Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1961, p. 14

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ARTICLES Ior SALE omxs SLEEPING nAos Wirqu Autos DOMINION TIRE STORE 21 MARY ST BARR BARRIE HARDWARE 70a T112 DESI 1N APPuANCIS Reconditioned Washers $1935 Batty Auto Washer ms Reg $589 dnllyl IlcCIuy Zero zone Re risertor Ii culsic lt Model Luau ONLY 3159 Reg was anally Vacuum Cleaners $6935 lien $8995 Plus PA Mud ASPHALT DRIVEWAY Telephone PA 60271 Dishen rrsnd Limited 50000 YAIiDs at Road Gravel one mite north Darrle highways Id and 21 For lurther details ielcphona PA 34257 JUNE SPECIAL sinner Gilda Vacuum cleaner no Slnlur solving Centre Dunlap Street Neri Barrie ONE IIOOVEIt Chnnellhlion Into model cheep Ior quick sale Also one Pilter Queen Telephone PA 66 Golden reduced It CAMERA Port SALE Yashica Re llcx with accessories good com dltion Zrlce 140 Telephone PA Most LISWYT VACUUM cleaner or sale new motor $5950 also Pill tar Queen 510 reconditioned nio tor Telephone PA N432 TAPE RECORDER used less than two hours Price 57 Can be Seen at IDI Victoria Street upper lloor IUNI SPECIAL Ilrand ntN sln ger round bohhln ortahles with reverse siltch spec sl also Ely singer Sewing Machine uniop Street West narrle writ SIECIALI The powerrui Rciioliiaglc Vacuum Cleaner or the special price or sense Slnxcr Sewing Centre to Dunlep Street West Barrie JUNE SPECIA The iainnus siu Ker StyleOJiIntlc ZlmZIiI Sewlnz Iillichinu or only $16950 singer Scwlnc Centre 2d Dunlop street West Danie SOD FOR SALE Reasonable Pour hClcl I2 miles north Unrric Writc Ior inrondniion Ilen selut 7753 Vaughan Itoad Toronio Ill Ontario ONE or 12 nroadioom with pad mushroom color like new also wine colored hroaaionm enr pei Apply 17 lsnylield St Tere phone PA used low guarantee year rms SLduwn 53 per week Stu dent rentals rcnnirs Star Ty writer Co 24 liradrord 51 Leslie JUNE SPECIALS Buttonhole mak en reduced to Va price Also anv erai notion items such as pinking shears and skirt markers Slnger Serving Centre 29 Dunlap St ENEYCLOIAEDIA Rrittnnics Set lor sale consisting or 24 volumes lus two hooks or the year Also Eookcarc brand new Telephone PA 117 alter pm BLEcTItIC heavy duty tour binIr er siovc three piece Chesterfield with recliner chair All in good condition Apply Ed Dnlle mmi turc 12 Buytleld st Telephone PA Mom TImEE TADLE LAMPS TV Lamp Rnngette Commercial sewing irra chlno act or golt clubs tennis raooucts Rnd not Portable record player Archery equipment 22 caiihre rltlc C02 Cmssman pistol and tent 12Telephona PA 50555 14 3mm EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE lui ARTICLESIDI SALE BULLOOZLIG AND Guiding Fish IDnd construction Apply Leo llart PA who when Droaklm Snlto Ior sale also General Electric Rehtgarstor single Bed with lpflnx cheater deld and nuirhin chair in good Condilipn Selling scuonshly Teilt cpoono PA 51134 CHESTERFIELD Shite like new Adrnlsal Television Communion Radiohoeord Piaye Occasional Tibia lamps Bonkuu Toy Chest and Oran chest ol Drawers Eed Telephone PA 84911 CIRLS BICYCLE standard model 15 lioys Sidewalk Bicycle iuch wheels 51 Tricycle medi um rise heavy duty Ill Ap ply lad Endlord Street PA H110 ARTICLES WANTH TWO SLEEPING BAGS in good condition Teienhone PA Halos USED BULK COOLER trons so In 45 cans wanted Apply to wnhur Higgins RR Ruihven Ont we WILL PAY CASH Ior good used Institute or my good used article Individual or content lots Phoou PA 52427 FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES THE APPLE EARN nicINToslI WINTER VARllrrlm Bring your own container HERMAN FEW HIGHWAY ll stillTll PA 39101 BOATS MOTORS ELGIN BOATS AND MOTORS 0N DISPLAY Carley Boat House DEMONSTRATIONS ARRANGED SlMPSONSSEARS PA 8592 IMOOT DELCRAn Cruisettc Iohoson all electric trailer hilly equipped Perleet condition Tue Phone PA um ISAFOOT SAIL DDAT tor tale Ca hin type wlth inhonrii power Suit able Ior csicnded cruising Cen tnct Dedlord are 2821 cAsII LOANS55m at $12 per rnonth Telephone PA 60101 $15501 Finlnce25 Dunlop SL es ILPOM PLYWOOD Dost Trailer and is his White King mot also lMoot Canoe Good condition Selling reasonably Telephone PA NEED CASII See seahoard Pin nnec YDur Lending Neighbour 510a tor no monthly Ml Dunio Street East Carrie Telephone £6171 lsFOOT nELCItAPI hp elec ilIc strrt Evinrude mnior spate light twin cruiscaday tnnk luiiy equipped with new Teller trsiler Telephone PA soars ntir 25 iIP EVINIIUDE Motor lsSt in good condition Reasonably priced Apply Peggys Dance Hall Leonards peach or telephone Stroud eaRJl Il E1 DBLCIKAFT III hm WLSI Hendmntor with Inmoto control compicie with trailer nearly Dclv Terms is necessary Phone PA 57006 4130 INHOARD Runabout I35 lul Chrysler Crown engine can vcriihlc top and many other ex tras Perfect condition Contact ll rioilatt at PA lesson or PA ostlo PliorlISsmilii LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM VROWE Barristers solicitors Notaries Pohllc Conveyancars etc DulceI Owen sh Blme BranchroffICoElmvaic Out Edwi QC Seagram QL nrdoo Teskcy CONDER C7 SUGG hARRIsTERs SOLICITORS dc NDTARIES PUBLIC lv CONDER BA SUGG 5AV 129131 Dunlcp St East PA com COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitor Lollies St hnrrlc Ph PAsoltil WILSON MOORBY EARRISTER SOLICITDR LAW OFFICF AT Iln DUNLDP ST PA Hull SMITH McLEAN Dehcr EmilII QC Arthur McLean BrucaA Owen Barristers Solicitors etc Owen St Phone PA 359m GLADSTONE comm QC hamster and Soilcitor Law ortlces st Wilaon Enticing Prod Grant Street hatria Ontario Telephone FArkwnl Hm FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE Ag uonmtATE cnsr DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM £7 WRIGHT Certilied Ptihliu Accountant Toronto nod Barrie Barrie twiceWilson Bldg Fmii Grant Square PHONE PA 8453 Neeflhnm CPA Resident Partner ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA 69 Collier St Phqlie PA 84949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher at Piano Sing D3 Them Pupua prepared ror examinations or the Royal Conservatory ot iiiusie Toronto All miles and ARcT hindern methods Studi 21 nradrord St PA um THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER ST EARRIE Altrlcus for SALE BOATS AND MOTORS use 1141 MADOGAN Dalesalt Coupe Boat hp Johnson Motor Permanent Gu Tank tiight speedometer Consul FDIC Puddles IJIo Preserve Lsdder Anchor cahth lights Phone PA Nels FLOWERS PLANTS BOOTS PLAN AT clea Pflc Th msioer Petuniu stari golds etc Ixcelieat quau come and see them Hillereit ardeas Concession ripe one milseast Ol many unaware 1mm Does PETS REGISTERED PUG PUP or sale weeks old Telephone PA mm SAMDYED two lethal pups six months old Telephone PA snip alter pm Plum Wnrrz Samoyed Puppy six months old registered and has had needles Hie560 Tele phona PA Mm Dom or sale months old nicely marked well trained obe dient and an children Selunr namnlhiy Telephone PA um Etami srocir oc cannits sin lm nnd hens DI hi ages hunt oesoidulcmgelogoutot mgr them phopl PA POODLES FOR SALE registered