Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1961, p. 11

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ARTICLES for SALE urluu nuvnwnrs Telephone PA 60111 Dmrbflrrlnd Unlud rumic MI dull In hunt or on three piece eheuuiield pith tuner shun Continual Bid All In Dd sandman Ara Belle Furniture II any 3t TIMI PA I40 nuvtl or role IIIneh rteble Gonenl nectrte also It rig tbie modl Tollvlliori Addie eon Enid in excellent rondllibu Telephone PA mu 09 Victor In NEARLY wa nlmltnn cbu ierfleide unvenos odd Chlln Chub el anerl Bedroom hlr Lbo Retrilerlton Ind AvPiy Iqull church Mn otie Home in Burton Avenue Blrrte ARTICLES WANTED numb and LI road manuals Telephoul FA ecu WILL PAY cAlIlrIor cod used Iumlture or my bod med erueie Ihdledui or content into Phono PA um RADIO Tv IIIPI NO MORE Tv REPAIR BILLSI city New Set Now with Lowcont Liteiluured SOOTIA PLAN LOAN iIIE BANK OF NuVA scoIIA BOATS It MOTORS BOAT BARGAINS Incl cruluntle Io up Scott AlwIter niolon ruliy equipped II in tool cedsr strip boot slcerin controls is op mnrude use to loot cednr one lteerlnlrun train no tvinrude irefler 10 Inot runeboui uphnhllnd chroni menuls sleetin con Irvls untiery hp oieetrie lnrude 99L lo iooi mlhnllny pianiird runn bout upholstered controls tely bulitein gu tank ml John son alutric new H595 DIVIII AII Siltldn DELANEIS BOATS LIMITED eARRlE PA Kim cAsII LOANS4SW rt er month Tolephone PA so Crescent Finance nunlop El VnIt lLruuT SAIL qur ion sric cl bin type with inonnrd power suit nblo or extended cruising Con incl Bedlord ro IMODI ENIPL Soil tor nie new deernn ulli libelglues nun hniIIi new running rlzslng Reed tor racing or nilinl Telephon PA mm ILPooT PACS sIIIP Ior sale bp Jahluun Elnctrie Motor coin ieteb e1le poll TeeNee Irniier like new ephono PA 56616 alter Pm IePoor DSLCRAPT 111 else tric rim minmdn motor spot um twill cruisrhdny tonic mliy equIPPnd with new TooNee Irlllcr Telephone PA ohm nrir is In mo 11 Mnllocnmr Dclmtt Coupe Top Boat 75 hp Johnson Motor 2n gallonPrmanent ass Tank Spotlight sourdomelsr conpuss Pike Polo Puddles Life Prrsrrvrrs LadderAnchor Cshln IIKhtI Phone PA 53915 SerAkhAERS MARKET new or Chicken soul for sole in endiuon Pr ens Imam Igmxuuill Ieei sutpnstle sin leoch ud retort equipan Priced rig Tellphnu Aiueioo LIVESTOCK unisnut ILL tonal iwo Bull file in elven tor TIJIGAS 5qu bfluflrizl In In In Home opt or rilphoal Ivy XI GI roll IALI no lo weeks old let Illrted Apply Mr VIflr nlbdyk Ora itlunu tullphnul IIID 0rd FARM MACHINERY FARM SUPPLIES C7 SERVICE CI New HullDd 11 Brown Bolt Punt equipment 175 EUR AVE PA 0237 ms raR BAYING scurran Blllrl moii Mowen tinmun an mu ALL AVAILABLE OW CASHTRADETERMS ouvn nleul Tmtor end Plow low noun Apgiy Henley Bron numbers telep one low COBBY Powm Mlnuu spreed er cod sandman eonblr Telephone 1I9Rla Elmvn ALul cuAuiltRl Blilr In ex cellent enndItIDn will tell or Lnde Ior livestock Telephone strand Hall or rurther portion lIrL WANTED Und Walker snip Slacker Apply I0 Donald Coup eron RR turtle or ttlephnnl PA Mm le IDEA Hey Mochlnery nlw end ustd Pru end rem A3 Ply I0 Hlnle Bram hambuiv gntmo Telephone 100W Open iul uni nicgom cuyton Jour Id AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS ma SALE fills VIAU LTD RAMBLER IIILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107 DOWN 17 count STREET PA was fiéwwn do ll ll no Tlle Lime PA TI daytime lflr In rr plrflfllllrl nu Penn outonuiie humor nI tireLbrnilu Ineurrd rod and Apply to Inniy Noni lonury rerndsle Rbldl it BUICK our door blneli end rod Mood condition Roundole flu her dltalll Iekphone PA Inst bonus our door who or role two tone bl errnun Very nuons tine Telephone PA H11 In PLYMOUTH seam use and motor gmlvubiid PA 34585 II use alum Chevrolet hluo Ind white excellent condition Privnio nil Drtva it buy it Good urn Apply no cooxInllon street or llllphanl PA Ivenlnn CORVAIK Coupe lingual Iutuinluc transmission 000 miles soon conoiuon iuu like new Apply 35 Sllilm LODPI ClmP garden TIIIPIIIIIIO III Comp Bor in use oLneMonlLs Irdinp qu issue inomiuloo rerenty new wniiswsli um ell iestoei uphul siery iront mt uler peus dio Iront sud rur Iul epnlirn puniqu black And while flnlsh Telephone PA L272 sites MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT ALLIS ciIAulst Comhimuon Powel thy Run and reader in our condition Apply to Mr Iiu Reed nt Mexe Elnener Service buiidinl Coohmwn OntIIto CAI Moron Driven Be In Clu Power Iiowsr cns side thin used two Ielsonl Rulnn ny priced Also ma Ford 1V ton Truck 31W Telephone until IIonnIInhe POULTRY do CHZOKS HitLINE PULLEIS limo Ill to 20 weeks on route now It BARR FARMS Will he lsylng during higher eu prices For Iurihsr iniornuiioo end pri ceI contct SKYLINE PARMIIS LrD KmrLuY ONTARIO or PIIONE AURORA PA was or SIMCDP DISTRICT COOP PA MSII BARRED ROCKS still turd to out tor ens Ind meet 40 yrnrs personl Ielee tion behind our closed norll Reg istelea hetchery Accredited ioeIL Blhy chicks Ilnried chicks Ind esponr TOM KENNY SHANTY BAY FEE EED GRAIN DOGJ PETS PUPPIES FREE In return Ior soon home Telephone PA win In nirther detIiLt POODLES Port SALE regieierei minitum block chomplon sim excellent temperament Idenl wit children Telephone Ricnmnni gillhmrner 52610 or Barrie PII TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PSIONE PA seam asmln Telephone PA um uteruan ACRES or choice my or role tnndlnr Telephone PA mil any time Evenlnxs Ivy 1mm ACRES iluxBn IIAY Ior Isle lending or cut and holed Apply Robert Sweoxle mil concern ion Innisili Phone Stroud 24m Io ACRRS or good clover Ind ILmothy Key for solo Apply leclrson lnIleI mith of and Iord westsido of Highway ll Phone PR um evenlnn VBUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Elites By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 CAMPmG EQUWDENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR Rm Tents and Turns Cme Can and stove Centers BARRI TENT AWN ING CO LTD BAYFIELI 5mm TELEPHONE PA ssm DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup as delivery ll FRANCIS ST REAR PA 643551 Lead thn pack or cinrettps day Excnvnma FILL GRAVEL IP SOII SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating sno urncilnn wntor Delivery Crushed nono mu reld Bhakhao or oi DENNIS MORAN Ann Street Barri PA mm INSULATION Airtite Insulation happy to announce In IddIIIOD to their RDCKWOOL Bilth Insulation tha AII NOW AllinII ulri III board nidInE completll instII WIN Styrbralm Illto In backer hand in ellhi clan We are Ilsa including aluminum doors windows Vlad Iwninn