Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1961, p. 16

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY cLowrs Mr and Mrs Stephenson ol Graienhurst have moved into this community The community picnic will be held at Clnwes School on June 21 from to 730 pm Mrs Dicker has returned home alter visiting iii and Mrs Dymond at Tonawanda Nv Mr and Mrs Dymond have announced the birth of daughter Pamelavcny on May Mr and Mrs Beanlsail is ited Mr and ltlrs Wright at Elmvole on Sunday and at tended the memorial service at Waverciy United Chdch Sun day evening Mr and Mrs Ray Torrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Don Sanford Barrie Mr and Mrs Locke and girls of Willnwdnle visited Mr and Mn Simpson on Stin day Mr and Min Francis Shana han and Kay of Craighurst vis ited Mr and Mrs Partridge isunday Mr and Mrs hioAllisler of Creighton Mine Mr and Mrs George Wilson and Penny ot Scarborough Mr and Mrs sli mos at Detroit and Mr Brooks oi Coilingwood were recent vis itors with Mr and Mrs Part ridge Mr and Mrs Cairns and Mrs Home of Crown Hill at loaded the anniversary service oi the Baptist Church at lllitchm ell Square Mr and Mrs Cairns at tended the CBlttC supper at Cell tral United Church in Barrie on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Benham and Mr and Mrs Carl Walton visit ed Mr and Mrs Les Arin strong llamilton LAC aiid hirs Michele oi Egan Rocker and in visited Mrs Larsen and Richard this week GRENFEI The WA met Wednesday even ing June with present at the home oi Mrs Charles Cole Devotional was taken by Mrs Dobson alter which the guest speakers Mrs Perkins of Mid land and Mrs Trace oi Elm vnle were introduced by Mrs TELEVISION PROGRAM CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE rmonv who Pope no Pall Junta tuundup Cannonnoil New Huottaer Daredevil Don rarna MIIIEI Kepnfl Don iunimn New weather snore Tnlhel Known But WY bin Country Rundown Cunerl Canada nnnm Man Ilave Gun wui Travel fikhiro CBCT New The Weatherman Today in Sport Community New anil The Barbarian nd the lady IIATURDAY JUNE 11 140 Test Pattern 155 Newa and Weather zoo European Cup Soccer Too Movie In sinte re 00 Bugs alum an Queenl Pate oocnmin Chan anr Weather Sports Andy Grlttittil Show Dennis The Menace The Penpiol choice so Ellko nun ruin it Protessnrn uideawny Mon into 511ch am coiizr em wmhu and Sporu Outdoor Leave it To aomr Th Third unn Seriel arntnen nnninn Twn rnm wm count Styl NewI eather and Sport Better Late lel rrtdy Nllht Theatre Tropic Zone 1255 Epilogu aarinuiav with 11 man Three Musketeers um rmiesrnn Party 1145 Boys at Giria Hous ms nynn ncpnm run Social Credit Theatre 1145 China Nine Their Wee Willie Winkle int Luzon amino wrestun Camnra noon Pet 1mm in Time Neiu Weathnr snort Palladium King Gan11 Show Nenw Questions Naked my aim or the Week Johnny Esaw Show New Weather Sport unt rday Night That The Last Bridge Epilogue SUNDAY UNE 13 1030 Youth and Religion Stories or Sunday For Your Entertainment Around the world New Package aravo Theatre Playhourae Madame 44 Channel Nine Theatre Woman or nirtihcuoni Pinyhousn Sermon ot the Gun New Walther Spam The Reni McCoys The Donna need Show Academy Peiromance Three or the Show intermission Aendnrny Peflomanco Part Ill Pl noun Bitter Parting mourn TRANSMISSION HOFFFP seasons e=zs Eases no erfs with Equipment DANGERFIELD morons vmnnnvany SUPPLIES your ALLANDALT REXALL STORE no Sea Hunt 900 Great htoviu lPhiiadelphla llJJo Juliette 1100 one New uio Newa Weather Sport 1115 Georgian Chin Twin liili irhrnn liad Sisters tTalk nr Minion winner was Vi nus Tm Pattern 11oo Church Service 00 NEW and Weather 1202 renew and ruin 1715 Lilhi Time 1m Thornton Burgess intervtow Loo cnon Lite Theatre no