Queens Plate Clctssic Is Won BY Blue Light ByJACK suvaN emqu Puss Staff Writer TORONTD iCP if horse fly had perched on the nose of Just Dont Shove Saturday the land running of the Queens Plate would have gone down in history as its first dead heat Thats nbout the margin the ire vorcd Conn Smythe colt was beaten by iongsbot Blue Light This finish was the closest and most spectacular of any Plate race that old limors in the crowd of 28302 could re member And the day was com plete when 80 year lt old COL Marshall walked smartly across the track at New Wood bine and into the winners en closure to signal his first Plate victory The chairman of the Jockey Club had been trying to make lhis short walk for nearly 50 years in that time he had sent dozen or so horses to the post but never was able to finish in the money All those frustrating years were climlnalcd in the two min utes and five seconds it took Blue Light to complete the course and when he collected the second biggest purse in Plate history $46115 the Queean 50 Guineas about $170 and the 35000 Gold Cup He im mediately voted it the happi est day of my life The victory was first for the Marshall stable all around for trainer Pat Machlurcby who was too keyed on to look at the race which at tracted in Canadian bred three year olds and for lingo Dittfach the 25 year old German barn jockey who lives in Calgary Additionally it was Dittfachs fourth straight win nor of tho day locrusv EARNED WIN it was the masterful riding of Dittfach that won it He was fifth at the half mile and moved up to second two lengths behind Just Dont Shove as they moved into the stretch it was questionot which one would reach the wire first and Blue Light with Ditlfach using the whip won the final jump Johnny Longdcn weather bcaten veteran of 51 yarn and the winningest jockey in the world with 5511 firsts made his fourth Plate appenranccjn zlpyenrs on Just Dont Shove and he still has to attain his ambition of winning the classic of Canadian racing knew was but oo the last Jump he said The crowd whooped it up when Blue Lights minibu was flashed on the board and the longshot bettora cashed in hand somely lie returned $3950 $1050 and $430 and Just Dont Shove coupled as Smylhe entry with Jammed Lucky was 75 favorite He paid $330 and $250 Rambiin Wreck second bot ting favorite paid st for his third place showing Many in the crowd liked this boy geld ing but he was two lengths off the pace and another 214 lengths ahead of Taylors Victoria Region The rest of the field was no where Jammchucky consid ered by many experts as the horse to beat finicshed seventh Taylor had tivo other cntrles besides Victoria Regina Queens Park finished sixth and Flashing Top was ninth The parimutucl handler set oneday Canadian record it to talled Sll36l75 topping the previous best $1047037 estab lished on Plate day three years ago The betting on the plate race was another record$214 250 against $208371 wagered on the 1957 Plate Fords Great Hurling Makes Houk Genius By JACK iiAND Associated Press Staff Writer New York Yankees manager Ralph Houk looks more like genius each time he nilches Whitey Ford and the stylish lefty who never won more than 19 games when given plenty of rest has won it under new system of work every fourth day Ford beat an old New York nemesis Sunday when the Yanks knocked out Detroit Tig ers Frank Lnry en route to 94 victory Whitey allowed only three hits and struck out 12 tak ing over the American League lead with 64 Luis Arroyo fin ished up after Ford developed blistcron his pitching hand Despite Fords pitching and Yankee slugging Detroit held first place with half game margin over Cleveland The In dians missed chance to take over the lead when they lost to Baltimore Orioles $5 in the second game alter winning the opener 21 on Bob Neimans pinch single The Yanks in third place are full game off the pace The onrushing Chicago White Sex took two from Minnesota Nlns 43 and 1M making it 10 victories in their last 11 games The Twins have lost 25 of their last The second game was marred by squab bic between pitcher Camilo Pas cuai and first baseman Bob Al lison of the Twins Homers by Billy Goodbam his first since 1959 and Nellie Fox his first of the year did the job in the opener GRAND SLAM HELPED total of 18 runs were scored in the ninth inning of the first BostonWashington game finally won by the Red Sox 13 12 scoring eight runs after two