Troy Ohio will pay their third visit to Barrie when they pros in Burton Avenue United Church sis placed upon music through out its elementaryand second ary schools grades instal Fred Spratt President Iii Plaza Fred Sprait oi Spratt Hard ware was installed as president of the harrie Plaza Merchants Association at Way noon meeting at the plaza other ofï¬cer installed include Syd Kadish oi Plaza Drugs vice praident Syd Shipch of Royal Bank masterytreasurer and Fred Perkins Woolworths Don Freuéh of Power Store and Frank Doherty directors POLICEMIIN CAPTURE SUSPECT For his common serse in helping police constable cap tutc careless driving sin peci Raymond Stewart 37 yearold Aiiandale taxicab driver earned $95 as Barries driver of the month Here he accepts the award from in surance agent Walter Adair right on behalf of Barrie Gen eral Insurance Agent Associa tion Constable Gordon Sei wood left received $5 the quc for making the recom mandatlon it was in the morning of May 10 that can LOCAL AND GENERII WILL TOUR SUIPYARD Kiwanis Club of Barrie has arranged an interclub meet ing with the Kiwanis Club of Collingwood Wednesday June 28 Afternoon program includes conducted our of Collingwood Shipyard and ride on the Blue Mountain ski lift with dinner at the SanMar inn on Georgian Bay The Barrie club will pro vide the program Collingwoodl club was sponsored by Barrie in 1946 FORMER LOCAL BANKER The Kiwanis nulletin of an gtmouth Nova Scotia said last week We are glad to welcome liachllan back to our dinner meetings alter long absence is one of the charter members of the club and still attends during better weather after ojourning in the soutrland Now that the rare days of June are with us again we hope to see more of you Alonzo lliacbellan was manager of the Barrie branch Yet the Bank of Nova Scotia when BarrieKiwanis Club was formed inylm and was dinner member here On trans fer to his native Nova Scotin and subsequent bank retirement he helped form the Kiwanis eluh there too KEMPENFELT VISIT Four members the Kiwanis Club of Kempenfelt Bay paid surprise interclub visit to Collingwood recently The wel corned Barrie Klwanians were Jim Greenhalgh Graydon Kohl Ed Dycr and the Rev Cecil Brcnn GOLF CLUB DANCE Social committee of Barrie Country Club has planned June Dance this Saturday evens ing complete with refresh ments orchestra and entertainv ment Committee chairman is Chnrles hemey BACK TO SCHOOL Rayner branch manager in Barrie for The lmperiol Life Assurance Company went back to school for two weelu in group of 43 life insurance managers and home office executives of in surance companies to study the business and soles manage ment of field life insurance agency The school is being held June 1223 at the Manoir Saint Castin Lac Beauport Quebec Canada Baby iDrinks Coal Oil Dies RENFREW CPLIudith Ann Hanniman ltrmonthsold twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Jolm Patrick iianniman died in hos pital here Monday night after drinking coal oil The youngster fougd the oil on sheltpo1ice sai McCullough stable Selwood spotted the carelï¬s driving suspect tic enlisted the aid of Mr Stew art who had are in his cab at the time to overtake and stop the suspect Mr Stew arts case was one of as re commendaticns during the past month Minister Stresses Physical Fitness HAMILTON CP Ontario Health Minister Dymond said Tuesday night iiiysical fitness programs should be an integral part of health services available to people of Canada He told the biennial conven tion of the Canadian Association for Physical Education Health and Recreation Health is more than treating sick diseased and disabled peo ple The ideal health program should be so designed that few people will require curative treatment Rejects Appeal To Black Probe QUEBEC CDThe Quebec Superior Court today rejected an attempt to block continuation of royal commission inquiry into purchasing practices of the former Union Nationnle govern ment The court refused to grant an injunction which could have stopped the inquiry which so far has shown that many Union Na tionale supporters received icicle backs in the form of commis sinus on purchases made by the government However the court did grant temporary injunction blocking any further work by the com mission on its inquiry into the purchase by legislature mem bers of shares in the Quebec Natural Gas corporation STUDENTS Honor TEACHER on RETIREMENT At recent Sohool assembly the studens honored