777 Vimthje AROUND SIMCQE COUNTY APTO Mr and Mrs Morley Feasby and Children of Sandford visited Mr and Mrs Carson on Fath ers Day Mr and Mrs Iflwrnton and children ofrAur ors also visited there recently Mr and Mrs Jack Richard son and family and Mr and Mrs Earl Richardson and chilA dren Barriehvisited In the vic Inity on Sunday 1Mr and Mrs AI Gibson and children of Toronto visited at Murray Carsons on Sunday mommy PARTY Natalie Carson entertained dumb of little friends on Sat urday afternoon to celebrate her seventh birthday Mr and Mrs Carson were Toronto on Friday afternoon and visited with the Krem ENGAGE TEACHER Grant Ferguson of Network et has been engaged asleacher here for next term Miss Janet Lucas Tomato was with her parents for the weekend Mr and Mrs Alfred Konis and baby of Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Edward Kanis Mr and Mrs Van list and children of Toronto were Sunday visit rwith Mr and Mrs Kan CHURCHILL Mr and Mrs Dean and Mr Dean were recent visit are at the home of Sloan The members of Ladies Brid ge Club closed the season with dinner at the Cedar ltail lt Children from 85 No went by bus on Monday to Niagara Falls Mrs Wlthons and Mrs Ferguson of Toronto were Visit ors of Miss Sloan over the weekend at Sloonhnlme cot tage Mr and Mrs hIcLoIlghlln of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sloan Mrs Roweoi Vowota Santa and Miss Patricia Rowe are visiting friends at St Pauls Innisfil The Fifth Line Home and Sflliwl Association held the final eeting of the school year on Monday evening June The roll call wasIanswolcd by suggestion for program or project for the coming year George Lucas very copahly representing the school board spoke briefly and answered all questions The school picnic was planned for June 28 and it was agreed to MIIYFIIIR CUSTOM UPHlOLSTIJRY AND RUG CO SUGGESTYOUREIITTHE honor the graduating clan each year at this event The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for the coming year which is as follows vicepresidents Mrs Hall Saunter secretary Mrs am as treasurer Mrs Shaken eleaEd members Mrs Graham Mrs Buy riere Mrs Relve Mrs inckhsrt past presi dent conducted the installation ceremony Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting suller ssr Bakesqu will be every Sat urday morning at 10 am out side the United Church Sympathyls extended to the Hale family in the loss of lov ing wife and mother The institution and induction oi the Rev William Russell Flynn was held in St Aidans Churcb Howkestone The ser vice was taken by the Right Rev Snellv Bishop coad tutor Toronto and assisted by Archdeacon Lighthuul The sermon was given by Rev crane Rector of the Church of the Transfiguration Toronto The offertory solo The Lord Is My Shepherd was sung by Mrs Croit Following thr service reception was held in the church room Mr and Mrs John Vortlcy Ottawa spent several days with Mrs Wortlcy The Strawberry Tea will be held at the home of Mrs Frank Dingman July 230 pm 430 pm shower was held in the Community Hall Saturday or oning for Gail Atkinson and A1 len Blight who are to be mor ried in St Thomas Church July The Brownies held their an nual party at the home of Brown Owl Mrs Hubbert Saturday afternoon presentation was made to Mrs Bob Martin who leaves shortly for her new home in Barrie ItIrs Art Huhberl spent few days with her son Iiubbort Mrs Vortley and Joanne attended the Metropolitan OpA era Iurandot at the OKeefe Centre Toronto The school graduation will be held in the school Tuesday June 27 Work has already started on the new addition of three rooms Mr and Mrs Russell Handy have sold their house and will be taking up residence on Blake Street Barrie President Mrs Sauntor Mrs Ralph Hodgson on Sunday hlr and Mn Ralph Lalogde and children of Big hay Polnt and Mr and Mrs Cleo Lalonds and children of Parry Sound visited Mr andrhln Lewis Carr at the weekend Mi Betty Canton of Toronto was borne for the weekend Mrs Francis Shanahaa is patient in Barrie hospital Mrs Currie hsldwin is pa tient in Penetang General Hoa pltal gt Mrs Hilda Richardson oftor ontois spending few days with her mother Mrs Hodgson Sr Mis Pearl Ford of Vancouver spent 11 law days with Mr and Mrs Ernvcaston M2 Don and Mrs Elly mere of Italian and Mr and Mrs