ournoonsv REALLY AND TRULY Yes this column is really and truly irom The Great Outdoors evne if it is 8miths back yard We were pleasantly surprised when we were released 1mm hospital weve spent the past Week with our tamily enjoying every minute or convalescenee it is going to be really rough on Peter when daddy can go back to work When you cant really get out and so you can see quite lot of nature tromyour backyard At this moment there is one very angry Baltimore Oriole female chasing pair or saucy biackbirds and an equally saucy black squarrel There has been ramily or Orioles in Frank and Hilde Collins huge Elm tree for as many years as we can remember This year the poor Orioles are having quite battle oi keeping their nests intact LUCKY THREESOME Brother Earle accompanied by Bill Gilchrist of Parry Sound and Johnny Wilson or New York Ran gers tome who is living down at Minets Point ior teh Summer had iabulous weekend rlshing out or Par ry Sound They caught their limit or Pickerel ranging from over six up to better than 10 pounds We can imagine thelookon Mrs Johns ace when he arrived home with lOpounder to prove that they had been really fishing We understand that the 00 gang with which we usually go North did not iare quite as well this year but had grand time anyhow THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN Our good iriend Harry Morron dropped in again with another grand book Then in walked president the Barrie District Anglers and Hunters Conserva tion Club Morley Hartman with beautiful gift book entitled Nature Is Your Guide irom fellow club members As though this was not enough to leave us Just about speechless we opened the latest copyo theOonservation Club bulletin and rind that they haveglven us truly magnificent plug which along with the manywlshes oi iriends from all over certainly gives one the lift to get on the road to recovery Many many thanks friends WONDERFUL mm Having spent many hours on the wateryand be ing dedicated safety man we were certainly pleased and proud to seeour Barrie Club sponsoring course in Water Safety Thanks to Morley Horr an Albert Parrish Ontario Provincial Police Cor ps Ted Giddens and Ernie Taylor color tario Safety League Outdoor Recreation Div or their hard work and foresight in planning log such valuable course In in books there is 110 compmmlse when it safety You are either safe or sorry there een We hope that all our readers who have nor learned artificial respiration first aid boating and water aiety andany such courses onrany pha se or safe would stop and think ior moment that the lite save may be their own or that at someone near and dear to them MORE SAFETY According to the latest Barrie District Anglers and Hunters bulletin their courses in Ontario Hun ter Sate will be starting again June 22 at the Canadian Legion Hall on Collier street The course consists or four classes All prospective members of this course should contact either Jim Harris or John Harradineot the local club Incidentally the front cover or the lebsst Con servation Club bulletin very appropriately reminds us that we are in the Forest Fire danger period Brammscms Many anglers and outdoor types do not realize the amount of research and scientiï¬c labour which is going on in our lakes and streams to help us to have better rishing In the latest Department of Lands and Forests News Release we noted the rollowing To maintain the high calibre and general availability or sport ilshingln onatrlo lake surveys are under way in many parts oi the Province this summer Biologists or the Ontario Department or Lands and Foresm are studying fishery potential and advisability of reclaiming through restocking lakes already chemically treated to eliminate un desirable species JiWet1ust that all anglers will remember the great amount or research which is going on before they introduce undesirable fish tosome or thesewaters iromldivelbaitliishing Zr Seéiyoii in the great outdoors ï¬red 71 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS and Cylinder Models morn mom $233500 1900 enon Sedan 67000 miles 1058 CHEVROLET Pickw box r059 caevnoLnr Pickle lass FARGO 10 Stake meter $1500 1951 mamnorm Tan dem $2300 1m caavnomr pom loserpan bum wlieel base speed FIAT Sedan 1950 iNTERNATloNAL up air cornols $1150 1052 mammalian 172 1054 FARGO TANKEB with Kris10 mamanouat orce Moves Up Beats Stewarts