rrax st0313 TYPE DONT an run nUNrno Today is the first day of summer The fine weather will he thing of the pastln two alltoosbort months That will bring us into hunting seasons Like good fishermen good hunters plan their out ings in advance Novice outdoor types who want to be good should do likewise Like fishermen hunters should become familiar with their equipment before they get down to the serious business fourpart course one week can familiarize hunters with their equipment includingguns and compasses It will also make it just formality when it comes to purchasing the hunting licence Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club is starting onaof ilsmany courses tomorrow at pm at the Legion Hall downstairs by the back way please This essential and useful venture cosis we believe 51 Thats for the price of materials etc It is opento nil responsible persons male and Emma adult and teenager These courses have graduated many persons who enjoy the outdoors with gun in hand ahd some who just want to know more about more There is no record of anyone whos taken this course being lost wounded or even part of either while hunting It is simple course but can still teach you much that you dont know Most important it is Safety Course For every one of you that goes into the woods someone is left behind for while only we hopE We urge all sensible persons who have any doubts about the outdoors and wish to hunt to attend the classes SMALL WORLD 0f the 204 entrants whos teeof at Torontos Is lington Golf Course Thursday in the start or the Ontario Open Golf Tournament we note that at least two of the players are kids we know several years ago Bruno Guarda teenage brother of former Barrie hockey star Chick is playing out of the host club John Ferari another northern lad is at Humber Valley For those of you who remember Chick his kid brother is no bigger but has the same great big pleasing personality BarrlevCiub professional Frank Vyse will teeoff at 1007 arm in thrusome with Donnenfleld Oakdale and Harold Manuel Islington Its usual practice in these tourneys to put one pro with couple amateurs in the qualifying round The field will be trimmed to 120 by the second day JUST NOTES We goofed In Mondays writeup of the ThorntonClerksng baseball game we had lefty Tys Schaly being relieved on the mound by Lou Mor row and then Don Johnston Schaiy went the distance with fourhitter Sorry Tye Weve made an ap pointment with the head man Barrie Country Club will be host tojthe Ladies Bimcoe County Golf Field Day tomorrow Field Days are held throughout the summer at the different clubs in the SGFD Collier Oulslugs SmithsDairy Latter Day Saints Thumps Marys goes CollierrUnited edged Lami my emails Outsid Bailout Fought On Floor llmongfllains Heroic Bill Cody the and emotional pro wrestler out of North Bay wont let anything sland in his way winningfightx mdplmlng thofrnowhopavlosoehlmdo no night at Barrie Billdid meet an obstacle thick lockeddoor Whot was hedoingbattiingadooriflere During the abhrevlaied tag team maids in which be was teamed wiih Mule Paplneau against Tarurn Tourviile and Benny lrudel Biil found him self lying or the am floor When he came to Tourville huge man with the strmth of several was on top of him That was just too much Rn flralliedhksensestogetina Two Not Guilty Of Conspiracy anronrï¬ Ky uni iuryreiurned directed vcr dict oi not guilty hresdny in the conspiracy trial oi Tito Corincl and Thomas Paisley charged in connection with the vice raid or rest of George Rntlermnn for mer pro football player in Cleveland and Montreal Judge Ray Murphy in structed the jury to return the verdict saying there is not an lots of evidence to establish any conspiracy between these two men The two had been charged with conspiring to bring about iiiearrest last May of Rat terman for the purpose of ini juringhir reputation Ratterman reform candl data for sheriff was arrested in hotel room with striptease dancer Juanita Jean Hodges fewliciuofhisown despite ciosingin auwdot ovudm Wildum Alta cererai numuesof fighting throughihecmvrdCInrytorc Lumbelhought Tourka intramurng instead Dourville and aides did quick irnnabout and flung the barn through the aide Exit door lodted it before Bill could know how come the limits went out Bill pounded and kicked at the building to no avail He didnt know that Tmllla again retrcaied to the solely of his own room andls interre ports slate barred it and the windows As battered and bnrleed as Bill was including second de gree burns on one hand ibis happened prior to the fight rdamo Ricki Ferraro was prob only the most upset person in the place He had to dxquellfy both tenors Ho look several knodrs notonlyinthir bouibutlnthe one preceding in which Annon Hussein wm unsucolsslulin his attempt in mud Mcpblsto Husein won all right but through disqualificalion as