Bert Ellsmere of North Bay were weekend visitors of Iilr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmcre Miss Craig ot Barrie spent last week with Craig Mr and Mia Sturdy of Tomo to were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Pedlinghani ltlr and Mrs Conifer and fam ily of Tomato visited Mr and GRAND OPENING On Friday morning Steeles Laundromat held Its grand oplt enfng It was busy sight all day with sthers and dryers constantlygoing The first 100 customers received pretty ap rons and refreshments The kiddies received free colored balloons MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Friends and relatives assemt led in the Presbyterian Church schoolcoom to honor Miss Ann Graham Reg with miscel laneous shower prior to her wed ding to James Joseph MeGinn on Saturday afternoon In the church Misses Gail andLlndn and Wayne Pilon of Midland spent the weekend with their grand parents Mr and Mrs Bow man Stone Street Mr and Mrs Robertson of Hanover spent the weekend with their sonininw and daughter Mr and Mrs Paul Rowat Mrs Thomas Cooper spent few days in Whitby with Mr and Mrs Sims Mr and Mrs Arthur Field left CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 on Tuesday from Mellon by plane toattend the funeral of Mrs Fields uncle Mr Dirk at Hollywood Florida Mr and Mrs Manning spent few days with relatives in Tomato Mr and Mrs Herb Kelly and children who resided on Peter Street left on niesday Io make their home at Creemore Mrs Ritchie Mr and Mn Gordon Spring and son Freddie Mr and Mrs Ritchie spent Sunday with relatives at Felon borough Mrs Rowsta many frl dstwill be glad to learn she is log nicely in the Tomato General Hospital following an operation Beardle is attending the i00F assernbly at the Royal York Hotel Toronto ALUMNAE DINNER On Saturday June 17 the fol lowing nurses attended the an nual alumnae dinner at Laid law Res Royal Victoria Hospl tal BarrioMrs Harold Mar tin Mrs James Lamhie Mrs Evanhuis Mrs George Terry Mrs Webb Archer and ltlrs Allan Beordsall Mr and Mrs James Handy and son Douglas of Harrie Mr and Mrs Ray Townes of Phelplt sion were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Townes At the Sunday morning rer Vice at St Johns United Church the sacrament of baptism was administered to Gregory Lorne Graham son of Mr and Mrs Lorne Graham and Robert Al on son of Mr and Mrs Lawrcnv ce Townes GUTHRIE Mrs Don Caldwell Mrs Weaymouth Miss Frankie Rob ertsnn all of Barrie Mrs How ard Brooks of Shanty Buy and Mrs Melton of Guthrie attended the graduation dinner of 1961 graduating class of Oril lia Soldiers Memorial Hospital heldat Orillia June 14 Alex Graham attended the School of Assessors held in 0ril Ila last week NEWTON ROBINSON in Fannie of Hamilton visiting Mr and Mn Russell flown Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn Paul and Peter were motley guests of Mr and Mrs deity of Bradford Mr land Mrs George Holt of Thornton and Mr and Mrs Gor don Madill and boys of Rich mond HR were visitors on Sun day with Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews Mr and Mrs George Bréedon and Danny of Barrie Mr and Mrs William Breedon and Mr and Mrs Roy Erection and fnm ify of Stratford and Mm Wil mott Bentley Huntsville spent Sunday with Mr and Mls Gor don Brcedon Ruidents of this community attended the memorial service in Bond Head United Church on Sunday romNmuvl rt Folkeard died at Western Hospital Toronto June 15 following an operation The late Mr Folkeard ho was in his 36th year leaves to mourn his wife the lormor nouIIrIuII arrears PAY EMOEF NOW WITH LOWFCOST LIFEINSURED St Elm LOAN THE IIIIIIII or novs scum FE MELCHERS MooN 62 03 LONDON DRY GIN iN rut NEW CRYSlAl aorrrr Helen McCullough and three daughters Dianne Brenda and Mari The funeral was held from the Anderson Funeral Home Tot tenbam on Monday June Is His pastor Mr Laird was in charge of the min interment was made in St James Cemetery Colgan Congratulations to Ruth Chitus daughter of Mr and Mrs Stew art Cairns and Alsey Dale son of Elwood Dale and the late Mrs Dalet of Schomberg who TE nsnruz ZXAMINZR mscsnsr JUNE II II were married June ls at the home of the brides parents The ï¬rst lawn bowling tournalt meat mens doubles on too local green was held June It with