Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1961, p. 4

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pic strip Published by Canadla 16 Bayfield street Barrie Ontario Newspapersidmlted ruasbar JUNE so nil Pue Courtesy AndrService Are Things To Impress ToririSt We are moving into the two heavy mouths of the tourist season in Canada when not only thousands of Americans will be crossing the border but also many Canadians will be on the road seeing their own country sound prin ciple or business building is to provide reliable product of worthwhile service at fair price When such product or service is marketed in courteous man ner more pleasant and rewarding ex perience for all should result People both young and old in all walks of life react favorably to court eous treatment How many of us remem ber businessman in our parents or grandparents time who invariably walked to the door and opened it for his customers asks The Canada Trust Bulletin He found the time to be cour teous Courtesy is an important and val uable asset It cannot be monopolized by any one group but it would appear at times that it could be used to better advantage in many of our personal and business relationships And so we come to the summer and tourists Would this not be an excellent time to make conscious effort to be more courteous not oniyon our high ways but in our stores and places of business It takes so little time and of fort and the results can be farroaching On the subject of tourism we are go ing to reproduce herean article written for the monthly bulletin of Barrie Chamber of Commerce by Earle Lit tle manager Canadian imperial Bank of Comoros local branch because it tells exactly What we had in mind about travelling Mr Little writes We are all aware without resorting to statistics reporting the number of times counting meter is tripped at border crossing point or to state in heads the number of persons involved or as proportion of the national in come or the national debt the dollars they spend that tourists are substantial contributors to our well being Nor do tourists needto come from abroad allyl on adequate causemany of our own pet ay decide to seek out unfamiliar are and thust we derive double bounty dI It is significant that only 38 of 113 new industries established in Ontario during 1960 were located Metropolitan Toronto Except for couple in the Greater Windsor area all the rest were placed in smaller cities towns and even villages Nodoubt thiswas to obtain favorable labor situation or rather to avoid unfavorable conditions Most of us on occasion have been tourists Without plan we have stumbled on many interesting and relatively un known places think we must admit however that there isusuallysome well publiclredattraction in any givenares which we will decide is must Travelling at random most of us stop in place which presents an attractive appearance as we approach it and whose margins are clean and unclut tered Barrie is such place let us keep it that way Tewwho travel and not the least of these campers in casual attire have not reserved few dollars for purchase of items to take home from distant places Where do we shop on such occasions the answer is obvious in the places where the shops are attractive where merchandise is well displayed and where in general an atmosphere or well being prevails We can all think of the towns and cities which in our minds fit the description How do we compare Once inside the shops have we not responded favorably to the kind but not too aggressive interest of the sales clerk When it is obvious friendly curiosity concerning us and the area in which we live is usually well received and the extraattcntion little flattering Deft handling of the thorny problem or air feiences in the value of money is re qulred and one need not forego the difference if diplomacy is used ty sums forgiven When we return home what do we best remember the unusual the inter esting highlights of recreation of hist ory and of architecture We take pictur es describe and advertise among our friends and arouse in them desire to follow our route The preservation of historic sites the improvement and con servation of natural features of water ways and the provision of reliable infor mation in pamphlets at information centres and the like concerning our area will contribute much to its popu larlty We think you wfll agreathat all of these ai the ordinary things towhich your Chamber of Commerce and you as member are dedicated eqd Industry By no means were all the new indust ries in the province established by Uni ited states capital Canadians have been showing faith in theirown country by investing in its industrial future more and more Of the 11 industries 58 were or Canadian origin from