page Your help in supplying Thompson ONE OF their most prized antiques is Georgian tea chest of old mahogany The history of the tea chest goes THIS COPPER bedwarmer is approximately 100 years old and was necessary evil in the days prior to the elec SPEAKING OF PEOPLE Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birlhdoya comingofnge par tics visitors and travellers are all items of interest to the women readers of this this news will be greatly ap preciated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA 643537 and ask for lhe Womens Page REBEKAH ASSEMBLY Mrs Margaret Ball Noble Grand of Beaver Rebekah Lodge 190 and Mrs Violet Adams Junior Past Noble Grand at tended the Rebekah Assembly sessions held at the Royal York HotelToronto this week BERMUDA HOLmAY Mrs Uhappell Crown Hill and Mrs Jennie Ayerst Cumberland Street have return ed Via TCA from Bermuda While in the Atlantic isle mey were guests of Mrs Ayersts granddaughter Mrs Whitney Warwick Tamarinevale MONTREAL VISITORS Mr and Mrs Gerald Taylor son Larry and daughter Miss PattyAnn all of Montreal Que bec were guests of Mrs Mary Ward Bayfield Street They will be guests of Mrs Taylors parents Rev and Mrs Frank Mosley Elmvale before return ing to Montreal ENTERTAWMENTS Prior to her marriage at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Saturday Miss Joyce Margaret Gibson was entertained at many events Miscellaneous showers were hosted by ers Hamid Cooper and Mrs Coiwelloi lo the days when to was $25 pound and the chest was kept locked for security China tea was kept on one trie blanket It was ï¬lled with hot coals by servants and used just before the master retired Toronto Mrs Harvey Little and Mrs Main oi Barrie Mrs McNuli and daughter Mary Ann of Detroit Michigan entertained at limp shower cup and saucer shower was held at the home of Mrs Zsboruk Toronto MrsA Empke was hosltss at bathroom shower in honor of the bride Mrs Chittick pmsided at the coffee table dinner party and presenta tion was held by the VON staff of Toronto trousseau tea was held at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Gibson Sunnidale Road Mrs Empke of Barrie poured tea at the event Hostesses were Mrs Harold Cooper Toronto Mrs Greenhalgh and Mrs Brennan Barrie BRIDEELECT HONORED July brideelectMiss Mon ica Kretschmann was guest of honor at miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs Alexan der Campbell Avenue The hos loss was assisted by Mrs Little and Mrs Crossley Among the guests were Mrs Britton Mrs Forbes Mrs Carlos Mrs Wylie Mrs Hankin Mrs Duf field Miss Janice Edwards Miss June Newman Miss Vicki Dowling Miss Carol Brown Miss Ruth Scbmaltz Mrs Laycodt The bridetobeis the daugh ter of Mrs Kraus Brantford and the hridegruomelect is Don ald Britten son of Mr and Mrs Britton Alfred Street The wedding ceremony will ThOmpsonBannanWedding Rites At Vasey UniiedChurch Vasey United Church was the setting for the recent wedding of Miss Myrna Isabelle Irene Barman and Allan Bowatt Rev Charles Carter assist2d by Mr John Bunner ofiiciated at the doublering ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Bannan Vasey The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Thompson Hillsdale Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore floor length gown of white peau do sole Thebodice was fashioned with softly folded pleats square neckline and threequar terlength sleeves The draped skirt fell to chapel train The brides shoulderlength veil was caught by crown of white peau de sole leaves She carried bouquet of pink de light roses and feathered mums The bride was attended by her sisters Miss Bonnie Bannan mold of honor and Miss June Hannah bridesmaid and the sis for of the bridegroom Miss Mar garet Thompson bridesmaid The attendants gowns were fashioned alike of deep brocaded silk with bouffant waltzdength skirts Their headdresses were iash ioned of softlygathered pink ny lon tulle They carried fins of pink delight roses and white carnations Bill Thompson brother of the bridegroom was groomsman The llshcrs were Kenneth Mc Keown cousin of the brideand Dohald Thompson brother Vol the bridegroom reception was held at the Community Hall Wyebridgc The mother oithc hridevfcceiv ed guests wearing rock of French blue lace complemented by corsage of pink roses and carnations She was assisted by the bridegronms mother Alter wedding trip to Nor thern Ontario and the Lauren tians Mr and Mrs Thompson will reside at Milton side and lndla tea on the other and the glass was used to blend the teas VENETIAN VASES inthe palest shade of green are collector item and in per BOOMING TOURIST TRADE fect condition The Jones bought these on their last trip to England Barrie Antique Dedléis Will Return To Wales Everyone is bargain hunter at heart especially when they him their sights ot antiques And people are showing more interest now than ever In an tique said Mrs Charles Jones cocwncr of the Jones Antique shop in Allandale Mr and Mrs Jones came to Gibson wedding Saturday were salute of sail and power boats receive