Sheppard upon his retirement Carl Hamilton middle Stu dent Council president and Trojanaires To Bay Thompson presented Mr Sheppard with slide projec tor At special collegiate board meeting Lockhart chairman of the board pre mier Program 0i Choral MusicBuri0n United The lrojanaires 40 selected vorces from the high school of ent5a programof choral music Thursday June at 0515 pm Troy city comparable in size to Burns is noted for the complete and balanced empha instrumental as well as vocal music being of feredio the early elementary The high school boasts two bands of 130 pieces and an orchv estra of 70 training choir of 100 voices and an acnpella choir ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY 9amton PA 311 of 130 it is from the letter that the Trojnoaires are selected ev erysecond year to make spring concert tour that takes them through Pennsylvania New York Michigan and Que bec as well as Ontario Charles West who will dir ect the concert is in chargeof this expansive musical program in the Troy schools The choir includes both boys and girls making for an inter esting variety of choral arrange mentsvond solos George levies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio on was seated Mr Sheppard with pocket watch suitably inscrib ed in recognition of so years of teaching at Barrie Colleg iate BDCI CameraClub King Edward Exercises lonight Yearend closing exucises in Barrie public schoolswill be on dates listed King Edward tonight Wed nesday at 815 OaldeyParlr Thursday at 730 StreetJuae 27 at 8Codrington Prince of WalesfliillcreEt and Steel Street at Tuners The amelation revealed at the meeting that it would be in tcrcsted in sponsoring junior ball or hockey team Syd its dlsb will answer any queries pertaining to thin point Keith Marshall Opens Business Keith Marshall annoqu the opening oi his real estate and general insurance business at Orchard Drive Barrie Born in Sault Ste Marlo Oot he was educated at Tor onto and has lived in Barrie slnco 1921 He served overseas with the 50m battalion during World War Following discharge after World War 11 he took small holding which he later devel oped into Orchard Drive Mr Marshall was employed as welfare officer and clerk of the board of works in 1539 He wasattochéd to the Grey and Simooc Foresters regiment as W02 assistant instructor dur ing World War 11 He has iorlhe past 12 years been connected with local real estate firm Hobbies in clude coin collecting refinish ing early Canadian furniture and producing dwarf fruit trees WILL STAND TRIAL OTTAWA CP4hnni Fcrizl 38 was ordered Tuesday to stand trial on charge of mur der in connection with the April 19 rifle slaying oi SankoroPil lai as first secretary at the In dian high comrnisslon in Dt tawa Man 80 Plunges 55 Feet 80yearold former fell 55 feet down well at Nicolsloo near Alliston yesterday after noon and survived lie was taken to hospital in Alliston suffering shoulder injury and shock Police said Benjamin Cole was working on the wall with two other men when he slipped and fell plunging fecHirst into the shaft He landed up to his shoulders in water Companions lowered rope to the injured man which he tied around his waist He was pulled to safety and taken to Ten acres of mixed hay were cut and crimped on the Mid hurst form oi Hunter Duilus sell yesterday Mr Russellvde cided to cut his hay early this year as result of his visit to the Ontario Agricultural College on Friday Mr Russell toldThe Exam iner that he was awakened to the superiority of early cut hay by the OAC tour and the sug gestion of Agricultural Repre sentative Stewart Page Mr Page has advocated early cut ting for some time now 121 TAKE TOUR The tour was sponsored by the North Simcoc Soil and Crop improvement Association About 121 of them members went on the tour EarlParnell an Elmvale farmer was impressed with the field husbandry plots he saw on the tour He said that he is going to sendvsoii samples to theoAC before furthering his fertilizing operation Most of the members were impressed with the informatipn they received on birdsdoot tre foil This grass is adaptable to rough Lands and is of particu lar interest to sheep farmers 11er mothers 0n Increase CllS Unmarried mother cases dealt with by the Childrens Aid So oiety here are up for May Society managing director Jackson told the board Tues day he is not alarmed though its an above average hith month in the general population Adoption placements