bv mmmugm GUARANTEED mTflIAm TERMS ert or phnne scon MIME211 MINESING anon YthJ BuiltGIVE us TRY LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPING SOD SUPPLY lrec estimates lesionping Iwn sneintonnnss Sodnior media roL ling Iertiutinn eprsying Cadr Rodger Ind Evergreen specul iiy Kentucky or Merton nine xrsu Illa mid sod deuvered enywhere Rensoluble men TELEPHONE PA 51655 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING EDWARD sluim AND SO Pninttnr nod Paper IIenIing aprny PIIIItInl Service SIIIca ma RR BARRIE PA 956 SARITART DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE Hoes ecfilfillsé°éilng iwl 3575 Long distinct Zenith 34300 at our expense EDV PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT W0 IIIVI bent canted tn run your dam and crippled um Inl mnlI under the Above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone comer BARRE PArkwny mu GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENS 95081 UPEOLSIEE UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND ODraperiesv Sllp covers IBroudloom Commercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES $r$ SAVE MAYFAm CUSTOM urnaismlzgga AND RUG 01 BAYFIELD ST PA 51911 PA 89981 Out lawnell collect Complah ran of fabric shown in yout homew CLEANING Fpr fine furniture and MVERIISE LN EXAMINER THE BARRIE rug cleanihg call ACRES OP lilixed Illy ior ule CABIN TRAILERS in very good condition Rensombio price Also one Boot and motor Telephone PA 545 or nu Ihem It IS MIT street PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN Putin SHOP Coidluvel etc By oertihed hllrdresder In your own home Prionheroic It PA on or PA 551 LOST E7 FOUND wnLLsT brown leather lost be tween urnI snn Camp harden Saturday or Suudly containinr sum or money No Identification Print smudrcs on wsllet Reward Telephone PA 54450 TRANRISTDR Rodin lost or iken by misthe Iron counter at dt pertinent store downtown on Sri uldny Giit to girl going Iluy mm home torsummer Pieso return Reward PA 560w mo notian lost lireri while with black Ind brown last eround the old fin Dump Fri dry June In Innlsm Townsnl snag55 Telephone PA H541 or cAnulRA snn small Transistor ltsdio round si St Vincsnt Park on Sundry June In Owner can have same by idenillylng mid nsying lor so Telephone PA gum USED 10 HELP LVIVANTED I3 AUCTION SALES 71 Pm Wm TUESDAY JUNE 99 Ifll ll FEMALE MELP RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN To smvica AND SILL NEWS rum CLASSIFim ADVERTIS INC THIS MEETING POOL TIDN NAILS mONAl CON IALI WITH chL BUEINm Pnuis or ALL TYPE You sz NUT RAVI NEWSPAPER xxxmime A5 WI WILL TRAIN YOU FELIPE APPLIG HAVE TYPING AND BE 10 DRIVL You WOULD LIX CIIALLDIGING PosL IIoN wmt coNsinmAflu oP PORTUNTY FOR ADVANCE IENT PLY IN WRiriNu To SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER Tits EARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY would like Woman with Univer Ilty delrra OR lsnlor mltrlsula lion plul wide Ruin blfkuound Wnrit Include wrtunl notee ebout boon Alidlnl Information In eopie elIo no typinl end slen work Apply to THE SECRETARY ARREE LIBI RY BOARD BOX 100 BARRIE nxPquxNCln Wuiireuee maul ed or now rutunnl openlna In Burrie Apply ll Dunlap Strut VeIt between end pm MALE TIer MAJOR OIL COMPANY requires