Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1961, p. 15

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io HELP wsmso MALE nan IF YOU ARE I8 TO 23 CHOOSE REWARDING CAREER AS AN OFFICER IN THE CANADIAN ARMY urn hasnt lhlun Queens Conant on In to 11qu Anny You will receive training or lead and onslhltlt umber on In va cba thrill Ind nlINlnl cmor wIth Ina future Hero II How You can Quality You mull to Avie =rllr ulh arewselgcted and inlet tad Amy enrolment toadrd you unit to snort mics claimants on is Iuecaulul completion or ISwuk truniu um Please set now because us applications win he comme in the order to walca they ulveo You on not1n mu all withoutvob ation mm ta aeI Amy nesrui Ill dullm us on in your iolephene book or by mailing the coupon below to CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE ST CLAIR AVE EAST mu FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 473$ Pleuaund use without obitu uan detail on omeer Career op Romastitles in la Canadian Army cm is Nama Address cityTown term government bonds Under Prov As Ielephona Lul school Grads somplated mien AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN hintnun tar now and used em One at an all mm radium Expman pm not 2v ry Istlnta Usual ana nu mo llherll commission APPLY BOX lOO BARRIE EXAMINER EXECUTIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Age as 40 mu Progressiv Cl dI Cam In lllary NW Innovum1 urtnl and alter ninth PligCONTIIACT TRAINING to lva you tlm to malts your on lion perm you ment position Advsn nt 09 Sortunlty Salas Ilperiltwl helfls ill but not ulcntlll Wile con fidlntlal give full yantcuiars to Box at BARRIE EXAMINER EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAPABLE person available or work Pnlll yllfl lltlll NIIboL Shortlnnd Ind typing 1th PA sows HIGH scnoos can would Ithl employment or the laminar months Will work an Inn TQII Ditona Minulng Dill actuate 11 ym wills nominalu new only inclined woul kind or empio mant GIMP BONE II LEGALNOTICES TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Townhis ol innllal county 11 Simon to wltx By virtue or warrant tuned by on Reava vi the Township or lunilnl under his hand Ind the sell of tn mo corporation boat in am the in day at my or land tn Irraars tsxas In rawmalp at lnnisal will hold it tho Community HIII funcud It thl hour of two oclank nu afternoon on the nth day EBPIBIHDQI I901 unlefl ml turn and mu sooner paid Notice is hereby given that in list at lauds pr in or mum as taxes was published in 11 Dn aria Glxattu on the on say at uric 1m and that EDPI of tin slid lint may as had at my attics it lands are not nu laid on aaptembar at Ill ldiaurnod nlo willbo hold on Haptalnbel llth It this sum nnur and vines lrossurarl Office on an Jflhl 1N1 mason ccnnx mmuam TENDERS TENDER Slated mpullted ltlm tendon will in rocalvad by the undir elsnod untilm PM THURSDAY JUNE OI the courtruotion of alsurcon Iddttlou to St Pauls Sflvlllto school tor the Million Esprota School Board In Itll1 APCIMIUWII WIY he obtained by fienanl Contractors Iron Pauliad and Baker AMP mu II Dwell street Barns on one 52 We In Bfldnn will In Lowst or any and llotmocefl 81 BAKER In III we as is Owen at Barrie cutrid WA may mumps nary TsiaPhono ml Vton on linonrcsccs Minister Sees Little Hope Qf Reducing By JOHN BIRD Candle Pms all Writer mAWA CPIWorks Ninth tar Walker says no one would be more delighted than he to be able to reduce the interest rate on National Rousing Act snort ouu But he told the Comman Thursday during debate of his departments 1961 speridlng estimates that thus is little hope of such action in the im mediate tutu Mr Walker was replying to Liberal housing critic It Gar land who said the current rate at per cent on NHA mort gages is placing tremendous burden on home owners Mr Garland member lor Ni plssing said he saw some hope or decline in the NliArato In the governments change at heart