Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1961, p. 12

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comm mu NEWS Teletype Hog Selling NOW Seems Successful TEE BARRIZ ZXAXINEB TUESDAY JUNE nu and will use this list as the basis for sending out interna tion about the coming vote on marketing pan The success oi any of these plans depends on the informed memberships Too often in the past producers have been ask ed to vote on marketing plan TEMPLE 10 TOUR LONDON CF Fieid Hal shnl Sir Gerald Tempter tor mer due of the imperial gen eral stair will tour Canada shortly on what is believed to be diplomatic goodwill mis sion He will take part in the June 24 ceremonla opening By JOHN scours An intersllng and inlorma tive new report on Marketing Boards in Canida is now vail able from the Canada Depart ment of Agriculture This re portlists the nunber of boards operating in each province and the products and commodities marketed under each plan According tothe report 0n tarlo tanner have 16 market ing boards marketing wide range at products inc report also indicated that to per cent of Canadas farmers marketed 136 per cent of Canadas iarm produce worth $380 million through marketing boards it is interesting to note that Ontario accounts for nearly so per cent of this total value of product marketed The largest single product sold in this man ner is hogs with tobacco run ning not too far behind This interesting booklet is availane from the Economics Division of the Canada Departrnent of Agriculture So far this year interesting developments have taken place in four of the Ontario Commod ity organisations The Ontario Beef Producers Association has uppruved resolution which will ask all heel producers in the province to allow deduc tion oi 10 cents per head all slaumlcr cattle including calvcs This fund which will he coll Another oi Ontarios commod ity organizations the Ontario Corn Growers Association is making plans for producer vote on marketing plan tor grain corn gown in the prov ince They are hopeful that thin vote will be taken about mid July The marketing plan has been spelled out trythe Direc tors and has been approved by both the members of the duo unison and the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board If the required 60 per cent of those voting approve the plan growers would be assessed half cent per bushel marketing fee to mVEl expenses nego hating committee would be es tablished to work with the drada toward the setting of minimum price The long awaited system of teletype selling for Ontario hogs went into operation some time ago Alter series of de lays caused by machine fall ures the system Is operating and by all reports appears to he very satisfactory There are 17 mndrlnes located in the offi ces of packing plants through out thc province with the mas ter unit In the bead oilice of the Ontario Hog Producers Man kettngBoard in Toronto bots of hog are altered on the teletype and then are rim ultaneously recorded in cachl office Buyers may then hid on any lot of hugs being offered The first days hlddlng was rather erratic am there were sales at many dilterent prices it would appear that item the producers standpoint this sys tern is able to Squeeze the last penny out of the hogs Meanwhile the Ontario Egg BOWLING CAME TOAMERICABYWAY Producers Association has up proved resolution calling for OFHOlLAND IN COLDNlALTIMES Mcoummo room provincewide vote on an egg RIP VAN WINKLE LEGEND OF marketing plan As start in this program Simcoe County HENDRICK HUDSONS CREW BOWUNG IN THE ogg prodqu held meeting CATBKILL M79 when they had little or no in formation Only by knowing both sides of the question can producer wte intelligently Any como modity organisation has re sponsibnily to make sure that allmembcrs snow about the present workings ofythe mar keting board and any future plans memorial park at Crysiers Farm in the St Lawrence Val ley Wfi CAMPBELL LTD Rirniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North Amerimn Van Lines PA 66555 in Barrie and set up cyunty organization At this meeting Spencer Rod way manager of the Poultry Products institute spoke on the promotion at poultry products and Julian Smith of the United Coopeartives of Ontario spoke on organization and marketing The Slmca County Egg Produc ers Association has compiled listol county egg producers cf msr armss tran 2000900 CAN FLEMING PREPARES LONG AWAITED BUDGET The Parliament Hill spot light will ha on Finance Miu lstor Donald Fleming tonight when he brings in his budget He is seen with shirt sleeves rolled high and pen in hand CHAIRMAN ACCUSED 0F BIAS busy preparing for the big day CP Wircphoto Gordon Says Figures Stolen By CCF MP iréderai IGovt Stands errawn or An appar ently uneasy truce reigned to day between CNR President Donnld Gordon and members of the Commons railways commit tee who Monday night tangled with him and among themselves on the use of some short hard hitting words The fight centred on page apparently drawn from ONE financial report which Douglas Fisher CCFPnrt Arthur pro duced in the committee It listed two ONEowned trucking iirms in Western Canada as losing $400000 last year The information which Mr Gordon refused to certin al though he said it apparently came from CNR liles was ta bled by Mr Fisher just alter theCNRpresidenthadsaid that on the whole the three CNRowned trucking firmsin Western Canada had small protit Mr Gordon accused Mr Fis her oi having connived to obtain the figuresthen using them in hostile fashion He said the fig ures involved had been stolen from the CNR Mr Fisher denied theft or connivance and said later that in future he would send pub liclybwned railway photostat of every letter he receivedcon cerning CNR affairs PROVOKES ARGUMENT produced The affair provoked heated argumentamong the members themselves ADeb McPhillips poem Ferguson Browne PCVane converAKingswny demanded withdrawal but it