DRIVER For Iummcr vnenllon period APPLY In TllFIN STREET BARRIE TWO HON MASONS wonted Im nledininiy by locnl ilnri ielo phone PA was nRIvitR IALRPMAN ior loot dry ciuning business Reply llvlnl no end experience to Box Elnll ratminer MALE 03 FEMALE sALBstN on Suiceindie or din ert ieuing Between the urn or and For reel portunity Call In person oi the unens Hoi lei pm slurp mesay June To our Ior lllr Arnatt EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE PERSON will bonrd children or core Ior them dolly Clean home Icnced back yard Will pick them up iclphone PA 59245 or iurtiier details nuoKKBBPER Accountm re tlrrd on rcnxlon to II youf larvico wth iocni urni snohtnl hill or lrtvtimb cmployinnnL John Lniur Huh street Telephone PA GEM 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND CILWlJ LTD PHONIsizARitiz PA ems VICTORIA HARBOUR slim Fzmfllles 2f Equ Advertisinn Prolessional service Satisfied customers Try All Edamlner Want Ad CAR BARRIE AUCTION ROOMS AND SECOND HAND STORE 56 Dunlop Street West AUCTION SALE Friday June 23 I96I Commenclnl rn In We will receive ill lood for ni trous to is our exeepl Wld laudy merrioon ru wormtlon on role And ternu TELEPHONE PA 51411 AUCTION SALE Oi Farm Stock and Implements Hay Straw and Standinl Groin Toe undenuned he received instructions Irnin GILFORD GRAHAM to mi Public Auction epremle LOT 32 CON ESSA TOWNSHIP RIghi on Highway 90 At New Bridge FRIDAY JUNE 23 AT 100 PM SHARP FOLIDWINO CATr 1011 of Yuritnx demoed Hallen Human smr year old Holstein stern yur oln Shannon IIslIer you aim IiueIoro stem Io month ol Rmioni lieun ui month HAY ANu GRAINAND mnw 4m Ball at 0st Stu weu sued 1m Ball of will uvod An nl Olll IMPLEMENIS AND Mlscm ANLaus Permian 35 must Tractor brand rilW worked only noun lutkmmlan lev tier hllnIyFetlflwn Land build new Cue sideDcilvery Ell on rubber blr 006 ll 35 Steel Farina Pom Fume nsclor cultivstor dad ro Fer sail ZlurruwTneInr low use only on 15 acre Halt ILP necktie Motor HurleyFer lon Power Mower cut rand new OII Drum WILD Pump usneyrerruson No Baler soun bllzl now Illl Seed Drill ll hill wiih leadlertiflxer lItILIimllII wly Oliver mctur lerIl buntout Cut repair In mctar Row Crap in 00d conditon traction Drll VIII dnthIIl Finn Zutlrel Trail truck pleuorm recite Intern lldnll Manure Spreader Inte tionei ldIuraw Tractor Plow Pawtr LawnMower load mildl lion mod stn Mower no It Mlnen Hose ennd new St wterinr mush Porn shov Chum and tinny other art tab numerous to mantlun TmMS CASH Dehnllcly no re nerve ll Mr GIIIIIIII hll lbld hll arm and KIWI lip llrmInl Nalhlul ta bl removed until retried lor Buyers min dlllancl Inth are their identitiention with th or Owner will not be rexpnnnble or any IIIan day Sale Fun Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Plump Barrie PA 55 REJECTS DEMAND UNITED NATIONS AP Cumrhunillt Czechoslovakia re jected Monday United States demand that Mirosluv Nonin vnc counsellor at the Czech missionhe expelled train the 115 on grounds that he is spy USspokesmhn said the controversy might be tossed to special arbitration tribunal provided for under 194 agree ment between the us and the United Nations giving special status to the UN headquarters area in Manhattan ROBERTS ARRIVES LONDON AP Sir Frank Roberu