on economic policyan obvious tolerance to Finance Minister Flemings hint chucs day expansionist lines in next Tuesday nights budget Mr Walker said the NHA rate is hand on the yield on long tha National Housing Actas framed by Liberal govern monttha yield could not be more than per cent above longterm government bonds COULD BE HIGHER The present longterm yield on government bonds is ap proximately 52 per cent the minister said Therefore the maximum NHA rate under the rule promulgated by the late Liberal governmant could be par cont However under our govern ment tha prasant rate Is per cent and is considered to be the lowest compatitiva rote com pared with other bands and in dustrial yields in governments April 17 de oislon to adjust the tilIA rate twice yearly should keep the rate In relation to othorylslds There is no one in Canada who would be more delighted to make it possible to reduce In torcst rates on NHt loans than myself Mr Walker said Having gone through the em 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND mongglbxitfiliz LEA ssoaa vrcroau usnadus 505M rum mm Plus Advortulng Protosllonal servlco Satisfied customers AUCTIONSALE FRIDAY JUNE 23 Auctionqu nl tsnnslock hllh elm lmaiemantt hay straw and 2s Icral at math grain or GILFORD GRAHAM At Lot 53 Ctmltlllnn III Township ht on Hintway so at nu nlw an la rmm sun No rarerva Mr onnm on sold his farm Ell It llll mle comth AUCI DNEEH AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE all 680 pm sharp ANNIE III III It Gill hold runmin tor PETER VICKS Lot Cnnonlion Innlstll Townnip right on Highway mils iron tn city limits in new out Hoppys Cabins iguana Cllh No reserve mum JERRY DOUGHLIN Aucrlcncen rAUCTlON SALE sATunDAy JUNE is war PM SHARP lAuotinn nie or mm stock ins leots tar ERNEST STAVINGA at lot 11 Connslim vupn Townohlv on fillhwny 93 W5 mils north at the olovarisal um crown Terms sash No as th arm II sold JERRY COUGHLLN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURIIA¥$HJINE 24 1961 Open conlllnmant mm hornl and gents Elinull Sall hmeitdiihminioiihm nun corme Um Ems Managers Vlctons Barbour soslm unnuvtue usual Aucwonssts Auction some WOOD Mall Lot Corinth rontlo Alli tnwnAhln mils north is CIR Burdlll Illa DII SATUItéAIYEdyNEflfi run list iiiér iio reserve T0111 050 Ind undorycuh War In lilimlnl Emit llfld on Ipprovad note apareant gar mum ET Ioiisanhvmwm BANKKUPT AUCTION SALE MONDAY JUNE 25 1901 AT RM some salewill be held at 151 mum STREET Bankrupt llwtinil all at llrm lies at mont includt oulcouimuigmonr romann ry Ind true clan national no the bankruptcyymult ad Miler Inlormation phone PA um Vialrte Jerry Coughlin AUCTION SALE MTURDAY JUNE 17 mt 1230 Pill DST SHARP uotlon total household ml Ilfls Including many It It silverware llluwareT And in III III In OK It LATE Bit or ANDEhsoN CLOIIB 5L Elli Allistnn Ah No reserve COUGHLINi AUCTIONm GRANDMA orig Interest Rate there can be no justification tor keeping the NBA rate so realistimily high reduction oi only one percentage point would have more impact on the price of housethan any can ceivable technological develop ment lie also urged the govern meat to make NBA morgtages DAVID WALKER Like To IIpr pcrience however at the ap provod lenders market com pletoly drying up just to few months belore became minim atrwhon the ratewas at six per centi know what hazard ous expedition it is to reduce in tercSt rates as result or which we can get no money trom ap proved lenders Mr Walker who reporLs to Parliament for Central Mort cage and Housing Corporation said he was sure at Mr Gar land did not wun prtVflIE lenders from the mar ket Such development would lorce more direct government lending at cost of hundreds and hundreds afrnlllions otdolg lacs Mr Garland said that at tlmu ol high unemployment GE Holds Out Against Civil AntiTrust Suit WASHINGTON AP Gen eral Electric Company officially becnmo holdout Thursday on consent