Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1961, p. 10

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ll THE BABEIE TUEDAY JUNE Cl ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS mumAt the Royal Victoria Hospital nrrrle on Sund June is 1941 to Mr mid lire uncan Cantu Belle burl son rAmnsoVAi the Royal Vie iorta iiosplia uarrla on Silur day June 11 Ml to llr and MB lichen tenon RR Pie son iwtuiim Robert SnWAuTAt the Prince Coun iy Hospital Snmmenlde ELL on Wednesday June it 156 to hit and tin Wayne Stewart delight ier Wendy Le ore lbs or sister or nstTIiAt Ibo Roy1 Vic tom liospItnI uurie on sIuo dsy lune 17 ml to Mr and aim Norman liesIteIh 151 cook Street name dsugnicr ialsrcis Lynn IIAlilusAi the Royal Victoria Hospital barrio on Prid June It ml to Pie and lies Ill cei Harris at £1 period Street Ila rte dangbl units mmmrmc rAillLlr Isismulls esp b3 militia with 93me our owl spe cots islth manning nod WEDDINGS Notices or these ovenu are only $150 Bring them to tho CIuitled counter or teio hooc Th Barrih Exlmlnor PA DEATHS nELLAiter lengthy ulness it her residence an asylum Street Barrie Ontario on Saturday Jurln 11 last alsrgrelts Lynn hell lotnicr owner ol Ihs queens notcl unrrleI beloved wile ot the lite Jock Angus llell desr daugh ter or the Isle Crnost Dogr Lynn and lisgdsion nutter Lynn Its ter ol the one Ilsbel Susan allt ehell and durlnni of Ed ar Lyno Mttohoil his Venn nd greathunt oi onvld hwgence ailtchcll ot Thornblu Resting hi the Iennett runch home 152 nrodtnrd street nsr rIc until noon Tuesday June 20 thcnco to Trinity Anglican Church Currie lor servlrc II pm pm Interment Thornhury uoInn Cemetery upon arrival at motors approximately no pm By rc uucst kipon omit tlorst tributes now At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday June 19 1961 William How elovcd husband ol the late lzdun hock dear laihcr ot blursrot him Salter Esther Mrs Sartolit Kathleen thin Lugadinl In his and year Rest inx at the Potblck hiucrai Home 117 Hayfield Street Blrfle Eur vico in tho chlpul wudncsdu June 21 at pm lntnrmont Han rio Union Cemete sALIaqutrI her home ridgebtil nrtvc BatTie on Sunday lane to iooi Max Ann huitott beloved wile ot to late James Leonard Salisbury to her hard year our mother at airs Iio rley Cook and am William Drury Ann both or Toronto Resting at the stectticy IIlnenl Home on wonley strcct nsrrie tor service on Tuesday June 20 at 2317 pro Interment Home Union Cemetery WILSONAt thn Ponetmg Gen nrsl Hospim on Sundny luau to loot James William Wilson Iol lVyevtlo district beloved our and Cd tho into Jenn Graham deer brother or Iattio hiss Mazatlan pouchesmlhorts In his hard ycar Restlnc at the James Lynn moori IIome Elm vsle uh noon on Wzdnudny June 21 then to Wyevnls Unite Church ior mnoral service at p111 Intormonr Wynvzle Ceme tery Casket will be open in the church tram pm until time of scrvlcc 1N MEMORIAM waE In Inud memory of George slducyWIcc who passed away June 17 1959 page in the book of memory silently turns today Remelnbered by wlth end loin CARDS 0F THANKS FREEMAN wish to exprcu my slnceru thanks to the stuff at the Royal Victoria Hospital and Dr Smith or their care during my recent uluess lirs Pree man ENGAGEMENTS BELSHAW GASPDLI air and lilrs custard nelsbsw of strand wish to nnnonnce the on gngerncnt or their youngest daugb ter Leona to air Dnrlhld Ghspell The wedding is to take place on Octohcr as 1961 copy for Want Ad Section accepted until Pm Day before publicafion COMING EVENTS BARBIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Bus