Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1961, p. 11

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FARMERS MARKET mourn CHICKS IBARRED ROCKS lull ha to but llr MAI ytm florwdu ulsov use VISCth our sloped mock hatchery Accredited ti Bl chins ltlrttd chic AM rom KENNY IEANTYMY seen one anm It or me Cidvir tea layout irlilu diétsofdrfil iioiofiimm Guild mxno use for sale Ill fifty or out no inlet Apply out liteerie itih Concu oian innlldl rhone otrsuo uni AUTOMOTIVE Moron CARS iron out morons mu RAMELER HILLMAN AND LANDROVEI 10 DOWN ll comm eraser new HAROLD IORY morons TRIUMPH STANDARD bums Repin to All It 03 Add MAJ Iowhil SciVIM TB BAYFIELI ST Emil PA was WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR nuy it Now with moment Llfrlttlurod scam PLAN wAN THE BANK oi NOVA sCDItA into onsrlsoir automatic low miiu And in excellent ebrtdl lion ciophnne ivy liiu slur not VOLKSWAGEN for law can summer driving in down and fa weekly Telephone PA oases CIIEV automatic Innm 711 I°°élei um II AUTOMOTIVE omen some roll GALE onetim um mun for All or mt mood in rune it Note cum 1mm to vary good condition mums mu Also not not and ion or Tlllpbon or on inset st ll lnr inhaledch signing tutor Ito rten 55 ssttilo Ais LEA HAIRDRESNSING new In thisI government crime uhool on themth trudge Iii rancher Flue In mll outing gififigifisgglicuoon II on wounds colour is loo 594 PA cost It soUNo mmflrwfi It too hlaclr nlllomlgll Mini em on left mnlai lees one to mine Ir ghldrohs lul were Coll twd HDUNDI lnrt Walker wilill will ill5i Ind brown in roan oi ism bumn not is Innlllil 10thin trill Telephone PA Hui or loo tiller WANTED reMAlTs neon RETAIL cLASSl El ED SALESWOMEN sznvich Aim sum NEWS Eln LAesmzn Auvcnrls Ila rutimmune POSI lamAlta TERSONAL cow ra wml cu BUSINBS or TYPE YOU can turn liAvr NEWSPAPER xrsnlnucs As we wru mAiN you rnrzrm APPLlCa ANT HAVE TYPING Aim at ABLE so Down is you wouw Line armourawech roSi rloN WITH coNelnmAeu or ronruN roll ADVANCE illth rm iN whitmo 10 SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE BARRIE EXAMINER NEED CAEIir See subclrd Fina More Your bcnding Nellhhour Do for N0 monthly MI Dunlox Etarofit Earl BIrrll Tliophom late oopenlonlie iilrdtop qu mltlo frlnlmluion room now whittwrll tires III loitliermphon story from uloly lulu rs die front end or mi souIran nesutuul birth one white aulih Telophnilo PA Mm liter pm TRUCKS 8t TRAILERS 1951 1th Powcrmlllc Dump Truck with 6V yd steel box In first class condition Telephonl Sirotld 1m BUSINESS BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY would like women with Unlvcrv ally done on senior oinrioula IIDII PIIII WM Adlai bncuround Work includes writing notes Ibdui hooks finding inioronilon for Inplr Alto lOlnl yplnl Ind cler all work Apply in THE SECRETARY BARIIIE LIBI KEY BOARD BOX 100 BARRIE Try An Examiner Want Ad SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 BUILDING ED Ml LLS Building Contractor Painswlek CUSTOM BUILDING REMODELLINO KIICHDI cureoms Phone Strand nmii collect CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT non hm Tents and To Comp Cotr And love Cooler BARRIE TENT AWNING co II PAYNE swam TELEPHONE PA m1 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES Filmsr DIAPER SERVICE Nii Hilda Add PA 58561 not than ones or writer excnvnrilv FILL GRAVEL lIP SOIL SEPTIC TANKSPUIIDED uuivrtlnr mo Grading wotr Delivery crushed melt salt Yuld ea 55 for hire DENNIS MORAN Anne strut aura PA non Irllle lfiéulotion is other to drum nce In addition In Lheir ROCK 00L Blowing nataltibia tilAll New Alomln um oi board riding complet lnltlild Wllh Emmlm Infill in hlbkfl none in eight colurl Ev no inciunfling Humming Ith all In Illfill worms sun Am wo GUARANTEED mics Write or none SCOII MU MINESING cum BEFORE YOU BUYGM TRY LANDSCAPDIG BARRIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY munm lauaseanln ium mintcnlnco Soddinl Ed in roL ling musing spraying cedar Heal me Evergreen lpeoill lty Kentucky or IIIflan blue field not deumse Inyjrhorn II enable rotor TELEPHONE PA 81555 PAINTING AND nArennAnoma EDWARD SMITH AND SON Plinllnl And Plper Ennllfll Spfly rolntinr Service Blncl mo RR BARIUE PA 54956 71737 Exlmltier wm so ram um anflAiu DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CAIILE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA $7151 Long distance Zenith moo at our expense ED PECONl AND SON LTD GRILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT eon lie and to removl your And DP lam Inl lmla under the thaw Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BABRE PAlkway M3617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE manned 9506 IZEFEIGEBAIION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE as cieooenon st filONngA user premiered UFHOL TERING OF EVERY KIND onreperieli lslip covers OEroadioolrl ICommélEial furniture installation CHECK PRICES $SAVE 35 MA Am CUSTOM UPHOISTERggG AND we as BAYFIDLD 51 FA 51013 PA 8M1 Out of townLl Gallant Comin rule of rlfl Ittown in your ho CLEANING For fine furniture and rug cleaning cull MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATE PA Moi PAHml wen precise WELLS BLASTING ODUG comes commune osruups enEPAlrueo enoumElts CALL KEN WINTER 12 MARIA ST BARBLE I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP our rim neoreuouun ror neauuy counsellor CompII ulnd to hurt No or to our emuan Ir lnin river in your on color nlcnnoo PA was MALE HELP CHIEF INSPECTOR With pnsuclI inspection up loose on rupervlu rmii rim and munllin nullity control records rectory mne divenined line Imlll interimll equipment mil ind so Efrain EXAMINER MAJOR onL COMPANY rcqulrcs DRIVER ror ruoimer vuouon moo Arer lu nrrm srhm nAnuir niuvu Muslim Ior lool dry cleaning biulneu Rr iy livin no Ind experience Box Blnll Examiner MALE OR FEMALE Murillo on Ellenlodler for air at reullir Between tire of and so ror not po unit call in person at the nuns lolt itl pm slurp Iuudly lun 2o utr for tar Amok EMPLOYMENT WANTED RKLIABL PKMON will hand cblldnn or can for them dilly clean home found out yard Will pick them up Teiphone PA ems for further dotlb BDDKKSEFBR Asnountonl tired on cotton arm in your llrvicu Hi In firm lllklnl full or Indian employment John LIIII Hllh Hindi Tllephbn rA sail II LEGAL NOTICES SHERI FFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND er VIRTUE or Writ or hurt IIclu ironed out or no Suprcme Court or Onilrlo wherein The Canadian Dank Cnmmcrce in tin Pilintiff and Myron Kori in the Deiendant Ind tenements or the nid Do iondont nlyron Kom hrvo seized und izkcn in execution III the right title Intercst and equity of redemption of me said Myron Kerri in sndio the ioiiow ing loud and tenements ALL AND slNGULAn thnt cer tllrl parcel or trncl of hind Ind premises situte lying uld hams In the Town oiPenetang in the County oi Simone being composed oi part or lnlx los we on the west side or church Streak hut lying East of For street in the said ann FullIlhfl nmarrlilll to Plan No in more particularly described as follows COMMENCan on the Wcstcrly llniit or said lots at point dir tant Noriherly its root from Ihc KnuthWES corner of said Lot II rirrlivcr Ensterl and PonileI with the southcry llmit or laid ioi ms 217 45 ieci Tillman Nonnorly and with the vcstcer Limit lots so lost rumor wustorly and poniiel Wilh the said southerly limit of said lot loo to said westerly limit 01 said lots mar southerly along said westerly limit so mt to the PLACE or BEGINNING All or which said right tit1c in torcst and equity of redemption of the said Myan Kom In and to the said lands will offer for sale by public