OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 34414 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 NEARBY RES DENTS STAND HELPLESSLY BY Costly Home Guttéd By Fire Outside Barrie Silofoot column of black smoke and ash marked the total destruction of an expensive BarV rle Terrace home oil Shanty The rambling splitlevel Mine was owned by Mr and Mrs George Reid Mr Reid is the owner of Barrie radio and television appliance store Half dozen Shanty Ba vol unteer firemen made fu ie at tempt to quell the blaze but the bpilding was gutted The fire was reported at 1215 pm Large asti flakes born on the column or hot air above the burning building were carried more than mile Therewere no injuring Bay Road early this afternoon NewYork HarboifOperations Hit By Longshoreriiensttrike NEW YORK AmHundreds of longshoiemen staged pro test work stoppage today caus ing virtual paralysis in harbor operations already hit by sweeping maritime strike Therensnri for the action of the International lungshore mens Association was not im mediately made clean But it apparently was in an effort to force the striking maritime un ions to clarify their demands in situation which has led to great fconfusion ILA members were called uponlo meet with the striking sea unions later today The Maritime Port Council of Greater New York then called for work stoppage by workers in lts27 unions so they could attend rally after the link meeting ILA officials said they were confused by the interunion by play and lack of clearvcut issues in the sixdaylong walkout in volving 05000 maritime workers and close tol000 ships Federal mediators say they have nevcrlaced such con fused and complicated strike BIG SHIPS DUE The walkout of longshorerrien who load and unload ships and crucial time The two largest US passenger liners the United States and the Constitu tionarrive from Europe today Three other passenger gt liners were due to arrive and two were scheduled to sail Negotiations between unions and management are at vir tual standstill policy meeting of leading industry representa tives was held Tuesday night apparently to form plans for in dustry solidarity in the fight lhecreeping paralysis of the maritime dispute has spread around theUnitéd States and has immobilized more than 100 liners freighters and tankers handle baggage hit the port at including the Queen ElizabethV Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday June 21 1961 Discount Dollar Gives Advantage OHAWA CF Finance Minister Fleming has pinned his hopes for strong economic growth on series of intricate financial moves The keystone will be bold move to push the Canadian dol lar to substnnlin discount on the exchange market The recovery program set out in his budget speech Tuesday night virtually ignored any big tax moves except to wipe out the its per cent excise tax on automobiles and give cor poraiions new incentives to modernize their plants and step up scientific research Mr Fleming leaving all tax rates unchanged forecast $650000000 deficit Canadas fifth in row and apeacetime record total The big news was the revol utionary decision to use the ex change fund administered by the Bank of Canada to buy Un ited States dollars and thus de press the Canadian dollars ex change value to lowerunspe cifiedlevel The hoped for goal is to give REJECT APPEAL TORONTQ CPtToronto bo tel owner Ben Smith 46 and three other menall convicted last October of stealing $960000 from Brilund Mines Limited lost their app eals nlcsday against six year penitentiary sentences ALERT PUBLIC noose REPAIRS MAY BE FRAUD Barrie city police have ar resicdftwo Hamilton men andqharged them with fraud in connection with house repairs Police today said there is possibility there may be unreported cases of fraud in oonnection with house re pairs in the city The city force has asked any person suspecting pos sible malpractice in general house repairs to contact them immediately KLIGHTS SHIETED Work is expected tobe com pleted today on new traffic ï¬ght irlsinllatlon at Five Points Workman are taking the signals off the old light standards and placing them TOltEWiIGllTjSTANDARDS1 onthe new units which were recently placed in position for fluoresceyt lighting must payment for taking port in hny sports competition Canadian producers price ad vantage against foreign compe tition at home and abroad and help them sell many hundreds oi millions of dollars worth of additional Canadian goods and servicest BALANCE MAY DROP If it achievcs its aim of in tereasing exports and displacing imports with Canadian goods there would be substantial dropin Canadas big interna tional balance of payments de ficit 31270000000 last yearn He also announced policies in tended to reduce interest rates in order to promote Canadian expansion and discourage some of the heavy inflow oi foreign capital that has helped cause the payments deficit Lending power of the Crown owned lndustrial Development Bank will be boosted to $440 000000 from $160000 and its operations broadened to all types of industry There will be new royal commission to study Canailas Turn to page five please Government Gave Waiter sKickbacks nuance CHCharles La marre 55 the late premier Mau rice anlensispcrsoifaiwaitei said Tuesday