tour to CANADIAN ROSE socllmrls ANNUAL ROSE SHOW LEASle MEMORIAL GARDENS SUNDAY JUNE 25 AT PM TMAL COST BUS TOUR T0 STRATFORD WEDNESDAY JULY to sea Play HENRY VIII HUS FARE AND DINNER TICKETS $250 AND so To Reserve Phone PA Hus PA ml Plan to attend the annual MAMMOTH CHICKEN BARBECUE to be hold on SATURDAY JUNE 24 in RIVERDALE PARK ALLISTON From 51 pm Chicken barbecued on the spot by members of ST JOHNS UNIIm CHURCH COUPLES CLUB Ind served with all the trimmings to make commute suppor Shoo pm pox The itempmrtcltlrumpet hand of Barrio will attend hnd provide splendid entertainmont Phone For tickets plesso Owens in 56108 Ailioibn sun Howlm North REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE lulu minh doom 1s Tm Emur aAlmn CALI DAY on EVENLNG PA 82379 Member at tho Barrio And Didir Roll Bull Bond MOVING Pot complete movin urine uler Ind lulu 811 COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Lu Rd Sam PArkwu oasis PA saifi NORMAN She swell REAL mun ohokm photon street but PA 89961 OR 68742 IDEAL LOCATION slum PULL PRICE Nico brick bunlllow on Cook st btdrooms livbu room Ind mod ern kitchen including place bath on main floor and room srtment In basement renting or monthly Storms and screens Included Ind torturing besnil nuiy landscaped lot run down plylnent now let mortgage nt Total Carrying charges 55 monthly Cali lack Willson or particulars EVENINGS CALL Jot Loan PA 78 Everett sholswcll 0rd ma PA Will PA Hall PA M178 PA 59961 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 PANORAMIC VIEW OF KEMPENFELT BAY This beautiiui room homo with pictnro window in livlna ronni Inge modernjdtchen din room two bedroom and sunporc Gazi age Large landsca ed lot All in Immaculate shape union and out For inspcctlon call Karl Marsha PA 911 SHANTY BAY DISTRICT Largo lot too It 350 high sod dry on paved road Beaniqu view of $3321 Cull Klrl lilarsbnil PA NEWLY DECORATED storey and half bomc kitchen llle room Imd utility room Forccd air all heated Large lot 55 160 Prch for quick an wibh small down paymcnt nai ance like rout Cull Karl Marsh PA 55911 $350 DOWN Vary tidy room home located in Hillsdale carries for around $40 per month Taxes only $55 per year Close to schools and stores nut prlcs only $4500 Dont dell lixflib one Call Emory Illlei PA lack VIllsou Ilm Lemon Norman Shelswell WORKSHOP 20 40 ieet on lot 80 ziil lent Six month old on stool construc uon ihtcollcut for bobby unit on boat hnildinz one block Irom lake Carries tor $50 per month down Chll Joe Palmer PA MILES FROM BARRIE main home in small village on paved road Pour bedrooms living room and large kitchen Part base ment Good size lot for children aul $4500 Cali Joe Palmer for mrtlzer particulars EXCLUSIVE LAKE SHORE HOME Winterired and only year old In Greenwood Forest Oro Living room with fireplhce dinette lili cited three bedrooms and breeze way attached garage on woodod lot 100 800 Ieet Has large boat house and cement dock This hes home is right on the waters edgo For Ippolntment call Norah Rallies Member of Bhrrlo and DIME Real Rotate Hoard WINGS CALL EMORY mm PA GMIS JOE PALMER PA 30333 KARL MARSHALL PA 39917 INORAHJIAEKES Oro 4023 our PORSTHII PAH465 BOAKE REALTOR 161 BRADFORD 5mm BARRIE PA 85387 OR PA 85833 still telling form to Isrmers tor farming Clsro WnksmooPA Midi Ralph noukoPA onto Members of Barrio nnd District heal Panto hoard BREADme Transtcrrcd Inuct sell lovely tines bcoroous brick home to annals innuty lolli bins Location north end Ally rsasonsbie alter considered all non Piese cio hone PA lupmlon our EMERGENCY