Mephisto landed millilith right to Farraros choppers Add all the wrestling that was done in the ring and you have excitement the llloes of which hasnt been since Currys knock cm down drag em out rules with Maurice Vachon Earlier in the evemng Curry defeated lnrdel and Papineau and Tourville ware both dir qualified lor ï¬ghting out of the ring Becnuse of iqu screwball doc clsions that had to be laid down alter the no two bane the mtchmakers may be fumed to recast the grunt and groanerr No one will complain lOlynrpig Committee Decides Games To Belli Tokyo In 1964 ATHENS AmThe lntema tlonal Olympic Committee de cided Tuesday to hold the 1964 summer games in Tokyo from Oct 11 to Oct 25 The 100 also approved the dates for the winter games at innrbruck Austria These will he held Jan 29 to Feb The 190 and the Japanese or ganizers agreed totake photo finisher intrack and swimming finals at the suggestion of the French delegate in order to avoid discussions such or there were in Home in the main controversy Aus uallal John Dovltt was awarded first place over South ern Californias Lance Larson in the lilometre freestyle Mm ming final although timing ma chlnesgave the American ya faster clocking IOC also rejected proposal to eliminate the raising of on ilonal flags andihe playing of national anthems at ceremonies when Olympic winners are hon ored The 100 today went into its last day of meetings still faced with the thorny problem of de clding the sports for the 1964 summer Olympics it is being asked to choose among judo volleyball choosing and the modern peninihlon If it decides tohave zovspor on the Tokyo program the de cision will beensy There will be room for all four But if the 10C clicks to 16 sports as there were at Rome last year then two of the our disputed sport must be eliminated The Japanese organizers of the games want to drop canocs ing nndtha modern peniailrlon European countries and some SauthAmericons are fighting to retain these two sports 106 members want to hold the pro gram to is sports The 100 also was expected to discuss proposed changes in amateur rules lvrmkvrsr Barrio Cmrntry Club profes rloual lrarir Vyse left this momng try the course hell be playing in oarnest tomor row and he hopes for con pie more days Vyse lea off tomorrow morning in the first round of the Ontario open golf championships at lslingion Since playing with Moe Nor man and George Knudsen at Allandale Club last week Vyae has done lot of serious practising and figures his game has improved Both Norman and Knudson are ln eluded in the opening day field of 2M shotsmiths Examiner Photo TWO Sr Games On Tonight No gama are on tap in the Barrie and Dishict Senior Soft bail League lhk ovenmg at Queens Park opener has RCAF Camp Benign Flyers playing Thomas Electric Both teams are hot at prisont 1n the eighteen Taras Auto motives play the leaguelead ing Bristows Plumhlnx and Heating squad Tomorrow night Erisiowr travel in Camp Borden for game with the Fliers The rainedout game between Mlneslng and Stewarts Lunch will be played at Minesing to morrow evening BALL STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRE8 Pltdring Sandy Koulax Lon Angeles DodgersShut out Chl cago Cuba on iwosingles giv ing up walks and striking out ii men for victory flitting Cari Yosinemski Boslon Red Saxhad four hits in sixth athnis driving in five runs with homer and three singles in an us win over Lor Angeles Angels sums 251s tom Maris Nears Records ButYanks Oif Pace By in warm Prue Staff Write New York Yankees In still its games behind the tim plnoe Detroit ï¬nger in the American League pennant chase hut Roger Maris the bombers No beller of the moment has edged closer to couple of barrio run records Marlr hit his 28th home run of the year as the Yankee bent Kansas City Athletics Tu day night and moved back into second place it was lire lliir homer Roger has rifled this iheloserwilhallrix daleis by one run The White Sox climbing inlo lixth place with their litlr vio lory in legumes beat the ln dinoswiihaï¬verunflratlnn lng Martins three nur homer upped the outburst that handed reveal game winner liudcnt Grant his first detest nIrk Lown won his fifth gauge in mw with 41minu of lwohltdrutout rellcl Rookie Carl Yartrumskl Ihove In five runs for the Red Sex with home run and three month leaving him our short of the one month record let in 1957 when Rudy York hit 18 in Augull for Detroit Mnrlsfour behind the major lcague record for total home runs hit through June 30 has nine games left in which to crack boil marks The item on the most home runs through June 30 may seem poinilur ex cept that the record so WM set by fellow named Babe Ruth who did it in 1923 and 1930 Maris is nine games ahead of Ruths recorded pace of 1927 Ruth finished with 54 inlm and 49 in 1930 And York hit only 35 all season when he set the one month