British ombuudar to Ruull united by plene Mon day IIth from hioecow for con IuItationl at the only utilise He told reporters there will be quite lot to talk about dur lilg his weekIon visit but he did not elaborate PILOT CRASHES CAMBRIDGE England Reut erdlLieut Neal Christians at the 05 Air Force lately baled out oi his Iiomlng Sabre let Monday and the piano rothed into rand Ihattering window in nearby factory Ten factory warkerI received minor cut Ironi the broken glass DELAYS EXECUTION COLOMBO Ceylon Reuters Governor General Sir Oliver Gonuetilieke has ordered on 11th our stay at the execution pen us appeal at three men sentenced to death or the Sep tember 1959 sssassinatlou oi Prime Minister Solomon Ban dnrnnalke They are Buddhnr altkhlta Thero Jaywor dune and Semarnt lhero mum CREDIT AUCTION SALE Ol FarmStock and Implemean The unuenirned sutiioneee has received inltructlnnl to sell by public suctiontnr WOOD EAST HALF LOT 12 CON IDSSDRONTIO TOWNSHIP miles north of Allistun on Comp Borden Road ON SATURDAY JUNE 14 AT 100 PM SHARP OAIILHO Hmlnrd steels an old 10 Cline Pure red HoLTteln err op bred nouteln Ilsim one room Purebred Holstein helm oml Iune lo nor Holstein mum Iniikin open Holstein Cows mIlJtIIIl smezo Pin IMPLulst Psmsli Tn or Ford Woods cp Inn New Iloilson nsi Lem Power llow nlerneilonsl Side Rake Cue rraw Plow Iniunsuansi Power modr tn tein lionol Groin Separator 2+ inc Ioismiionii lIurrvw Plow Msnm Louder Isi Irnctar Dng Harrow Smll Bulldozer nude lor Trlctur aio Sued Driu Point Hitch mm Cu Hammer llul uruin Steal Rallrr lMt Bllo Lisvsto Internltiunn Cutlivnlor new Set Double Discs Intemstloonl Fertilizer Drill pow or urt Mlnurev Spre er woode out Roller now Hanin Munro render my llsirls Dump Ru Sprln Tooth IImow DhLavli Power Scphrntur Rubbertire wuon WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF WILL VISIT US WASHINGTON IA Pres dent MottIan Ayub Khan Pkllton will pay state visit to the United States next month the White House announced to day He Is to nrrlva in Washing ton July It spend three dayl here and another three dnye in New York CUT BOATS LOSE MARBLEHEAD Mass IAPI Arming sloop valued It 510000 and in other yachts including szlooi power but were cut loose train their moorings Map day by validis Tile sloop grounded on rock and rank Hie other erIed about mitt police and the turbor mntor towed them in uiely WORKERl SUSPENDED NEW YORK AN50ml waitre department bulldIIIB words who pulled wilch over pay Luue were oidered Impended Aloudy Welter Comminiuner limes Dum an ordered dc nrtmentll hear as or tho ken and called in city policemen to re pllco them COUPLES WED KEY WEST FIB lAPlRIA volIa radio lays Fathert Dry was observed in Cuba by the marriaze at 030 coupler Re cently the Cubn goremment he no du an lniemive campaign under the llflkln in in the status of your ilm by urging couples with children to marry BELIEVE IT or NOT By Rioley MIMI AIIS lIIIAS GIVEN THE ENGLISH ME new 50LECI5MMEANING BLUNDER OF wennu IIE suPr COTTAGE THROUGMOLIIJSHIS ENTIRE LIFETIME mm HIS M3 M5 OPDI DISPLAY OPEN TILL PM SALESMAN 0N DUTYiEVIiRy EysNING DEMONSTRATION MODEL SKYRmGE SALE PRICE end reek IhIun Ford Truck good motor on tires many other mle Clea too numerous to mention in reserve or IIInu