how much dough could he make By STEVE JONBSCU Sports Editor FOB WHOM THE LAWS TOLL If we knew bookie in Barrie and we knewbookles werent illegal wed have made bet on the Queens Plate race this past Saturday However not knowing such person and know ing such persons were operating illegally we didnt even look Still it would have been nice to put two bucks on the big race waive done it before and well do it again All of our bets on races have been made at the track usually New Woodbine Wire reports of thevrace facts and figures tell us that more than million was bet at the track on the horses Tough cookies to the fellows who bet on the wrong three The horse cnwhlch wed have bet our two bucks didnt come close to even showing It would have been money well worth losing The race would have been even more exciting When the investigating committee from Toronto hit Barrie some months ego we hoped that it would find no bookies wereoperating out of this city We do not condone illegal actions yet we are the type to look at both sides of any operation The bookie in small community say Barrie cant always be lucky He cant always be the winner Even if he did win more than 50 per cent of thetlnle Business cant be that good Our Mayor was shocked at the uncovering of an ab ortion ring Hed undoubtedly be shocked if it were cver proven that half dozen bookies made Barrie their home We mustnt be too shocked at too much Our courts are filled with petty thieves and the likes every week or is it twice week This city or any other is not haven of roses Theres bad in every lot But were straying from the original subject We couldnt legally make bet in Barrie if we wanted to Wed have to spenda few bucks to get to the track ilrstlhen we could go hog wild Is this right Is it right that those with can gam ble on getting more while those without cant gamb ble Betting at the track against not being able to bet outside of the track has long been pet peeve of ours We dabble in the stock market Thats gamble Weve yet to make buck proving were not good at it Norandalvfines is as tangible as Jammed Lucky or vise versa0ne may take litjle longer to produce your winnings Wlosgeyet theyre both gamble We dont expect this piece to influence thosewho have influence We just want to get it off our chest We could carry on into hinges which are illegal yet not so in all cases Theres always some hitch that makes one bingo different from another But what the hecksthe use Think about it some time LOSS WEI BE FELT One of the best known gentlemen at all sporting events in Barrie for many years Bill How died yesterday Mr Flow as he was fondly known by almost everyone with anything to do with nrgnnlzed sport in the area as well as his multitude of other friends braved all kinds of rough weather to attend sporting events We can remember the night that he and this reporter along with maybe dozen others trudged through the snow to the Barrie Arena Upon our arrival itwas learned that Hamilton Tiger Cubs the opposition for the Flyers that night could nt plow through the roads MrHow did It wssjust one of the manyoccasions he let nothing stand by tween himself and sport He will be missed BASEBALL RECORD International League Pct GEL 3522 614 3423 3125 yelzs 317 2631 1435 ran CANADIAN Tense American League lumbu LPctGBL Slime 4023 535 4024 3323 szao sass soar 2934 2m Detroit Cleveland New York Boston Baltimore Washington Chicago Kansas City Minnesota 24 89 Lps Angeles 2342 Sundays Resell Los Angeles Kansas City New York Detroit Minnesota 37 Chicago 110 Buffalo at Jersey City Toronto at Charleston National League Washington 126 Boston 130 Baltimore 18 Cleveland in Probable Pitchers Today CleVeland Grant 70 at Chi Gage Pierce 05 New York Sheldon 32 at Kansas Lily Alle +1 Onlygames scheduled Games Tuesday New York at City NJ Clevelaod at cago Baltimore at Minnesota Ni Detroit at Washington Boston at Les Angeles National ungue Pct 631 3823 623 5624 600 372658 3027 526 2700 474 $30 464 Cincinnati San Francisco Los Angeles Pittsburgh St Louis Milwaukee Chicago 22 38 379 14 Philadelphia 18 30 821 171A Sundays Results Cincinuati 710 Philadelpbn 20 