NA 170NAL CCOUNISI96074oI REVENUE psosomr locoI15 TAx 17112 EXCISE DUTIES SALES TAX 5I0II CORPORAWON TAX I2 76 CUSTOMS$4987 MILLION corpses as pENoITuos OTHER $2071 psrrucs$1519 WELFARE$49356 puouc asst9 momma$5518 0111512 511128 The White Paper tabled in the Commons June to show ed $345500000 deficit for the most fiscal year the fourth in row The IWhite FOURTH HIGHEST PEIICETIME DEFICIT paper accountsstill prelim inary since the hooks arent yet dosedshowed the fourth highest peacetime deficit on Mord Graph shows major items of revenue and expend itures Old age pension pay ments lle not included as the fund operates outside normal budgetary accounts CP Newsmap Last Of First Wdr Generals Sir RichardTTurner Is Dead QUEBEC CPILt Gen Sir Richard Turner 89 winncr of the Victoria Cross and the last of Canadas First World War generals died Monday He was taken to hospital lilay 31 Sir Richard wo his Victoria Cross the Co monwealths highest award for bravery dur ing the Boer War During the First World War he was commander of the 3rd Canadian In Brigade which became famous when it held firm under the worlds first poison gas attack at Yprcs France in March 1915 While commanding the 2nd Canadian Division in France in 1917 Sir Richard was made members of the Order of St Mi chael and St George and year later when he was commanding generatof all Canadian troops in England Commanderot the Bath With Field Marshal Earl Hoig he founded the Canadian Legion and was its first president He was lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Dragoons when he won the Victoria Cross Nov 1900 for saving two guns bringing up the rear of British column which was under heavy attack by Boers When theBoers again seriously threatened to capture the guns Lieut Turner al though twice previously wounded dismounted and de ployed his men at close quar ters and drove off the Boers thus saving the guns his cita tion read SWAM UNDER FIRE He also won the Distinguished Service Order for reconnuls snnce mission whim involved swimming the Viet River under ï¬re Richard Emcst William fur nor was born in Quebec City July 25 1871 and was educated at Quebec High School He Was the eldest son of Hon Richard nirner member of the legisla tivs council Quebecs upper house He entered his fathers firm of Whitehead and Turner wholc daughters sale grocers as young man and retired as president in 1923 Between the Boerand First World War he was militia of ficer while running the family business As lieutenant colonel he commanded the colonial escort at the Coronation of Edward VII in 1902 Upon his rctircmcnt from bu siness in 1921 he became member of the department of veterans nffuirs pension trlbu nol andserved 10 years During the Second World War he was active in Red Cross and veterans associations He received many awards for his military exploits He was mentioned in dispatches twice in both wars and for services in the First World War was made member of the French Legion ofHonor and the Russian Order of the White Eagle He also re ceived the Cron de Guerra with Palm He marriedHarriet Goodday Jan 1900 She died in 1950 Survivors includea son two nine grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren Funeral service will be held Thursday at pm in Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral here MINES MINISTER DENIES UniuSt Insinuations Made At Bribery Trial TORONTO CFHon James Maloney Ontario minister of mines issued statement Mon day nightdeuying unjust lnsin nations directed at him asva result of preliminary hearing in March of three men charged with conspiracy to bribe pa licernan There have been statements and insinuationsinade relative to an Ontario minister of the Crown who was linked with or ganized crime Mr Maloney said have had no doubt that these unjust insinuations were directed at me and at time when because of proceedings pending in court was pre cluded from saying anything other than making general de niatwhen questioned by the press in common with other ea hinet ministers when denied any such connection Thesa stories and insinua trons have as is usually the case with gossip and in this case unfounded gossip the ten dency to grow into additional distortions No one has dared to say these things in publicabout me but have been content to insinuate and suggest and await privileged occasion which would involve no risk from legal standpoint Now that the trial has con Iuded he said see norea son in all justice why should not make full statement Supreme Courtjury June acquitted Robert Wright suspended proxincial police con stable Joseph McDerrriott and Vincent Feeley oi conspir ing to bribe OPP Constable George Scott for tipoffs ion gambling raids On March during the Iiminary healing in Todonto Scott read from diary Ade scribing his own dealings gtthle posing as corrupt po freemanwith thedefendants Mvone point the diary told of con rs tionwith Wright about an unsigned brief giving detailed account of operations in the Ramsey Club an estab lishment in Niagara Falls on suspected of activities Scott said Wright tol him the brief was written by agrdup of lawyers He said Wright gave the following account of how it reached police AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Have your automatic trIlIS salonJenntred by quail fled mennice You may also tinnee all work and put here or Morons snowmanPA saw pre villegal gambling The brief was given to Fred Maloney the federal member of Parliament who gave it to Jim Maloney the minister of mines in Ontario who in turn gave it to Inspector Stringer of the On tario Provincial Police and In spector Stringer gave it to Ser geant Anderson of the antigarn bling branch There is no Fred llfaloney in the House ot Commons Mr Maloney in his statement noted his brother Arthur mem ber of Parliament for Toronto Parkdale was permitted to ap pear in court and deny on his own behalf and his brothers that either had ever seen or heard the brief in question As matter of fact Crown counsel after my brothers statement in court subsequently confirmed that it was not any part of the Crowns case that either my brother or were in any way implicated in the case and that the conflicting stories in his posSeasion as to how the brief got into the hands of the GUARANTEED TnusT CERTIFICATES issued in amounts from $100 upwnrds for periods of to years gt earn inter payable half eque Government authorized investments for Canadian Insurance Companies Executors Trustees Individuals yearly