OUR murmurs For Ekamlnlr Want Ads the phone PA 024 The telephniu number to call for the Busian or Editorial Dept PA 66537 97th Yutho 145 KENNEDYGETS ALONG WITHOUT CBUTCHES Prime Minister llayato Ihc prepare to leave the yacht day With thanks Kennedy do oidapan hands President Kennedy his crutches as they Honey Fitz at the end of at Potomac River cruise yester declioed them and walked down the gangplaok unaided AP Wircphoto liaisons PLAN Nazi Tried To Create JERUSALEM AP Adolf Eichmann testified today he tried to save Europes Jews by creating homeland for them on the island of Madagascar The former Gestapo lieuten antcolonel said be conceived the Madagascar plan that was juggled around in high Nazi circles in 1940 but never got past the paper stage Eichmann identified principal portions of the plan as his own particularly study of climate and living conditions on the French island off the East AI rican coast MADE THOROUGE STUDY studied all prior conditions which were sine qua non lindis the defendant described as of Homeland Fr Jews valius led Elchmann through one document after another that ice records which grew out of orders from his superiors Every time he signed paper Eichmano said he got it eonl firmed first by superior was well known as man requiring confirmation he said When tions first started Eichmann said the real sparkpiugs behind them were the local Nazi gaulelters the district party leaders He said Reichsmarshal Hermann Geor ing and Hans Frank theNazi governor of Poland once tried to halt shipments of Jews into Poland but the gauleiters of tacit woman thinly douw Vithlittio mange tomorrow Low lohlghtso High Friday 10 For full summary turn to page two Area Missed Byllepaittmeints Praise Shanty Bay Volunteers By Emma napoan George Reid owner of $25 000 home completely razed by fire at Harrie Terrace at noon yesterday told The Examiner today that Barrie iira depart ment should have sent help in the meantime there ap pears to be confusion concern ing exactly who isresponsiblc for that section of the Terrace It Is being asked Did the fire take place in nomaos land The fire was noticed at 1130 am by Mrs Reid who imme diately miled her husband at work in Barrie Then she ran to aneighbor Harold Roe who called Oro for help The Oro telephone oftice put through die fin alarm one full minutes ring to alert the Shanty Bay volunteer force Mr Reid paid high compliment to Sranty Bay They did Ierrilic job for nothing he said Tbe home owner also gave tribute to his neighbors They were wonderful he said They did the best they could FORCES IN 0R0 Members of the city fire de partment told The Examiner that there are four small fir ï¬ghling forces in Cm Township They are oro Station Shan ty Bay Guthrie and Rugby The Shanty Bay forcc has one lone iOtegalion pumper which raced live milcsto the scene of yesterdays fire Mrs Reid said that wiLh the confusion it look full 35 minutes before firemen were at the scene mm to page two please pensablot for anyone settling the Reich intervened with Hitler Laos Leaders in Form coalition ZURICH Switzerland AP The three princes of the war ring factions in Laos agreedto day to form government of national union to be named by the Southeast Asian nations king The three princesproWesl ern Premier Bnun Oum neutral ist Sonyahna Phoumo andplur Commu Souphanouvong said they will integrate the di Wvided countrys three armie into single force At the end of their fourday summit meeting they pledged their support to the future gov ernment But its composition remained uncertain joint communique of the princes signed in salon of Zurichs plush Dolder Hotel said the new National Union government will include repre sentatives of the three parties and will be of temporary na ture The government will he formed according to special procedure by direct designation and nomination of the king with outgoing through the national sssernhlyJ Kig Savang Vathana by Lao tian tradition refrains from tak but was brou ers inthe plant byloofoot plant of the Linda Division of Union Carbid Co The three men me were identifi as John An drews 54 of etroit Roy Stew art Jr of Ecorse and Arwood Bedeii of Wyandotte Mich Police said the explosion ap parently resulted when boos ter pumpin the gaseous oxy causcd the pump to explode ha there Eichmann said went to Hamburg and talked to peo Eitploslon ple of the tropical hygiene in In oxygen Plant DETROIT AP Three men were killed Wednesday when an explosion ripped liquid oxygen plant which supplies the adja cent Great Lakes Steel Corpor ation in suburban Ecorse fire followed theexplosion