaacnny COMET wouLogtou LIKE NICECOLD eoor BEE Hi éuEss WHOS HERE1 JEFFERY NOITS NO DATE Yer HES STILL MADLI IN LOVE Wini llIS CAI BUI LATELY HES BEEN CALLING UP AND ASKING lF can COME owu were com mo Misery an W1ww5u5 er Alarm Hesimmms cuiizï¬fggwa each an iv clï¬AROLJXIAFNIE No aaaaiscasAMERY Burrs HAMMONDS WITH EACH $500 MEAT ruacnass 49¢4 WHOLESALE HOUSE 23 COLLIER sir asknar MRWKIIII FOR TII RiMAINDER soap WE CERTAINLY NEED RAIN wowmm mumsr mars IWAS MMBEDOFALL WMMEY Pius in man Whiner or Yfluï¬ dines HAVE NOTHING