Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1961, p. 21

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im PA 59356 9pln zany chicks phone strand 19321 PASTUPE FOR RENT AitTICLrs for SALE BOArs morons AUiOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE iq HrtpwaNtao FEMALE HELP BOAT BARGAINS 13 ieruiaaetta husmt atria moi0 fully 93mm int cedar atri Mimi tip ms it hot cedar Imp Harm eons troiauthMnru mixalien it toot runpool upholstered in aneniiais Italflux tab In battery lap eloclrie 2v Loru on Deal Item root mahogany plankd ruDa hold at entered controls nai my tail gar tank loot loan Ion alaetrie new $1595 Divan Air station MEWS BOATS Lllurm maxi PA m1 uaaa LOANS$500 at on per month Telephone PA mot eracent nuance to nualop Were Pom aNiPn Sail noat tor air now daeroo aaiu ilbertiux racing Anton now runnLnK limos nerdy 1dr raciu or talitng Telephona Pk 01 PACE am or uie 35 hp Johnaon Electric Motor come lei ill TeeNce Trailer gkaIlIyawflemfnono PA mid alter PM moor anoaah RinaHum is hp Chrysler Crown Engine eon vartlhle top and many other ex traa Perteet condition Contact 555 Mount IQ PA or PA mo rr Coupe Top host 15 an an alien manoot an otuoht Speedometer Compu glue Pole Paddles Liss Prerervon Ladder Anrhor Cahlo urhta Phcno PA mill FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES THE APPLE BARN umosa st WINTER VAItumEs Edna your own container HERMAN FETCH mcawu ll SOUTH PA Lml DOGJ PETS Pom or sale 16 month old nicely marked well trained ohr dlent and loud to children Sellinll reasonably Telephone PA 60479 5FARMERS MARKET ImOILm on Chicken equipment or sale In good condition to Prtr In Broodm appmximnieb no ieet automatic chain feeder and waleiinz caulpmenL Priced or fink Illa Telephone Alilston HP in litAIionANP Deletatt Johnson LIVESTOCK P165 averaging ahout to lbs eanh Apply to George ucoiaorey Thornton ant or telsphone ivy am FARM MACHINEqu DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Get your line and pulrator eleao ed now Service on all milken HANK BROWN RE BARRIE HOLLY PA 0338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cale Nuw Holland David Brown Bulb Farm Equipment 116 BURTON AVE PA 82373 TIME eon KAYING EQUIPMENT Bale makers Mowers Harvesters and ivngons ALL AVAILABLE Now casu TRADE TERMS own 550 Diesel Tractor and Plow law hours Apily Hanloy Bron Sehotnhsrg telep one 106W collar Pom ltlanurs Spread er load condition Reasonable Telephooa 7mm Elmvaic ALuscEALIlEus lialor In axe cellent condition will sail or trade to livestock Telephone Strand 1711i or iurthcr particu WANTED Used Walker Bale stoollcr APPly to Donald Cam eron RR Barrie or tclcphooa mmVIAIJ RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN i7 GOWAN STREEI PA 65458 LTD WHO ELSE WANTS NEWCAR Day it Now With mom Lilotomes SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK Di NOVA SCOTIA nil vgkmwaamd Catch or aa so body loo no or $550 Telephone PA 5611 daytime or lurtncr particulars ISM BUICK loor door black and red in load condition Reasonable lawman detliiattelcphnno PA ml Moms ltimou or lliO in good coodifloo aood tiles and good hotly Beat otter Telephone PA 5115 lass DODGE immaculate condi tion with new motor excellent lirea Telephone PA min or mrtner Inlormatlon use Form Ilaneh wagon or nil while with red trim new motor nukes Ebc Telephone Lelroy soil or linker details lssa Allan CAR like new dark grey with red upholstery Clean throughout Seuing reasonably Apply at 41 Saoiord street or lurther inlarmnilula 1551 DODGE our door sedamlor sale two tons biue automatic in Al condition Plnaneo tlu be imaged Very reuonaoie Now tires Telephone PA Nli7 MOTORCYCLE Triumph 550 the twin new paint Job good condi tion Priced reasonably Telephone Shroud 21mm ior Iurtbcr inlarm on 1952 PLYMOUTH sedan 1150 Good motor Needs some body work Can be scan at as wonley Street or telephone PA N585 at ier pm I955 uELAmB Chevrolet blue and white excellent condition Privatc sale Drive