ght under control ggskï¬rgg gjigl5$ryrrlggcggl decided on mass extermination as the final solution of the Jewishiprnhleml early in 1941 Hitle in pa accognts porationd at fisfllnfonndigidlfltly cohveri sations over tea saidhe rather stitute Then received orders from my superiors to go on working out plans which would not be UtopiaoJ The defendant accused of major role in the Nazi extermi nation of 6000000 Jews did not explain how or when the Mada gascarplan foundered Israel has produced evidence that Hit ler Heinrich Himmler and Gas tapo chief Reinhard Heydrich some soil under their feet ADOLF EICHMANN Tried To Save Jew for while because conditions there would eventually wipe out the Jews On the witness stand for the third day Eichmann insisted he always approached the so lution to the Jewish problem by trying to put some ground HIS OWN leA MMadagascar idea was the and in 1942 and 1943 succeeded in having their way Czech Ilccused lls Spy In 113 Will Go Home UNITED NY AWCzechoslovak UN dele gate Miroslav Nacvalac planned to leave for home today to as first action Eichmann claimed maps deportation as napy as in own Eisnlhinsigss ha saldvasd né under crs from somebody else Defence counsel Robert Ser favored the Madagascar plan Strike May Halt illilï¬hiitliii A117 ConStruction TORONTO CBEmployers SOUVANNA room Neutraiisr Leader Victims Body ing hand in politics But he has been trying to get the rival Found In River NlAGARA HALLS on or MM by The body of awoman was re factions together The statement added that the three princes will continue their discussions on national unity in the future No date was set IN NUTSHELL President Has Virus Infection covered from the Niagara River Wednesday night His believed to he that of Jean Stewart 44 of Ridgeway who with her hus bandGeorge and two friends from Buffalo lost their lives when their boat plunged over the Horseshoehails June it 7yearold Ridgeway druggist and Mrs Stanley Tessman of Buffalo were recovered earlier this week Mr Tessmansbody is still sin international airport project in nearby Malton and along the Gardiner Expressway on Tor ontos iakeshore for the second dy running were confident they would stall work on those jobs Thebodies of George Stewart of refldYmix cement in then Teamsters Union 1nd drivers Wednesday served notice that the industry will close Monday unless the drivers agree to sup ply picketed construction sites and unions inthe Toronto build ing industry seemed set today to force the pace of their bitter dispute to showdown that could halt ail construction in dï¬i Union pickets posted at the An ultimatum from suppliers 4500 men were on strike from WAsuovcron or President Kennedy came down mob mild virus infection today and his temperature hit 1016 degrees Tshombe Freed By Captors IEOPOLDViLLE APT eminent Moise Tshonibe of Katanga Provtnce was freed today after being held prisoner of the Central Congolese government for the last two months Leaping Disturbs Sleeping TORONTO CPI The Metropolitan Licensing Cvmmissiqn decided Wednesday to close tumbling centres between 10 pmand am after residents near the centres said they couldnl sleep The Ieflpingvsheep they were counting kept running into frisky human beings Wams Against Restricting Negroes LONDON Reuters SirGrantley Ad prime minister of the West indies federation warned Britain against restrict ingNegro immigration as the finishing touches were put Weid hesday night toABritains independence agreement for the fed era Il Sister Gets Whole Estate TORONTO or The ontarihsiiprenie Court hereAWed nesdny awardedrthe entire $19556 estate OiAIEXandei Man fkoff Marsh of Niagaralialls to hissister Kerana Soutchevaf of Krupoik Bulgaria his only known living relative Man KilledVWhen Car Hits Tree LAKEFIELD OnL OP Richard Nelson USiér 28 of Grafton was killed on county road four miles east of here Wednesday night when his car failed to make turnand crashed into tree Station Asks To Leave OTTAWA CP Television station CJSSTv cornwall ap plied Wednesday lathe Board of Broadcast Governors for disviffiliation as supplementary stationof the CBC television aerv Ce ilflenauer Denies Charge BONN Reuters Chancellor Konrad Adenauer issued statement Wednesday denying that State Sec llans Globke had anything todo with an war for the expansion of die Jewish affai tbe Gestapo headed by Adolf Er mann vticodn On Legislation To Oust Coyne UlIAWAlCP The govern ment took the first parliamen tary step today in its more to oust JamesE Coyne asgover Go 4101 of the flank oiCanada gavenoticerofa bilientitled An Act respecting the Bank