for the month compare with 1960 while the totals this year are most encouraging undysatisfactory Mr Jackson said protection caseloads arevnot liker to be further reduced and may in crease if they change at all in talte into child care is dra matically reduced hesaid Will oisusr memoirs Times are all evening Places are the school auditoriums For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portrnlrs Passoort Film Developing our SMIIII STUDIO as Dunlap St PA aim Dvcr Hunts FREE survrms 1m in lOpzfjat o6 czjar Report At OAC it will not bloat cattle and could replace alsike Not all of the members were enthusiastic over the tour Am brose ONeill another Ehnvale farmer felt that the tour was old but He said that it was interesting but as he has made several trips to the College he did not see anything startling POLICE EXPAND City polka yesterday picked up two more heavy duty police cruisers to expand their pa trols The can are being has the Theme Examiner CITY AND COUNTY NEWS pmor Powrn edona redalbedo Here Staff Sgt Alex McGetrioE signs receipt of the vehidm frouiJAViau WEDNESDAY JilNEiZirESl St Johns United Church Creemore is celebrating its 75th anniversary on June on and 25 first with garden par ty Saturday evening at the local community park and then special Sunday service with former Rev Eagle of Sarnio as guest speak er Seventyfive years ago this date there was much activity just north of the railway trucks on MiilStrcet Creemore Work men were building the founda tion for the big Methodist Church The cornerstone was placed with due formality by Warren Kennedy Mayor of Tor onto May 24gt Previous to June 1384 there were two different congrega tions in the village but agree ment to almagarnale was ef fected on this date and the in creased congregation spurred the decision for new and larg er church The minister in 1896 was the Rev James Thompson and as sociated with him on the build ing committee were Cot 1055 am 605 pm rr To Hunstville Only To Gravenhurst Only express moltILLIA ckAvENuuksr 1040 am Daily 45 pm TO TORONTO sunnrn TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE IUNE 22nd I96 LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY DAILY 110 pm 745 pm 215 am 410 pm Glnzlo pm To arm Only United Church narksi 75th Year At Creemore Iune 24 Weekend bett Elijah Wilcox Mc Nohb ll Mothers George Law rence Thompson iinmbly and Honeyford The budding was completed and the service of dedication took place Oct 1m ofï¬ciat ing at the dedication service was Rev Sharpe The following improvements to this 75 year old house of God have been added over the years 1899 An annex was added to the west end of the new church also in this year 1000 pound copper bell was installed in the tower 1904 pipe organ was installed 1910 gallery was added and steam heating plant in stalled 1925 Church union was ei iected with the Presbyterian and Congregational to become United Church it was deslg natéd St Johns United Church Credited with the name sugges tion was the organist Mill Mary Corbett 1976 kitchen and other improvemenu were made in the starch hall 1960 definite step was taken when the church switched to heating by electricity Ministers who have serv since 1386 include James Thompson John Vick cry George Stevenson Hunt John Redford Dr Brown George Robinson Rob ert McKee Cnrscad den George Coulter Al ton Frank Sullivan Raine McKay Bailey Former Rintoul Eagle Kippen Smith and Douglas Miller the present minis ter DIES FROM FALL HAMILTON CPD Stephen Wooecock died in hospital Tuesday night two hours after falling from the Hamilton Ama teur Athletic Association grand stand Police said he was play ing when he apparently slipped and fell 15 feet on to pole of gï¬lclrete blocks fracturing his EXPRESS snnvici 850 am excepifvsufloez 1101 DAILY 230 mm 5139 1050 am 545 pm Toownisohuo 1o55 am Deny To WASAGA BEACH coiuNGWooo DAILYH 1110 pm To MIDLAND NV ANS 1050 am Daily 1510px 1yl 410 pm8atsunliol gt vro sunaunv DAILY 1040 am 750 pm 1060 am yrx To PARRY SOUND vranwy103 1045 am my only Sinceglune 1st sosriakersalldvcr th country have been gathc informationaboni every resident in Canadaforrthle ngol Census itybri haveanyreason lobelleve that the census Takerhas missed you oryourfamllyplease fill out thaco upon helovi and malltoyoiirï¬egional Census omqgj ï¬tness ninrillsrournnronu immortal Census Orioles 4m FlocrArthur Meiguenmdg 55 SLGlairAve East Tortomjo criteria is beenij by thesaurus Taker it