MEASURES use SAW demontruton sirnéaennrrld Emergency Imsnstna tbn thawing ot motion picture unmouthtomouth rem clthtlnn followed by demnnhtnilon Nehsen Method at Resuscitation on Measures Organization of this method lull ostho Holg r4 TUESDAY JUNE I96I AT INTBE PM Mhiihhhs Roots um pUlLolNd Iwmi MANCnoowtgsimng AII poroons tnterosiooin on you to attend There will he no Civil bluebe chem REAL ESTATE FROGE ONE DUNwP maroon FOB Sans RS ICONNELL REALTORS STREET EAST Post In BariIa dune snotPenman in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES LAKE FBONTAGE ON THE 0110 SHORE OM One hundred teet ol Lalo Slmcon frontage depth at no It lac too right near the Hawkeslone Government Meiexcoqu tinting flu hounded oldCull mm cottage which would iervn nicely while you building your summer home Tun In allued For Coins plete details plsu pbonn PA um ALMOST NEWI APAiiTlIENISSOLLD BRICK VANCOUVER STREET sumo In an excellent residential district venient to East rod of line new homes coo Slitirglnl Pun lien first €111 Investment Proper Mnlflnl iler Us mllnlcnlnce Cousins at lhru spacious and modern but we healed apartments where an owner can live and let the building pay for iuelil ill mfl lnlpecuon Phone PA major Complou do IARGE HOUSE AND ACRE NORTH OF BARRIE up till pflco with very low down payment and on open mortgage that carries for conveniences 17 rooms in all 851 per month got cloa l0 Khools Ind not Nu Mflfllfl phone PAWSI any hum with mod on oxullznt tcr gangs ern ST VINCENT STREET ZBEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Slim Only yell old and In Imely condlllon some vcryla psaiiug loliuru ocersnllt ulo hathmnln Oilrage this bunglow has up iivihgdiuing combination andy location our atoms on and schools Bl saving duo lo month includinl tase See this ond without delay You may have possession any time to suit you EVENINGS CALL Mlle MOOREPA um ROGERSPA N581 MEMBERS mom hisinlet ml FOSTERPA CONNEIbPA 755 STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA now PA 60242 $IOOO DOWN FOR BRICK BUNGALOW Has large living room kitchen good Hot water and all heating Largo duublegsrage meat 1w live miles from Barrio marlElle or 55 per month Nico lot to Bill price 311500 Will carry on on RESTAURANT CLOSE BARRIE 1th gleaming restaurantin imm Ior so ghosts macllcnt living qnlrton This good profit lililst bl Mike In oileri bold Price GOLF COURSE AREA ulaie condition has accommodation uslncss ix Ilium In bun mdnced $7000 20 SUM Erick bungalow on bcsuuiul landscaped and trecd lot Large living room wlth brick fireplace bedrooms tiled plum hllll modern kllcli etl llrgo rcureailon room Pllln calpom piece bllh rec NM hasobosrd not waior heating Largo down payment required by Appointment only II SUITE APARTMENT lhls oldcr type brick building nlcest lots in Harrie is tloso to downtown on on the 198 with beautiiul nbudc ircos and shrubs Listed mErica 548000 with terms showing excellent return on money invest BUILDI NG LOTS Close to downtnvm refit buy it $2300 ouch Contact this oiiico Iol Iurther information Smith CImpbellPA 57369 Joan LangPA um Pcrgus GarveyPA 81952 Members of tho Barrie lical Paints board CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 824I9 93 DunmSt MABELMARS PA 94450 canny PA um WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS ORESIDENTIAL TAYLOR REALTOR is CLAPPERTON sT BARRIE PHONE PA 51761 35000 per month with real low down payment is all that 15 re quired to purchase this storey bedroom home with piece bath Camp Borden arch Hurry Iorthis one slim per month with very