Dun TELEPHONE roi munrner am on Tab phone PA bull no number to call for the Buttons or Editorial Dept Ll PA 66531 51th YearNo 142 am Gold May Raised Price In Future WASHINUTON CF Presi dent Kennedy has advised today consideration may have to be given to revising the official rice of gold sometime the uture if other means of boost in world monetary rescnes fail in aoopage study of the United States economy the 20lt member private commission on money and credit said argu menls against an increase in the official price of $35 an ounce at this time counsel agains such step At somefuture date if alter native methods of meeting the needs for increased reserves prove to be unsatisfactory the revaluation of gold may be ad visable but it should be made undcr International Monetary Fund sponsorship Product of threeyear $1 sooooo study by LS industrial ists bonkers university farm and labor leaders the privately endowed commission today placed before the White House number of recommendations for strengthening the economy They included legislation to in crease the presidents influence over Jhe independent Federal Reserve Board It also suggested Congress hand over to the president standby power to reduce or in crease taxes as means of com batting recessions or inflation Unlike Canada US govern ment tax proposals must first be approved by Congress before they can go into effect Congress often has killed such measures Canadian tax proposals usually go into effect immediately or at date specified by the govern ment The commission which con siders its study the biggest of status But its recommendations are likely to be given close and respectful study by government officials and may be reflected in future government decisions From Canadian viewpoint keen point of interest is the com missions views on gold 15 BIG GOLD BUYER The United States has strongly opposed proposals by Canada South Africa and other major gold producers for boost in the price officially pe ged at $35 an ounce US funds since 1934 The United States is the worlds biggest buyer In recent years her gold stocks have dedined in the wake of repeated interna tional payments deficits Kennedy has stated he will continue to oppose price in crease but the commission sug gested this may not be the end of the story It said World reserves could be In creased by raising the price of gold in terms of all currencies An attractive feature of the pro posal is its administrative ease By simple decision the mon etary value of the worlds gold could be increased to the de sired extent gt An increase in the gold price would stimulate gold production and all new goldoutput would have higher monetary value The gold producing countries and the countries holding their reserves in gold would beneï¬t most particularly the reserve currency countries whose for eignr liabilities would remain un changed Bdrrile Business Proves VigOrous NEW YORK Special to the Examiner In Barrie the business year 1960 proved to be more vigorous than was expect ed the final figures show Per sonal incomes and consumer buying locally measured up well against activity in other areas Although the year was not conducive to recordbreaking what with the recession and un employment to cootend with the local market was relatively strong The figures bearing this out have been released by Sales Management in its new copy righted Survey of Buying Pow er which covers every section of Canada and the Unitedflstat OI INCOMES HIGH For the Barrie population as whole incomes were at high level in wool Local residents had invthe aggregate total of Iv $31617000 available to them for discretionary spending after payment ofall income taxes In terms of the individual iam ily locally this was at the rate of $5547 per household an av erage derived by dividing in come by number of households With that much buying power in their hands the stage was all set for an increase in consumer spending As it turnedout the gains were selectiveregister ed by some lines and not by othersas the recession inter vened and altered peoples buy ing plans Many wouldbe purchasers put off their spending especially for the bigticket durable items such as automobiles and tami ture to later date Most of the gains that were made were in food clothing and other non durables as well as inlbe ser vice businesses Overall the results were good Barries retail stores had sales in the year amounting to 840 738000 HOW MONEX SPENT The survey shows for each community just how much money was spent in its retail stores as compared with the amount that its residents could have spent It does this through buying power index wei ghted figure thatlakcs account of population income and safest Barrie is listed With an