the United States and the balance from Europe mostly English and pet Down Memory Dane aroma monsoon on The Saturday Morning of June 1911 had large cut of the as Otonabee pro ceeding out of Kempenfelt Bay from by Barrie wharf Built ihPatarborough in 1907 for use on excursion waters con nected by the Trent Canal she was equipped with two compoundiondens ing engines had dining room seating for 30 and 444 lifebelts She also had wellequipped and uptodate booth Captain charles Gray of Lakeflald Commodore of the companys fleet will be in command mate is McAllister of Gores Landing Engineers Dunn of Owen Sound Chief Engineer of the companysfieet will have charge of the engines There is also full electric light equipment including searchlight other Editors fleets poorly on the public attitude to romcnm nlsciterrop Ottawa Journal Magistrate Bartram of Toronto has criticized police for merely warning traffic offenders He said the officers duty is clear and simple All violators should be brought to court That magistrate should find it nec essary to state such simple truth re The Barrie Examiner alumna second class mall ran omc Department Ottawa Daily sunsy and statutory Holidays excepted unaware wanes Publisher yams saunas General manager 1mm cums illours Manlllnl Editor CHARLES wanna sumu Manner nosear BERle anyminus Manager JulN aucuaa Circulation Manager Subscripuonme daily of cards are first year sin is copyVc ny rneiirln so year on months scan three month Outside Onle £91m year ldl £1000 year Offices 625 Universit Street dormi ms ver Member oiins usualn Daily Newspaper lub lishers Association The Canadianlmf and the Audit an of simulations an Presl if exclulitll entitled to the subllontlnn of all new in etched in this eper ere lied to it or The Arms ted Press or uuters Ind Illa in local now published therein in an ileum fia fififlfgfl of um dimtabs marry Ontario entire of nuts can avs Toronto uoc rm Georgia street Gnome EXCHANGE CONCERTS The Saturday Morning of June 1911 had good writeup on concerts given by the choirs of st Andrews Church and Orlilia Methodist Church StxAndrews Choir under the direction of Morgan had reached high state of efficiency and justly deserved all the encomiums showered uponrit Both the Orillia Times and Oriiiis Packet gave high praise to the Barrie choir and Mr Morgan whose beautiful tenor voice was heard to good advantage TheNewsLetter stated that the at tendance for the choir concert was 400 in spite of the heat The whole pro gram wes excellent and much appreciat ed by the audience gt ward law enforcement But we have had evidence of thatsttitude recently We have heard people who should know bet ter say police should show discretion There is place for discretion the court It is the responsibility of the court not the police officer to decide whether the law has beencviolated Those who ask the police officer to as sume the power to forgive without trial or criticize him for refusing to do so should look at the other side of the coin Would they have him assume the power to condemn without trial THE ironic Ds Bantford Expositor The path to dictatorship is familiar one From revolutionary idol of the peo pie regarded with approval by theWes cm Democraciescastro has soon show ed himself in his true colors Abandon ing his role as professeddernocrat he became demagog andis dictatora typical case of what maybe caliedthe Three Ds But thepath to dictatorship often 85 history shows decds with disaster FobCastio that is still to dome utoome it probably will normally TITTEllS SPREAD MllYBIi Dimer cor lliTlE err 3mm Tonight Cdncida Will Know Kill The Translator Tickles FrenchCanada Funnybone 0i By RICHARD DAIGNAULT Canadian Press staff Writer Quebec GP 1M Pefilll vivacious hazel eyed little bundle of energy who turns out promotion copy for Quebec newspaper has started French Canada giggling over its camr palgn to purify its speech and writing has is fraductcurKill the Translatortickled the funny bone of sevenman bookcoa test jury Now the titters are spreading es the 2500 copies of the first edition are being soap ped up by book dealers Wamily received by critics the book appears headed for an ass Montreal Le Devolr eed it Whats On Flemings Mind By DON BANEGET 730 pm EDT this stocky 56 Csnadlnn Plus Staff Writer yearold man with the clipped WAWA CF lmperfurlr able Donald Fleming by now has tested the economic air and made all the decisions the country demands once year from the minister of flames lbnlglii shortly after Church Unity SiudyCentre lit University third on its list of the five best now on sale in the province Miss Pelriaa novel injected its humor at time when Que bee was preoccupied with if solemn serious gbverument blessed cainpnlsn to get Que becers to polish their