got lost in the shuffle The criticisms Mr Gordon said tended to undermine cuslt tomer and employee confidence in CNR management At the same time however the criticism had brought out the supporters of Mr Gordon and his ment team After all the CNR head said the detractors may have had St Pauls epistle in mindLet 115 do evil that good may come WOULD SET UP BODY Mr Gordon referred to the fact that his future as chairman at the CNR board of directors now Bani ROWE No RoughHouse toria BC accused chairman Hon Earl Rowe PCDuiferin Simcoc of bias on behalf of Mr Gordon Pickersgill Bona vistaTwillingatel said Mr Mc Ehillips was shocking and Mr McPhillips said he was better lawyer than bloody law stu dent such as Mr Pickirsgill Mr Rowe declared members werent going to turn the com mittee into roughhouse Mr Gordon lashed out at par liamentary critics whom he de scribed as making irresponsible unfair and malicious statements in the commons is in doubt although he is still president He was thinking of proposing permanent tact finding body to settledisputes on facts in labor negotiations but had put it otf until his iu lure wasclarified 0n trucking he assured the committee the CNR did not in tend to employ unfair practices in competition with privately owned firms The CNR had to be above reproach in observing all laws and might enhance the ethics of the trucking industry Mr Browne trucking exec utive before entering Parlia ment said his fear was that the CNRs tr kin operatinns wouldhe subsidized by taxpay ers through covering any rail way deficit and this wasuniair to the privatelyowned trucking ccted is to be used for vari ety of purposes such as the promotion and research on pas ture studies beef hull testing study of food additives and an investigation into shipping fever losses There is also provision for the use of some of those funds for the active negotiation of better freight rates on live cattle and the standardization of yard and commission chau ges All donations will be on voluntary basis but an active campaign will be undertaken to encourage beet producers to en opeihte in this selffinanced promotional program firms jOinvax Shdrhg Agreements OTTAWA CPioThe federal govemment is standing pat on tax sharing proposals under which the provinces if they want more mone in the years aheud will have to levy their own income taxes Prime Minister Diefenbaker has told the premiers of the 10 provinces in June 16 letter tabled in the CommonsMonday that hisgovernment will intro duce legislation at the current session of Parliament to lay the foundation for the new deal Complementary 1e gisl on will be needed in each province Withlnthis framework the de tailed agreements dn would he worked out Mr vDielenbakers letter indi cated that Ottawahas declined to in ake any fundamental changes the Feb 23 opening of the Dn minion provincial conference namely an end to the gental ystem in favor of tax collections Under the present year deal whichexpires next March 31 the provinces get thefollowe ing share of the three direct tax yields13 per cent of personal income tax collections nlna per cent of taxable corporation tome and 50 per cent of needs aion dutiesr NOW ham nuns Eight of theprovince now rentytheiaxfieldstdot in the offer itmadeat return or payments son th agreed share Quebec collects its own taxes in all three fields and Ontario collects corporation in me tax snd succession duty With pro Vincial taxpayers getting an abasement of their federal taxes in line with formula The federal proposal is that after March 31 1962 federal collections of personal income taxes would be reduced progres sivelytarting with 16 per cent cut in 196263 and ran mg up to mpercent cut in 1966 1951 The provinces wnuld be free to step into the vacated tax field up tothe amount of the federal reduction or more if they wished OFFERS CONCESSION The letteroffers one conces sion to the provincespayment to them during the five year period 1952s half tbefederalj income ta yield from public in ties such as power com panies The federal otter origi nally wnsto continue these pay ments only until ext March 31 The prime mmiatérs letter sooilered to lift part of the tax burden from the for dustry which nowpays tax on loggingprofits as ell as corporation incom Mr Diefenbaker said th eral gov mmantda repare to the 13950 give tax credit equal to two thirds of the logging tax up to maldmurri rate of 10 per cent provided the provinces give tax credit equal to the remai ing onethird of the logging BURY ACTOR HOLLYWOOD AP Actor JetiChandler was buried Mon day aiter Jewish rites attended by 1200 persons hundreds of whom could not getinside the temple The 42 year old ac tor died Saturday of blood pni soning FURNITURE THE BEST IN PRlCES SELECTION SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD WNSTNIIBTIM ID L777 23 Cundles Rd EastBarrie Midland Penctang Elmvale Phone Zenith 11130 No Toll Charge INCHOMS MOM DADS AND SCADS OF JUNIORS MAKE Bowuus ONE of gun amour vaknclwanon more some Lsoo Bowuuo esraausumeme ARE DIQYOU KNOW LISTED IN THE 50 YELLOW KILEAST IOPER$ECT GAMES WERE OFFICIALLY RICORDD son camxomu some 01 $58 INOWUNDER ONE ROOF thel Canadiahlhipefial wBank of Commerce iS JéiningtOgethér of tWQ Ion jestablished banks The Canadian Bank of Chmmgrceandthe ImperialBankof canada The lettersCl stand for agreatnumberofshevvrbankingadvantages gt They standfor the VCOurtesy and Industry of 15500 men andwomen who have united their talents to serve you better They stand Initiative to help Canadiansdevélop Canadas vastpoten for Canadian Imperial Bank force in Canadian banking for Capital and tial of Commerce vigorous and progressrve They stand Visit thé Canadian Imperial Bankrof Commerce sooniPreséfit or future customers can be assuredlolfithégfihest banking service utmostcoumesy randvassistance QANADIAN MpeRIALBANK gr COMMERCE 17Mlllcll st

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