auction at my oil ice in the Court House Barrie outarlo on Wednesday the zen day of Iunz Al lost at the hour of 130 oclock In the attor noon DATED at the tin of Harrie County oi Simcoc this tau day of Mercia AD ieel ROSS rruoars snoriil NOTICE To CREDITORS rlis Administrator of tho ESTATE OF GIOVINA BREDA Also known as Givina erode late or the City of Bzrric in tile County at slmeoe Married Wo man who died on or Iboui th iflth day or March tool will distribute the assets or the de ceased to persons entitled there to after June zoh 1961 having regard only to the claims then Properly filed with the under rlsoed COWAN ls cowAN Collier street Barrie Ontario Solicitors to the Administrator porriicl of aid IZ TENDERS TENDERS FOR PAVING Sealcd underrqu received by Lite underslzhcd up In 500 lull Monday June will or 1000 than more or loss of hot mix but llid lsphalt Olin laid on City Street at various locations Thu Sinai ficauon and further Informztiun can be oMnlncd at the City Hull or 24 Robert Street In Fume 0n toxic Lowest pr Iny tcndcr 11M 119th anIJ ncceptcd SIRAUGHAN cm CLERK 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWIAAL LTD PHONESPARKE PA sense VICTORIA HARBOUR onelm Farm Rates Pitu Advertising Professional service Satisfied customers AUCTION SALE FRIDAY JUNE 23 Auction In of arm luck hilh cinsl implements my straw Ind 2a acres or standing grain or GILFORD GRAHAM At Lot 31 Collocation Ell Township right on Hilhway no or the new bridge Terms cuh No reserve In Mr Graham Inn laid hi farm Slle Its 1vm Ihlrv JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTIOsz AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE 24losi PM saline Auction Illa 1m Itock Im piomsnu end lbmo hounhfld Oi reotr for ERNEST STAVlNGA at IntllC0n¢LlllOn V9113 Townhim on thwny 93 miles north of Crown Bil cipvcrleof Terror cnn No ea Iont II the um In mid JERRY COUGHLIN AUUIIQNm Ind to the directed arilmt the Inner SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CREEMORE Mr and Mrs Hamid Nixon of ficronto spent the weekend with and litre George Nixon Caroline Street Elli Dent Caroline Street was token to Coilingde boipltnl for few days for Xnyn and treatment Mrs Elizabeth neatly in patient at the General and Mm inehoepllnl Colllngwood Mrs David hlcNabb olsnl Huron spent day with Mr and Mrs Dove Fnchnie lest week Doug tidaeilan and Carmen Gowen epcnt Thursday in Inr onlo on business Mr and Mrs Rand Middle brook Linda and Micllucl visit ed Cpl and Mrs Clifford Brown at Angus on Sunday Mr And Mn George Iryon and family of Gait visited friends in the village last week Emertnn returned from England Inst wcck and rolt ports most memorable lootn cy back home Mr and Mrs Harvey Petti grew and girls motored to Kill ston on the weekend and whi there were ests of Mr and Mrs Inn Klr potrlck Rev Smith and Billy of Toronto vlsltcd friends in the village this week Peter Pcttingcr of Crccmoro was the lucky winner of en el cctrlc clock at draw held re cently at local store OPENS RESTAURANT chige Price has opened his new rcstaurnnt on Mill Street George Sun of Mr and Mrs Hurry Price is an energetic young mun and is in be com firntulotcd on the wonderful lob has accomplished in the doc oratlng of his new enterprise Mrs Mitry McCurlhyof Tor onto Is spending the next few months with her daughter and soloinlew Mr and Mrs Herold Corby Mr and Mrs Bill Phillips nee Joan McAlllstcr oi Tor onto havo announced the birth of their daughter Suzennc Mar ie at the Toronto General Hos pllal on May 19 BLOOD CLINIC Thirteen members of NIIeLIs Masonic Lodge Creemorehmnt area to Collingwoad last week end all contributed to the Red Cross blood bank The clinic was held in the Presbyterian Hall CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The June meeting of the Cree more Chamber