i392 Barrion Doom Senior Sdiballltazuelasmsare idle todaylnditapminblyagood For born at lea the tdaudingsylil remain unchang Csmp Bordeae RCAF Flynn Barrie Ladies Fire Top Scores Goli Field Day ill Collingwood Harrie golias lured wellni the Slum County ladle llcld day at Coliiogwood yesterday Top prize or the day for the low mass over in holes went to Barrles Grace Ougb she shot an 09 Second low gross was so by Mattexmglkb oi Midland law he ior the 13 holes went to EditbOorby of Barrie who Runnerup was Jackie Miller of Barrie with 73 Low gross or the first nine holes was 45 by Ruth Sbuubel oi Midland John Holmes of Orlilla bad 45 over the second nine Low bet some for the first also was 35 by lsobel Popper 0f OriIlIa Second nine low not was as by Donna Wheeler of Coilmgwood Days scores bad Oriilla at 500 Midland ot 53 and Barrio at 600 Collingwood was dis qualiï¬ed for the second soccer sive week for not having full gemh Years standing has 0rlllin with 1114 Midland 1167 and Barrie 1101 Roimding out ihe Barrie team were Eileen Norris Phyl Her glsilels Homer and Lorne GRACE 0115 The locals hold their usual outing here on Tuesday with some members playing in the morning Tbomornlng prizes were or pulls Edith Corby Wm first with as and Roll Cur rie secondeith 30 Fourteen players attempted to have go in the afternoon and naturally it tamed Ace Jockey Rides Bargain HOrse By JACK sutuvAN Canadian Pro Staff erier TORONTO CP Johnny Longden the loamy with the Midas 10qu whose mounts have earned aboutv$20000000 in purses may realize aIiieltlong ambition when he hops aboard bargain basement colt this afternoon The Myearold Inngden will ride Just Dont Shove in the $50000 added Queens Plate classic Canadianbred three yearolds at the suburban New Pirates Pay High For Bonus Baby LONG BEACH Calii AP Pittsburgb Thursday signed layearold prep baseball star Bob Bailey for what may have been baseballs biggest be nus Rumors place it around $175 000 The Pirates and Bailey arent saying The previous high figureone carefully guarded in baseball circleswas believed to be about $50000 less BailEY just over six feet weighs 185 pounds and hits like the village blacksmith He batted 475 in 19higb school games this season He got her ter than average grades and turned down several footbnll scholarships to big name col leges to sign with the Pirates Woodbine track Longch has won just about every worthwhile race in North America but hes still looking for Plate winner Just Dont Shove lhrcsL year old that Conn Smyibe bought or $2700 as weanling at an auction sale here will be the public choice when the 15 horse ileld goes to the post than 545 pm Final in clone closed Thursday with payment of $500 horse and 13 were entered This means gross purse of $71475 with the Winner getting $46475 the $3000 gold cup and ihe Queens 50 guineas Second place money is $12500 Ihird $7500 and fourth $5000 its still wide open race among the ioicolis and three iillios Likely to receive heavy back ing is Ranian Wreck owned by Bill Beasley of Toronto He turned in the fastest time arise three Plate trials last Monday and is definite threat partic ularly ii jockey Avelino Gomez is fit HAS CUT KNEE Gomezsuifered fourstitch leii knee out on Tuesday and has been on the ground since Heading the ï¬llies is Maid ONorih owned by Frank Sher man of Hamilton Bought for $25000 she returned almost all of that last Saturday when she won the $31000 Canadian Oaks the richest race for ï¬llies in the history of Canadian racing made it muteam mud the top last ulgbrni when they scored twice in the eighlh inning in tip Slbwans Lunch 82 The win moved the Flynn pm Stewarts loIo modplace Lie with Toegin Autumtives lust one point bo bind leadm Bristows Filmb lag and Heating and single point up on Stewarts Bristowl can pull IWIY again 7mm night at Queens Park with victory over l1mmas Electric However Thomas Wlnwouidmaioe imaged marble than ever AFTER TWO The winning Air force runs came surprise to the tone Ros Home led off the inning with single but was erased on Barretts fieldere dioioe Barrett was then erased or the Si Andrews Tops St Marys 133 St Andrews defending diam pions oi Barrie District inter Cbumb Softball Magus con tinued their fine 1901 season last night at Rogers Park with in triumph over St Marys The verdict was ncver in doubt as the winners tallied three times In the opening