Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1961, p. 3

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sidernbiyi COUNTYS FIRST LADY DIME MAURICE RECEIVES FLOWERS Warden Is Host At Springwater His Worship Montcalm Maur ice Warden of the County of Simcoe was host Thursday utt ernoon for the annual Vsrdens Picnic at Springwater Park Midhurst it was chilly day which curtailed the usual June program of sports and competi tions but was more than made up by the warmth of hospital ity For the sumptuous banquet in the pavilion the Womens As sociation of the United Church vearned applause Warden Maur ice acted as chairman and call ed on Reeve Joseph Belford cf Tottenham to introduce the bead table Edmunds manager TorontoDominion Bank branch in Harrie presented flowers to hirsMauricoon behalf of the eounty bankers BRIEF SPEECHES Among those called on for re marks were Her Honor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Judge of the Juvenile and Family Court Mayor Willard Kinzie of Bar rie Mayor Jerome Gignac of Penetanguishene Warden Reg inald Brett of Duffcrin County Thomas Simpson of Barrie former Warden of Simcoe Reeve of Tiny Township Clerk of the County of Simcoe and MP for SimcoeNorth Deputy Reeveers Isobel Pcsbof oril fia The principal speaker was Ar thur Evans of Bradford MPP for Simone Centre Worden oi Simcoe two years ago The question is being asked is the present form of govern ment at the provincial and mun icipal levels adequate to meet our present system of society Mr Evans asked Our province is becoming more and more urbanized In the political structure of the municipalities problems are be coming more complex There are critics coming forward to advocate the abolition of county councils Mr Evans commented on the committee which has been set up in Ontario to study this mnt tor In addition to himself it includes last years warden of Simcne County George Lisk of Tecumseth He felt that some concrete answers and proposals were coming out to improve the present system of government An indication of the cooper ation which sts between rural and urban municipal gov ernment was shown at theopen ing of the new county admin istration of justice building in Barrie yesterday he said The City of Barrie and the County of Simcoe are far ahead of all other municipalities in the province in their cooperation and desire to abolish multipli city of functions Mr Chief Justice Mcliuer made this ob servation Your Worship keep up the good work asleader of the ban ner county in Ontario SuggestChild CarePopulation or CiiS May BeLevelling Oii Child care population may be levelling off the board of direc tors of the Childrens Aid so ety County of Simcoe and lty of Barrie was told Re port of the meeting heI the county administration bii ding May 16 was released to The Barrie Examiner yesterday The point was contained in the managing directors report Which compared statistics for April 1960 and 1961 Statistical comparisons showed that the same number of children were admitted for the month this year as were discharged from care The proportion of chil dren in boarding homes adop tion probation homes etc re maibs constant with previous months of this year Sofac this ear the report says 30 chil dren have been placed by the ociety on adoption probation For the first months of 1960 the figure was 20 1Protection and unmarried parent cases have neither in creased nor decreased much in the past year Brief contacts do fluctuate from moirth to month but are relatively small percentage of the so eietys work load Count attend ances said the reportare not vably reduced Lrom year earl lel motion was passed concern ing bilifrom Newmarket Dis triet High School Board for tui tion of two wards for part schoolyear It was resolved that the question of the legality of charging school tuition fees as nonresident pupils for wards outside the jurisdictionof the society be referred to the solicitor of the society for his opinion before current bills be considered for payment PHYSICIST MSSING ROME tReutcrsItalian Dflv lice todaywere attempting to trace TokyobornAmerican nuclear physicist who was re ported missing by friend three days ago The Ansa news aglt ency identified the physicist as Cabot Covilie 30 Spraying Keeps Borden PMQS Mosquito Free CAMP BORDEN ATiifa Ma chine breathing out vaporized DDT and oil is frequent occur rence in the Camp Borden mar riod quarters area keeping the mosquito population to mini mum Mounted on threequarwr ton truck the dispenser is sim ilar to car engine in appear ance but is much noisier The time selected for spray log is between 430 pm and midnight as the air at this time is heaviest allowingthe insec ticide to be more effective Through planned program 24 Works Company Royal Can adian Engineers spray as often us possible Areas once cover ed are considered to be mosquito free for period of up to four days The tag that descendson the neighborhood not harmful but may stnin clothing left on the lines It also makes more vigorous job of fathers weekend car wash Kiwanian Paint Childrens Camp Barrie