Chicago San Francisco St Louis 37 Pittsburgh Milwaukee 1014 Angeles dees Tuesday Pittsburgh at Philaxf LosrAngeles aiCbiceg rStl Louls Free supplied with Probes ExpanSion CHICAGO AP National League sion committee met Monday to discuss plans on stocking New YorkMeis and Houston Colts witbplayer talent but reached an conclusion li was learned the committee of five general managers plans to get together again some time this week to adapta blueprint to present to club owners at league meetinghere Monday Attending the meeting were 13on Bavasi ofLos Angelea Dodgers Bing Devine of St Louis Cardinals Jobn chEnle of Milwaukee Braves Chub Fee ney pf San Francisco Giants John Quinn of Philadelphia Phil lies and league president War ren Giles Giles said there would be no announcements However The As an in ted Press learned the group studied in detail theAmerlcanLeague plan through which Washington and loo Angeles teams were moral Under the erican League plan each team pu lienames on itsdreft list an the new comers picked us iotal of seven ggyers from ach felomï¬ttbe terms in aplwy Alouettes Possess SPORTS rProblem Momma co Perry igniteapplian numb He needs quarterback badly lfMoucancomeupwllh good man to step in for Sam Etchevcrry dont write all his Montreal Alouetiu The red halred young coach is going to give at least six candidates the onceover musle camplob lln Winooski VL ll mllu south of Montreal But the coaching stall and the at quarterback Industrial Action ill Queens Park Smiths Dairy mid Margs Fish and Ships are sdlcduled to play an ludlmtrial Softball loa one game at Queens Pat in NSM oclock This is be ofly game slated Tunerrow Lakeviow Dalryvs grilleld Rubbu at Shear Shriners Planning Softball Tourney lor lsi Of July Queens Park will be the site of an eightfelon softball iourn salient July The Sheba Shrine Club is Spon soring the tourney with the proceeds going to the Shrioels Hospital for crippled children lop prize money for file clubs is $75 Second place is worth no Entry lee is 15 Several teams are already in file fold including RCAF Edgar BCAF Camp Borden Smiths Dairy Stewnfls hutch and Our tario Hospital Oriilin At least one team from News market will join these Repre seniallvu of Newmarket squads have been inquiring about Bar rie tourney forsomc time They appreciatedlast years success ful event which was run by Stewarts Lunch Plhy starts at noon sharp Tidrcts for lucky draws are already on sale Several prizes will drawn for during the Pl of the games Police Seek Cage Players NEW YORK lAP Police were on the lookout today for Philip lacort of Boston and Jo seph Green of New York in volved in new disclosures in the United States college basket ball scandal Indictment of Lacort 35 and Green 31 on charges of briblt cry and conspiracy was an nounced Monday by District At tomey Frank Hogan conduct ing the main part of the inves tigation that has enveloped 35 players from 21 colleges Gama on which point spread fixes were or attempted number 44 in 1951 scandal 33 players from seven colleges in volving as games were cited The investigation touched the ivy League with Hogans dis closure tbat Fred Portnoy so phomore star of last seasons Columbia University team was involved Began graduate of Colum bia said Pormoy 19 agreed to shave points in our games last season for $1000 game Ho gen said Perinoy actually re ceived $1140 Penney was dismissed by Co lumbla Monday night His name came up in the indictments of Lscort described by Hogan as well known in New England gambling circles who operated on the syndicate level and Green an associate of gambl ers Aaron Wagrnan and Joseph Brokenthe ï¬rst two men er resied when the scandal broke last March Baseball Activity Tonight ï¬nd Wed Knock and New Lowell play tonight in Swill Simcoe Base ball League game at New mw ell ltisibeonlygameontap Theres more action Wednm nylnm€°e go living at Allisiou Tom Chésczewski hi llrgo Camp ronoum or Toronto Argonauts rookie camp work outs startedMonday night and among somelso hopefuls was Torn Chasczewski fomler junior hockey player who was blinded in one eye by puck Chasczewskl 210 pound fullback onlasi