miniature bluk champion rircd excellent Iempenmcnl Ideal with children Telephone Iilchmond gillumrner 42610 or name PA 5FARMERS MARKET IAEMIIIADHINEE CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue New HOIIAIIfl David Drown Bully Farm Bqulpmdnti 17G BURTON AVE PA $2373 haters linkers Mowers levesten an Wagons ALL AVAILABLE NOW CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Get your line and pulsstnr cieon ed how Service on allmillen HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 SHAKELL MANUFACTURING COMIANY STRDUD PHONE 731121 Manulacturers 01 Indie Conveyers PDrtahIn Docks lfoint hitch tractorearrlars BUY DIRch AND SAVE COREY POWER Manure Spreads er good condition Rcosambie Telephone 7191113 Eimvnle VIKING CREAM Separators and Milken Used Machines Sales and parts P0 Box 41 Cralghurrt Ontario or iclephon PA H479 CASE MOTOR Driven Baler also Caso Power Mower Caao sido Rake used two seasons Reason ably priced Also ISIS Ford ton Truck slim Telephone 133R Moonston POULTRY CEva TlilIE Port HAYING EQUIPMENT 5FARMERS MARKET WO OL Wanted Shearer Collectors Commission cents per pound AWV lt3 WHITAKER co LTD Box 95 Peierborouh Ont PHONERI 55753 COLLECT Ing types 34360 Special sale as 26 284 is sun STANcnloNa and stall tor sale good condition Apply laek Downey lilinesing Tele phcoe alluerins hr LIVESTOCK POLLED HEREFORD Bull or sale registered years old Quiet Telephonu lulu Ivy PICS Ior sale ii weeks old well sirried Garnet Lei Telephone an sou Ccnkstowa FIGS IverPing About l0 lbs Clfll APP to Geflfll lchladny agglbhhontn or telephone Ivy REGISTERED Aberdeen Angus Bull 17 months old Apply Innin fil Farm tilt Darils Telephone ZIRII stroud BULLCALVES or sale dark red well grown shorthorn hulls are seven months Phone George Rogersy use New Luwali LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTEDPair oi hintweight matched horses to ride and drive Write Box Barrio Examiner AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH dc STANDARD Dmm Repnln It All Mike 0ML and NALaning Service 75 BAYFIELI vST BARBIE PA H165 wrlo ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCori LiteInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA 1955 VOLKSWAGEN Conch sale 5550 Can Saturday com 1950 METEOR auiomatlc low mileage and in excellent condi tlon Telephone IvyilR3slter lllsl VOLKSWAGEN Ior low cost summer driving so down and weekly TelephonoPA 66593 FORD Convertible automatic and radio in good condition PrI vate Telephone Hemlock 95912 1951 CHEVROLET two door hard top isi outstanding condition Mechanically sound Telephone PA 84151 evenings or PA HYLINE PULLEIS soon in to so weeks On range now at DAnIuE FARMS will or laying during higher egg prices For runner inrormntion and pri cos CDlllact SKYLINE PAltliiHs LTD 1de ONTARIO or PHONE AURORA PA 14135 or SIlilcOE DISTRICT CGGP PA 66511 BARRED ROCKS stui hard to boatIor eggsand meat 40 your personal Seieb iion behind our clascflIIock Reg lsiered haicheryAccredlted Iloch Dahy chicks started chicks and cppons TOM KENNY shuiNTY SAY DEKALB CH ICKS Place your orderuow or deliv ery when desired Wa suggest Dekaih tor good livabliitydxlt ccuant erg quality higher fits Also Red Rock and ed Sussex Crosahreda Prices nod service on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 npAY nAs Ior prompt shipment at new summer prices dayoids and started RIRxCR RleIs NH XBR Parks HP Amos Series 505 414 an order summer hroii er chicks now some forzquink delivery Agen Copeland RR Breton