Tottenham riolu capturing first and second prizes The third prize want to Drangeviile improvements have made around the greens fence was erected and bench as for bowlers while not in play rank Hambley of Peterbor HAY You HEARD ABOUT THEIVTERRIFICI SAVINGS THEYRE AT BiRite DRUGS SIMCOE SHOPPING CENTRE HIGHWAY NO II AND JOHNSON ST Thursday Friday Saturday SPECIALS MONOIOLY SETS 249 Rag 398 gt BiRite at KODAK snIIIIIIIrr SETS Reg 1475 BiRile AI GoLF BALLS 98 375 Per D61 Reg for I50 BiRite At OK ouch is atthe Royal Bank hero for couple at weeks MAY DROP caurcuns WASHINGTON lAPt Prcr Ident Kennedys physuinn and two specialnts examined him Thursday and said he wouldbe able to discard his crutches In two days Kennedy strained his back while planting ceremolt nial tree during his state rlsit to Ottawa May l5 Ainznny MOTORIZED neuvcnv PA 82429 IIIIIIIITOIIE PLASTIC PLIIYIIIG CllltllS REG 298 PER DOUBLE SET BIEITE AT 193 SINGLES REG 125s BiRite Af 98 DOMINIONSAMSON Reg 1995 929 Rite ed for we TOASTERS SLICE FULLY AUTO mo This coupon antliiel you to ma Roll of Film Block and White or Colour 121 620 120 wlih every roll brought in to be developed and print Watch every Wednesday in Jill paper HIGH COST or IIIHOLSTERED FURNITUREBUY DIRECT non rsc TORY TO YOU AND Sit VE EXC STYLED There are sev oniat and Modern your friends in Barrie HERE ARE THREE FINE eMAYEAlR eral styles of furniture to choose From Mayfair CustomBuilt furniture workmanship and quality appearance of the highest no matter What the surroundingsyour And READY FOR YOUR iNSIPIECTlON mood of comfort and signed 4seater living to this fine suite will be the in our new Home Decorator ShOWIOODJM What suitel Lovely be the Barrie centre of lnteres Contemporary freshness es This Italian Provincial is no exception hated into beautiful and comfortablestyling crafted in Mayfatrs time bested mnnnerto give you lasting quality 01 FIRST TIME OFFERED TO THE HOLSTERED TO YOUR OWN GUARANTEE ALL Mayfair Furniture is so Mayfair elegance is truly apart or this contemporary de Om envy of many long length of luxurious sofa llcately curved and carvedrlrame This is sofa See It Is always group by Mayfair Your good taste in selecting many friends Seell on display rlchly upholstered welcome in the best or decorating circl wltjI ILs simple lines trans whioh you canbe proud CITIZENS OF BARRIE PECIFIICATIONS AND EASY TERMS MAY BE ARR ALso cusr OM JBUILT SUI eons thatcandeflnitely raw SI5 buy It now at 64 Bayrield street in convenient budget terms may be arranged it you wish SELLS FOE SELLS AFOR usual nuns FOR 28900 32900 USUALLY 51900 ANGED IF YOU WISHI ISO ALSIOALso TESiION DISPLAY AND 119307 22909 FINE LIVING ROOM SUITES BUILT AND UP AND ALL EPTIONIILLY FINE QUALITYCUSTOM French Provincial Italian Provincial Col is miade by craftsmen who are devoted to fine tandards with every set You are assured that furniture will grace the room be the envy of modestly priced Custom Crafted and Covered ITH LIFETIME CONSTRUCTION beautify your homewith fine new drapes choose materials from one of the nicest selections of fat rics in the areaIAvely patterns Iand colours to suit any room you havelinmind buy the material custom made FREEI If you dont see suite on our floor which appeals to your taste or needs or decor ask about our special custom styled furniture ninde to your order We ask you to feel free to consult usat any time regarding our FREE Decorator Rug Service on der no obligation either at our office at 64 Bayfield Street in Barrie or inthe convenience or your own home Give your old furniture new look new lease on life havolit reuphoistered by the Mayfair Upholstery craftsmen chestelv ï¬elds and chairs reb It and re covered to your specifications cusron o4 Bayfjieldj 5t choose from tyide selection of fabrics and styles With the purchase of ovary no or Mayfair will give marching material If your present living room suite is still in good condition but Is be ginning to show the signs of wear slightly soiled have it Fabri Cteaned by the Mayfair clean ing department Your rugs too will have that new look after our complete cleaning process tngroorn Group or wI you lovely custom builtOrr man foot tool Sauna nouns shop and Decorator Show Blilfiold Street is we nEVERY DAY from 800am to 00pm