SALVATION ron MIIGIIzmIIs Publishers In Canada Applaud det Report By DAVE HOCKAND Clnldhn Pr Sh Writer OITAWA CPt Stern pro posals aimed at keeping the Canadian magazine advertising dollar at homa recommended Thursday in the report at the royal commission on publica tions stirred an extreme range of reaction at home and in the United States Canadian publishers wel comed them with open arms The Americans target at tho proposed crackdown had other thoughts Publishers irom both coun tries now are waiting with up posing anxieties ior indications of government action on the basis at the report tabled in the Commons by Prime Minisr ter Dicienbakcr Canadian periodical spokes men said implementation oi the reports recommendations would spell salvation or the re maining handful of Canadian masscirculatlon magazines by returning 59000000 in lost ad vertising revenue to Canada each year However Time magazine spokesman said the recom mcndations clearly indicate an eiiort to destroy the Canadian operations at the New York based publishing empire He added We cannot believe that the government would adopt such recommendations or that the Canadian people would approve such action Readers Digest whichlike Time publishes Canadian edition said certain of the rec ommendations are discrimina tory in regard to the Digest which has carried on can dian publishing operation tor more than years In the report the threeman commission said there is dan ger Canadian magazines may So entirely out at existence on less advertising revenues going to Americanowned publications are channelled back to Canada Warned the commission headed by Grattan OLcary president at the Ottawa Jour nal Canadas particular respon sibilities her government her constitutional structure her ideals and aspirations her memories and milestones even her discords are facts in her existence which camel be By preached standineg or useIully by another commu nications media owned or con trolled in another country even though that country be triendiy One commission recommend ation would deny to Canadian advertiser using foreign pe riodical printed in Canada such as the Readers Digest the privilege of deducting his advertising costs as business expense for tax purposes The result of non deducti bility would be approximately to double the cost of domestic Mistakes Of Cuban Invaders Spelled Doom For Movement HAVANA CPlFidel Castro says he deieated the Cuban in vasion through the strength oi his revolutionary movement and mistakes or the invaders The Cubau prime minister gave his sumvup of the abortive April 1719 invasion in dramatic fashion Thursday standing at the high water mark the invad crs reached hetero they met disaster He spoke to reporters and photographers during daylong tour which he personally led through 300 miles of Cuba He showed them both the economic Projects which he touts as rhe backbone oi his revolution and the invasion scene in swampy section of southwestern Cuba Tho two invasion beaches PlaysLargo and Plays Giron showed iewniterciiects Two HURONIA naiveLN Tacoma PA 83391 TONIGHT ONLY Minimum Minimum snuunnrr flagginnwon ManiAnnuities mm mm coin arr THEJ mm SATURDAY One Foot In hen Dogs Best Friend beachtype showed heavy damage number at other buildings in the area still had bullet marks Castro said many buildings had been re pagred workmenwere on the Jo 1325 bomber lay wrecked and burned at an air strip near Giron Castro said the Ameri canbuilt plane had been shot down The twoengined bomber bore markings oi the Cuban in vasion force Rockets from the plana were of 115 manufac IE IMPERIAL Now Showing nu cranium rnsrnnnol mnnnnro mm ammo When Hitlers bank wasth on Londonï¬ut couldnt crush its spirit mu Iwrllwnnannr mun innm cone aé 700 945 aim 330 MODERN ANDLGLD TIMe ERIDAY IODF HALL Collier sti 1To THE MUSIC st PIECELDRCHESTRA Refreshments on NIGHT MAKERS Checkroom Admission 75 No Slacks orJyeunc Permitted Under Auspioes of Canadian Order of Foresters advertising in iorelgn period ical wherever printed the re port said WOULD BAR ENDIY recommendation would bar entry under cus summer magazine ndrutislng tom tariff rcrulntionsto for Bailing Head Squ Fisher The commission regards ll domestic advertising that which Helped Scuttle CNR Plans lifeblood of periodical publlah Time magazines Canadian editlon isiprintcd in the us although it had announced plans at the commissions pub lic bearing to begin printing in Canada Time and Readers Di gest have been grabbing to pumt chunk oi Canada con revenues mvo STARTS CITY or aosrs Mayor Willard Kinzic plants the ï¬rst at 120 rose bushes which will grace Memorial Square The roses are Princess Elizabeth and Alpine Glow varieties The mayor said he hopes Barrie of roses will one day be known the world