lOlt llLLISlOli ADDITION Hospital Wan ALLISTON Town Council issue again Monday ts Site Donated Frbm CounCil represent council at meeting Memorial Hospilal submitted shelved the hol hospital site with the board of Stevenson committee appointed to it TA its report hlainEbighllgbt at LEGAL NOTICES ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL SOARD noncror APPLICATON aY THECORPORATON or THE CITY or BARRIE TO DISPENSE WITH van or THE ELECTORS KE NDTici THAT The Council oi Inc Corporation or the city narrie intend to carry out the work roicrred to in Schedulo hzrrto at the esti malcd maximum in such schedule and that at tile tum ot $6616960 the total coat thcreoi $57446 ahlll be raised by the rain at deben tures payable out ot the ztnerll rate over period not exceedlnl on years Application has been made to Thc Ontario Municipal Board Ior an orocr to dispense with the nitm or the electorl and or aï¬proval or the said works Any ratcpaycr may within 21 days uttcr um publication or lhla notice tile with the Clerlr oi the city or Banta nailed to writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of rum objection The Ontario Municipal noard may order purauant to tho Itatule mat the Inuit the clocton sillil not be required and my IP prove or the raid works out bciore doing In it may appalnt time and place tor public hearing when any objections will his coo aldclch Co lo lII la it lo l6 to rt 21 court STREET Both Sides Iron Codrlngton Street ATED at Two to this otn or at June tool nyviciuzils ACTlNG SECRETARY THIS Is scumuu To rm roncoomo Norica NSTRUCTION or amount cuaas 0N HIGHLAND AVENUE South Side oniy lrorn Cook stmt to many Surct winth srnarrr notn Sides tram Coonnrton Street to Napier str ct NELsON STREET Both Sides lrom Codrington Street to 5101 Strcct smooth AVENUE Irorn nuckwnrth Street to Nelson Street laotn Sldes nucxwoaru swam aoto Sldra Irom Ansella Street to Eulenla col to Napier Skeet goon srnm Both Sldcl tron coulnrwoon Street to Hlmland CoLLlNGwoaD STREET notn sldu irom Rodory street to Cook Strcct RODNEY STREET Both Sides Irom Kempeniell 17er to Colllng wood Strcet 80VilAN Avmun notn Sldu Irorn Nelson Strcrt to Vancouver Elrcc gilELRosr Avrrtlilc notn Sldcr irmn Nelson Street to Vancouver no iHANN9N STREET Both sides iroin St Rent Street to hlarlnn mean nrmazv STREET Roth Sides irorn Dunlop Street to colllcr Strcct CLAPPERTON STREET notnslou Iroin Wellington Street to vorslcy Strrci anurw LANE East Side only irom Grove Street to Wellington lce gAVlDSON STREET Both sides 1min Grove strcct to Rose rcc Elucith STREET not Sldcl lrorn ncrcry Street to Duckworth rce DUNDONALD STREET noth sldes irom odrtngton strict routh erly soo met STREET noth slou Twin Cloverlcal tnayiioldt to Peel rce Etoan STREET North sitlo only Irorn hunt Strcct to Owen re OAK STREET noth Sldcs Irorn Gunn Slrcct to Grove strcol HENRY STREET notn Sides trom Days Street to Anne Struct FRANCIS STREET goth Sines ironl Dunlap street to Perry Slrc PERRY STREET noth CASlLE DRIVE notn DUFPERIN 5mm ldcs Iront Innisitl Strcct to Francis Sire ldcs lrom Letitla Strect northerly 425 loci otn sides from Rohort street to lnnlsiil Strcct FREDiznlcit STREET Hoth slou irom Innlsill strut lo Rootrt sANrbItn STREET Both sides trorn John Street to Vcspra stream Strnct DALTDN STREET North Side only 1mm uayncld Street to Toronto strcct HIGH STREET aoth Sides iron Dunlop Strcct to Park Strcct PARK STREET Roth sides trom Ecclcs Street to Florence strcct iNNISFlL STREET Eart Side only trout John street to Victoria street mamas STREET Bath sidu trom Park Street to Sophia GOWAN STREET South Side only Irom Essa Strccli stroot mud to lllllhum iNNIsrILsTREnT mt Slde only tron nainwln Lane to Holgate street ADELAIDE STREET notn Side irom Anne street routhcrly 300 feet élncons TERRACE South Side only tram Allred street to Marcus rec MARCUS 5mm Both Sides trout Caroline street to Jacobs Terrace WOOD STREET noth Sides tram Alina Strccl westerly oooieetz to CAMPBm AVENUE horn sides tron Anne Street wzstcrly 1250 feet SANFORD sTRBirT Both Sides lroln nroclr Street southerly 660 act CUMBERLAND mm Both Sides rrourrlold street to Robinson 43 Street EALDWIN LANE Both Sides train William Street to noyvlcw Driver Total estimated cost massed $57446I4l to be dehcntured the report was lettcr mm the hospital board requesting that council donate lot speci ï¬ed earlier by the board as the site or an addition to the hospital The letter stated that the has ital has received no in incialassistance ironi council since being established 32 years ago in recent years the letter said the hospital board has spent some 311000 on sew are liner and oLherrinstalla Hons WANTS TOWNS All The hospital board lelt mor ally obligated to expand the crowded facilities at the hosp ital and wanted assistance in the arm at building lot Councilman Ronald Bcattic suggested to council Monday night that plebiscite he call ed on the hospital sitc ques tion He said that such move would inform the hosp ital board of the peoples iccl logs on the matter and it the people wanted the site to he donated to thc hospital it would certainly be boost to the hospital board On this point councilman Stanley Nosworlhy said that as the people had eleclcd own oil to conduct the communitys business calling plebiscite could be interpreted as pass in the blink MIGHT CLEAR AIR Mayor Miniord Storey said that ii council took the matter to the people by calling for plehtrdtc ancb action might help to clcarlhe air or the hospital site