low down payment bedroom ootta on lovely ooruer lot Harri Park liaise Simeon com leton furnished heavy wiring real bargain slooo down will buy this so here farm with nice bedroom budge low wlili all Convonlences Make us no offer Evenings call FOSTERPA 51555 NELthPA Sessd MOOREPA 82360 Men el Toronto and Outhrlo Real Estate boards ATTRACTIVE building Lot ior sale 118 by 132 feet on Letitia street out do city limits For up pointnmnt to inspect telephone PA Hm DAILY cltcIsswolio dining room ER room Term under DE NBA th Sitlithe Am 43 Good Ned rudely anthem 49 Cutawooa Obscure DOWN 10 make Twilled n0tookewn rubrics last stand Iris layer 12 Goddess of Pourinto Valentina Run away 16 Am 5Uutovor ails able 15 Stone African events anwa CamilaB Venture point awmtem aburJ her 13 Gold lien mm gt19Vnriety at Minnow chflcem rlqnx nomad alum 14 Concedes native 22on HI division 25 Radium MOVED May 16 1561 To 113 DUNLIP STREET Next to Brown dc Co STEVENSONS ALL Kl NDS INSURANCE BY OWNER MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Four bedroom bungalow Owner translcrred One yen old Hill by Pratt Gs heating NHA rua gage Reasonable Apply li Mh on Crescent Telephono PA WW1 PRIVATE SALE Seven roam bungalow one Ind oneIla years old down Vlcinig North Couegisazt Owner tronsierrcd TELEPHONE PA 68024 For appointment THREE CHOICE Building Luis do it 160 located on north sido of stoni street east of Cook Services psld SIIrvEyEIi $30M eaeb Tele pbona PA 31215 NEW EEDBOOM Ruck Hunga law attached garage close to all schools bargain or one with Ross Street PM ROOM Bungalow on Higbn way 11 with hardwood floor and our place both Two miles irons Dominion Store close to school and church Large int Apply Box barrio Examiner 18Endu ID AN NT MG HON gur metal 20 Black snake Writer Will thmp at Pet I3 Ra No lion GR xcetcrdsys Ansor 34Whenler 35mm 31 Festive 23Arijsta eg 24Exoms dilation wraith when 23 Perform 291nthe midstot 4413am uzunnnnw IanIlla good down payment Apply 110 Homé Hunting Watch Exdmi REAL ESTATE PBOPEBTY FOR SALE 11 CA REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Nut door to the Imperial Theatre YOUR PERFECT HOME AT LAST moo tuii price or this untitl ul threo bedroom brick huflKl low with lovely living room bright kitchen and our piece tiled both 5mm recreation room with Paved driveway Terrill back lawn with apple trees This home Ln wonderful condition real at this extremely low rich my mortgage curries or moothiyninlenst prtncl pni and taxes See this houu Igt day Coll Gerry Mallory ottlco PA ml alter pin PA won 138 NAPIER ST Drlva by this two bedroom brings low priced It only 500 down in mo in Now gu turnco Low beating Con Illegally reduced from 19 Hurt In said immedlnteiy as owner lrllulemd call Ruuoli cmon Mace PA uul am pan PA haul ELMVALE with mottlle mortgage that curios or $65 per £3000 qu prizemil priedfor lovely our roan lion and only 1700 down CIII Hurt Sher nfl ico PA Midi Inu ti pm PA ST VINCENT STREET 11100 all price Two bedroom rick bungalow oil boa Laun dry tube close to sch oil and shopping hilly ieuced yard Liv ing room and fly to dining room Almost loans no osseulon Cali Corry Mallory co PA ml otter ii pns PA um mm 51 31000 down Six room house only 500 outside city limits Taxes 3100 True On an hero or ground Pull price only $10800 This should demon Human go art Cali Russell Carson ou th YAWI alter pm PA 56 WORKING MANS HOME 32500 down out up prim nut Ill Buyl you on oxcernt our room bungalow with garage Close to countglad St School For lurther details cell lung shorhr mta PA 6801 IItcr