country Calendar 100 Junior Malzine 500 Comedy Playhouse ran Cdn Optn Golf 30 Men Oi ACHDXI Story 410 Most hy Eric Wilde 500 New Magarinn 530 Naked City can Robin flood 700 National Velvet 13a World or Music 300 Ed Sullivan Show 900 GM metnis 1000 BICernund 1010 Mont McGraw 1100 can TV News 11111 News Woman Sporta 1115 Movie Voice oi the wmdt TORONTO 1oio News Weather Sport 1055 Phntography Fun lino The Things We Son 30 Sunday Night Tuutre The Wooden Horse 130 Epilogue Be Euro 0f DIAMOND PAINTS The Utmost Quality In Cole They gave an inspiring talk on the new organization to become effective in July 1961 The speakers were thanked by Mrs Victor Howard Minutes oi the past meeting were read by the recretary Mrr Clifford Harris Thank you letters were read from Mr and Mrs William Walton and also mm the Fred Victor Mission Plans were couriui 15 You are declarer with the West hand at Five ClubsiTlte bidding has been st North East Past Post North land the queen at road on which South play the nine Howwouid you ploy the hand 10 onus oqoma +Qnoaso +Axat You are declarer with the Want hand at Three Nutrump North lends the nixor apades AIB axoa 98 no 411343 Rult the spade and draw two at trumps Then lead low diamond toward the queen if North has the king and takes it you can later dise card two at dummys hearts on the A4 at diamonds and wind up losing one diamond and one heart it North has the king and does not in it all you 11156 is two heart tricks it is true that ii South has the king this line of play will defeat you whereas taking diamond linessa would have made the contract However both the bidding and the opening lead in dicnlc that North is tar more likely to liave the king of din monds The queen of spades lead in dicates that rth overcalled with suit headed by only the Q4 Whatever side strength he has therefore figures to include the king of diamonds Play the jack of spades lrom dummy on the opening lead This play provides you with maximum chance to make the contract Eight sure tricks are in sighttwo heart three diamonds and two How would you play the handi iltat Your Builder Uses Bertram Brothers Products made or lawn tea bake ale and bazaar to be held Wednes day July from 75 pmlt the home at Mrs Tyson Snulh Mrs Willoughby Barrie spent Wednesday with her sonindaw and daughter Mr and Mn Charles Cole andIamiiy William McArthur of Bond tlead and Miss Alice Cole en loyed triphy air over Niag yi BRIDGE By my BECKER clubswand the only problem in to obtain ninth Therenrc three possible ways of winning ninth trick The adverse diamonds may be dl vided The diamond may be divided 11 with South hav ing Lhe singleton ten or lack The singleton or doubieinn queen at clubs may be in either dclenders hand in order to be able to capital ize on the second and third pos sibilities you have to yourself of litter entry to your hand in the lack ol spndes does this it it holds cash the AK of clubs and AK ol dinmonda to see where you stand Your lorcslght will he re wardcd it the queen of clubs drop or it Souths hand is some thing like this Tomorrow Prohahllllltes and squeem ara Buttla and also point south on Sunday Mr and Mrs Charles Cole and David and Mn Date man at Thornton vixited Sun day With Mr and Mrs Bui mer at their cottage on the Sev ern River The Giiien reunion was held in the Grenfel Community Cen tre June to Ladies of the WA were in attendance There were 175 members the Gllfen lam iiirs praent THORNTON Mr and Mrs lvan Caldwell aod other friends lrom here at tended the nurses graduation at Barrie on Wednesday evening Congratulations to Miss Nor een Caldwell on winning the Operation Room prim The Womens institute had the lunch counter at Kristerr mans farm tor the Notice Har vester