phone 161R FEED SEED GRAIN ANGUS MROSS BA Registercd Music Tcachesinatrue tion Plano Theory joehching in Preneh Latin other school dub lects at Ross Barril PADS OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO Optometrist tonne closed Wednes attemcan Dunlap St East Elmo PA 84586 NOELG STEPHENSON R0 midst pNVmIENT TERMS 30 Ward St BALTIC PA 955 COTTAGE RBI $900 Cogs oN SALE BEAVER ERADPDRD OPEN TILL 95 PM SALESMAN 0N DUTY EVERY EVENINQ DEMONSTRATION MODEL SKYRLDGE sans PRICE IIAvE AICOIIAGE ON DISPLAY wIiICIl is COMPLETELY WINTERIZED Dimiogéot rt BotPI rn Fling PA Willa ISPLAY 7499 Cain Be Moved To Your Lot For $94900 MOM JUNE 12 PA NHL LUMBER lo ACRES MIXED HAY or sale standing or cutand haledApPly to Robert Sweezie 111th Cplices slon InnlshlPhone straud 2m FOR SALE standl ut lnrty acrcs Red Clover and iILlDoIlIY cut by end June also out huh dred baleszol oat straw Bert Dou lIlns Lot Eighteen Concesslanlhvo SunnIiInle TownshipRiR NEW Lowell Try An Exominer Want Phone Pasml will sell for $1450 Cali PA 34414 1855 Palm automatic hardtop new tiru brakes insured radio and heater Apply to Monty IIlDIIti gonicry Ferndala Road 1959 FORD two door In good condition One awncr Tends can he arranged Eimvaie Telephone 707m aster pm 1950CONSUL white with red len ther upholstery very low mllenxe Used Isssecond ear Cost anon alter pm Inst FORD door complete hody andpaint Job good tires top run ning order can he IInhnch Sprnuls Supertest Highway 27 mile south or Thornton Telephone Ivy llRiI 1952 CHEVROLET convertible cheap Ior quick sale 325 down can be financed Souped up roo lor Oldsrnohlic tail lights real hot rod Can be seen at 95 Innis lii street side door Telephone PA 51550 195D IEUGEOT excellent condi tio with Iadiowlil sacrllice Ior cash Recent complete tuneup ex Ilnunsystemncv Cnn be seen weekend of lune 11th at corner or Anne and Sunnldnle road opposite $1111 Cemetery Tclephone PA 1959 METEOR Rdeau 500 Must sell Automatic wheel discs skirts radio etc Also 1950 In ternntional Truck moo with racks and snow tires neat otrec accepted Telephone arter pm Knowlodge OI PHARMACY IS Thounsecn Ingredient In Every Prescription Doug Rarethn Caldwell th Caldweils Drug Store Cor Owen eh Dunlap SIS Phone PA 8190 STRATOCHIEE Licence H27629i Similar savings 1961 Oompnny IlstADPORDST BPYSA 1961 PONTIAC Radio Automatic Transmission beater ohmreeze speed windshield wipers and washers cigar lighter outside mlrror directional signals Tear arm esls KRAMERS AftDOOR SEDAN I200 mile warranty on twelve outer Driven Peptides in BRADFORD ST PA cocoa PA 55576 Prompt grading and final Settlement Over 4bo lots or 1961 wool already paid tatJD luli Current prices Felt etlan 3233c Regulpr grnd AUTOMOTIVE YOU Get Finer Used Car Where The Finest New Cars are Sold AT MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 2960 LAND ROVER 38 wilzeiflillriirlé WWII ran our speed inns This vehi cle can be used Ior the lam camp or 01 course 1969 RENAULT DOOR SEDAN 11th in pull grey with iioor shit traits Gives you spans ear lael with lamliy car CDmlDII 1958 RAMBLER AMERICAN DOOR Finished In nerkiey hlue with windshield washers This compact is one owner car 1958 SUNBEAM ALPINE DOOR HARDIOP Pinlahed in grey and while two tone with wheel dLecs windshield washers radio overdrive hackUp lights dual carts syncromesh on and am and high gears For the dpurll car enthusiast 1957 PONTIAC DOOR STATION WAGON Pinlrhed in ion and beige tone with VS engine This wa on can he used tor summer camp