French and avoid AnglieisrnsEnglish expressions translated literally into French WON PRIZE The youthful native of Temls camingue says she was so tired of bearing peopleattack each other for itinelr spoken and written French that she decided to write book about it had to laugbaboui it if wasnt going to cry made up icbureli Haitis TORONTO CF Sl Midli actsCollege Sunday announced plans for centre of ecumen ical studies at the University of Toronto next fall to study Rev Gregory Bauma mem ber of the colleges teaching staff will direct the centre research library covering Chris tian unity Protestantism and related subjects is planned Father Baum an ecumenical specialist for many years is consultant member of the Score tarist for the Unify of Chris tians at Rome and author of the book That They May Be One my mind on New Years Eve last and 75 days later the book was finished Miss Petrln redhaired and fluently bilingual works for the promotion department of Le Solell She had read about the estab lishment of Grand Prize of Canadian Humor willi $1000 award launched by Cornelius Decm publishing house in Mont rea The jury was made up of formidable battery of Quebec literary experts headed by Wil frid Lemoyne When received newsil had won was stunned said Miss Floods Drought Plague Red China TOKYOlfAP Communist China appears to be facing new cropkilling floods and droughts following last years nature an lamitl The officislNew China news agency reported Sunday this agency reported Sunday that heavy rains and storms raked Chinese provinces south of the Yangize River during the first two weeks in June affecting 500422 acres of farmland Hundreds of thousands of Clif nese are laboring on water soaked dikes along rivers whose waters have reached above the warning lines the agency said The latest reportof summer atoms indicated Red China has been suffering from either drought or rsiustorma since March Soviet Space Ship Burst Info Flames MOSCOW AP Astronaut YuriGagariri says his space ship reentercdtbe earths at mosphere envelopedby flames from friction after his flight crowd the world Tass news agency reported Sunday its outer skin became hot rapidly and through the blinds covering the poribolcs Law the ominous purple reflections of the flame raging around the sblp Gagarln ssldlu the news paper Fravda The temperature inside the cabin was normal The space ship also began misting but the rotation whichsoniewliat worried me soon stopped and then further descent proceeded LEA PETRIN aumyaplis copies of her book Tues le Traductcur Kill the Transla tor in Quebec City book store 501 Pbotoi Pelrin who spent only 15 days revising the original draft The book tells of Quebec manufacturer of blackboards caught up in the Icampalgn to purify the French language lfe quietly retires trusted elderly transistor in order to get real expert To soften the blow he decides to arrange with the Society for the Promotion of True French for medal to be awarded to the retiring translator married Claquot uncric hour This seiste stage for hectic preparation for the medaloere many and the manufacturers disastrous attempts to hire new translator flEacb applicant ismoro of crackpot than the one before One wants to do away with translations altogether Alnother wants to reform the lsngubga habits of the entire plant Then there is Rouflaquet with mania for using all theEnglish words approved by the French Academy Rouflaquet balleves ack ingup his conviofionswuhvhls fists In the presence of all the firms heads of departménis the manufacturer andRoufls uuet have it out in fracas only hours before medal ceremony The manufacturer shuwsup with black eye French gov ernment representatives an offlclals of the society are pres ent The only man not ther is Claquot His son caught in afit of hiccups accepfstlie on his fathers babe and makes wedpunctuated speech The manufacturer without the help of an expert is forced to deliver speech he prepared hlrnself sable audience goes through agony to keep from exploding with laughter when its ailover Ciaquots Ulon remembershevbas tele Should SoilPedal liniiliniericanism UHAWA cPlJollu Malt tbéson Liberal member of Pat liament for Leeds said Satur day the government should soft pedal antiAmericanism ills Eastern Ontario riding had special bonds with upper New York state and was prime tourist attraction for many United States citizens he said in the Commons It was the maiden speech for Mr Mattieson who took Leeds from the Progressive Causewa tives in Mayrzs byeiecilon He said anything that Public Works Minister Walker can do to provide wbsrves and other facliltlEs will benefit the gen eral economy because of their importance to the tourist indus BIBLE THOUGHT Wdflhlp the golden iiiage which Nebuciisrlnemr the