it buy It Good urea Apply Codrlnhtoo Street or elephants PA was cveninu 1m CORVAm Coupe turquolle automatic lunamiss on 1006 miles good condition Just like new Apply at Shogro Loop Camp Soloed Telephone 91 Camp Eco on 1956 OLusalnuan llardtop oxalic transmission whilswall tints leather uphol stery rout seat raisty heits dio rant and war scat Ipeaiierl beautqu him and white onion Telephone PA M722 otter pm CARS an To our CASE FOR your car Liens paid otr Wn trade up or down AI Iandaie lilotors 11 ESE Road Bap rie PA H321 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1953 WEBNATIONAL CDmhinl Ion UIIEDKUI dlmp flick or IiEI $375 1th WI 12ch 01 Inc or opyyngah one 68567 tor rurther partlcpllius PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HARDRESSING Enrol now Lo this government chartered school where you are thoroughly trained in all branches heauty culture For lnxormatlon write ime IIAthDnPSSING SCHOOL la COLLIER 5mm Olt PHONE PA M961 PoitTllNE TELLLNG Do you want your ammo told hy cards For an appointment telephone PA 50490 anytime hanm SHOP calowaves ate oy enrtloeo hairdresser to your own home Phone heroine at 64 59352 or PA 53537 LOST FOUND suit Nzw IDEA llay Machinery new and used Ports and rrvicc Ap ply to Eanley Bros Schomherg Ontario Telephone loow Open till ALLrs mums Combination Power any Rake and TedderIn ew condition Apply to Mr lteg fleed at hiexee Harvester Servicn nodding Cookstown Ontario CASE MOTOR Driven Baler also can Power IlowerCase Sida mite used two reasons Reason ably riced Also 1948 Ford ton rock slim Telephooo 1mm Moonstunh mGoTT 1311553311 42 Shredder Grain Thrower chaff Blower clover Concaves and like tla mill good as new also no feet belt Apply Fred Lister Sehom herg Bali Ontario PotlLTloy do cmLKs BARRED ROCKS stul hard to heat to eggs and meat 40 years personal seleo flan behind uur closed flock Rexr mend hatchery Accredited luck started chicks and capons TOM KENNY SHAttTv BAY PEED SEED GRAIN 600D aTANDlNG Hay or role grown from ermanent putura mlxtnre Telep one PA 59555 25 AC DF Mixed Ely l0 Sale Blfllin Telnphnne PA $913 uter pm ACRES or Choice nay tor sale atanding Telephone PA ass day time Evenloga Ivy ionic LAM AanAGB of choice atand log field mixed hay also low tons Iced oats Apply to George Willa Concession Innitai Teie PaaTunE FARM torsls or renl urea concession in Sunni dalo lTawnahlp Plenty oi Ida and running water Teiep one Dalrte PA Willi AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS million STANDARD OEALmlS Repairs to An Illhes can and NM Towing service 75 mm 51 3mm PA 84165 BLACK LADltAnOtt Retriever lost vicinity oi Forndalo Answers to Yogic small boy pet Re ward Pinase telephone PA Mm human 12 oclock noon WALLET brown leather lost be tween Barrie and Camp horosn Saturday or Sunday containing sum 6f money No Identification Paint smudge on wauet neward Telephone PA 34450 TRANSISTOR Radio lost or taken by mistake tram counter at de partment store downtown on Sat urday Gin to girl going away from home ior summer Please return Reward PA 65009 CAMERA and all Transistor Radio mum at st Vincent Park on Sunday June 18 Owner can have same by idenuling and paying ror ad Telep ons PA Mass lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN To SERVICE AND SELL NEWS PAPER CLASSIFIED ADVEaTis LNG THIS INTEttPSTmG POSI TION ENTAnS ERSONALCON Tacr wms LOCAL BUSINESS FIRMS OF ALL TYPES you Nola NOT HAVE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE AS WE WILL TRAIN YOU PaEPEtt APPLIO HAVE lgqgou woufg cllzvarlllmamc Posi TION WITH caNsmEltAuLE OP TOWN7m Foil ADVANCE MENT LY 1N WRITING TO SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE BARRIE EXAMINER PROOFREADER Required at THE nAnluE Town will This HUMP pasifii for lady with good knowledge of Enguah grammar and Welling Please apply in yout own handr writer to THE BAlullE EXAMINDI Po Dex 10 PRACTICAL NURSES required tor uurainl home Various shuts Age 70 vover so Telephone