index oi 1629 indicating that it is cap able of producing that percent age at Canadas total retail business tained last year 7517 per cent the conclusion is that some of the local buying is done by out siders KIN NUTSlIELL gt Spy Calls Sentence Iixcessive LONDON Reuters The appéaieaseor George Blake convicted of spying for Russia began here today with the former British foreign office otiicials lawyercalling the 42 year sentence maniiest1yexcessive Portage Commemoraied With Plaque roaouro CF early voyageurs will An historic northern portage used hythe be commemorated June 21 with the un vahnng Bo plaque beside Highway 17 sometwo mileseast of Adjustments To Grade IBLExam TORONTO CPt Adjustments will be made to Grade English examinations if it is iound that this years examination was too long officials of the Ontario department education said today Soldiers Kill Two In Italian Tyrol BOLZANO italy AP Soldiers guarding pow and state properties in the disputed South Tyrol shot and plants killed two Germanspeaking residents of the Italian territory early today In Control Of CongloyPorl lLEOPOLDVILLE AP uie Congolese part of Matadl aanaoimanihanthreo The ï¬rm Nation flagufliew over again 51211 in re urn wUNsupaiwsiootothochiatportoi montba The Congo after an at lk kind in 50 years has no icgale Since more than that was an HOHUM ITS ltwas wonderful picnic but lm sleepy now These are the Smithan of threeyear old Susan Spencer who rests her weary head on fouryear old sistcr Jennifers shoulder The girls were picniekiog at gt Barrie omitrd ochoi Monday June ID leer BEEN BUSY DAY Kampenfelt Park with the nursery class of st Andmws Presbyteraln Church Satur day They are the daughters of Mr and Mrs Spenc er Dalton Street Examiner Photo MINAKI 0ntCP Divers today were still searching for victims of the crash of single gin American civilian plane which fell into deep sectionof the Winnipeg River ing power fine men and two women were be lieved to have been aboardthe fourseat Moooc ltiark 29 re port to be fr Minn All eiï¬dnes occUpans wer about 60 feet of water about onedrali mile from iillS resort centre 110 miles east of Winni Peg One body was recovered Sun day by divers No names were released but the body was be lieved to be that of member of the United States Army Police said wallet believed also was recovered The crash occurred about pm Saturday as the plane river SAN DIEGO Calif amni vestigators say an exhuilder and young mining engineer have admitted the $850000 bombing of three UtahNevada communications facilities three weeks agoto public an anti bigbusiness American republt lican army Police of Ensenada Mexico port city 75 miles south of here arrested Bernard Jerome Brous 51and Dale Chris Jen sen us citizens Saturday night aboard Brous yacht Laden with arms machineguns rifles ammunition and TNT Mexican authorities brought the two men to the border and turned them over to the FBI Agents took them before San Diego US corhmiSsioner who ordered them held under $100 000 bail each andset arraign ment for today Arrested with them and brought here were Brous wife Minnie 40 and Robertï¬erald Bortoli so Reno New gam bling house dealer CLAIM IGNORANCE Both said they knew nothing of the bombings Mrs Brous told reporters she thought the See Hees sit LONDON CPTwo British ing visi tof Trade inister George flees to Australia and New Zealand as Canhdian at tempt to counter trad sses that could result if Brita joined the European Common Market Dashing Mr Hues Will go selling says the headline of the rightwing DailyExpress is Eampaign has become more gent in view of Cano dian fears that Britain join the Common Market The Express says Canadians fear this move would push them may out of their pieferred posit the British market New Canada is planning near here Saturday after strike Provincial police said two killed when it fell in pieces into struck the hydro line over the Believe Four Persons OnPlane Which Fell In Winnipeg River The plane was reported to be equipped only with wheels and no reason was given for its low flight over the river number of vacationers swimming and boating nearby saw the plane crash Threepolicc skin divers be gan search within minutes of the crash They found the planes engine Saturday and re covered the mans body Sunday afterndon The scorch wassus peddcd sumed éarlyioday Jirn Adams dispatcher for local civiliali airlinesaid Sun day that theMinot plane filed flight plan at Winnipeg Satur day before travclfing to this Lake of the Woods area Hears our to belong to in Winnipeg woman Large Lady Little boy can you tell me if can getto the park through this gate Little Boy guess so lady load of hay just went through Two Men Admit The Bombing 0i Communications