he received $8000 in kickbacks between 1955 and 1960 under the former Union Na tionale administration Mr Lamarre told Quebec royal commission he got the money because heworked ex clusiver for Mr Duplessis The royal commission re sumed its hearings into the pur chasing practices ot the UN gov ernment after Chief Justice Frederic Dorlon of Quebec Su perior Court rifled it was prop erly CmpoWEred to investigate any phaseof the provincial ad ministration over any speciï¬c time The court refused to grant an injunction which could have stopped the inquiry Petition for the injunction had been filed by Joseph Eoulanger Union Na tiodalevmember of the legisla tive councilprovincial upper housewho claimed he would suffer irreparable damage if the ion continued its work 0311 Reaches IlisYear Low LONDON ReuterslTha Ca nadian dollar today dropped to its iowut levelin terms of the United States dollar in 10 years in dealings on the landoo for eign exchange The decline of the Canadian dollar to 95 to centsUS came in the wake of Finance Minister Donald Flemings an nouncement Tuesday night that Canada would depress its dollar Fleming said the Canadian move to increase exports and reduce imports be achieved by use of its exchange fund to neutralize the inflow of foreign capital Dealers on the London marketv were cautious about quoting rate for the Canadian currency which opened nominally at495 to 99 American cents and later improved cents IOC Tightens Amateur Standard ATHENS Greece APlThe to 97 to 905 American International Olympic Commit tee today tightened the amateur code byvrequiriog thatan ath lete must havoa normal occu potion destined to insure his present and future llvelihood In ndditionnmatetlr athletes have never received ny Under the old end ens tour was defined who FROM PASSE HIGHLIGHTS RECORD BUDGET DEFICIT Nochange in personal or corporation income tax rates Excise tax of per cent on passenger cars repealed effective immediately Peacetime record bu deficit of $650000000 forecast on estimated expenditures of 36415000000 and revenues of $5765000000 Total taxrcductions 5635000 000 in current fiscal year $00000000 in full yearf No change in consumer taxes on liquor or tobacco No change in estate tax Federal government to seek co operation of provinces in program for portability of pcnsmns Limito removed on medical expenses in calculating income tax More tariff protection for certain sectors of textile in dIJSlIy Filty per cent increase in capital cost allowance iii first year on assets acquired for use in Canada above com panys normal capital outlays Extension of tax deductions for expenditures on scientific research in Canada Federal supervision envis aged for pension plans man aged by trustees Metals fabricators to beat lowed tax deductions for ex ploration expenses More intensivescrutiny of revenue department of at pauseaccount living Volunteer firemen allowed income tax relief on amounts up to $300 Increase in mountnf to Kaccoin each cigaret permit ted without higher tax to mari ufacturers JERUSALEM AP Adolf Eichmann took his lsraeli judges through tb jungle of the Naziwartime go eminent ma chinery today and emerged with the claim he had less to dnwith the slaughter of the Jews than almost anyone else in the wide spread set up The former Gestapo lieuten antcolonel testifying for the second day in his own defence said His office section leBd of the Reich secu office dealt only with emigration and evao uation of the Jews The extermination plan which resulted inthe deaths of 6000000 Jews came from the top police and foreignministry levels and was administered by them Eichmanns own deputies in the field took their orders from the Gestapo commanders there subject to the jurisdiction of HERESONE Whats the matter Yelled the pedestrian at the driver are you blind gross national product even if jeeted ine Canadas financial struc tï¬iélimdno Claims only T0011Of 1ss 119 more Examiner Deï¬cit ln halaiiu of meats still tooblgb Capital investment expec ted to rise in1961 Threepercent increase in P5 no further efforts to stimulate economy gt lncreasing evidence of com nomic expansion now appear ing Exchange rates of Canadian dollar to be pushed below US parity byipllrciinse of US dollars Lower exchange rate on dollars designed to help pro ducers to increase modestly prices of imported goods lending resources of Indus trial Development Bank to be increased to $400000000 from 31600000 General tariff increase re Excess imports must be grentlyreduced exports ex panded Governments to encourage supply of Canadian capital from Canadian savings Government to encourage re duction in interest rates New federal market issues to be confined to short term is sues for several months at least Uncmploy insurance funds overhang of 1245000 000 mid and longterm bonds to be removed Purchase fund of $100000 000 to assist in management of public debt Boyaiconimission to exam ture and institutions including Bank ofCanad thechief oftho Nazi mission CHIDED BY JUDGE With amazing memory Eich niann expounded atlengtii on the exact chain of command Twice President Judge Moshe Landau chided hirnfor the ex aggerated length of his sen tences Each time Defence Counsel Robert Servatius urged Eichrnann to be bit