king Hath set nplanlel 85 Now as always men insist on making their own gods then they derriand that others recog mzevtbem as universal edal gram for the manufacturer fronibls father It says Regret cannot attend stop LargeToronto firm has hired me ss translator swp Ten thousand dollars salary some on can varied lm prescient of Finance Minis tar Fleming are shown in musinche will enter the House of Commons and start telling it and the nation what he has de cided Most of those decisions will be his and his alone What else could have kept hima man said to be decisiveall these months on punishing schedule of 90 working hours week his only recent break an occasional game of tennis in schedule that testified to illeat physical capacity for war and an almost Spartan life it lilan at his known reluc fence to delegate authorityto handle much of hisown ra search STICKER FDR GRAMMAR Bis speech will havebeen edited meticulously for precise Fleming grandslat as well as for exact meaninl llqlllrei by the traditional care taken with statements on fiscal matters Ahead will be publicresctlon and opposition criticism ex pected to be particularly lively at this time when Mr Fleming is involved in the controversy touched off by his demand for the resignation of James Coyne gavelnor of the Baok of Can None of that is likely to change the sober ministerial countenance and tenacity that has characterized Donald Flem ing andwon him grudging res pect in all quarters You cant look back he says Youve got to make up your mind and then close the book If man in this portfolio were to be guidedby adeter mlnstlon to escape criticism doubt he would do much Such remark is typically Flemiug So is this one To do ones duty in this port folio41nd as ministerone must take ones responsibilities seriously dont make any apology for taking my job seri ously But thats different mat ter from worrying lrn not worrier doubt if warmer cofiud last very long in this port CABINETS STRONG MAN Mr Fleming Whosesquare shouldered frame170 pounds packed into five feet inches reflects his determined out loolr is known as aslrong man in Prime Minister chfen bakers cabinet He is reported to be blunt but considers his own opinions as having been reached with care The prime minister knows it subtracts nothing from the loyalty give film Little of Mr Flemings coa centrated work is done in his thee newspaper editorial car too Top picture was drawn by Oliver Slmpklns of the Sudbury Star Others left to Kudr Winnipeg IPrees Centre Block office There are too many interruptions Work involving the study of documents has to be done at night and on weekends in the peace quiet and seclusion of the library at home teeiotaller who doesnt smoke and doesnt bother with tea or coffee Donald Fleming follows daily routine that in cludes walking the last few blocks to the office and home after being driven facet of the way by his wife All NEVER ILL With six hours sleep night and careful attention to his simple diet he hasnt been ill since be became minister of finance in June 1057 even golt lug three full years without bead cold H9 does little reading for rec reation except during the slum mer when he will occasionally take up book on history or biography He isnt television watcher recent exception be ing episodes of the series on Winston Churchills Second World War history mm is his best game ihough so far this year be has had time to play only twice He shoots an average of one round of golf year former long distsnce swimmer be still en joys dip when possible in lake in the nearby Gatineau Hills Once last year he swam 1000 strokes counting them for something to do He is aregular churchgoer Chalmers United Church in Ottawa or Bloor Street United in Toronto where he is still in elder Born in Easter Out and brought up in Gait where his father taught at the collegiate lie was part way through high school when his fathers health broke down Every summer fromthe age of 13 until university graduate be had summer jobs as laborer Hes proud that be repaid his family every cent contributed to his education at the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall law school flew successful lawyer and alderman there for six years before enlerlng the Commons in 1945 for Toronto Egllntun Donald Methuen Fleming will be waiting behind the heavy green curtains of the Commons chamber fliesday nightwlien the House assembles Then he will make dramatic entrance bit of ministerial mummery practised by earlier finance ministersand prop his speech atop special lectern on his frontrowdeak Only then will another of the countrys bestkept secrets be revealed or rightl were drawn by John Collins Montreal aiette La psime Monlreai LaPressa

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