it on PA LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT room homo on edge of City Pav ed road mcellent condition aluu Show ho sold Immedistely Payments tor on month £33 thisupropcrty Mallory attics PA cilia pm PA won NORTH WLLEGIATE AREA Pivo room brick bungalow sumo down Ono monogo whim comes at son month interest principal and taxes Call Ruuell Carson oilico PA nodal slice Mn PA ooiol For Go dini $1500 DOWN Threo iugo bedrooms Living room If 20 Large bright kitch en hill hument Forced air all host This lwme is bargain at SIIIJOD Call Gerry Hillary omco PA Gum Alter pm PA um NEA READS Roduoed to 9017 Three bedroom brick bung ow on hotbweu Cm cent $2500 down one mortgage or the haisnco at up Cali Russlt ell Clmn omen PA 6648 aftnr pm PA Midi THORNTON lust tow minutes drive to tho city each morning Soven room brick home riced at only station Requires in leiIces Cali Gerry PA 66481 alter is CROWN HILL six room stucco home heated by oil with good well and watcr soitener pressure system plccu bath Six acres of ground Call Marg sberar omen PA ml sit er Pan PA $7555 PA 6648 Mamba Barrie and Dlstrlct Heal mutt Beard HENDERSON REALTOR 1p COLLIER Tam PHONE PA oleIa MELROSE AVENUE This lovely modern home Is iuLLv lhndlchpeu and has cnrpoIt Own nbiting transferred Phone Percy pince 117021 NAPIER mom BUNGALOW Pour rooms and bath unfinished Priced to soil Percy Ford 105 STRABANE Charming brlelc nnd stono shaped bedroom bungalow with attached garg shaped living and room Finished lieo Upsllln Welt landscaped lot $1000 down Phona AMELIA DUCKWORTH AREA 912500 Toll trees rrnmo this very $3 finwIIE urge on room three bedroom Finished recro tiou room paved drive all to ex cellaut condition Carries or $75 monthly including taxes on 595 mortgage For full details REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured slut acetdeoi nicknesr eaih CRESCENT FINANCE HDUNLOP hT Wm BARBIE PA was zoo Pillar lionrolls wanted immediately in clear up an en tnte Apply Box Harris trans In unnmadgslst and 1nd bought sol gin surrlanged Cfnlmeudrelnl on re en nones pan on hung meritus Iasrrio lion use brokers PA um IMHXDIATB Mflflllll Mull ID consolidatedbu pa on existing momgel homo groveinenu etc Discuss your pm iron with us Call lor appointment PA ml Hurtsgs Pudding over antennars 129 human st RENTALS PABlmlu for business cars at In Dunlap Slroct hut Ve cop vEnlont to llio Availsho or 350 weekly one PA Him OFFICES STORES RENT stout Putt KENT Queen Street Coolutown Good location or bah bonitop or shoe repair and shoe nles Telephone 45ml cooks iown mm Pon RENT $55 per month also sell oontslncd two bedroom apartment er month Hoth centrally loohl Telephone PA mu or nlrthor details APTS HOUSES T0 BENT Two R002 and bathroom grlvath entrance salt per month elephone PA 66195 111an R00 himljhed Apart merit for rum Telephone PA 84351 nncr pm Point uoohi himlshed Arte meut pflvlto bsih lmme late possession Apply dmwan street THREE not rumislld lphrb ment in new borne Prlvhio bath room Parking facilities Hut and Avotllble immediately PA 371 CHNmLLY Located six room house or rent unlillnilhedoll hontcd Also gargo Telephone PA 34011 tor nirihcr particulars MODERN self contained apart meat or rent uninrnishod cul trnlty located Tlusonpblu rent Dll heatedImmediate possession Telephone PA was FURNISHED three room bested bsscment apartmout or rent Suit huhhtess couplc East end Immo fiat9 posscsslon Tclopliuno PA Two UNluuletiHn Bachelor apartments for not Reirigcarior and stove iupplled Mcnled dow town Availeble lmmodlstoly Te epbone PA 