stayner wouw um middle aged won an to set as companion inr minim at with two children lor one year while human is away Room and hoard me write Box Camp hordcn Tlty EXAMINER WANT ADE reoenIy now Ill murmur Wallnms main ad or on restaurant operator to Barrie Apply in Doolop street Wu between and pm MALEEKLP ROUTE SALESMAN steady position or man on mat urned roota lint he married Aae 15 to as with Grade io cow lion MFLV lo MR BROWN SUNSHINE UNIFORM SUPPLY 00 JOHN ST APPLY ANYTINE Am ml TWO STONE MASON wanted im mediately hy local arm Tol phurlo PA $50 cnmma tor out than Moat ho ailahlo to work eveninu and alurdaya only emerlenced men and apply in Penn Limo her Damian 111 Bradlord Stroll MALE on FEMALE MALE OR FEMALE service dopartmcnt order out clotk pendulum and cine arts olden mEnwmfi march and expediting yam peatnod Minx neceuliy APPLY nox ii nAltPla PAItrTIME Ciil and dish waah er required Immediately or war mnr month Apply in pzrmn to Queens Hotel to nnnlop strut nut Barrie MEN on woaixN aim your own Watkins Dunne tall or parts dine No ex eriencs Into Gail lcr 50 St noon street Montreal 15 Quebec EWLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG LADY ullliiflld accre llry uquiroa intcrutinz vaginal with pmpecll Not necusllfly Winn wrlla Mn Sheila Sweeney so Owen St Barrie RELIABLE PENSON will board children or cars or them daily Clean homz fenced hack yard wtu pick them up Ielphone 59115 Ior liarthcr detai uoomnrm Accountant to tired on union aitoi your union wth lacl 8m um mil or panellmo giggiotymignt ital Lalna High up PA mi 12 TENDERS TENDER Tar momma VETERANS LAND ACT omCE Pall SALE BY Punuc TENDER Lots 10 ii and is Plan mil City or Barrie in county ot Simeoe Terms at lieail cash Where the amount or the tender is $100 or morn It mart ho so companied by an accepted ehe no or title with the halancs pays is on acceptance is tender iSuot aoceptod earnest alone will he reiunded Tenders will is ened at Toronto on this tth day JULY losl The highest or any lender not necessarily aoce oil Tender should be in pl envelope marked ieniicr tor the purehose of Lots lo ii and ll Plan 1215 City utEnrrie County at simcoe Addaes tenders to DiSTitlcT SVPERINTENDENT VETEttANS LAND ACT MacKENZIE BUILDING as Ahmma STREET EAST TORONTO ONT 13 AUCTIQN SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND CiLWIuL LTD PHONESSAME PA was VICTORIA HARBOUR scam Farm Ilath Plus AdvertIain Pralessionili service Satisfied customers EARREE AUCTION ROOMS AND SECOND HAND STORE 55 Dunlap street West AUCTION SALE gt Friday June 231961 Commencing pm sharp We wui receive public goods for me from to daily except Wed nesday afternoon For information on rates and terms TELEPHONE PA OM27 BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE MONDAY JUNE 26 1961 AT RM SHARP Snle wili he held at 151 TIFFIN STREET Bankrupt auction sale ot taro suppller equipment including teed omee equipment lam ml chinery rno trucks Terms nail neanltely no re serve as the haahruptoy must he settled For mrtiiordnionnatlon phone PA hates hon1e lorry Cnughiin AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE 21 1961 PM Open consignment sale or horses and ponies at Elmvalo Sales stables Ltd Elnivale ANDERSON waaIAN AND COLWILL LID Sales Managers Victoria Horhour 50am Orangovlue noon AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 30 1961 at 530 pm sharp Auction sale of znqti used household furniture tor MRS At 250 Dunlap streetWest Earrle Terms eash No reserve as Mrs Millers home is ior sale JERRY COUGHLW AUCTIONEER li LEGAL NOTICES cAManleltoel announcer that MIL Allng of 5a ADELAIDE 8mm HAMILTON DNTAILIO Ioioscriy of 7a Collier street Barrie Ontario haa various house hold nude and other articles in storage with them and is indebt ed to them or their mmurlilk notice that Mr Aika goods will be sold at publicauo glen by Mr Gerry cough in on JULY 196 at 29 ARENA Sm BARRIE Onhrlo ui II utilise uent sail neéuaslry ll prov dell under