over as the city He suggested that ii Barrie residents would fol low suit and plant roses in their gardens we might in deed receive that name coma flushed be holding OHAWA CF with poli tidans to the right and 112 at him and technical experts hind him Pmidcnt Donald Gor don of the Canadian National Railways today laced second day of testing and tearing be iore the Common railway com mittee Mr Gordon 55yearold Scots bom Canadian banker who wore Thursday night that hes trying to be rallroadar Thurs day used pemnnl charm wit trclsms and patient enlanarion oi the acts of huhiness tile to meet his Conservative and CCF critter Only once dlddhis lace hes appeared to hlmuult in Alter last years stormy cornmitee sass alone he den stated there was still an iron llrst inside the velvet glove lla blamed his chief critic Douglas Fisher CCFPort Arthur without naming him for indirectly scuttling new last competi tive freight service in Nollhem Ontario by speech in the House of Conunons Mr Fisher wholdtnltted be was the one who made the speech said he had based it on complaints by union workers in Capreol Ont who pulled wild cat strike tearing the plan would mean loss of jobs CLAIMS EXAGGERAIED Mr Gordon said Mr Fishers facts were exaggerated and he should have consulted CNR management before making the speech Mr Gordons critics dwelt mainly on the CNRs mounting deficits totalling nearly $200 000000 in the last our years Iine Bricklayers 0n Overtime Work OSHAWA CPIFour brick layers were lined $5 and costs each with the option of day in jail Wednesday aiter being can vi ed at controvening the in dustrinl Standards Act by work ing overtime without permits Lucas Stanley Gujda John Zahudsky all at Oshawa worked about two hours past the pm deadline on Saturdays during March COURSE FOR FATIIERS DAY guiding his son through lifes uncertain waters maturity of outlobkiand responsibi and on album at the railway to give much advance notice railroading town oi manage malt decisions vitally attecting them He said the financial structure the CNR still was heavily overburdenedmith debt laber ited tron previous gucntiona CNR unlike the integrated and centrallyplanned CPR was an amalgam of local railway lincsneverlntendedtobcana tionnl system Theywerc bank rupt before they started de signed to meet political ends and never expected to show surplus he added aresult debt charges and unrealistic oldiashioned depre ciation charges put the Still books in the red Last year the ONE had profits at sacrum irorn its operations This was converted into 867490777 det icit by depreciation and interest As to complaints at insutilcl ent notice Mr Gordon saithhe railway adheres strictly to the union contracts it has with its workers but tries to consult them in advance at givingior mnl notice at work changes EVERYBODY CRIKICIZES The main trouble hownver came irom politicians municl pal leaders and even parish priests who protest many dianges Since the CNE is pub licly owned everyone ieltha had right to put pressure on managan The CPR privat elyowned had no such trouble Ferguson Browne PCVan couver ltingsway quationed him about agreed chargesthe LEGION BINGO SATURDAY June 11 not $21000 JACKPOT 38 NUMBERS CALIIED LEGIONHALL 7lCOLLiER ST agreements railway write with shipch to applyrpecial rates in return orxuaranteed busi ness Mr Cordon said these chutes whe lower than reg ular rates had to give proï¬t to the line even it it was small John Magee executivesecre my the Canadian WE Associations who listened to the testimony said in signed statement that railway tre quentiy cut their freight rates by hastytelcphono calls in or der to meetcompetition lrom trucks atrium mamm FRIDAY JUNEVXR m1 DANCE To your nvovnms nnconns nvanv FRIDAY NIGHT AT KENNYS BANQUET mu commas ONLY Adm 100 Per Couple No alum Jeans luminous mum 3m sir Manama snow Francis In The Navy Donald OConnor STARTING AT 12 Noon Plus CARTOON PROGRAMME saw sntshiï¬muwmsdmin ml NM US PlAYtRS lHiAiRt SAT cannon TIMES 410 6140 915 pan The wrind enchants whiteoapa form ear the canyon ï¬lls and you are under way You have charted the course noted treats and shoals compenaatedtorjdrift and current The boy at the helm can Steer true course you have ohoaanit well Any father must tee the magnitude otthe task of gt Whatrespcnsible roan could feel anyotherwayr This is Fatherhood the realization that nothing is no ixnpoctont as guéding your own son along course that has as its destination Such guidance requires delicate touch the mature understanding man who has sailedthese waters before Aha nowhere is misunderstanding more important thantn £119 practice moderation in all things including the use of whisky ItiaVehia tpouglie whichThe House of Seagcam wishes to leave with you on Fathocalnay 1961