of Commerce was held in the Town Hall on June 12 The following are the coir mittees with their membership officers and directors for the coming year Finance vicepresident and treasurer Harvey Pettlgrew Herb Newcll Retell Merchants Gerald Blackburn chairman Orr Mochcsney Bruce Steele Gordon Watson and Gslleugh 13 AUCTION SALES BANKRU PT AUCTION SALE liioNDAv JUNE 2a 1961 AT1PM SHARP sale will he held at 151 TIFFIN STREET Elnkrupl suction sale or farm suppues equipment including food oitice equipment arm mn ohinery nitd iruckt Terms cosh neanlloiy nore serve as the psalms mu settled Fey For further inletmotion phone PA used Barrie Jerry Coughiio AUCTION SALE rumlture ind Household Effects SATURDAY JUNE 24 1961 AT 130 PM for the mate of the late MISS MARY JANE BOND in the Village of strand In mile east or msnwoy 11 House win he offered or III subject to rum bid mus CAsil more cuMlvimo oierlr VERNON Anus Auctioneer BARBIE AUCTION ROOMS AND SECOND HAND STORE 56 Dunlop Street West AUCTION SALE Friday June 231961 commencinl Em Ihlm we wul resolve it lie loads for sale from to our except Wed ndldly Iftlmdon FAI Information on rota Ind term TELEPHONE PA 51411 or Industrill praldent put president secretory Agricult McAlthur cargo Rensier Civic Improvements It Gray chairmin Gordon Warts oer Carmen Govtn Smith MeLeIIIn Welfare lvon Alexander chumnu le old Crawford Rev Medley Publicity Vlnoe Co hoon chllrmul Mills Bill Williamson VIII Welieghom MInIilsr Civic Mill Jack Hesllp Chairman Lemon Dr Dalton Boyd Peencoy Thames Projection Monster mcnl Rev Geo Medley chairmen Pr ddie Howard Noble Morris Mumford The need for road signs point Ingthe way to Creelnote was discussed and the Feasibility was suggested that ergo also be placed at the Angus comer and similar sign at Breniwaod also It the Sleyner and Cash tovm corners Councillor Charles Joyce chubmen of the village prop erty committco spoke on the need of making the public park more attractive and Pelrcey Thomas drew attention to the need of trailer camp eccomoda lionA lengthy discussion was held on the value of further effort to promote eatery cons elousnees among the younger Icmcnt in the community it was decided similar campaign in conjunction with the Cree mere star and the Munich ety League be carriedon this year BIBLE SCHOOL The dates for this years oil nuai vacation Bible School are July 10 to July Volunteer helpers are sllll needed Rev Douglas Gill is the vase tlon school director and others in tan port in instructing are Rev and Mrs George Medley Mrs Blackburn and Mr MacDoueld wms SCIIOLARBIHP Miss Petrlcle Tymchuk was the recipientioitho Sir Joseph Flnvclla Scholarship for general proficiency for the intermediate yenr of nursing at the Toronto General Hospital Her mother Mrs lllary Tymchuk wee prcs ent when the award was mode at Convocation Hell Toronto on May 25 ED DUNSEAiH The funeral ofa Ed Dunseatli of Newmarket took place At Creemure Union Cemetery Julie 15 MrtDuneenth was Iormer farmer in North Mulmur and his death recalls tragedy which occurred in July 1925 when his wife the former Ethel Whitley was murdered on tile Dunseeth form Frank Dunseatll brother of Ed was alleged to have com mitted the crime and afterwards set fire to the barn The murd erer was said to have perished in the ham fire but there was considerable doubt about this WEDDING BELLS Mr and Mrs Conn have announced the engagement of their younger daughter Vera Diane to Charles Mitchell Reid of Thornton The mnrriage is to take place Saturday July in St Presbyterl Church Mr end Mrs Chip chaee have announcedthe en gagement of their daughter Eva Wilma to Roger Ernest Zeggil of Singhempton The wedding to take place July 15 at Glen Huron United Church NEW FLOS SCHOOL FIELD DAY Congratulations to the puplls of New Fins School who did