urn being no TERMS Ali sums at $50 and under cash ovor iiii nmount mouths credit on approved Joint notes bearinl Interest It 87 Per lnnum nceeptcd It the bank Irrnes Foster Itflss Hnnd Clerks CHARLES POSTER Auc tlorlcer phonn Creembro 50 74900 Can Be Moved To Your Lot For $94900 GOES ON SALE MOM JUNE 12 WE ALSO HAVE COTTAGE 0N DISPLAY WHICH IS COMPLETELY WiNTERlZED BEAVER 127 BRADFORD ST YOUCAN good looking remin ctr 899 down hunky I956 Puntich Loldl of extru and nod round Lbll 0M I957 Ford Smut two tone brown audbrlze ditio Down peymenu or low can Inland Gluan bind with motehin lmlly cu $176 or your In down I958 Dodge rneey looking clr in cit lmlrl III indie ai your mile cottons or just nod trnneportntion Ivcdrale salection ot Engdfls 51s on very ea own no eh In our rules until my RALPH BANE VIC TDMKINSON r7 NORM KRAMER Hlltra 145 Bradford St PA 82449 MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ETIMATE 816 DA 80031 Barrie KRAMER MOTORS LTD 1959 Austin French ray in color wlLIi smart mi upholstery Radio very clean tnnsmlssion One iocsl owner drove this one $11500 or your tun down And ternu In law man Per month I956 Dodge Sedans hm two to ehooss from porn are ripe cars in very good coo esam Ind monthly plyments or $17M 958 Studebaker4lDOor Sedan hiue trim In uuelleht condition roll shlny rodJnii thII two tone rldlo lutOmhtlcntrlnrmlqun Poe inst Iurnnur err Exirn crron his Islm Extr NoRM WELLER EPEND ON and $42 monthly qu handan this Door Plardtop Iutomnbltl Very ally torinn on Door Sedan WIIII matching interior SInlIdlld thI take It Door Sedan elem very loud thdiflvn 5000w down or the Drop in sod see our better then 54 Very low down psyrnents sot run In merged su Any pt CLARENCE MYERS BILL LYNCH AMPRELL CARISA QUALITYCAR merMoiorsLlltl 97 Bradford St PA 66652 Ont WATSON STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE QUALITY CARS COURTEOUS SERVICE I960 Corvair Sedan mm DEALING NO alMMlcxs PHONE NUMBERS 761 AND 241 with sutonniic drlvc smart lnwmtlelzn ear heeutttully hushed in turquoise firstclsx mechanical condition 1960 Meteor Cylinder zidoor hurliop with sutonistlc drive sun In more And niecosnieslly purest ur custom le meeuent velne 1958 Mercury Pclrklane Honi herdtop with eutomsue drlvopowse hreiies Ind sieerinr This luxury In both nod eppeusncs end pIflorinInl 1957 Chevrolet Door Sedan with Itanderd trsnsnsiuion Affineowner cu the he always Ind the but pm with toned 1957 ChevroletSedan cylindermotor sutomilc driv sno ndio stirpump two in roIn son ivory Five brand new um i957 PontiacISafori door IIle wagon In loodme¢hlnkll condition Blcellanl Vilul SEE Tlmsr AND MANY 0mm SPLENDID VALUES IN USED CARS 0N DISPLAY AT OUR SALES LOT 11 PAY YOU TO DROP IN INSPECT OUR STOCK SALRSMRN RILL mmtvhfi AL DRIPPs wise Bench WILL wssn Resoh SALE LOT uAINsIRm EAST STAYNmm Na 24 Il il953 FRE LUMBER PA ssh sprains MOTORS NCH j75 BRADFORD STREET45 SAVE ON THESE CARS 19S7 Dodge Regelit I956 Dodge Regent vs door I956 Plymbuth Sedan door Sedan $999 $695 $645 Powerflite 955 Dodge Regent Sedan Automatic $459 I956 quge Regen i955 Plymoolh Sedan lymouth Sedan 1953 Dodg 1953Dodg Mayfair 95 Dodge DodgCe RegentOie Sedan wv$j95 $199 SPECIALS Automatic rdrive

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