of Can Fleming askedMr Coyne to re sign at once Thisextraordinary situation was made public June was refusing to do so formed the Commoosthal in the face of thisrefusalthe govern ment would introduce legisla tion in Parliament to remove Mr Coyne whososevenyear term as governor would nor malty expirenext Dechal government gave notice today may or muynnt be introduced in the Commons Friday tion parties have censured the fglovernment gver thedhlzindlingdoif Coyne air an ave in cated the ouster bill will be The ï¬lms Hume holiy debated nadian justice was named irn perial potentate of NorthAme icas 830000 Nobles of the Mysa tic Shrine Wednesday He is Marshall Porteri65oi Cal gary sjustide of the Alberta supreme Court liar Dieteobakeh in Commons documents it adsThere were uno details on May 30 Finance Minister 13 byyMr Coyne who said he The next day Mr Fleming in The ouster bill on which the The Liberal and ccrnnnosi HEADS summons MIAMI Fla AP Ca nesday transit officials warned tbe dispute threatens the safety The Toronto Building Trades Council aisocailed all construer tion workers in the Toronto area teal mass meeting Mon day at the Canadian National Exhibitiongronnds in oneday show of solidarity The strikers gained powerful allies Wednesday with prom ise of financial support from the major industrial unions in lor onto and district Guano othomo In another development Wed Not Rule OTTAWA CDPublic iserv ants are not the masters of the elected representatives of the people Prime Minister Diefen baker assertedWednesday night in his first public comment on the controversy between Fi nance Mi ster Fleming and James EuCoynel governo of the Bank of Canada point this out because it is necessary to do so Mr Dief enbaker told count au eitce on the CBC program He said the publicized views inf the governor on monetary and fiscal policy had presented blocks in the path of progress that can defy even the most tlent and persistenteffona The case of Mr Coyne of the Bank of Canada now is thorn oughly out in the open where it can be discussed and as ssed the light of all the facts said exalted they are nntabove lb of buildings above the strikehit University Avenue subway ex cavation including the main legislature building Plainclothes provincial police guarded the legislature amid rumors of possible rush on the budding by strikers The dispute climax of un ion campaign to organiza all constructionworkers has run course of violent skirmishes harsh words and abortive peace moves since the first housing and ap rtment construction gangs left the job 24days ago Police have arrested 83 union members on avariety of charges ranging through assault unlawful assembly and obstruct ing police By Wednesday night some housing public worksand com mercial building jobs The stop page has stalled work on homes some 40 apartment huildings the simway stprm sewers and an insurance building The re ment firms suspended 15 men ERES ONE Lawyer When wasa boy my ambition was to be pir aw Client Congratulations rs Diet He told his audience You shouldnt forget this that among the things that be Mr Coyne recommends for Canada are highertaxes 10 percent rise in tariffs for few years gasoline and diesel oil taxes and the like cancrvn views ivil servants are entitled to give theirviewa but elected representatives of the people No oilecanrbe llowed no matter how muchjhe or she may elected repre senta ves otthe people Jheizsvyoaroidrliiplomat its man in his countrys UN dele gation had irsservations on heath airliner for himselfst wife hnd two small sons Nacvalac accused by the US government of being Czecho slovakias top spy in the coun try had rejectedan earlier us demand that he leave the country He changed his plans after Washington announced it had revokedhis status as member of Czechoslovakias UN mission making him an alien in the country illegally The United States said he could either leave voluntarily or be deported Czechoslovakiaand Nacvalac denied the 115 charges and accused the United States of violating the headquarters agreement between the united states and the UN Much estab lished the special rights and diplomatic immun of foreign diplomats accredited tothe UN Premier Says Statesmanshrp Is Bankrupt oRocKVILLE cmaha se cessioniof South Africa from the Commonwealthjlast month was sign of the bankruptcyof British statesHianship Premier Joseph Smallwood of New foundland said ia an address to 450 Orangement at session of the Grand Lodge of British America here Wednesday night There isnt Canadian today who doesnt hate and despise the policies of the present gov