Kiwanis Clubs eight room cottage at the Blue Mountain Camp for crippled children got new paint job in canary hue on wednesday by crew of volunteer ama teur brush wielders It was chilly afternoon with stiff breeze in ftom Georgian Bay but the ainters persevered and fisins ed by supper time The camp is pre sently occupied by crippled adults most of them having been there as children The volunteer Kiwanians were Jack Butler Mike Wied er Doug Hare Hill Huntley Ab Moffatt Ken Walls Roy To ping Tom Bobier Pete Me tosh and Murray Hall supervisnr Most vociferous of council Subdlvlu gal Ipnllties is being slowed con county eormcillors heard Thursday But there seems little that can he done about it lora contributing to the opinion was Sunnidnle Township depu ty reeve Wilfred Downer Council heard county health unit director Dr Scott rklngJLAn owns pwhere there is no zoning bylaw the health department can deter mine whether on area caube changed from commercial to residential Dr Scott replied no He told Notlawasngn reeve McQueen that it is munlcv Ipnl affairs department decls sion to make prerequisiteto in answer to questions bearing on subdivision TOTALLY UNSUIIABLE He told Mr Downer that health restrictionshe has been considering proviso to approv nl ofsubdivision plans in the county have been availability of water disposal of sewage and in some cases garbage He said some in spectlons of land to be divided have disclosed total eblcconditions for it collection unsuit new subdivision installation of communal water supply He suggested that on large subdi visions communal water sup plies are advantageous The director said his unit uses its own judgment about the size of lot that should be developed Central hlort gage and Housing Corp and the Veterans Land Act both affect our decisions be said with specific regulations about land size where these bodies are involved in transaction ONTARIOIDIVIVSION IcnoMEMAKER Is request for unit approval of site made in wintertime must wait until spring for decision Dr Scottaald when the snow has melted and on servation can be made in all easeshe expresses his opinion of cases referred to him for approval and submits his re mnrka to the planning branch of the depirtment of municipal affairs From there on it is their decision He cited case of 20 plans submitted to him of which 11 were approved by the branch four referred to the Ontario Department of Health and Welfare and two turned down by the branch SUBDIVISION REIECIHD It seems to me that the medical officer of health hasnt much to say in the matter Mr Downer suggested We in Sunnidale have had one of our best subdivisions turned down Your recommendation was for communal water and sewage disposal You also said the develop ment was pieecmeal As We may have our opinion changed by such bodies though wc may approve land devel opment scheme ANY SUGGESTIONS Tony Beck Wasaga Beach reeve We have 15 subdivi sions we cant get npprovalon according to the engineer How can this be remedied In To ronto they say Dr Scott does not approve of them up buildings taxation Do you have any suggestion in re nredyl it holds Dr Scott know bathing about them Councillor Rock This thing must bcstopped in some way Councillor Mrs isohel Post Orillia town Do you tell local municipalities why you give negative answer to land np= proval requests when you do 50 Dr Scott Yes In every instance copy of the report to the municipal affairs de pnrtment is sent to the local municipality CITY AND COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY JUNE ll Report Shows nus fencer nrro Welfare Costs Across County simcoc County welfare sen vices report for in etiscal year ending March 31 1960 shows the provincial share of expend iture totalling $1682975 is 551 per cent by municipal bodies 124 per cent federal 285 had other sources $66892 for four per cent 0f the total $1659551 went tomslntenance the rest to capital expenditure in munlc ipnllties Barriebud the lowest per cnpitb cost of welfare expend itures during the year with 724 and population of 20899 whiie Orillin and Midland both spent twice as much on fewer persons Orlllia with 1438 persons spent 145 per capita Midland 174 per capita with census of 8394 Per capita welfare cost in the year in each of the town ships is listed blatchdash 2101 TossoronLio 1843 Tay 1791 Tiny 1783 Nottawasn ga 1507 Vesprn 1401 Sun nidnlc 1384 Essa In nisfil 11 Flea 1113 Ad jaln 1101 West Gwillimbury 1068 Medonte 1033 Ore 968 Orillin 931 Tecumseth 810 Iaycees To Mark Year End Tonight Barrie Jaycees will markthe end of another year at their an nual Presidents Ball tonight at the Devilbiss dining room The new president and execu tive for the 196162 year will be inducted and awards and pros cntations will be mode to number of laycees for their work during the past year new feature of this years ball will be the induction of the president and executive of the newly formed layoettcs Following the ceremonies dance and social evening will be held result no subdivider will de velop becnuseithe county is going to insist on these regula tions There