were out with the help of Jim Pagllaronis grand slammer Willie Tasby hit homerwvitb the bases full in the Washing ton half of the ninth Pagliarnni also won the second game 65 with home run in the 13th Del Rices pinch home run enabled Los Angelcs Angels to tie Kansas City Athletics in the ninth and his two run homer in the nth was the winner for the Angels 54 In Saturdays action Lns An geles downed Kansas City 19 Chicago defeated Minnesota 51 and Boston edged Washington 55 Baltimore beat Cleveland 41 and Detroit downed New York 1210 The Yanks hit two homers and scored five runs off Lary before he was lifted in lhe third inning before Detroit crowd of 44459 Johnny Blanchard hit two homch and Bill Skotvron and Roger Maris one each Ford now has won five in row and seven out of eight for an 112 record ORIOLES BROKE EVEN Niemans pinch hit gave Jim Perry the first game at Cleve land but an eight run rally in the second inning routing Gary Bell carried the Orioles an oven break Cleveland had knocked out Jack Fisher and scored five runs in the first inning of that second game Dick Hall pitched eight shut out innings in relief but the vic tory was given toWes Slack who got the side out after Fisher flopped Afteruncnpecteil rriérs by Goodman and Fox had who the first game for Chicago the White Sox clubbed Pascunl and two successors for 14 hits in the second awn Blooesr talus BIIV EVER tankfllilyEqgippgjuys Mnuel with TOOL BAG WITH Toots BRILLIANT SAFETY REFLECTOR WM mm GLEAMING BAKED ENAMEL FINISH amp CHROME HANDLE BARS wmlasti Kidd pee Record Meet TORONlD CP Middle distanooataanioaKiddanda here Saturday at the Emilo Begley Munorial Trackhdeet Kidd representing East York Track Club won the halfmills in one mlnuto 55 mods clapping seven tenths of sec and all Al Andrews Canadian interscholastic record Bill Crothers also of East York recorded the fastest quar ter mile of the day at 474 seer ands and erased the native mark of47s established it years ago by Bob McFarlane of the University of Western 0n tarlo Francis Smith of Cornell Uni versity beltered the junior open quarter rniio standard held jointly by Crothcrs and Ergas Laps winning the event in 482 seconds Toronto Track Clubs Don Mc Carten edged out Bob Patterson of Woodbridge High School in photo finish over 440 yards but both men were given time of 484 seconds and shares in pair of recorrb the Canadian inter scholastic and the jam tol native quarter mile rec Olympic Body lit Crucial Meet ATHENS AP lla Inter national pic Committee convened today for three days of crucial meetings on the pro gram of the 1964 games and the future of the committee itself in this cold war era Avery Brundage of Chicago IOC president predicted great success for the gathering Russia seeks drastic revi sion of the committee claiming it should be Some ioc members concerned at political attempts to use the games for re ugunpdaar games for gander pur poses are trying to revise soma ceremonies to minimize nation alist aspects Russia wants ioc member ship fornil presidents of inter national sports federations and national committees Such proposal if adopted would revo lutlonize the Olympic Calamit tee from body of 67 members chosen for life too body of more than 200 with the majority ex officio members Western delegates say the Russians want to pack the com mittee and its inde pendencg Tireless Paddler smoaemwnmma maltosurlmo do tho uaddllnRr It never gets tired Runs two full hour on pint tnnkful Thu air cooladtarlk hasnnwallr pump to auckupsandcingnrfreezeTuugh nylon propeller holds its pitch at full throttle mi flexes tr none democratired Littler King Of Golfing Trail By JERRY SKA BIRMINGHAM Mich AP Pro golfa roaming tribe will be led by newly crowned as Open champion Gene The hia chino Littler into the 0000 Western Opeawhlch starts Thursday at Grand Rapids Instead of South African Gary Player the leading Professional Golfers Association monevaln nor and faltering Arnold Palmer still second in the cash list the so year old Littler will be theroan in the spotlight in this shift of the golf Warpath from eastern to west ern Michigan By b15181 triumph in the Open at tricky Oakland Hills course Saturday Littler vaulted from Mth to fourth place in the PGA money list Littlers one stroke victory in thrilling photo finish was worth 314000 to put bLs years earnings at $21866 Player who finished the open in threeway do for ninth at m7 continues as