by ch your MONEY DOUbLES IrsEIE YEARS STERLI NEETousisv goapommon OPP inspector did not confirm the statement attributed to the accused person that the brief ever was in my hands or in the hands of my brother fSubsequdbt in gatlon showed as my brother pointed out in his statement in the House of Commons on March 27 that his name was not even re ferred to in the officers diary and the reference was to Jim Malone which has been insin uated was myself This is com picter untrue and unfounded Appropriate apologia were subsequently made by The Ca nadian Press and its affiliated newspapers lluirouts 75 Saturdays $100 Barbers CLIFFS Banana snor Ban Road Across mm summ ado sum sonr unanimous Approve To Cdnqdas Criminal Code By ARCH Musz Canadian Pren staff Writer OTTAWA CPLA bagful of amendments to the Crirnmal Code including measures for road arid water traffic enforce ment and new approach in dealing with dangerous sexual offenderapassed detailed Com mons scrutiny Monday Members covered variety oi other subjects as well sim ilar vapiety in debate was scheduled to resume today pend ing the key event tonightwhen Finance Minister Fleming dis closes his budget Forty Ich Criminal Code amendments were ad with only minor technical alter ations The embodying bill was expected to get third and final readlng today before being sent on to the Senate Justice Minister Fulton said the dangerous sexual offenders tha new term for criminal sex ual psychopathsmay be sen tenced to preventive detention ontne basis of only one offence At present it is necessary to prove inability to control sexual impulses before person can be sentenced to preventive de tention The matter of clinics for sex offendersprimarily provincial affairwould be can vasscd with the provinces REINSTATE CHARGE Dangerous driving also be nig put back Into the Crinin dc to meet requests the min ister said The charge was re moved in 1955 but jurlcs tended to shy from convicting for crim lnol negllgence in the operation of vehicle and too many per sons wera getting away with light sentences mendments Dangerous driving convic fo would do better unless tlons would carry maximum sentence of two years The code also would add provisions for careless tion of small boats move welcomed by members who suggested how ever that it may be dllflcult to enforce the regulations Some suggested special summertime deputies Judy Lahfarsh Niagara Falls who has practised law for 11 years said defence coun set will not greet the danger our driving change with the some pleases Crown attorn eys Mr Fulton aalddrlvlng whlc licence is under suspension Ivill be made an lndictoble of ffnco with more severe penal tes Miss Lahfarsh chief Liberia critil during the debate said the public now may come to regard driving nun licence ls under suspenslon as more serious offence than it has looked on it in the past She said she has heenin formed by police authorIIles that there are 10 persons driving without licences or with licences under suspension for every one such person apprehended CODE COVERS BOATS Mr Fulton said the new amendments transfer to thc Criminal Code from the Small Vessels Act offences for care less upcrntlon of small boats Miss Lnlttnrsh said this is good provision It enforceable Otherwise it would weaken the criminal code She sold the RCMP has had difficulty enforcing the small vessels rs III tlons lt yas highly unlikely provincial polIce tb had sufï¬cient personnel Gordon Aiken PC Parry SoundAMusltokal said authorities in his riding tourist area havebeen seriously concerned for years with proper enforce meat of regulauoas covering the operation of pleasure boats and the like SUGGESTS DEPUTIES Horridgo tCCFKoote nay West raid yacht clubs and the like might swear to special Eummortlma dc titles to help en force water cry Wallace Nesbltt parliamentary sccrov ury for external affairssaid perhaps senior university stu dentacould be signed up as well hir Neshltt supported aug gestloo that minimum age be set for powerboat operators Ha sold this might be Is years the an as for car drivers in most vinces He also auggcstcd that lic once he required to operate boat with on engine of more than three horsepower Licehs log would be means of con trolling cnrelcss and inexperi enced drivers on the watcr hlr Fulton said Health Min istcr hlontolth will approach provincial governments to de termlne what they can do to provide clinics for sex offenders futsldo the penitentiary serv co KILL ll ALGIERS ReuterslFrench troops opened fire Monday on llfoslem demonstrators in the eastern Algerian towns of To her andDlidJelll killing ll M054 lems and wounding 23 mamm mammaler see that after they made our motherthey didnt throw away mold CaivedNanIé Oi Pontius Pilate In Stone Found By Archaeologist JEEUSAULM APlAn Ital lao archaeologist said Sunday the carved name of Pontius Pl late has been found on stone on the Mediterranean coast of lsrnel Archaeological and ol cal scholars said it was the first time archaeological evidence has been found of the Roman procurator of Judea who or dered the crucifixion of Christ Heretotoro his name has only been known through the Gospels and the writings of the JovIIsh historian Josephus Flavius Professor Frova director of the antiquities doe dartmeot of northern Italy said University of Milan archaeov logical expedition mudethe find near Casanrca about 10 miles south of Haifa Caesaren was the capitaleof the Romans in Palestlne for about 500 years The name was found Thurs day on stone in the ruins of Roman amphitheatre Ladies Its Cook Book Recipe Time Again HERES IIII OPPORTUNITY Itlll Yflilll CLIIBIfI IIIIIIIEEIIIIM s5 To $25 To Help Your Favorite Proiectl irizes will be awarded again this year to organizations who are first to submit entries All entries will be timed This is your OFFICIAL NOTICE Lettars will notba septout this your Special Prize For Most DEADLINE son ENTRIES Is JUNE son 1961 FIRST PRIZE 25 SECOND 15 ThreelPrizes Of 5msu ecipeisfr Entries must be addressed to iner Barrie Ontario Submit full name with initials AI member name of club of EACH recipe minimum of twentyfive recipes must be submitted look Book Rules Must Be Observed Write plainly on one side of the paper only submitting recipe and Recipes may be of any type of food or beverage and Itomorn than half orevlo be cookies or cakes the Cook Book Editor Barrie Exam Giva complete cooking or baking Instructions including types of cooking utensils oven temperatures time etc