ehousemellr Lien Shin Act ninth Hillel the clash Se Bie lid in nil hflorl the aaid date Its wonderful the way Classified Ads gétflre Suits Phone PA 82414 anon Win ncccuary Golf Match ST IDUIS AHThe Uniled States who the proamatellr gal matcth Tuesday point in Cauadhfa lIS This was lilo rubber contest in the mateur our learn Pantry Mull Light TUNA FlAKES Oulvofltom Oholea wnolt BEETS Dr Ballard Champion Ron In MAVI 16o DOG FOOD Mocormlcka SNACKERS Eric rmi Kied GENUINE LEGS SHORT CUT QHAIQK Lam Thinhl Brnlh CHICKEN Ethnoldlra Country PORK SAUSAGE Pulley Qunlity Slitd Skinmd BEEF LIVER Blind Barf BOLOGNA units Meat Ron tin MHAVI Rm CI HAVE 90 Rafi pkl ISOSAVE 250 In Thla Ad III lull0d Tftreufll Gumday Jun 240i 1901 ml Canadrwnoflio tint two Montreal and Nick Wesloclr laughed the US be next two The us teams at iuuua Bo roa and Giulia Koala and Er bio Vosaier and Ed Scored decisive victories win ning TV point end over the combinations Va Liver Stan leopard and Gary Cowan oi Kitchener and Al Johnston of Windsor One point is awarded or via Iory on the first nine holes an other for the mud nine and third or llle isbola iaiai in the other two matches Dow Flurterwald and Bill Camp bell the US finished all even with Montreals Elli Kerr and Keith Alexander ol Calgary at AIP FANCY QUALITV APPLESAUCE Adi oHOIoI ouaLlrv 7mnu100 lSlo tint lSozlim 100 3oxpli91 100 moms FULL cur Lunn CIUJSjli 45° 49 L39e Foltoy Mock MEAT BALI FANCY QUALITY SUCH mom STRAWBERRIES ROYAL BHOICI IEIGID PINEAPPLE Heres Proof You Save Cash on AGPS Supe GROUND CHUCK PEACHES IOVARDII STEW ROAST CHOP srcw curs IN BAIKET Shoulder Cuh Quality This weeks Fruit anti Vegeiqbie Peafures IMPORTED YELLOW FLESH FREESTONE Noll GRAD PEACHES Californil 8mi Rnll Good Elihu heaping nun box 9e WallIngkon Winunit Good Eatinu alb cello as No Grid PLUMS APPLES Cllifornil Vlllncil Pliny Excollint Edi ORANGES slh oIIo he Glilfnrnll Pawl No flrndo Llrgl Crilp CELERYsrALKs nizse Virginia lilocirVaientlae No Grade citrate teams in as ANN Pas SALAD DRESSING 1soz JAR sOzlan 19c ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE 1802 JAHV Cutting No No Gr dud2 AVAI BL Strawhor Houao Cuc JUNE Is DAIItY MONTH 555595 KRAFTI VELVEEIA CHEESE Asa atauLalt Heoping quart box PEPPERS Arlxotla Voting Tomir No Grad cannors on in 19 Florida awaat TIndetFIIloy Gioda CORN veep 4o39 Onion and that 2IaZ pACKAor 25 Georgia carrieaton Greys swan Rod inch WATERMELON 89¢ Importd Grout Sweat Hard Thlak Shall 3M9 FRESH DAILV Natlvi Hot Home Tumlton limbn Hud Lennon PRIGE 5m 459er PORK name in own Paamaaisd aliead BACK BACON iltpls89 CHICKEN LOAE iti53 points apiece AI Balding and Phi Btuwniee both ol Tor onto scored Zl victory or Can ada will triumph over Paul Kenny and oh Cochran The score was tied alter the int nine liqu at 22 tile BernaKoala team led Leonard Cowan lo give the US point THE SHIRE EXAMINER ROMAhm ii ill 422 and Balding Bmwnlee scored for Canada by taking the out nine 1mm HameyCachran Ihc other two matches were all even at the hall with each team pith lug dip onehail point Mm TRY EXAMINER WANI AD Phone Pa 824 COME SAVE AT AND Rug flnl floIAVI BI union Rog lln floIAV 5a MLOO Rag lln MAVI 2mioo 79 Cookd and Bro51d Cookadand Brudad SCALLOPS Our own AlsP TEA Ganmi Lunchaon Mad SPORK rtm Brand ewaat MIXED PICKLIS Jlna Prkor Jolly at LEMON ROLL 173sz PAqula 4mm RAISIN PIE Krstt colour quick Scuff Koh All ¢oloura Striul 200 Off TOOTHPASiE 001 Packages CHICKEN WINGS salt PORTIONS PARKAY MARGAIthE saltAN waap 86 SAN 100 IPIOIALI rRighf qualify Meal LAMB $291 $49 is 59° Allnood amokd Iload Madh SIDE aACON Mao More Savings Itlf AGP Ra pko SHAVE loo pkg rinseus on Deal Ran phoneam an Extra 6o MLLEI NAPKINS pkg oi 250 39 log tin HAVE so 120 iii lofloxierOe RII 3908AVE 10o each 29 49cAVE loo reach 39 335 ESQUIRE SHOE POLISH bottle35e Iconoltly size tuba IShroll 37 SAVE on Gianl Size Asp deg 11 Save an Extra In Total Saving 19c

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