years Oshawa junior football club was in jured four months ago playing with the Whitby Billerests jun iorbockcy team always ï¬gured my hopes Were better in football he eld andfafterthe accident wasnt too anxious to go back into hockï¬lclaen if they would me actors ave me do okayio try outb and in fact encouraged me iIiS too early ow his chances of being invited to the Blg Faul ieemsv main camp which opens July but Argo alsed Cllae bi di appllcselsaremmpbounda weekenrlvu SolutbeAlsbnvednedas men including bnldoven last years third place club the rookie year for Moss Out to get Etcheverrys for mer lob are We Gideon Tom Dunksoff Prime Villoneuva Hervey White Nelson Yur breugbnud John Conroy GIDEON FAVORED luan Gideon obviously has the inside track Mom al ready has said lhe youngster unsidered line runner but so no passeris the man to beat out For the last two seasons Gl deon was Etchevenya seldom used understudy working mainly as defensive halfback The others are newcomers to Montreal although Dimitroil and villaneuve have Canadian loot ball experience In 1957 and 1958 Dlrnlhoil sieered Ottawa Bough Riders Last year be was with Boston Patriots of the American league but saw limited duty Villaneuva at mite oldest of of the six has five years with British Columbia Lions of the Western League behind him Be qualifies asCanadlau this year under the import regulations Conroy 22 he the asset of being Canadian coming from RCA Sir Baiting Lea Bud Kelly scar Clnp Baden FEET centre pod ohm game last night tripping the host East York Klwanisns 20 Conrad Maloney owlyear star with the locals scored both goals in the thrilling cooled Barrie plays at Stardey Park Thronto Sunday against Polish White Eagles Vancouver His brother Jim was an outstanding halfback and punter with Ottawa lost season During the last two scalt sons John played with Mount San Antonio Junior College in Pomona Calif llSllnd Canada In Golf Match ST LOUIS APThe annual Carling Cupgolf matches be tween the United States and Canada squared at two vicio ries apiece were to start at Old Watson County Club today for he benefitpf the St Louis Chil drens Hospital Four professionals and four amateurs from each country in the best bnll matches One pro and one amateur are paired with three points at stake in each foursome one for each line and one for 18 holes The Canadian team includes pros Al Balding of Toronto Stun leopard of Vancouver Bill Kerr of Montreal and Alan John ston of Montreal and amateurs Nick Weslock of Windsor Keith Brownlee of Toronto and Gary Alexander of Calg ary Phil Cowan of Kitchener Armon Hussein above could provide wrestling um within longawaited thrill Tbis evan ing at Barrio Arena Arman has every intention of trounc ing The Great Mephislo caus ing the masked fellow if he has the strength left to un mask and show his face This is ilist one item to look for at ills pm card tag team math with Bill Olnry and Louie Papineau on one side and Tamil lourvllo and Ben ny Tnldel on the other has all kmds of promise Two other bouts are on tap Again its ladies night with the gals be his admitted for half price Fielder Is RunnmupfoKellyuidwitb iueaayreadlotthemegkmm GEORGE MS Lest new leader the no to reach the 400mark in tin league has fallen to on George Falconer Stewarts llunch heavy slugger went fori in his leetouting and felt the drop on his average Only 10 builds with at 1m 10 offldsl hlperto the plate as of Saturday June 17 can boast son It better mixh Aside from Jackson three oth er softball rookievarc making afineruniortbebattlngilile Ralph Knapp Tutsis Gary Hines Mining and John Christie Torgisi are ova the 300 mark Notable absentee from this circle are Joe Marley of Stews HANK cause If kudFmbuofï¬m asCorbyAdsmlclMln¢slm ndFraukReWndlorsls sunrmsn Annprhedo dieioplo Bank McCann of Brlsfmll annblncvaedfluiingm or heavy or even steady douier Bernie owns an even 300 mark No games on scheduled for tonight Tomorrow at Queuil RCAF Were ploy lbomls Elec trio and Toni plays Bristaws following are the batters win atleastiddiiclsliripstoibe bTo Lei Fellows Play Own Gclme KANSAS CITY AP Hank Bauer off to booming start as