rmsr srsp nccsprrn Report Gives Formula Cut CarVPrzices $240 By ARCH MacKENZlE Canadian re Stall Writer OHAWA tCPiA formula to lop $240 or more from the price of the average Canadianmade car is embedded in the royal commission report on the ailing Canadian auto industry Protection through expansion glving Canadian pamvmakers greater volume through integra tion with the United States in dustryis the gist of the rec ommendations made by Dr Vincent Bladen dean of the Uni versity ot Toronto economics faculty its an indivisible package laid the ttupage report of the daemon commission which was overshadowed Tuesday night by the new federal budget when Fi nance Minister Fleming mode it public in the course oi his long speech to the Commons The government spcedilyno tented the first step in the pack ageand reserved judgment on the restby abolishing the Wr pencent excise tax on passen ger cars ihis repeal took effect Wed nesday cutting about $150 from the price at an average vehicle at the mnnulncturers level and ousting the government 566000 000 in revenue over full year hir Fleming said pointedly he expects the manufacturers and dealers will pass an to the con sumer this tax saving in lull Reductions were announced by General Motors Studebaker Packard and Ford ASKED NEW TARIFF Dr Eladcns cure tor the Ca nadian industry also contained protectionist proposals Ono of these was his recomv mendntion at illpercent duty on all British vehicles and parts which long have entered Canada dutyvfrce But his expansionist theme davetailing neatly with the whole tone of Mr Flemings budget givcs Canadian and foreign aulomakers incentives to use more Canadian parts by altering system at credits in return under which they could import parts or vehicles duty free This is aimed primarily at the United States whose manufac turers ownall Canadian nuto making plants At one time Canada was the secondlargest car exporter in the world but the pattern has been reversed in recent years with flood ot lowerpriced imports Dr Bladen said that his rec ommendations are aimed at cutling costs to the consumer to stimulate demand and to ex pand Canadian parts production to achieve the economies of largevolume output BREAKS DOWN ESTIMATE His estimate at potential price reduction of $210 or more to Canadians on Canadian can it his plan were fully exc outedbroke down this way First ststl would come oft with the abolition of the excise tax About 310 would come off through system of solostax discount to compensate auto makers for the fact that they bear distribution costs normally borne in other industries by wholesalers Price reductions $20 to 385 should allow the granting of dutytree entry for park going into cars the cut depending on the volume at the carmaker he said Cuts would be even larger in 50 TERYLEHE All 50 importing whole vehicles duty fresrathectban at the present rate of 1714 per cent for most favored nations in addition to these direq price reductions other satiny which cmnt be estimated with accuracy in advance would re suit from the adoption of my lolal planI he said Dr Blndcn said shitting the salestax base for imports might add about $30 to their price The government last Dec moved along that road by reducing special discount so that the one else and sales taxes bore bit more heavily on the imports WILL STUDY TARIIFS The government is expected to take good hard look at the hiaden package but ltlr Flem ing made plain that the com plex and sweeping tariff pro posals will require extended sllldy The objectives and sugges tions were welcomed but he told all facets of the auto indus try plus the general pub1ic that any government decision would depend on their submise slon oi vlcwr foranalysis Observers could not recall whenit evera budget spech was employed to make the first public disclosure ot the recom mendations ot royal commis slnn report Budgets announcing roynl commissions or niesday nights did for study of finan cial and monetary structures are no novelty TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS VPhone Pa 82414 lottery with bets as to whether Walker States CCF MPs Try To Get Me To Blow My Top nexwann Canadian Press Stalt Writer OTTAWA tCPl Walker lottery feud was ught in the Commons Wednesday but it was hard to tell who won 1t eruptcd late in what had been routine debate on the spending estimates of the pub lit works department Works Minister Walker inter rupted speech by Frank Ho ward tCCF Skeena and shattered the quiet of the cham ber by saying know there is game go ing on among the CC mem bers They are trying to get me to blow my top He said it was something like he was going to explode over what he called the flow of tri vial questions delaying progress on his estimates lllr Walker man with hot temper and tart tongue said he is determined not to take the bait and it has given me wonderful exercise in Jolicon tro He blamed the OCF for the fact that study of works depart ment estimates was in its fourth day in his opinion it should have been finished in two days Then he turned on Mr Ho ward inferring he was the ringleader He should go home at night and say to himself Am as big and leave him to till Buy Suit and save $2550 in the word as appear to nearly all thoCanadian pub lic Mr Walker said ords come to my mind which applied on another oc casion to the prime minisler and the minister of veterans aiinirs about certainenccus ions they made will not at those Words now but thiy couldap rly equally as well to the min ster of public works Last Feb if Mr Howard was temporarily suspended from the Commons for saying the prime minister and Veter ans Minister Churchill had made underhnnded and scurri lous remarkslu He said Mr Walker is asking for blank cheque so that he can squander millions of dol lars There were ah oth hall dozen sharp exchanges between the two before the feud sim mered down temporarily An hour later Mr Howard had the floor when the normal adjournment hour was reached He suggested the House adjourn and continue wbrks utimates at later date Mr Walker and Mr Churchill government Home leader tried to continue the sitting and tin ish the final part of the es ti ate But Mr Howard wouldnthear of it noting that the final items involved the Na tional Capital Commission Scurvy Making Big Comeback uoxrnmntcg Scurvy whicb most people think went out with wooden ships is appur ently making something of comeback in Canada The Canadian Medical Asso clations nutrition committee re ported at the Elm annual eon vention Tuesday that during the last two years there has been noticeable increase in the in cidence of infant scurvy among babies in Ontario and Manitoba And the cause is the same as it wm in the days when sailors diet consisted mainly of salt meat and hard biscuits not enough Vitamin Tocombat it the CMA ls urg TKE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 22 1961 11 Eng thatitarnin be added to evaporated milk used Imuy infants diets but so far the suggestion has been oppused by the Canadian Council on Nutri tion Hamilton Mishaps Kill Youngsters HAMILTON CPlTwo Ham ilton youngsters died Tuesday nightone following traffic ac cident the other in 35th fall from building Threeyearold George Perry died in hospital 24 hours atter being involved in an accident with car at an intersection Six year old Stephen Wood cock died about two hours alter he had fallen from grandstand 31 the Hamilton Amateur Ath letic Association grounds to cement slab lowing to the death of the president MR HERMAN KRAMER lilillMlIll MlllflllIS LTD Will close Friday at l2 NOON for the balance of the day SUITS BARBIE Shopping eenrns eccentric 5950 tram emu mu unut Auousri $55i Buy and Serve 554 Wool Wdrsfed for Fall Get Tropical forNow An All New Kings ForestTones Regulars Talls Shorts lie WellPressed Man in crisp cool Tro some allwool English Worsteds British Tweed sport coatsregularly selling up to $3995now markedU for summer clearance All the popular patterns and shad start at HI Authentic British Styling Green Browns Golds New Charcoal Tones Smart Muted Plaidsnnd Checks piedTailored of 50 Teryléne and 50 Wool Bea WellDressed Nlan in the Fall in ohebfbur hand ESt of all get themBOTll forjuslabbut the price youd regularly for Just one of these suds lSpflrt Harris Tweeds Includefl Our entire stock of Scotch and at alrofltegularSlshValu hllanatllonMatlosla air at Slacks rloetl at $9951 Forswlnureaker