briefer The defendant denied the charge that he was the spark plug of the Nazi death mills 0n the contrary Eichmann said hisbureau was only tooi of the higher SS and seeurity police both in the Berlin headquarters and in the occupied countries Eichmann huhmitted his own detailed plan of the Gestapo framework it showed various aspects of the ahtiJewish program han dled by other oiiices llB which he said dealt very closely with the gas vans and the gassing IllA responsi ble for preparing the legal basis for various operations llIBS diplomatic and which he said ruled on mixed Jewish marriages and what was to be done with the offspring Blind hit you didnt For Truc GENEVAlCFiCanad renew its demands today vi the international Control Co mission in Laos be nxggnia1 Airs Green addresses the conference Renew Pémï¬hds 17 Needs and Poland ionmem ers Loam WEATHER Variable cloudinus tomorrow Little change in temperature Low tonight 45 High Thursday as For summary see page two Notiltfore Thu lc per Copy21 Pages 01 ES TAX hidden OTTAWA CmRemoval of the Wipercent excise tax on passenger cars ï¬rst recommen dation in royal commissions plan to pep up the Canadian auto industry was announced Tuesday night it is estimated it will knock about $140 off the price of 33000 car if the tax cut is passed on to buyers Repealcosting $66000000 in tax revenue over full year took effect todny Finance Minister Fleming announcing the decision in the budget said government con sideration is being given to other points in the commission report tabled in the Commons With the budget He praised its oble ctiv and recommen dations The unitary plan submitted by Dr Vincent Bladen Univer sity of Toronto economist and onemancommission is aimed at expanding Canadian parts output and flowering consumer costs through encouroging for eign automakers to use more Canadian parts Dr Bladen proposed 10percent tariff onall NGER CARS Fleming PfGiSésf Report British vehicles and parfsnow enteling Canada duty gt free as against the Vspercent dIIU imposed on nwstfavnrednation countries like the United States Germany and France ranging to 25 per cent for some parts to make the liper tax on all vehicles nada bear just as hard on ports as on the Canadian roduot Canadian vehicles are taxed on the hbsll the priceio the dealer hm ports are taxed on their home land value plus any duty and this has proved to be discrim inatory Dr Bladen said The excise tax had worked the some way making its removalthat much more beneficial to Carin dian producers on integration system giving foreign manufacturers dutyfree entry to the Canadian market if they use enough Cana dianmade parts mnovns GOALS cent sold in Mr Fleming said the govern ment warmly approvesthe Bladen objectives and described him to page five please nagMus Decide DY UNITED NATIONS AP Secretary Gen Dag marsltjold was caughttodny crossfire from the United States and Communist Czecho slovakia over US spy charges against Czech diplomat Miro slav Nacvalac The United states sent Harn marskiold note charging that Nacvalac handsome 39year£old counsellor at the Czech UN mis slon is Pragues chief intellil gence agent in the 115 and that he paid aninstructor at the Us Army language school in Mon terey Calif $1700 forinlorma ion The USsaid it had pictures to prove it The language in strucfor naturalized Ame can citizen born in Czedlns avakia confirmed the us ac count Theus note declared anew that th Czech government should recall Nacvalacvat once and denied that the demand for his departure violated the agree ment between the United States andvtbe United Nations giving IN Charges special rights to diplomatsae creditedto the UN Nacvalac denied all the US charges His delegation inNew Yurir indicated it would press Hammnrskiold to rule that 05 action against the counsellor vi olated both the UN charter and the USUnited Nations agree ment spokesman for Hammoc sklold said the secretarygen eral wotdd review the United tater note and then decide on hisfnext step The US note said Nacvalac was known to US authorities asthe chief of Czechoslovak ciVihan intelligence operations in the United States and has long background in Czechoslo vak intelligence work It chargedthat Nacvalac had six meetings with the amiy lan guage instructor Karel Hiasny between 1958 and 1961 offered anexit permit frorn Czechoslo vakia from Hiasnys fiancee in exchange for intelligence infor mation and paid various sums totalling $1700 NUISVHELL Frost Opens Poitier Station THESSALON be Prem Frost pushed symbolic huh on today officially to open the Ontario HydroElectric Power Commissions new generating miles northeast of here stationat EdRock Falls 14 Tshonibe IltLiheriy ELISABETHVILLE Reuters of secessionist Katanga provinc Congolme government in Thomson Warns Iapers May Iail can IFP Wales Reuteisl Canadian publisher noy dhomson and here Tuesday that one or two more national settle down to as almost novvspaners may cease publicationbeforawe can as is ever possible in this Part Of War Lauris Norstad military NATO com lliance said Tuesday that the responsibility and added Ottawa delegation of munic al ay invoice oppositionto bid Ch her of Commerce to change meth to in reservoiriakes of the Trent water mieetin srhedued with Transporme