752 daytime 1111128 noon lApsrtmcnt bath dell conlaincd but water he ed muscular and stove avllllble Ten minutes wslk Irom downtown Telephone PA dam Pavia 30031 House ior rent on Highway ii one mile from Bnrv rle liudorn throughout Reason Ibio rent Telephone PA M257 Ior turthcr information SHLP CONTAINED Apsrtmcnt rooms and bath plus storugc room Heated $65 pcr montll Apply Iti lsndsle Hardware Two vNPunNisiiEu Bachelor Apartmonts for rent Relrigera tor and stove supplied Located downtown Available immediately Tulephnue PA 152 daytime ltlonHRN two bcdroom apart mcni stove and rcfrigcrator alip plied Laundry and parking facul ties Janitor sorvice Avallsblc July Tolephonu PA ohm BEDROOM unhirolslled apart Ihent living bathroom kitchen cite parking private onttauao West end Nd cbudron Telephone PA 51161 THREE AND ball room apart ment on anlu street ground floor stove and refrigerator aut omatic washer and dryer isciil tiles bested Telephone PA M718 Two FURNISHED Room Apart meui Hot and cold water Suite sblo or one or two adults Avail able now Telpronc PA Miss evenlnEa sung CONTAINED three room unturoisned apartment both hot water supplied Close to down town Parking militias Use ol baromeot Tollphone PA assist MODERN three rnom apartment recently decorated Heating and water Supplied Parking and laundry facilities Avouabls July 15 Telephone PA 58901 evenings Monm two bedroom nps ment cut end Automtic inun dry iactiittes Availablo July To epilopc PA 8292 ior further details UPPER DUPLEX gpncluui theo room apartment with balcony lieted heavy duty Wiring All decorated Tdephon PA SIP nieai linan or evenings noon uniiiinlslid apart ment separate entrance self con tallied plhrldng faculties Niswa decorated Avatiisble immeolntcly Tclcphnno PA 8217 ior lurthor inlormstion HEATED Apartment for rent Large Iivng room bedroom din etto and kitchen with stove and reirigerator Central Business cou with on this excluslvo listing Call filth Sclndreit EVHNlNGs CALL RITA SOANonm PA its most FORD PA 81m Member of Barrie and District and Onhflo Raul Eitllo Boud roim now Stucco Bungalow on Highwsy so Pile and hardwood floors aluminum storm windows and duo Owner innhferled Heat er Telephone PA 51861 EIGHT noolvl Brick Homo bed room dining room but water oil tireplsce bsy windows full niuc and basement garage patio trees completely redenurhtcd Subltantial down payment Foul blocks from Flvo oLntl TCIeplionI PA 81437 BUS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY Reliable sober Inln wanted to Invest Show in good paying bush nest in his area No experlenne neo Good weeltiy returns and prob can he turned Must have car and be wining to start at noon CiipnSoliut Laboratories Ltd al Ontord st Toronto an Ont Poll um Fish and chip and Hot Dog booth fully equipped Alisa Voxohhlo stand Apply Russells Garage Waugh Hench opinions Wang Bosch 10 pie preferred Availablo July Telnphono PA 58576 Two Dunn 0M unfurnished apartment ret gerator and stove laundry tacititics Central Ovar Inoking park and Iaueiont Close to schools Apply at be hlukas or telephone PA 8241 THREE nEDR 0M partment owniown Iocnti stove and ILL Senior heat and electricity sup pued Private entrance Available Iuly soil per month Telephone PA 33588 after ma unilan Arm Grov Four zoom ground floor and live room upper apartment Self contallied uniunlshcd heated Children wel goslanleg $10 monthly Telephone PA AVAILABLE Immediately Dun furnished apartment ono unfuryp Vlfhed both self cantalncd Ono child welcome Days phone 33270 evenings PA 34808 THREE BODM unturnished AllinV