IAROUNDSIMCOE COUNTY PHELPSTON successful Credit Union meeting was held Monday evening in the hall Several points of interest were dis cursed Mr De Grooi pointed out the ï¬ned for more worlt among the members to make known the use of the Credit Union Lo all people of Fins Township Alseta showed steady in ERIEB Mrs Minnlngs Mrs Wil lilln MIcDonIld Sadie and Margaret MacDonald and Joe MacDonald motored to De trail to attend the graduation ceremonies of Maureen Kenny daughter of Mr and Mrs io 12 Kenny avid Marley at Hull Que ind Mrs William Coyle oI Barrie and Mr and Mrs Cnv rough and Miss Theresa Coyie oi Barrio visited Mr and Mrs Frank Marley 11in softball team had win ning streak until they met An gus Monday night The score was 205 for Angus SUNNIDALE Mr and Mrs Lee Blukcy and Joanne Mrs Grace Sockott of Portiaw were Sunday visitors with illr and Mrs John Black and family Mrs Dovoy of North Eny spent low days with Mr and Mrsi Fred lilclorlane and ac companicd them to visit Mrs Sealer and Mcnrlanc at Vnsnga Ecach Mrs Middleton Elmvale is pending some time with Mr and Mrs Lewis Allen and Don nn Visitors at the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Lush were Mr and Mrs Clifford Lush and family Mr and Mrs Tod Rark ley and lamiiy Mr and Mrs Wes Fisher and lnmiiy Mr and Mrs Jim Marshall Patsy and Bruce Pctcrs all oi Toronto Mr andiilrr Harry Martin and family Vasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Gaorge Stnll and Georgina oi Duntroon were guests of Mr and Mrs Jnmus Wilson and Iamily Tuesday Mr and Mrs Albert Fisher and family accompanied Jim McGauley of Collingwood on trip to Niagara last Sunday Recent visitors with Mrs REL lantCarmichael and Cook were Mr and Mrs Ed Picker ing ir and Mrs Allen Cnr michsel oi Collingwond Mrs James Freethy Nelson and iriend also Mrs Sam Burgess and children all of Toronto Mu May Harvey was Sun day guest of Mr and Mrs Fred McFarlanc JACKS MIKE WI On Wednesday evening June Mrs Roy MeArthur was host ess to Jacks Lake Womens In stitute with Mrs John Morgen president in charge of the bus lness Mrs Ralph Morgan convencr of agriculture presented an int eresting program The motto was given by Mrs McFar lane social time was spent to the close of the meeting EDGAR WA MEETING The WA will meet at the home of Mrs Lauder June 21 at pm The devotional will be given by Mrs Hayes Roll call suggestions for programs for garden party July Re freshment convenar will Mn Lauder Hustonand Henderson of Atwood visited at Moc Leods on Sunday Rev Fred Earner oi ansvil ie renawed acquaintanccs at the United Church Sunday mor ning and visited Mr and Mrs Lees and family Brian and JoltAnn Booth of Toronto are visiting their grand parents Mr and Mrs Strachan Members oi the st Johns Ambulance Corp were present Thursday evening at the Com munity Hall to demonstrate art ilicinl respiration or both shock and drowning Explanation was made very clear to all inquiries The community was fortunate in having the opportunity ol learning more on this subject nitisniiii Mr and Mrs Alvin Drcnnan altunded the Parkvlow School annual picnic at Miss Margaret Hoods collage Balm Beach May 31 The WMSvmecting was held Monday evening at tho home at Mrs Herbert Goddard with Mrs William Richardson presiding Davotlon was given by Mrs Ari Mellon Mission Study was given by Mrs Herbert Goddard bake sale is planned for later in the summer Misses Sharon Scott and Sitar on Siddohware weekend guests of Mrs Siddon Toronto at her cottage at Victoria Harbor TELEVISION PROGRAMS MONDAY JUNE 19 in Policy ma Pain can Junior Roundup onu naninr of tho Jungle 559 News Headlines Provincial Alinlu am Churchill Farm Market Report Don Jlmlcsnn News Weather Sham Love Lucy urn Mosser Danny Thomas Music Makers The Flintstones Festival oi oacrrv News The VEnthemnn Today in arts community