judgmont which the United States Justicerdapart ment has pro and in settle merit oi civl antitrust suit involving marketing at power switching apparatus The department announced that Thursday was the deadline for GE and our other compa nies to accent the Judgment designed to regulate their lu tur business practices Four of the companies in cluding Westinghouse Electric Corp accepted the dacren but did not In viawot this situation the department sold We are not bound by the terms oi this decree We will be tree to consider other scion and dillerent rcliel in regard to General Electric 6132 statement sold the companys major objection is to provision of the decree which would In elfect create gov ernmcntvspunsured Price sup port program in the electrical industry Pllmontl and some household to exclude available or purchases of older type homes to lower the two percent mortgage insurance Ice which was as unrealistic as it is unnecessaril and to declare moratorium on homeowners mortgage payments in the event the owner became unemployed tor more than six months Mr Garland suggested that tho moratorllun could last if Year with the government mak ing the payments to be reim bursed by the owner when he got work Mr Walker said Mr Gab lands proposal tor morator lum all Within provincial jur isdiction It was matter in vclving property and civil rights over which the federal Parlia ment had no jurisdiction Sme it is within the capa bilities of society such as ours to Introduce legislation which would have very humane et tact on pro vent to the wage oarner at family from losing his entire savings as result at being out at work through no Ifllillt of his own Mr Garland so hlr Garland said NBA mortt gages or older homes would mean more home ownership in Canada With sales at such hnuscs encouraged and present owners able to cash their equity they would be able to buy new homes Doctor Suggests Follow Br System MONTREAL CmOntario is far behind leaders lneducat ing young deal children Tor onto specialist said Thursday Dr Page Stratten told the Ca nadian Otalaryngological Soci etydoctors specializing in the ear nose and throatthat much more effort should be mada to help deaf children under in Ontario It Ontario followed the Brit ish 111 pl in beginning to train deaf children at two in stead nt years Dr Stattcn said the number of older deal children special schools would likely decrease as lt has in Britain insteadbfin creasing as it apparently is in Ontario FOUND SKELETONS DAR ES SALAAM Tangany ika APlDr Leakey curator of Nairobis Caryndon Museum Thursday announced the discovery of Tonganyikas Oiduvai Gorge of two giant pre historic skeletons He sold the almostrcomplete skeletons were of dinotharium torebour of the elephant which lived about 500000 years ago and 12foot tall ostrich well over 600000 years old ANOTHER WHOLE AFTERNOON DONALD nucx LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES cm DEVELOPMENT HES senescence wrm HIS mess IN we MORNING HE WESNTKNON VASSILY Dots LIKE HE KNGWS WHAT HESDowc JULIE ha CAtLiD INSTEAD oFanrE ru an woNr EVEN KNOW THE mercuric nunL suenun up fLLGtVE um minim soup THE cow5 was DELICIOU DEAR LL MVE Anonrm OJ oauaraaeomsu mews IMINFULLPOSSESSlmugFMY Myssnsss 17 12 noon IF YOU ARE OVER 21 AND QUALIFY IllEE LUNCH FREE IIIISES AUCTION SALE 125 CI AT Barrie on 10 DOWN tho Asst 1950s to 1959 Ferndaie Road one PA 66416 No RESERVE BIDS WINGEY WALLACEI Youve BEEN EATING GARLIC AGAIN TOMMY MAY BORROW BUTTER 49¢ HAMMoNDZSL voulsnusivp tor 9an 51 nor AthafifNKlNDmR iii or new 252 413n343é2 to cm Ssw Mafia NO BAVRItIECREAMERY wnoinsam WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE 23 COLLIER ST BARRE 1H WELL HOW DO YOU LIKE MY NEW HAT sums to uneasilymi ARMIP Iv mssmvsss mflfimumwms WELL THAT FIGURES tT5 CLICKDQI It REV mm dfiélriié nor RSGIAD WU COME III ERIE VFGF 5L5 FARMF

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