menl hoot WILEI Supplied Loch ed Blake land Dunlop Available immediately For further lnfoh billion Telephone PA usual or PA 35477 NBW All Modern one Ind two bodroom npnrooonto ovulookidz scenlo Kamnoniillt Ely Holt wh tor nouns and hill Iervico inclu ad Aotonutia smug oulusr PA um AanHY Ontarl Beautiful sumoer resort on Lake Slmco Ten units with conveniences Iii winteflzed home Indlhrlle oloc AmAcTIvHLY Fumlaliod or partly turnishcd our room apart ment lel contained hlth and balcony Not suitable tor clllld lions Mario Cunningham rA ism rcn Teliiphono PA 59151 or 15 Campbell Avonqu RENTALS Am HOUSE 10 RENT mo loan Apartmcol might very lam rooms modern hitch en ResIi 350 Telephone Ivy mu cmIuL Self contained one bedroom unmmilhed apartment but and Irllu hundry trays basement Recently decanted monthly Ap Peel Sire Apartment up sou CONTAINED heated in tluvy wiring uninrulshed bedroom stment front and oak co lrsnee Ilun room Children welcome Apply sol Hyheld Streetor phone PA 11 EMALL cm two road furn Lined IPIrungni Mdrv Ind tieI Included month Separate entrance Available July Tole phone PA won for further lnloh mildly ml00l Apartment with mo bathroom but enter on cited nmgultor and navy duty stove Included Located on Burton Avenue Apply is Centre strcct ruminant three roam apart nlutt in blue bulk helvyduty nave and refinerinn rd 00d noon Soil containedA July Apply Arnutrvng Witt AmAcan uflel room untur unhedr heated apartment Rede eonted sell contained with riv sta bathroom Stove Ind rel stor supplied suitbin or busi ness couple Telephone PA 55156 FURNISHED modern bungalow or rent Central location For July and August only5nlublo or couple no children or could be rhand with one or mum business women Telephone PA moo alter pm or ill Iolorniitinn NURSING HOMES NURSING HOME Nursing cuo tor elderly or con valekehL Reasonbio tiles FIVE Mhplu Nursing Home Thornton WANTED TO RENT wAmn To RENT One bedroom unturnlshed apartment on ground floor Ceulnl location reierrcd Available around July Apply Box 10 Barrie Examiner WANTED Ashrunenl furnished or nomrnishe by September ist tor two or thres tescncrs Pdvhlo entrance Ind bath Apply nor Elirid Examiner Two grungy brick house close to separate School with garage Preler on heating Rellunohlo root can sup ply good microoer Telephono PA bum otter pm ROOMS TO LET Two linicm Inrnisbcd house keeping rooms stovo and relrige rotor supplled Am Io psrktrlg Close to Eulle Telephone moi LAuGg HEATED Roomto rent unkind thifleeron nngette and boddios aupnllld lire ol wulilng mnchlne Apply at at Mary Street Two FURNISHED bedrooms to rent two blocks from downtown Business men preigrrod For up tncr Information telephone PA our bedroom Itooitis To LET to gentlemen murth Irons Monday until day Construction workers wel come Reasonable rates Good pnlltlnl Alva to 72 High Sircet or telephone PA 34121 ROOM BOARD Imam AND noAun nvntlsble Centrally located Lunchna acked Por lurther inlormstlon te ophone PA 81552 noon AND HoAnn Available Will pack lnncbes it desired Ap ply 137 Borcay street Pan1e Telc phunl PA was RDOM AND unlum for gentle man available in private home Home cooking and will pack lun ehes desired Telephone PA 86252 for lurilter information noolvl AND BOARD Gcntlemsn pretcrred Will pack innshes IIome privileges Mary St Close to downtown Telephone PA Mass or mriber details SUMMER RESORT IONGWOOD LODGE Lovely pllyzruund lplclous rooms hot and cold water very good fishing only one mils to golf and tennis com we have European cutslnelmr opean cliof and all home cooking Very