ernment of South Africa suggest our statesmen ght not to have expelled whole country only because lota par ticular policy of particular adv ministration How dare they assume that this particular policy of South Africa is to remain forever If they dontassume it is to last forever how dare they expel the whole country must we expel country to getrid of pol icy Surely hisis the bankruptcy of Br ishstates manship NolluclearTests While Negotiating Lounon A15 from nuclear tests as long the test treaty negotiations continue in Macmilla Thenegoti treaty oping are deadl No IDENTITY Barrie city police notified Mr Reid at work City firemen told The Exam iner they were notified of the Barrie Terrace at 1150 am But they said they did not know the identity of the man who called In any event the Barrie fire department refused to covcr theblaze half mile west of the city limits One reason given is that fire Township is not member of the Simcoe County Moths Fire Aid Association JRAISES SEANTY BAY However even though die shanty my small volunteer force say they were not re haired to attend the fire they did Today while criticizing the Barrie City fire department Steering Failure Causes Accident WAIERLOO CF Garage service manager Ralph Seddon of Waterloo testifying for lsaao White of Waterloo told court Wedaesday misdirected power in power steering sys tem could send car completely out of the drivers control White was convicted of im paired driving and fined $75 and costs His car hit parked car and be blamed power steeringfailure for the accident Magistrate James Kirkpatrick called ed do ns testimony most damaging indictment of the auto industry that it is producing car that becomes death trap in three years Seddon said he knew of cases of power steering failuii sending car out of control YOuths spark OPP Hunt All Night In Park Two picnieking Barrie young stars spent the night walking when they ignored their pm ride home from Springwater Park Wednesday nigiit1 Am hushed wasMike Fitrsimmons comment to his mother at 530 this morning The liyeanoid and his pal Jim Kett 14 had walked some 10 miles according to their route description Mrs Fitz humans 54 Sanford street ies motaer said his clotheswere soaked with night dampness She said the pair had likely decided to walk home but hadnt realized how far it Was ALLNiGnrounsr 0ntario Provincial Police Const IIockridge led an allniflit searchfor the pair in the park it was feared they might have become lost in the neighboring bush The Kett lad of 101 John Street end his drum say they walked down the Canadian Pa cific Railway track to Essa Station where they were picked up by someone from the game and fisheries departmentl They had been at aCeotraI United Church picrii Today both are insehool Mike was described by his mother as walking gingerly when he left The boys were reported miss ingat about 11 pm Britain Not Told 0f Govt Proposals LONDON Reuters The British government had no previous consultation whatever before the Canadian government announced itsproposals to mod ify the Coiiimonwealth Met chant Shipping Agreement John HughesHailelt govern ment spokesman said Wednes day IIughesliailettf joint parlia mentary secretary to the trans port ministry was nucsï¬oncd in theHouse of Commons about the Canadian proposals to re serve domestic Canadian trade in the Great Lakes area of Can ada for Canadian ships VHughesHallett ssidthe direct financial consequences in them selves would not be very se rious for British shipping com panies but any restrictions on thefreédom ofshipping are to be deplored YouthMistakenF or Groundhog Rushed IoHospital In Barrie 17yearold Barrie boy was blasted by shotgun yesterday afternoon when his beenage chum mistookh for ground hog Peterï¬oulteoherg 17 Vine Street son oiMrand Mrs JosephRoutt berg will node go suageiy in Royal Victoria Hospita 20 lead pellets from host face and upper body Pr ial police told The Ex aminer today that lheyzwere completely satisfied that the shooting was an accident uth ing the shot gun no ceaard Garyowen day to remove one 0vVeo said he watched for some time and was convinced young =Rdutienherg was groundhog IHe ï¬red andwhen be heard scream heimmedi ately lrnew who had happeiied roox Home osPirar He tnnk the injured boy to has taljand plagued with difficultyrecently Peier theinjuredbo just recovered from which requiredrhospitalization Two orthreeyears ago Mrs Routtenberg and he daughtcr we badly injured it an ex plos whii en route hometo Balvie from Californiam Today hospital authorities said that the iniutcdiboy is utistactorycondltio