ng run 1955 DODGE DOOR SEDAN With umilolse blilc This unit LS III 10 running order lssolliLDMANMqu DOOR SEDAN FIRMled in classic hiacir with windshield washers and chrome wheel rings The ideal second car tor the cottlge 1955 HILLMAN IiIJNX DOOR SEDAN Finished in lovely dork blue This model comes equipped with the large engine 18 FT DEW Equipped with trailer electric starter duill tanks speedometer 35 hp Johnson motor Ideal Ior thio aumnaerr enjoyment 17 COWAN STREET PA was 1951 METEOR for Phil cleon 59 down 311 weekly For inrorma tloh call PA 56596 alter pm SACRIFICE 1959 Vauxhau Victor one owner car In AI condition excellent tires Private Can his range financln Telephone PA 87371 alter or phone Con stable Forbes PA 55585 1955 oLDSnionlLE Hardtop auto rustic transmission rceenty new whitewau tires ali leather uphol stery rrnnt sent nainty hells dlo rant and rear seat sperirers heautuuL black and white finish Telephone PA e211 alter CARS WTD To BUY WILL ExcRANtlE Wasaga Beach property and up to Show cash tor best car or station wagon arr cred Telephone On 1621 CAsII can your ranLiens paid le We tradeup or down AI landalc Motors 21 Essa Road Dan PleuFA tispzl Cartier Your Pui Syslem NOW ELIMINATE ODDURSV TAKES ONLY Ilium TO CONVan TO rulers TOILET SYSTEM SIMPLY XEMDVE YOUR Prinsrmc DDWI as REPLACE WITEA Tho Sepilo Iphk Ready To BARRIE pm AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS TRADERS mm Drank OM condition one Own er since new seliin rumpbl Telephone PA 615mg MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT CADIN TRAILER for sale or rent Bleep two Phone PA Host CABIN TRAle in very nod condition Reasonhi price Also one EDI and main Telephone PA user orsep them at is any streeL OLENDALE me Trailer or sale pleieiy lurnlshed seen hot Idler tank shower hath lush toilet insulated AD 1y Rllgh Doughton Newton hop in eioohonc Cooksiown 45d PERSONALS CHILD FOR ADOPTION Ir we can And JOJLNNES future parents through this advertisement something very special will have been achieved it is hard to lull parents or children or Anglos on and Nano background and year otd doANNI Is one or there But perhaps thecho couple or similar background or very ac capilng white couple who would love to have Ihu child as thair owu IOANNES mixed parentare is reflected in her niulatla shin Her hair and eyes are prh she has negroid lcnlurcs Sh happy contented youngster who 1min ail indicaiiona is Prolrcw in well Diouiries are lnviicd trons Roman Caiholie couples writer THE MINISTER ot PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO Ionis PERSON wishing to ride to Nova Scotlh Alter lune al Will help pay expenses Telephone PA N820 rtier pm WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now in this government chartercdncnool where you are thoroughlytrnined In an branches or heauty culture For lulonnauon write metN ltAiRDrtPSSING SCROOL in COLLIER STREET 0R PHONE PA use uEAUT Stior Coldwnves etc by emitted hairdresser in your own home Phone Bernice PA 39352 or PA N587 LOST Cr FOUND LOsT rown whliu and hinclt male lleaglo hound Scor on lclt Should blade Answers to Damn Chudley Childrens pet Re ward Coil PA new 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED COOK lor rccreiiilonai centre on Latin Joseph Milakukli Must be available to workiroln July to August 31st approximately with prospect or permanent work in Toronto at end at season it interesied mnlstnnt Cook also required Please write giving lull particu Ior or age previous