reasonable rates bleais can be served at all times or outsid ers Weekend guests and mules are welcome clots to Alianlialo golt course TELEPHONE maul alum COTTAGES Poo sans Two COTTAGES or sale to set tle an estate bedrooms each Located at Tiny Roachmu Geor gian Bay Appb Mrs John Cole in Strand 111212 COTTAGE FOR EALH or rent two bedrooms all Convenlencex win terized Locatcd at Innlsnl Park close to lake Apply Peteisen at innishl ark TWO noonoowl Cottago with all conveniences loll foot river ironi ngo besuiilul lot so miles Irons Barrio Muskoks district Sickness forces solo Write box 15 Barrie Examiner WASAGA BEACH on river lully Inrnisbed winterized cottage three bedrooms living rno Rea sonnblo for quick sale 11 Ton onto alt 50089 Lfter put coil ect Can be contsctcd at HA Moll hctween an and pm COTTAGES To BENT THREE oHDltomvl Cottage to rent by tile soasbn luridn conveniences Big Boy Point Hesutiful treed location Tclcphone IPA M765 TWO BEDROOM cottage on balls Gibson 48 miles north Good hedli romgeratoc boat solo swimming good tisblng Telephone PA 34573 for iilrther particulars HOUSEKEHPING Cottages threo and our bedroom complctsly tun nishod cottages for rent at War on Beach for July Telophonu PA 85lm COTTAGE IIor rent at Big Bay Point Harrie only 10 miles New wihh modern convenlnncel nie bsthlng besclt Avhlllhld July 15 August 15 Telephone PA Magi ARTICLES for sALE liAVz YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Seéond Hand Store DUNLOP ST Wm PHONE PA ham NEWSPAPER MATS Slug nuts Ions Iorllnuu hon bonus atttu lulu ole perfect insulator 25c FER DUZEN Apply rho harm assminer is His Onuflu VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS 900 RElngRATORS $9500 McFADDENS IZBPENETANG ST PA 89288 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ANDRAKE SPEARS IM Pukhrd Coach 1950 F1110 lton Curhllde Van Hydra Lino Truck Body TWO POD Coolen Line Walnut Alr Cumprduor 1955 Vanguard Cli II Cruiler and Hen Sludlo Pump and airline HARDWARE touts mono FILL YOUR FREEZER with tho iinost RED and BLUE MEATS ETC 1001 Gusnoroctiltluslity nudges Terms on orders $5000 Ind over Complete Line of FRESH MEATS AT THE DOWEST PRICES no available to those who wish to purchase their orders daily IL your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE its TIPPIN Sinner linultlh PHONE PA cocoa Frée Delivery Open Fridly ll ll pm BULLDOZING AND Grading Fish Pond construction Apply Hnrt PA 139 PIANO in good condition with ex cellent tone 60 Apply to Top onto street Phone PA 34331 BICYCLE or sale In good condi tlou red and white CCM modeL gpfiiuriher details telephone PA ruErAius To ALL makes of rew lng machines Por ireo osumotc singer Sewing Machine Centre 2a Dunlap PA undo SALES SPECIAL oncouiy Pea erwdgbt portable $6950 Slnzer Sewlng Mlcmn Centre 28 Dunlop PA omo SALES SPECIAL Complete can if uglfilméln $2 ger cw lno Centre 28 nutlion PA Him CHESTERFIELD for sale grey PHo clelnlng Selling reasonably sac Telephone PA 3297 LIONEL ElectricTruln or sale com late with track and controls one cut bargain Apply Ton onto Street Telephone PA 334351 SALES SPECIAL New Styleo Mnttc Zialag Machine complete decorative stitching selection For Ireo demnnrtntion Singer Sew ing Centre 28 Dunlap PA 87960 mséméfl Fligéméfiii gcr ag Mlohinl Ior only $15950 Singer sewingceutre 23 Dunlop Street West Barrie JUNE SPECIAL Singer Golden Gilda Vacuum Cleaner reduced $10 singer Sewing Ceniro 2B puniop Street Welt Barrie casts EALBZLBVATOR fnr sale good Is new Comes with motor or 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