demonstration oarWed nesday alternoon Gayle We at Painswiek spent list week with her aunt Mrs Cunningham Mrs William Hunter by been coniiocdto bed this past week onion HONORED pleasant evening was spent in the Orange Hall Friddy when neighbors and friends presented Joan Jennett with chair and trilight on the occasion of her marriage reading My Sist ers Best Beau was given by Verna Jennett Cards and lunch eon concluded the evening Mrs Spencer rict President oi the Womens institute tor South Simcoe Mrs Sheilswoll and Mrs Smith leave Friday to attend the bi annual convpnlion in Vancouv Ei Mr and Mrs Allen and $2111 BUYS 1961 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF DOOR SEDAN Radio Automatic Transmission healer antifreeze speed windshield wipers and washers cigar lighter ouLside mirror directional signals rear arm rests 12000 mile warranty Licence H27629 Similar savings in twelve other 1961 Company Driven Pontiac KRAMERS 145 JRADFORD 51 PA 84 imitqu in imamottnsr PA ms Caren WITH its FIRST When your building repairing and improvement work calls for top quality lumber millwork and other building suppliescheek With us iirstl For the largest selection in town for handy helptul suggestions for tree planning service for the lowest prices and the best buys alwayg here rirsti Youll begiad you dial LooKTo us roRTHEkiNDor FRiENongingimT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OURREPUTATIONj We lien TOOlS shop Past Dist innit Queenrvtlie wore weeks end viaiten with their par Mr and Mrs John Denny and fondly at Fairpnrt Beach Mr Valley Mr and Mrs Ellis of Utopia and Mr and Mrs McFadden of Barrie were week end visitors with their mother Trinity United Sunday School will hold their anniversary ser vice on June at 1115 am Leslie Cook oi Barrie is the speaker Music will be by the limior choir Visitorswelcome Mrs Held Mrs Wilcox Mrs McQuay Mrs McGIadElY Webb at Painswick enjoyed bus tripto Buffalo with other members of Finecmt Chapter oi Coeltstown to visit with Chapter there NAME ADPRESS and Mrs Roy Clark at Grand Mrs Cunningham and Mn conirneu eclipses Rent the Want to finish qt your attic or imminent refinish your floors or do l001other prolacts oix yooneod end youll sov time money out abort pious saw POIISHERS SANDERS and more at economical illom 3AM W3BIDAYJUNI 151 DALSTON The Dalston WA and W3 met at the home olltre Dora Bart on Tuesday June with nine members and tour visitors answering the roll call Name missionary school or hospit The president Mrs iarne Handy opened the meeting with thetheme end the Lords Pray er Mls Frank Wood gave an inspiring devotional hits it rn introduced Mrs Seeds who eiplained the Power group project plan The minutes of the last meet ing were read and dealt with louowcd by the treasurerti re port it was decided to decorate room at the parsonage us soon ESTABLISHED 1331 enirnoymam PLEASESEND ME PARTICULARS ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL WITHOUT ANYOELIGATION ON MY PART DA ls possible Arrangements were made or catering to supper Mrs George Salisbury was in charge of the missionary pro gram which was It paper on the Queens visit to nilarlom ary school to India Refreshments were served by Mmiranees Williams and Mrs Del Emms assisted by thehost ess Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown spent the weekendwith Mr and Mrs Murray Brown at Port Credit The Wl will meet ot the hontr oi ltirsiinrry Wright on Thurs day June 15 at pin lttr and Mrs borne liandy at tended the ist Hussars Drumv good service at London on Sing ay PLANNOW TOVATIEND THISISEPTEMBER fYounLGAraway T0 continuum 56 TeRONTo STREET napkin FOR GENERAL OFFICE AND BUSINESS TE

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