aw Married roan mason was so nun rut Plumu 1045 The Christophe lino namhu Room IZOD Popeye and Fill n1 Nonnday Report Markets Coming Events Ag hep nepon Movie Underworld Scandil Womens Show Talk hr the Town Music Break Verdict in Your Popey and Pals Junior Roundup Buccaneers News Headline Three 5100 Farm Mum nepon Dori Jumleron News Weather short Wanted Dead or Alive Manhunt ssesosPssMew ESELEESESSSSSS CKVR CHANNEL mo 11 BARRIE chevy snow on Holiday Lodge Red Shelton Clara 1117 For Quert now News The Weatherman Today In am community ewh 1155 sheritr olCocblsu wzprizanng JUN 21 man Tart Plulm 1045 Christian Snienc 1000 1030 1100 Loo numoer noon mm Popeye and rnir 1115 Noohday Rapnn Rep Evan News Ind Wellhll F3111 F9119 Coming Evanls iii in nrmorio Womens Show Open Home our Mil amok Verdlot in Your Popeye Ind Pill JIIIIIDI Roundup Huckleberry Hnund gag 121311 hr aro vs spy Farm Market Rlpnfll Kl Dan INIEIOD NEWI Wlalhli SPOT The Real McCoys Flthelol Father All My Three Sohr Krnit Mystery Theatre st anrenca North holondons CBCTVNswl The Weatherman Tangy In Sports Communit News not Not For Ira 1250 pagan 8338 PEPPPSPSSFFFPPPP assasssesaaassss CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY JUNE in too Professors Hideaway no Illa Tin Tin one arts Collig cwr Weather Sports Wagon Train Theatre At Eight tactwnen Midnight and Dawn 11 Riflemln Wanted Dead or Alive News Weather Spam nutter Lats ï¬lencannon NewlWenher Sports Epilogu TUESDAY JUNE so on News Free and Easy Channel Theatre Sirocco awn Praterarr aideway Science Fiction rhrtrs nnrrlr nut Nawl Weather Spam Guenwnrd Hal Wyatt Earp Tinatn in Eight The Funny Secret Prisoner9 8323322 85 Ram iii th SW GI Wt armor try Newr Weltl1 1110 Epilogue van WEDNESDAY JUNE 1100 News Free and Easy Channel Theatre Angel with Trumpet News pï¬egoll igldeawly on UK Ind Dora prnrmnn Bidaway Part II Robin Hood 1111 Enckul NQWE Weather Sport lane Wymnn Andy Grillith lbw 11 Sunset strip Stats Donna oi Oklahoma NewsWentborSporu 1100 Better LI iorsown pet54 as 388838 ans 88 1146 Fllyhoun All There Esau Bflmmnl 1215 awn Weathar aimu Epilogue CIIIIIIIEII Miss Ylili If your carrier has not arrived by p111 please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Deltvered To Your Home VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS SIINNIDIILE cns Mr and Mrs Melville Bates Mr and Mrs Robert Bates and William Bates were among the guests at the graduation exer cises oi Royal Victorlaflospital School at Nursing Miss June Bates was one at the graduates and received the award ior general proficiency Miss Marianne Morby was weekend visitor with her tmcln and aunt Mr and Mrs Archie Culhani Miss Morby is on vaca tion prior to being stationed at Montepdra Quebec Another recent visitor with the Culharns was their cousin Miss Edna Pridhnrn mission ary home on furlough mm Al rico Mr and Mrs Elwood Gilfen attended the Giiieo reunionat Grenfel Mrs Earle Rule is patient in St Michaels Hospital Toronto where she underwent surgery GUTHRIE YPU SERVICE special Young Peoples ser vica was held last Sunday In the United Church Ron Show con ducted the service with Shirley Campbell leading in prayer George Patton of Toronto was soloist The choir were mem bers oi the Guthrie Hawkcstone YPU Mr Page oi Oriliia preacn ed the sermon based on Ramona vorses 323 and using verse is Yield yourselves unto God as his text The altering was taken byBob Tudhopo and Paul Jord an The Young People to be congratulated on the tine organ ization and special thanks to the regular organist at uthnie Mrs Howard Campbell trained the young peoples choir Congratulations Ire overdue to Guthrie college students Ken ueth Husband who was success iul In his illll year at Ryerson Institute Pal iamiason who graduated train threeyear course at Ryerson John Bert ram who successfully