high in 19373 MAINS LEAD Detroit retained its IVsgame lead witha 54 victory over Washington Senators but Cleve land Indians skidded to third spot 004 per centage points he hind the Yanks when Chicago While Sox beat them 53 Bos ton Red Sox picked up their sixth straight victory by dcfent ing Los Angeles Angels lio and Minnesota Winn bent Balti more Orioles 54 The Yankees beat the Athle lit with three run bursts in lha third and fifth innings Mickey Mantles single drove in the clinClIer in the third Marie homer off loser Joe Nuxholl and Bill Skowronr two rIIn double took care of the scoring in the fifth inning Nuxhall 44 drove in both runs nil winnor Billeinfford 53 Ar Kaline an outfield riar playing his first game at third base drove in two runs for the Tigers hrlnglnsiln the winner with fifth single Kaline filling in at third while Steve Baron and Chico Fernandez are out with leg in juries handed two chances per fectly in the field RUNNING WINS Jim Hunning was the winning pitcher but gave way to reliever Hank Azuina after Willle Tasby homered ina ury run eighth inning fdr the tors Dick Donovan was EXTERIOR PAINT SPECIAL IMPERIAL ONE coAr WHITE gal 695 IMPERIAL sxrsIuoR wurrr gal 595 Srniirrs Dairy thumped Margs Fish and Chips 138 in an In dustrial Softball League game played at Queens Park Bob Christie eman border allowed but four hits two in the third in which the opposition cored all its runs Edwards had two home runs for the winners and Jack Etherington one Vic Lindsay had rounddipper for Moms In the only game slated for this evening Lakeview Dairy gay Mansfield Rubber at Shear er WalterGalbrarlh Was Hockey Siar MlNNEAFoLlS CFh Walter Perk Galbraith NaV lanai Hockey League star dur ing the timé oi Nels Stewart Howie Moran BfldKlllg Clancy died Monday night after long VESS Galbraith 62 was one of the stalwarts of Boston Bruins when they won the Sunley Cup in me against New York Rangers iorward he was native of Tor onto crossour DOMINION no roast Day Saints 114 last night in an EnterChurch softball League ponies CollierL behind the pitching of Lmdsay failed to score in only one of the six innings enroute to victory LatterDfly Saints didnt hit the score sheet until the fourth inning Grinnell pitched for Saints pod allowed 11 hits just one more than his mates could total FINE nmns flock of Canada geese fly ing in typical Vformntlon can alemge Moi 55 miles an hour s500oo CASH Every buyer of new or used oar from Pierce Mot ors up toJune 30th receives ticket on lucky draw or $50000 cash LOCATIONS or use an AT onerous BRADFORD lisz Your Auihoriiedynlkrwngen Dealer PIERCE morons Link rAsssss THlS PRlCE REFLECTS THEV schss TAX REDUCTION CANADA sNo some PLANTATION extrema wurrs gol350 FRAM ES Ready Mode and Custom ArtistsSupplieI ll llllTES PAINTS CIWALLPAPER Phone 83270 We Deliver IriIeés ARE ensue new on Nor comm CARS npaymentconvene ROGER MARKS Ahead of Ruth ClerOux To Go ï¬lter The Eyes MONTREAL CP Bob Cle roux will be rigging his punehu for the area around the eye when he meets Argentinian Alex Miteff in lilrounder Tilier day night His manager Al Bachman and trainer Whitey Bimrteln figure the best way to stop the solid hardhitting Mltetf is by cuts Milan can lake lot of pun Iabmcnt but the sign aroundlris eyes has tendency to break easily raid Bacnman Bob will work on that Mitelf 29 shaper up or alightunderdng but is expected to provide Cleroux with rough evening His 38 pro fighis never battles with some of the best in the division and We won lost nine and drawn once Cleroux needs win over Mi telf to assure third shot at singiesinhisfinifourlrlprto the plate Bill Monbouqueite 76 was the winner but needed relief help alter giving up home runs by Leon Wagner Earl Averill land Sieve Eilko Eli Grin is on ninth inning homer by plnchi hitler Julio Eecquer won for the Win and beat reliever Jack Fisher Hi after lha Orioles bad tied the game in their ninth on Earl Robin sons three run homer Chuck Sloth 11 won in relief EotAtThlrd Christian Beiomied Tops First Baptist Christian Reformed clubbed First Baptist last night in an InterChurch Soltball Dengue game played Sheer Park Winners scored six runninthe first three frames to put the game pretty well out of read of the opposition Reformed had 15 hits in sup port of pitcher Al Hammers with Sid Klooeteflnan Cor Bou fur and John Van Der Moor gel ting three apiece and Ken Van Heemert and John Buyer gei iing two each Max Judd and Howard Bur bldgo shared the pitching for First Baptist Doug Earlsh and Fr Thoman had two hits no Canadian champ George Chu vain The Canadian iiilo changed hands between them when they traded pairof 12 round decisions last year Prejliul lleudy l895 nnor IN AND rrcxwouns or mnnv lo Assemble EAVERlUMBER COMPAth IIMIIEo 30 PROVINCIAL SALES TAX IS EFFECTIVE SEPT BUY NowAND SAVE at pRIcEvoU CANT AEFORDTOV risersis Isis