manager of Kansas City Alh letics says hes going to let the fellows kind of play their own game ior while at least un til he gets his feel on the ground The Athletics greeted Bauer as replacement for fixed Joe Gordon by beating Henks old New York Yankee teammates on home runs by Norm Sie bern and pinchhitter Wes Cdv legion in the ninth inning Mon day Lglit game like that Jim Al cher threw and successive cluich homers can make man ager look pretty smart Bauer said dont plan to change on thing at least for the present Just expect every player to keep hustling like they did against those Yanks The Athletics are eighth in the American Le race 11 games outol first place Bauer 38 was with the Yanle see 13 seasons before coming to Athletics Beat Yanks For New Boss Bauer By Ebwrms Associated Press Staff Writer New York Yankees are back to playing paisicsagain in the American League pennant race but the paisies wont play ball After splitting six games against Detroit Tigers and Cle veland Indians in their three day light for first place the Yankees were no worse than third game behind the lead ers Ahead lay nine road games all against the lowly Kansas City vAthletlB Minnesota Twins and los Angeles Angels while the Tigers and Indians each played seven squaring off hesinst each other in four an gagemenis It ï¬gured to be quick ride to the front for the Yankees but they ran into detour The Ath letics belted New York Monday night coming fmm behind on ninthinning home runs by Norm Siebern and pinch hitter Wes Covington for 44 decision that made former Yankee Hank Ba uer winner in his debut as Kansas City manager WAS ONLY GAME It was the only game played in the American League and dropped New York games behind flrstplece Detroit The only other game scheduled Cle veland at Chicago was rained out leaving the secondpleas In dians halfgame behind the Commit Suicide With Big PHILADELPHIA AP en oeral Manager John Quinn of Philadelphia Phillies says ma jor league baseball is commit ting suicide with payments of huge bonuses to youngsters fresh out of high school As solution he suggests free agent draft Quinn indicated the National League Phillies might sponsor legislation for such draft when the major leagues hold their an nual meetings late this month The whole situation has got outof band Quinn said Mon dby in an interview The quicker we get around to adopt ing draftsuch as pro football uses the better it will be for baseball Under the draft system names of all the outstanding major league prospects grad uating from high school would be placed in hopper and clubs would take turns selecting with the last place club in each league getting first pick The other clubs would follow in re verse order according to their finish the seasooxbefore Indi vidual negotiations or set fig ure would determine the bonus each prospect would get Bonuses Some observers believe the rash of bidding this year may result in the outlay of as much as $10000000 in benuses Eight high school graduates recetu received bonuses beJ lieved to be $100000 or mor They include Bob Bailey Lang Beach Calif shortstop $150000 by Pittsburgh Lew Krausse Chester Pa pitcher $125000 by Kansas City Roy Gleason Gar den Grove Calif pitcher $108 000 by Los Angeles Dodgers Bill ree University of Michigan catcher $100000 by Detroit ï¬gers Bob Guindon Boston first baseman $100000 by Boston Red Sox Jake Gibbs University of Mississippi third baseman $100000 by New York Yankees Wade Blasingame esno Calif pitcher and Arn Umbach Birmingham Ala teller $100000 each by Mll like Braves And more than 30 others have been signed spring for arnounis ranging from $20000 to $100000 AUTOMATIC Tigers No games were schdd uled in the National League Bauer whisking over after Joe Gordon was fired in sur prise move byAthletics owner Charles Finley was backed by coupleof former Yanks and picked the right man at the right time for Kansas Citys third victory in nine games with New York this season Bauer onetime der collected half six hits He drove in their irst run with afourib inning single then singled and scored their second run in the seventh on triple by lormer