state as and failed In score in only one inning of the seven Jack nirubull pitched the win for St Andrews showing only six hits two each by Jade De carie and John Tobin and ain gletons by Bill Clayton Terry Godln Ai Stevens was the loslng hurler as St Andrews colleéted is safeties Norm Rayoraft Red Demberline and Paul Smith had three seioiies apiece Turn buil Grliilu Howard Stock Iey andliankGrob had two each and Wiley had single ion No games in slated lflthls league lonlgbl Tomorrow at Queens Park Essa Road plays Emmanuel Wrestling Card For Next Tuesday Full Of Specials Four matches including challenge and tag team ai fair will comprise next Tues days professional wrestling card at Barrie Arena Arinon Hussein and The Great Mephisto are involved in the challenge Hussein and the cus iorners feel he got raw deal The matclunskershave warned Mehpisio to appear sans gim micks or it will cost him dough Bill Curry and Louis Papinean will team against Benny Trudel and Tarzan Tourville in another bout Twopther matches are set ltwill be ladies nightagain ed for too with the gals half price GOLF DRIVING RANGE GUTmtIE FAIEWAYS No 11 Highway Not of 5th Mao Guthrie Ont to the Graduate Boy or Girl go Front and Rear Light Complete with Generator Front or near Parcel carrier Custom Styledixickstand WITH THEIPURCIIASE of NEW RALEIGH the aicvcnrANYGRADUArewiII L9VE the uperb quality Birllbike Ith Moons So Much Pleasure To over 1000000 New Owners Every Year er trophy MAKE mint evacuees lN rum aimatnorzrvrz abbrrronar EQUIPMENT mm For over 15 years the ï¬rst consideration in diedesign of Raleigh bicycle has been the saietyyoi tbe rlderCarefully trailed or high tensile steel tubing attractively iin isbedvin popular metallic colours product of the Raleigh industries Nottinghamwa land the larger bicycle plant in the world distributed in Canada by Raleigh Cycle In dustries Canada Lfdsince 1954 all Ra leigh products carry aliielong guarantee against deieclsin materials andworkman ship models With When you are considering that gift for the graduating icilowor girl consider die Cad lilac of Bicycles Raleigh to give years and years of trouble free pleasure for their efforts Available in several sizes and optional features for addit ional enjoyment youresure to ï¬nd just the model for Come in soon put deposit your choice you seenurdisplay and NOW on the Raleigh Ellie 5000 nurtures rats2431 3i ouNlop sr rasr Wanamaker and two each by Perkin innluga second out and Kellyrihldere choice Howevu the out blue An Goyetcbe singled to centre and with the lid In um Kelly around to third as Gllhouly tben singled to core Edmondfollow untaggewa Relief pitcher Ken Lapolnle who came on or Flyers in the aeveath whilied the tint two batten and had the third fly out to and the game and let credit for the victory Flyerx ihird run was scored in the third name as Billy Hem demon doubled and countedon Homelslogie Stewarts garnered both their Lillie in third as Johnny White oi life on an error and came around on mccmsivo Kwais by Jimmy Bertram and Bob Mc Cortney Marshall storied on the rubber or Air Force and was followed by Donal linklin and Lepointe They were touched for nine safeties three by Pat Jim Bertram and McCartney Jimmy Armstrong want the distance for Slewart allowing 10 bits Horne Goyeicheand Gilliouly had two apiece Handing Bristows Torgis RCAF Stewarts Thomas Mlneslng Stewart Bertram rs McCartney 8b Marley Falconer Wanamaker Bertram 2b Anmiroug Martin lb White rf WL OewaeIq on Es ansaasa RCAF Shepherd 3b Henderson 2b Home Barrett 111 Kelly of Goyetche Gilhouly ss Boucher ri Marshall Tinklin Lapelï¬e aauas SI mueunnoenua oeuowovNN OpeaouuéeHo nl Fooooooep to BAREIE bIVING sermon Aim surrues Cnmplatw uipment rm mm on Certiï¬ed Air Station Pl PA oloes Army lmnaamxxammramarm1uua TEE NEW RCA VICTOR LOW AMPI All CONDITIONER Get ready to live comiortobly during the hot days ahead select your air conditioner here now to ensure cool summer days and also you save when you buy here 199°° SUPPLY DEPARTMENT gt 259 INNISFII 51 PA 65531 AS LOW AS 2000 DOWN 1100 PER MONTH ills was homey with the howï¬rnous Private Stock has done it again Adam nowprcsents Gold Stripe another Custom Blend at moderate prise created cspeually for the Ontario taste anytime yonbuy try mellow erratumbladed handsomeflaskbotdé inan and canoe sizes andyonilagree Admzsbasdonahagainl