Facilities be used in hunting sunken treaSlt ure off Peru Bortnli said he was guest for skindiving Mexican or ties said Brous and Jensen admitted blowing up the two microwave towers and relay station May 28 The American Telephone and Telegraph Company esti mated the damage at $850000 Brous told reporter he plan ned the sabotage Jensen told Mexican police he blew up the three installations and was paid by Brous to do it He said Brous was in Enscnada at the time copyrighted story in the San Diego Union quoted the two as saying the sabotage was in behalf of the American repubr licao army They said it ad vocates the overthrow of the 15 political order Mexican official said Brous told him the army was intended to fight what Brous termed of ï¬cial corruption irithe Ameri can system including the FBI and hig business gt The communications towers were key links in crosscountry communications They handled telephone and telegraph circuits for public use and circuits used eitplosives on thayacht were to newspapers view the forthcom in His defence operations as Attempt At Pacific common Market Pacific Common Market says the fourcolumn headingln the deftwing Daily Herald This paperreports Uiaf Can ada is trying to persuade Au tr aand New Zealand to join it in forming Pacific Com mon Market REACT FAVORABLY The two countries are deratcod to have reacted favorlt ably he aim is to step up trade withsnations in the Pacific area as cushion to their losses if Britain joins the European Com mon MarketAt present Com duyfhhdvrcf gt Double Murder Of Indians On Reserve BEESIMIS Que CP man and woman from the Bersimis Indian reserve were beaten to death early Sunday Quebec Provincial Police re ported Sunday night Police withheld their identity but said the man was 52 and single while the woman was 42 and married The bodies were discovered in the mans home by the womans mother and daughter in mid afternoon The two had been beaten with blunt or piercing weapon which has not yet been found The victims heads were muti lated Provincial police from Baie Comeau and Quebec City were sent tovthe scene The RCMP detachment on the reserve 265 miles northeast of Quebec also was investigating Police classified the deaths as double murder They ruled out the possibility of the womans busband bein gvimplicatcd be cause he is 76 and invalid Tram Crash VITRY LE FRANCOIS APlFrench railway officials said today that 23 bodies have been taken from the wreckage of the crack StrasbourgtoParis expresswhich juniped the rails Sunday They added that an undeter mined number still remained in one car submerged in swamp water Rescue workers were hampered in reaching the car because second one rested atop it in all 10 cars leftthe rails as the electric train sped along at so miles an hour The press service of the French railways in Paris early today listed 23 bodies found and 100 to 115 passengers injured Shortly before midnight au thorities at nearby US mili tary base helping with rescue work had reported 32 dead This morning fliWevEr US of ficials said the iigurewas 23 There was no immediate expla nation of the discrepancy The LES base said the num ber of injured was 153 consid erably more than the figure givcri by the French railways The cars went offvthe tracks as the train roared through the village of LoisysurMarne One car tipped on its side was dragged more than zoo yards while still coupled to the for ward part of the train The crashhalted traffic in both directions along the double track mainline linking Paris with eastemFrance and Gcr many moï¬wealth couotrles get cas concestlonsfor their code log into this WOMAN DIES BY ROADSIDE woman was thrown trom car when It leitlhc road near Elmvnia at 1202 am today and drowned in small stream the OPP re ported early this afternoon The name of the deceased is being withheld spending notiï¬cation of relatives The accident happened on Highway 92 five miles west of Crossland Police said the car went out of control and the woman was thrown into stream where she drown ei Her body was discovered at oclock this morning Charge Deal Mute Attempted Murder BURLINGTON CHA deaf route LawrenceAmes 19 of Hamilton was charged Saturday with attempted murder in baseball but attack on woman near here Friday Mrs Edward Bowman is of Hamilton was found wandering on highway bleeding and with her skull fractured broken bahwos ounddnza pool of blood on nearby Vacant farm Doctors said Mrs Bowmans condition was good after she had undergone brain surgery and amputation of crushed finger LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with cloudy periods stb marrow Winds light low lb night 50 High niesday 65 For full OTTAWA CE Governor James Coyne of the Book of Canada today made