is terrific develop ment in this county and youre holding it up the deputy reeve told DrSeott He re plied that he wasnt holding it up but rather the municipal affairs department make fin nl decisions CANT CHANGE zomno To question from Essa deputy reeve Sanford Page The cottage was financed for construction and furnishing by the Kiwanis Club of Barrie emit years ago This did not include the painting or inter ior varnishing which was done by club members and must be renewed every couple of years It was too windy to complete the green trlm this week It will be done some warm even ing soon It is planned to put on second coatot paint in September when the cam season is over NORTHERN PROSPECTS The Soviet Institute of Arctic geology has begun prospecting for diamond deposits in the Taign area of souheentral Si beria POSTED TO US Captain Kenneth Mattocks of Parry Soundend Barrie will serve oneyear tour of duty with the United States Aviation Board at Fort Rucker Ala beginning in July Head quarters announced today An officer of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps Capt Mattoeks is at present employ ed in the Directorate of Milit ary Training at Army Head quarters in Otta one careran St Pauls Cathedral in Lop oo England was built between 1675 and 1710 ata cost of £747Qoo nennnuunn conssfsocitrr rum 10PEZNINGINBARRIE Mom when Political Parties Should Open Books NORTH BAY CHPolitical parties should open their books and show electors which is the ridlest party in Canada Onta rio CC Leader MacDonald said Thursday night Mr MacDonald speaking at New Party rally was referring to recent statement by En ergy Resources Minister Macau lay that the New Party will likely be the richest party in Canadianhistory because of its proposed method of collecting LIES Our method is open and above board said Mr Mac Donald In contrast the old par ties are apparently ashamed of the way they are financed they refuse to submit their glatrty financing toa public an TheNew Party plans to col lect five cents month from Each of its affiliated union mem EIS Tourist Centre Officially Open Hon Bryan Cnlhcirt Ontario Minister of Travel and Publicity since 1955 of flcinlly opened the new Lake land Tourist Reception Cen tre at two oclock this after noon This permanent tourist bureau is located on High way 400 Barrie Bypass ad jncent to the Mansfield Rub ber Co plant The centre has been open and staffed since June Thls reception centre will very definitely fill great need especially to popie who have crossed the border and driven three or four hundred miles inlandi hlr Cathcart remarked Everyone requiring and seeking additional informs tion on the province of On tario will find this to be great convenience It will also serve as refresher course to the thousands of convention delegates who come to Metropolitan Toron to Hamilton and surrounding areas each year and who will want to journey north northeast and northwest of the city Following the opening reception and light buffet TBARRIE Acoo non BRYAN CATECART was pinnned at Barrie Coun try Club for government and civic officials SOLD FOREIGN GOLD LONDON ReuterslA Mas cow court Thursday sentenced persons to prison terms of six to 15 years for currency spec ulation the Soviet news agency Tess report gt AND COUNTY DEALERS FOR COOP ORDER OUR BALER AND BRIDE TWINE BALI2n Is moo BINDER is soo LAST YEARS PRICE SAVINGS SERVICEAND SATISFACTION TWINE mom on comic IN 2597 mmsrm sr TIPOFTHEWEEK for buildings and for fly is also at Coop viting you to do so PA 66531 Your Crop has fly control program livestock The new FACEKH for face An invitation Your Hospith isexpondinig increasing its faci ties to hell you and your families Youcan helpiyounhospitol We are in you wish to help by making contribution grfurnishing room or rooms pleqse contest the undersigned ot PArkwuy 815591 or Moneys3529 The cost of roomfumishings are $z920400 5144030 For iNrokMAwon CALL supervisor HoMeMAKse ssgvnccv Private Room Ii masseuson PA $4134 Mg inomnmxcns norm Care of children Toprovide capable homemakers who will care for Plan buy and cookn urlsh the family while thevmntber is ill at home or in mg meals for the family Suitable pl ouesln acknoWI dgelnanr of dimers be in the hospital or other emergenci Keep the home in order gt To giveservice to all in need regardless of race Light laundry ereed colour or income Simple bedside eare under To permit the father to continue with hlsvwork no direction of doc and sured thathisvfamilyjs wellrcared for Every buyer of new or used eardrum pierce Mot ors up to June 30th receives ticket on lucky draw for $50000 LOCATIONS or ESSAIID Al BURTON AVE 111 BRADFORD STREET Your Authorized Volkswagen Dealer ERGEfMOTORS LTD PAS5558 scnvrcs rs Given Moniiurornmavsmn ioESSARYrPHQUES USUALLYfiflD AM1305 MWI noun man Furnishings Com mas EEIOD DURING Inn Royolf Victoria Hospital Burlimpure The Homemaker is capable of managing the householdduring the emergency Fees are ndjusted in consultation with the Red Cross supervisorand nra Confidential

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