guestsand members at our fair city eight years ago with more than 30 years exper icnce in the business Mr Jhnes declares that de mand is exceeding supply Hen ce the couple have found it nec essary to return to England each year to meet buyers demands They both agreed you have to have to know what youre buying to get bargain Most enthusiasts prefer early ed lorian furniture Brass cape pcr silver and Dresden are also in demand The heavier and more ornate Victorian pieces ANDPLACES take place irl Fairview United Church Brantford WEDDING GUESTS In the city for the Waring Mr and MrsR Ferguson Mr and Mrs Ferguson Mrs lnnes Mr and Mrs Ferguson son Ronald Mr and Mrs Parent Mix Vera Howson Michael Jurocko of Windsor Toronto guests included Mr and Mrs Anderson Mr and Mrs Harold Cooper Mr and Mrs Gibson Mr and fills RCoop or Mr and Mrs Marker Mr and Mrs Marker Mr and Mrs Colwell Mr and Mrs Cummings Mr and Mrs Pelletier Mr and Mrs Boyle Mr and Mrs Fair brother of Burlington Mr and Mrs Fournier Mr and Mrs Gooderad Mrs Lawson Mr and Mrs Hodgkiss Hamil ton Mr and hisSal Gibson London Mr and Mrs Brooks and Mr and Mrs Kennedy Woodstock Mr and Mrs MeNutt of Detroit Michigan WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Jack Kain Mountbatten Street will enter tain in honor of Mrs Kains par enis Mr and Mrs Edson Veitch this evening Mr and Mrs Veilch are celebrating their 30th anniversary today The celebraan have been resr dents of Barrie for 15 years YACHT CLUB TEA Barrie Yacht Club will launch its sailing season with the annual sailpast and tea for members and guests tomorlt row afternoon Commodore Maurice Barre willtake the Mrs Harold Brett President of the Ladies Committee will the club house Pouringtea will be Mrs Mallrice Barre Mrs Lee Mrs Col vin MrsO Rowe andMrs Welbam Tea convener is Mrs Jack Bonney and tea assistants are Mrs Nelson Mrs Haughton Mrs Jack Mitchinson and Mrs Pow ell ArrnNo GRADUATION Attending graduation exer cises at Toronto Wednesday were Mr and Mrs Snowl Dovvnsview Drive whose son Grant was among the grad uates in Medicine oftbe Uni versity of Toronto Also ate For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portrait Passoort Film Devslqmne elm smrn STUDIO liunlop St PA Miro Over Hunts Mr and Mrs Innes ml youth had excelled in are very popular too says Mr Jones Barries central location mak cs it an ideal spot for selling but it is almost impossible to buy antiques here The couple could recall only one real antique purchase in this area pair of Chippendale chairs The summer season is the busiest for antique dealers and the Jones have regular Ameri can customers who come back each year Americans prefer Wedgewood pieces old Dresden and colored glass Without their yearly trips to the old county the variety in colored glass would have been terribly limit uur American buyers even do their own sorting and pack lng said Mrs Jones No dealer will define the char acteristics of genuine antique except that the article must be 100 years oldbefore 1353 in Canada and prior to 1332 in the United States its chancy business says Mr Jones when asked how he decided if piece is genuine an tique it comes from years oi practical experieuee By CLEVELAND MYERS Although the public is growing more aware of the difficulty youth may have getting into col lege it is not nearly so aware of how hard it may be for him to stay there and graduate with entrance requirements rieing higher and higher it can be assumed that standards of work at college are rising to comparable degree Far more publicity is given to the number of students atone particular college who are ad mitted than to the number who are dropped The home paper would no mnre report person With us it started as hobby in our native city of Cardiff Wales and from there it blos somed to supplying rooms in Leeds Mr and Mrs Jones travelled extensively through the British isles collecting bits and pieces They branched out nnd began supplying finnsln Toronto The only real dlfficulty being the packing problem gt REPUTABLE DEALER The Jones advice to wouldbe collectors if you want to build good collection you should rely on tho guidance of reput able dealer Besides this read up on the history of antiques The market is full of copies of original wotks of artuSoma of these copies are expensive es pecially if they are obtained irom large establishmentsf Main antiqua centres in Can ada are Toronto Montreal Que bec City Halifax and Vancouv er and many farm and estate sales are scattered throughout the country it is booming tourist irade and we will miss it say the Jan ess who will returnto Cardiff in July never more toroarpor Student Requires Higher Grades To Meet College Standards failed as student Some ex plain that this student accus tomed to considerable guidance and prodding at home and in high school may not have ciplined himself in effective study whileon his own at col lege There mayof course be other causes some of wbleb are not easily learned who busted out of college than person who was admitted to mental institution Certainly