public an economic involving higher taxes and increased spending to counter uncmploy meat He said it would reduce un employment to less than four per cent of the labor force within one year balance the federal budget probably within two years and wipe out Can adas balance of payments de ficit of more than $l000000000 in three years The program was one he sent to Finance Minister Fleming last Feb 16 He made it public today to counter what he said was misrepresentation by Mr Fleming last Wednesday that hisMn Coynespolicies were ffmstrictionist REFUSED TO RESIGN His statement today on the eve of Tuesday nights budget was the latest round of the con troversy which blew up last week over the govcmments at tempt to have the central bank governor resign He refused and the government now plans to seek parliamentary action to fire him Mr Coyne said Mr Fleming has not found time to discuss his Feb 16 proposals and added that for four years the minister has refused to allow the Corn exam urgent need to adopt noninfla tionary sound money policies to restore economic growth and achieve some minimum stand ard of full employment other aumrnary sec pagotwo wise we shall be forced by the march of events into unsound policies inflationary policies which it will be alleged are necessary for economic growth and full employment He said his program would not involve government controls on the economy apart from reg ulation of consumer credit N0 TAX REDUCTION Ilia 24page Feb 16 program sent tot Mr Fleming said any general tax reductions do not appear desirable And he told the minister that any further spending proposals especialiy spending items should be accompanied by proposals for increased revlt enues Some of the main points in Mr Coynes proposals temporary tariff sur charge of 10 per cent on most imports to reduce import buy ing and stimulate Canadian pro duction the surcharge to last for two years and then decline to nothing during the following four years and two months It should not apply to limited list of products not produced in Canada reduction in the sales tax tothree per cent from 11 per cent on selected consumer goods to offset the effect of the higher tariff on living costs Augment incomesof un mployedbyh2percent boost unemploymentinsurance ben efits until the unemployment rate falls below four per cent of the labor force for three suc cesswe months Turn to page twopiease ICC IN LAOS TOLD Beg Borrow or Siea1 AiréInspection Needs By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer GENEVA CmCanada said today that in effect the three power International Control Commission in Laos has been asked to beg borrow or steal airltinspection equipment to po lice ceasefire Extornal Affair Minister Green in major speech to the 14nation conference on Lacs attacked proposal made Fri day by Russia that the commis sion obtain inspection aircraft from the opposing parties in wartroubled Laos Green departing from his pre pared text said this proposal forwarded to the IndiaCanada Poland commission by the So viet Union and Britain as con ference cochair was ri diculous The commission in effect was being asked to beg borrow or steal equipment from officials in Laos This flsuggest is going to ridiculous extreme and puts the commissionmem bers in an impossible posrhon ACCEPT COPTER OFFER Instead the conference should consider offers already made by France and the United States to supply inspection aircraft and signs rather then set speeches would helicopters for the commission so that it could check independ ently on reported violations of the ceasefire Green in his tough talking outline of the Canadian stand also tore into Communist de mands regarding veto rights on the operations of the commis sion suggest the two 1cochair men are getting pretty high and mighty if they expect to have this power said Green The commission came from sov ereign countries and was en titled to independence of action to be eï¬ective Russian delegate Georgi Push kin chairman of todays ses sion agreed with suggestion by Green that letters regarding airequipment offers he circu lated as conference documents Green urged the conference to get busy on detailsof settle ment He proposed that the con ference go into restricted ses where free discussion be the rule WANTS ISSUE SETTLE The Canadian delegation pressed for discussion ontha question Tuesday on air equip ment for the commission when Britains Malcolm MacDonald will he in the chair Green and MacDonald met privately at ten today Green cited the refusal of tho proCommunist Paiilet Lao to allow the commission to visit Padangscene of Pathet Lao at tacks June 7as at example of the importance of freedom of movement it the commission was to workrlfectively