question He said that he had no doubt but that the people would dccldeto let It was the opinion of deputy rceve John Darling that thn decision should rest with coun cil lie said that ii an alterna tlvo site could be toundcoun cil should purchase it or the hospital it no alternative site was to be bad he said the hospital should be given the site requested However he did not eel that the site pro sently being discussed was good choice Councilman Ralph llunier saidthcre are 1ltcrnalive loca tions and the hospltat board is hot pressing for an immediate dccislonI They would have to locate in Alliston Mr Darling rcpllcd WET PIECEOF LAND Reeve Ross Williams ielt that council should not dwell on the dllicrenccs of opinion which have resulted from the hospital boards request or site its Just awct piece of land he said He did not ich that the site was suitable for the hospitals nccds Mayor Storey suggested that the matter be held in obey ance lljr Hunter agreed to this reasoning that it was not time to bring the maticr to the people Councilman John Mitchell then said that council should wait until the hospital board decides on the site it wants to build on At this Mr Nosworthy read motion to have the matter held in abeyancc This motion was carried without objection FAMOUS FORCE Britains Royal Air Force was formed in April 1918 with the former Royal Flying Corps as its nucleus Separate school Urges Council Collect Tax For Illiiston Baard ALLISTON Two delegates from the Separate Board rcqucstcd Town Council collect the separate school taxes this ear at council meeting Mon ay night Oliver Melanson chairman of the Separate School Board explained that his executive had just recently taken over the duties of the board and had not realized that no ngreemcnt had been made with council in regard to tax He asked coun cil it they would levy the same mill rate on separate school supporters as was to ho colt lected lrom public school sup porters He said the Separate School Board had reached an agreement with the other as sessors Town Clerk Lorne Whitcside read letter adtlrcsscd to council regarding the legality of such an act Tito letter stated that council wasmntlcr no legal obligation to help the Separate School Board EMBARRASS SCHOOL Deputyrceve John Darling felt that it would he an em barrassment to the Separate School Board to have to collect its own taxes He requested that it be movedthat council grant the request Mayor Minford Storey sug gested that the matterhc re ferred to chetinanre com mittee Councilman Ronald Beattic said thatif the town MON runs rnunssar WED 915 3111 12 NOON School ships wanted to obligate them selves that was their rcsponsi hility however that was no justification for council getting involved Mr Whitcside suggcslcd the matter he relerrcd to the De partment cl Education Coun cilman Stanley Nosworthytin terjected that it would be all right to collect the taxes or this year If we dont know how much thcy want how can we assess the people Reeve Ross Wil tliams asked The Public School Board draws up budget and the assessment is made The Separate School Board should doldthc same Reeve Williams out DONT WANT JAMS we dont mind collecting it but we dont want to get into any jams Mr Whitcside said Were not collection on saidCouucilman Beattie Mayor Storey said the Sep arate School inspector should have advised the board of the proper procedure They have practically asked us to set their budget he said motionJavas carricd in cileét that the clerk contact the town solicitor to advise council on the legality of coun cils collecting taxes or the SeparateSchocl Board in 1961 and the method whereby this may be done STORE nouns SJS nm 536 no FRI 915 subdivision Asks can Annex To Alliston ALLISIDNA delegation ui llillcrest subdivision residents approached Town Council on matter at annexation Monday night Michael Campbell spokes man lor the group presented petition requesting annexa tion to council This petition was signed by oi the 54 All at our business deal ings are with Alliston air Campbell said we have nothing in common with the people oi Essa At present Essa Township holds 31000 band from the home owners 8111 oi this has been used on roads and ser vicesI be said All roads have We icel that rat Mam axitamtza mm war it they sion with the exception at 41 lots as yet vacant Mayor hlinlord storey at pressed doubt at the legality of acting on the signatures oi 51 residents Deputyrave John Darling said that was more than 98 per cent repre sentation hlrI Darling said Essa Township realizes that the subdivision form better connection with Alliston It should economically be part of Mlislon he pointed out The ï¬nancial as well as tho consideration Mayor Storey raid flre mayor kit that it would be good town larger urea ii there LI to be any annexation at all BEADED HEART CLINIC TORONTO CHDr Little tanner head at the hurt clinic at Sunnybrook Hospital died Tuesday after long ill nus Barn in Sealnrth Dr Lilli graduated in medlclnl from tho home owners in the subdivision lllfllllllll been completed in the subdivi legal aspecta should be given University oi Toronto in loll VICTURA Trdads are 12 Deeper Wider than original equipment tires You can expect substantial increase in tire mile age VICTURA Low Pro ila Shapoi unlike ordinary tires Low Profile tires are built closer to actual run ning shape This result in less flexing less heat buildti es greater protectioh Aagalnsr blowouts 34 ylon 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