so well at the Township Ito ol Area Field Day held atUsIiers School Sharon Wanless sen lot with three firsts two sec onds and third won the silver cup for our school for one year Anne Itan stood second and Janet Wanless third in the Pri mary Close and received crests Harry De Garter was third in the junior division also receiv ing crest Several other stud ents won ribbons Miss Doreen Smith Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and boys Sunday guest of the Rawn families included Mr end Mrs John Wilson of Schomherg and Engagement Announcement Place the News of Your Engagement Now Elli in this tom androim to me new exemptI Beyrlold disses Barrie Ontario Mr and Mrs Mr Mn Ewen Caldwell of Guthrie Mr and Mrs Ralph Briggs of Midland wire Sunduy visitors with idn Kirkpatriti nod Ross Mrs James Ifng pat ient in the Genus Hospital in Toronto where she underwent ear surgery Muller Frankie liiiillgnn is staying II the home of his leach or Mn MAIDonald of Dun troon Mr and Mrs Archie Wellies Aodiunlly visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hugh Wylie Ind family of Colllngwood The township this week en gaged Pilon of Eimvnie with his bulldozer to remove the job In the elderood south of At kinsont Mr and hire Sieve Rawn celebrated their 43rd wedding llinlvennry with Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb NEW FLOS WI New Flee Wi met Tuesday afternoonat the home of Mrs 8m Alien Grassland ii rs George Smith vlcoaprcsldenl was in charge of the meeting the topic of which was Agri culture Fourteen members an rwered the roll call Five visit orl were present It was plnnnod tohold soc lni evening at Huths School on Friday evening June so when the draw for the quilt will be made Mrs Smith reported on lheI booth held at the School Areu Field Day Proceeds amounted to over 70 Mrs Cline Rown reported on the District Annual and In the dbsenco of the District Director read the slate of officers The BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE IllII convention In to he held at Allis stun October and 21 hire Whole convuer of am introduced the guest speaker Mrs Hancock of Van Vlack IIII Whaler read Boys Leave The Farm Mrs Allen won Kin Belmurte draw also the first priie for Mn Gerald Kings context on Cues Mrs Allen lerved luncheon at the close of the meeting PRINTER DIES DECATUR III APlRalph Moore 61 of Dccliuro former organizer for lhe inter national Typographical Union and printer for more than 60 years died Sunday in Dccnlur hospital Moore became printer It the age of 19 and spent most of his career in Ii iinois working on ncwlpnparn in lliaroa Havanl Ullnlon As sumptlon and Deceiur FIBERGLASS WINDOW AWNINGS 24 ID 36 Over 36 to to Over to 60 Oliver 60 to 71 DOOR CANOPIES 48 Canopy 54 Canopy llovv ro MBAIII litmm lire width oiwurdow lnd or door euiurr from outer ed to outer edlc Ind Ii low lor auypnrtlno bracket placement on clslnl or well BUDGET TERMS BEAVER LUMBER Bruibmiu 51 PA new Stranded Hours With Dead Body DRIA BAY NY APlA man pulled his family lliiured woman companion from the Si Lawmnce River after boating accident early Sunday then was stranded on an unin habited island with her body for seven hours The women we Dorothy Plenl 48 Alexandria nay John lit Hort SI of Rochel ter said ills Plant was in Jured and thrown into the wnter when his moot outboard motor bont crashed into see well on Maple Island Hart finally managed to sig nal passing fishermen who notified troopers SAVE 40 OR MORE NOW CLOSEOUT SEE THE MAN wuosELIs DODGE GET EVERY PENNY 0H GARIS woinl 7PM Low Low PRICE roll lIIElIEwoiIE END UP WIIHTIIESWEETESICAR voiEvERrowuiy WARIIANIED ION MILES OR ONE FULL YEAR WNICMEVER OCCURS FIRST GREAT IOOIISIGREATGOI GREATPRICE co GET ODGE FRENCH M0 BRADFORD

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