experience rclercnccr etc to THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND 1929 BAYVEW AVE TORONTO 17 ONTARIO EXPERIENCED Pcnrulc Cook want cc Apply Graves Restaurant 311 Pudeid Street or telephone PA $0255 LETS BE FRI1N lFE W45 relfill menr puck 1n elem ruccro Aw ISHEB Is gt BE RICHARDSON SPRINGSERVICE cADuy loileil N0 VISIBLEVSVEWAGE Domes Complete with all Items Illustrated Above Leah Including IonIo Plywood Eare common WITH SEPTIC TANK AND msTAhnAIIDN PLUMBINOANOHEAIING DEPT 2ND FLOORSUPPLIES BLDG £59 INNISFIL $1 liefilial VESPRA SI Install PA 6653I lo HELP WANTED i6 HELP WANTED FELLEm RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN To SERVICE AND SELL NEWS PAPER CLASH1m Ame INTERISnNG POSI TION nrAIts PERSONAL CON TALI wrm wCAL BUSINN 17mm OP ALL film You Nm NOT HAVE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE As WE WILL TRMN YOU PREFDI APPLIG Art1 RAVE MING AND Ath TO DRIVE IF YOU WOULD LIKE CHALLENGING POSI TION WITH CONSIDERAst OP PORTUN POR ADVANCE um PLY IN WRITING SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE BARBIE EXAEIIINER ItELIAIILE Iligh School girl pre lerahly in east end to look airer three children attcrnoona and evenings while lnothnr mom Telephone PA 59733 PART TIM Representative Ior lleautiy Counseuor Company grilled in Earrte No door to nor chnvAulnL lt your own home Telephone PA PM MALE HELP LOBLAWS REQUIRE EXPERIENCED Retail Meat Cutters Good starting Rates ol Pry Regular Increased Annual Vacation with Pay Group Insurance Pension Plans Group Hospitalization Plan Apply in Person LOBLAW GROCETARIAS CO LIMITED oz BAYPIELD ST RARRLE HOOKKEEPEB AccountanL re tlred up revision alter yard sarvica wth local and seeking Iull or arttime employment Iohn Laing High street Telephone PA Moll mm BARRIE ELECTRIC MOTORS AUTHORIIED GE LELAND MOIOR SALES Ii SERVICE PMS2206 slownl sI MALE Hm CHIEF INSPECTOR With praeueai inspection espeo lente tD superiisa mall stall and maintein quality control recamL Pacinry makes diverruled line at small rclrlrenting tquipmrnL Gndd i1 minimum required WRITE BOX BARRIE EXAMINER FURNITURE THE BEST IN PRICES SELECTION SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD PA 60561 Lei 17 illulcasicr st Coloplsi Vlsit Jur shortest river In the United idsg note is the chenille long Batu Root in wags oysters tlotntsh in Maipooooaay which Is on tho northwest shore of Pm Edmpd Island notice heteby elven in an smokers that Ogdens Cigaiette Tobacco has CIGARETTE IOBACCO 80 III one nledsielsarpm Whateverynnr speed advance the throt iIo ot your Tiger shulka little moreteal the Instant acceleration Thats Pass lng Gear Patiomianca the result of West dends exclusive Power screed Pulling skiers from deep watnr start or pushinga heavy cruiscITigeI snark has the power you need at any speed glass cover DUAL FULL ONEVIAR WARRANTY Parts and Labor COMPACT APPEARANCE blends theIlIles aryour hunt SVMENIInIIIIIIIE sitian raven CONIROI ids tum gyrowlruehllll no i573 12 mid HF mil PasSing Gear Performanc at any Speed ELECTRlSHARK sVsTEMvConr stout Current CCAIICInatoIGun=lafur provides In amps even at Idling speed QUIET OPERATIONpuns ct iuiI llilDtllowith neoprene mountingsliber DRnDvNAMIc siiuck oasusznsrakathe shockcutcltliting pudomfldr iarha nut and our andinnrler derail MI More Inengarsmtkéandihnmgtoo mm WE fsiliiiilli7silrillill BIG SAVINGSONNEW Foot oi Maple St 1960 25 AND 403IFMOIOIIS MYEIIS Boiljl SIIIVIIE PA 66373

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