top official money winner with $53704 Palmer who now has been jerked off the Masters throne by Player in April and un related as 115 Open kingvby the rejuvenated Littler picked up $900 for his three way tie for 14th at 289 to hold second in the cash race at 945585 Palmer started too late with too little after minds of 7475 to match the roaring ï¬nish from seven strokes off the pace which gave bimtbe 1960 US crown Only other cash collector ahead of Littler in the PGA GENE LlllLER sweepstakes now is Doug Sand ers the man who didnt make lt in Saturdays hectic closing Open double round Sanders had lefoot birdie putt riIn the 7lst hole and trickle foot away which cost him possible tie with the al lieorge Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA 33138 Itit isnt ball game its parade or picnic It takes time to be good father But being good father also calls for time outfor only an houror soyto make sure that the ï¬nancial provisions you have made for your family will do what you intend Are you sure your family will be cared for no matter what fore ready finished Liltier and placed him second with Bob Goalby at 1331 Sanders 56000 lake gave him c1961 total of 335 In seven previous Opens Lil tier had won total of only $68m He attributed some of his suc cess in his muse Open eonA quest to tip fmm fellow pro Ted Kroll Ted suggested he tbe tournament that swing ttle more upright and direc said Little was swinging too flat and hitting the bail in the neck Two old timers four time wmner Ben Hogan and Sammy Snead now deprived of the Open title in 21 successive tries finished with 230 arid 290 respcb tively Although generally heralded as monster Oakland Hills 69de par 70 layout was tamed for is sub par rounds in the weekends competition $50000 Banana mm it mean Jim 161 Its DriverDeradl Carliuns Wild CALHAN Colo AP It driver deadlocrir dying at the wheel car racer run wild for to minutes Sunday crashing time and again through barbedwire fence at dirt race track here BAYCI UPIIOLSIERIHG Jllllli SPECllll wrrn EVERY zPc cums mas roan wanna cusmoNs FREE ARM COVERS ennui PA nus as android Street CASH Every buyer of new or used car from Pierce mot ors up to June 30th receiyca ticket on lucky draw for $50000 cash LOCATIONS at Hall an AI nuumN AVE 111 aminme amnr YourAulhorlzed Volkswagen Dealer PIERCE MOTORS LTD PA 85558 wnA THISAND WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU Another aLgoodfather takes time out for is FAMILYSEGURITY CHECKUP Willi the help of your Metropolitan mun something Tm Shrimp will so anywhere your calms will mt an ideal molurvlor your taunt dinghy or rowbnatmnkes an excellent auxiliary power mun for your sailboat At lust as You check the facts your pension plan your home your life insurance your savings and other assets You may be surprised to learn how much youre worth You weigh your responsibiliti mortgage or rent pay merits education retirement accidcnt and sickness emergencies how much it would cost your family tolliva without you You learn where you stand You determine your weak and strong points whether the provisions you have made for your family will do what you intend You get the facts in front of you gt You plan for the futureJlased on these facts you decide what action if any may be heeded to give you ï¬rmily security plan tailormade to your own needs and ambitions one whichymakes good sense for you Now Metropolitan the company you look to for authoritative information on physical health offers you gt way to check your ï¬nancinlhealthtbe Family Security Windham minimizing CheckUp MEN WHO DEPENDON moroksnEconnlEun YouriMetropolitan representative has been trained in Metropolitana own schools and is Qualiï¬ed by solid ex perience to bring you this service He is eqiiippcd with scientifically designed charts and tables that showyou in SAFETY aUILT 0N CHAIN GUARD KICK STAND TANDEM srélrss Whata Deal ond only or More than an interviewu service block mdebitey exactly where you stand Call your Metropolitan man fora Family Security Check lllp Theres no obligationexcept to than you love Life Insurance COmpanyr 5Wlimmuwm ésaulashrnopundtnsanrk ao semiannualmomma to unwatooueann Metropolitan Canadian Head Office Ottawa Orltarlo asaton Morons Arlivlsrtm mimosaan mm Coquponybfcoooddlinï¬fed as nuance slaw PA sis585 MYERS ilinllrgslllllllca Footof Maple Ave BARRIE DIST ICT Edwnrd Dyer Man syila sol Barrie Ontario Telephone FAB4585