Yank Daron Johnson before in ally chasing starter Roland Shel don witb his ninth home run of the season in the ninth Tbebomer squared bogs 33 and Yankee rnanager Ralph Hook brought in relief ace Luis Arroyo lefihander Bauer met the challenge by picking Caving ton lefthanded hitter and Wes wslloped his fifth homer of the year It was Arieyes third defeat this year the second by the Athletics MARIS COUNTS 25TH Soutbpaw Jim Archer won his third straight game with sevenbitter He gave up pair of solo homers Bill Skowrons 14th in the fourth and Roger Maris 25th in the ninth while beating New York second time Archer 54 is the only lefty to pitch complete game against tbe Yankees this season and be has done it twice Maris the main league home run leader is seven games ahead of Babe Ruths record60 pace of 1957 But hes even with his own pace of year ago with 25 in 03 games He ï¬nished Wlib 39 last seasn FIBERGLASS WINDOW AWNINGS to Over so to Over 40 to 60 Over 60 to 72 DOOR CANDPIES 48 Chum $1895 54 Canopy 2495 now no MEASUREMue ure width window leI or doorcuings from outer runs to outer edge and low for supporting bracket placement on caning or wru sooner rams BEAVER Lump Ell BRADFORD 51 PA 05541 BANK BAUER Knnsas City in 1959 in seven ployer deeL His first ofï¬cial act as manager directed by gen eral manager Frank Lane was to namegrooms shortstop Dick Howser team captain Lane said name Howser cep taln and did just that Bauer said Kowser is great little bolder lClub owner Charles Finley took Lane off the book in Gordon was the man behind that move and think the beat should be taken off our general manager Finley said He said Lane and Gordon like each other but seemed to have trou ble working together and that one or both had to go Lae did most of the talking in announcing Gordons dismis so at press conference Mon day and newspaper man suslt peeled it was the continuation of an old feud As general manager of Cleve land lndians Lane hired Gor don as manager fired him then rebirai him and finally traded him to DetroitTigers for man ager Jimmy Dykes last season Houston Ball Club Pays Big Bonus LOS ANGELES APlWally Wolf 10 pitcher who helped the University of Southern Ca lifornia win the United States National Collegiate Athletic As sociations baseball champion ship last week signed lor re ported $100000 bonus Monday with the new Houston club of the National League der Knees euuwuuuusmuuauhaauramsuuauomnmauaaunnmqqq Es 150 136 125 caressessenescencecessseessbsenescenesrauau easssessussoesgu Wood Th ooov Vada Pinson Cincy Leader NEW YORK AP Theres no doubt that everyone on the Cincinnati roster has been dolt lug his bit during the Reds rllsh to thafrout in the National League pennant race But the real standout been Veda Ploson The Reds were fourth May 20 Pinsun was hitting more me Since then the fleet outfielder has been the leagues most pro ductive batsman while the Reds bas assasreassureseeseassaseaaeieeee ISSl have put together 2010 mark to take over ï¬rst place Pinsoo has collected 55 bits in 120 times at bat for 430 average Hes lifted his seasons slate to 339 only three points fewer linen leader Don Book of Pittsburgh Willy Moon of Los Angeles the leader week ago slipped to third place at 335 In the American League Norm Clash of Detroit moved into ï¬rst place despite 10 point loss to 360 Clevelands Jimmy Piersallwilo led Last week slumped 22 points to third place at 049 Jackie Brandt of Baltimore took over second place with 354 average Roger Maris of the Yankee welloped four homers to main tain his American League lead Be has 25 five more than team mate Mic Mantle Maris drove in six runs and is three behind Cash who leads with 57 RBI Orlando Cepeda of San Fran cisco is the National League pacesetter with 16 homers and RBI YOUR MENS CLOTHING HEADQUARTERS Why pay more when you can buy for lusl MACKS MENS When Dunlap St no use REE SATURDAY monomer 9i 90 FREE screen REPLACEMENT or our srer WHEN YOU puecnasr FREE FREE YOUR new SCREENING AT BEAVER LUMBER csnrnlvrnns an WORKING snr momma so cthncr ALI roan scneeu miles emu ram Down son rms rune salwrca BEAVER LUMBER 127 BRADFORD ST PA8 541