complet ed his first year at 0A0 Guelph Miss Isabelle Gilchrist who graduated from MacDonald in stitute Gueipli and Miss Anne Husband who graduated as registered nurse irom Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie with special award in bedside our ing The teachers and pupils of No 11 Guthrie are planning school picnic Ior June In Come to Oro Memorial Paris at 1230 noon with yarn baskat lunch Miss Isabelle Gilchrist has been appointed Home Econom ist at Clinton for Huron Conn ty DiiLSTON Mr Vishart Is patient in Barrie hospital Mitchello Harper of Aurora spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs Dora Hart Mr and Mrs Allan Brown and boys spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ernest Knee shaw oi Ebenezer CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BEQKER West denier EastWest vulnerable NORTH onus CAB J5 axis 108 concurs 54 QAKIOBE Misc 103 sedan QQJ ox Qantas 411 neuaainr West North ism south 3m Pass Pa Pm Dbl Opening lead of hearts It cannot be said that all members of the fair sex under bid if we are to accept as evi dence this band played in the womens rld championship last year in Turin ltnly The United Arab Republic won the event in surprise victory The deal occurred in the match between Switzerland and Great Britain The Swiss West opened at the first table with preamp live bid of three hearts and North Mrs Gordon overcailerl with three llolitimp As played conventionally by the British pair this bid re quested Sauth Mrs Fleming to name suit Mrs Fleming looking at hand much better GRANDMA than she might have had show ed her strength by Jumping to five diamonds The Swiss East pleased by this development doubled Mrs Fleming playad the hand perfectly and succeeded in go ing down only thoo points At the second table the Brit ish West also opened with three hearts North adopted conser vative altitude and passed and East to muddy the waters bid our hearts knowing all well that the contract could hardly be made hut hoping to block South out of the bidding This effort was not successful in the way it was intended be cause South undnunted by shortage of high cards come forth with five diamonds West passed and North hav ing maintained discreet sil ence up to this point could not went to six diamonds East lNas firmly ol the opin ion that this contract could not be made and therefore doubled Easts view of the matter turn ed out to be induhitably correct and the Swiss deciarertplaying the hand sumewhat less skill fully than Mrs Fleming had played it went down four700 points The result was that the Brit ish team gained 400 points on the deal with all eight players bidding their hands up to the hiltand then some kt it not be said that the iadia lack courage Tomnrrow tale oi oe restrain herself anyqlonger and Bur GRANDM LUNCH Tusizs is sxvlrmvs who BLONDIE LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYEK Muses ANn SKEETER BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE II INIl GLADTHE COLD WAR l5 WER BETWEEN US OHDEARITS STARTING RAIN IILHAVE NANG THECLOTHES ITS coco 10 set HOME IM A5 HUNGRY AS 200 Quo re SALE COMPANY OWNED 1931 METEOR pa RIDEAIlS Chair on TRADEIN OR STRAIGHT DEAL TERMS ioo BRADFORD 51 BARRIE man AUTOMATICWITK AMERCURY comm sea IF you can Bille HOME COUPLE TO DO WINGEYAND ADE some TO we WANT To swag row raccoons To DAT nvANo some To DANC BY DINNER MOMS lfél ruiiWrX iii Elli NO BARRIE CREAMERY WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE BUTTER 49¢ HAMMONDS 23 comics sr BAREE WHOLESALE MSW SHIPS HER REGREIS liOthRED AMERiMNrBlllmolli NO WEEKMEISTYDU ill SPEAYlMï¬ WRCROPS Burwm HAPPENED Elli RECEIVED lilo Ski SEEMEDMMTANXKUS mm NME iTiS lliKSECOND WARNNG SHE WRESNM PISREGARD iT OKAVITLLCARRY Nit OWN WATER mAHNEEXAMHlï¬THE mm ii 91 summer magnum PENN RIEND OF THE SAFETY PATROL