the parents dont try to spread this news Instead they sometimes may announce that the unsuccessful youth was ill and may have doctors certiï¬cate to prove it and such at times is warranted by the facts gt But as rule busting out of college is social stigma tobe covered up esperiaily if the grades at his local high school Here and there one reads of the puzzlement of some edu cators over the youth who won college entrance easily butwbo tending from Barrle were Mr and Mrs Ferris Ferris Lane George Caldwell of Barrie attended the annual conven tion of the Ontario Retail Pharmacists Association at the Gellera1 Brock Hotel Niagara Falls this week He repre sented the president of the On tario College of Pharmacyin chairing one of the sessions enticing icing Swillsrei Hunter chocolate n9 makes any cake lovelylto lookat scrumptious to eat Like all SaladsShllrlffHorsey prï¬ducts if conthlns onlythe finest ingredients Every Salads ShlrnffHorsey product ls quality guaranteed hymn 3°éir ym aesllcnce ll rltilllrssrllllivnlnlnlr to ssnirllEllrlrllcocllé MEDAL llwnnn nlllunn Birchmere Hotel Orlllia shruroAY JUNE 111 30 Tickets may be obtained at Qrfll CommerceOffioeor from Ite By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary aspects now present both good and bad aspects our emotions and be understanding wrtb those who may be Tb engaged in creative eni eroflses should ï¬nd inspiration 51 blah peak however FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates line prospects fol theyear ahead Where job matters are corned you may expectluring the next four or ï¬ve monthso be called upon to handle tasks bit out of your usual orbit because others have recognized your exceptional talents and the wide knowledge which you do light in accumulating Opportun ities wrought therefrom could establish your success on solid foundation and increase your prestige enormously Good aspects govern your per sonal life also and toward the end of December you may hear some news that will bring you great happiness Travel will be under excellent aspects during late July and all of August Look for an excellent financial oppor tunity early in the new year child born on this day will be endowed with fine mind delightful sense of humor and great versatility BEAUTIlUL BARBIE IDEAL FORoARGAIN Hummosnlrriouccourcrons Simcoe County Representatives To Attend National Convention Simone County will be well represented at the National Convention of the Federated Womens institutes of Canada to be held at Vancouver BC County women who will be among the 500 delegates ex pected to attend th conclsve from June laser are Mrs Charles Spencer Thornton immediate past president of the South simcoe District WI Mrs Campbell Stroud area chairman Simcoe County WI Mrs Bari Scott Hawke stone immediate past pres ldent East Slmcoe District Mrs Harry Dawson Van couver Street District Pres ident Centre Simone Mrs John Leaders Wife To Tour Ontario VITAWA CmMrs Helen Argue the wife of the CCF na tional leader left Ottawa Thurs day for twoweek tour of On tario points for speeches to CUF New Party organizations She begins Monday with vi sit to Sudhury She willbe in Sault Ste Marie Tuesday and in Tomato Thursday June Her tourenda Thursday June with stops at Woodstock and Brantford ran BARRIE axaunvnn rnmav JUNE 16 1951 Alcoholic Mom Neglects Home VANCOUVER CPJ The mother who drinks is societys most dangerous alcoholic says team ofresearch and treat ment personnel from the Alclr hullsm Foundation of British Columbia Past histories show greater incidence of heavy drinking develops among children from homes where the mother is an alcoholic than from home where the father istbe offender The observatiops aregtmade by clinicphysician Dr Osher Mluovitz senior counsellor Syd ney Kerslake and counsellor Barhara Geoffrey reporting on new womeils wardfor treat ment of female alcoholics in Vancouver Their reports give 10um iltlo picture of the female nice in She comes from home background either wile or daughter There is conflict in the home She is intelligent fairly well educated at odds with her environment and rebel lious The most tragic of aleobolie women are the mothers Bell District PreaidentWest Shame The ï¬rst womens institute was founded in Ontario in 189 The national group was organ ludrlo 1919 with Judge Emily Murphy in first president Founded as an organization for women living in rural areas today tbere are more than amnion branches with upwards of 80000 members is concerned with agriculi are industryr home economv lcs and citizenship The group will leave Barrio this evening enrouto toVan WHVEI If Yourerlltso All THE ml thus who laman fulilrr an menu hula Puflnmfb train FROBLEMI to We Meal Exclu sive Farrier who nails and sells turn only LARGI sumo 10 canon mu HIGGINS Baum narrow 15 DUNMP 3T Wmv Repatrng gt mandala Cold storage mm Mon PRICE IITIIIHIBI IUAIANIII stirs you BRAND NEW CHROME CHAIR ii SMITH rum BE 13 DUNLOP ST PA 20245 and VASS elite Members MENS HNE WATCHES in commaouting mod makes Giï¬ Dudwilhuwnldrfmmow Maladies 143$