Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1961, p. 10

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Expenditures untll irom the previous year Whats aury tnx returns werent filed after the holiday weekend Counting pension fund cperL ations the governments tota spendingin the 196061 year It reckoned March revenues was 06553500000 and its rev were about $10000000 below normal and said the years de 1fieit was that much higher as d1 resulL roan ms sorrows The report also showed that the Old Age Pension Fund which finances the $55 monthly economic lag enuu 38218700000 The governments accounts dnt feel the full effect of in Personal and corporation in come tax revenues showed strung gains even though cor poration profits fell six percent 520000001 in 1960 This pensions all 70 0V was due in part to higher rates turned up the first surplus in its in 10year history The fund which operates out1 side normal budgetary no la countspaid out $592400000 in pensions but took in $603100 000 fromthc three special taxes earmarked for the fund The re the 1559 budget that werent effective for the whole of the previous fiscal year and in part the fact that substantial amounts were collected on ac count of 1959 corporation pro fits suiting $l0700000 surplus vas PICTURE MIXED eased to whittle down $28 000000 delicit carried forward left is covered by temporary loan from MrFlemings trea gross national pared with six per cent ex The white papers revieui of the economy in 1960 showed mixed picture The 32 per cent gain in product com REVENUES EXPENDITURES OTTAWA CPl Breakdown of federal revenues and we pcnditures contained in white mans papcr tabled today in the Corn SUMMARY 195960 $5702900000 5289800000 418100000 80191195 DeiTut 196061 $361100000 5615600000 345500000 REVENUE DIRECT TAXES Income tax Corporation income tax Dividends interest going abroad Estate tax Total direct taxes INDIRECT TAXES Customs duties Excise duties Cigareis cigars tobacco Less refunds Excise Taxes Sales tax Automobiles Cigarets cigars tobacco Jewelry watches ornaments Matches lighters TV sets radios tubes phono graphs Toilet preparations Wines Sundry Licences interest miscellaneous Electric power export 1081100000 537500000 5039800000 Nontax re nue Total Rev ue 1556500000 1112900000 2371200m 575700000 Spirits and beer 103100000 1460300 732700000 185500000 7000000 1711200000 1275500000 00200000 00000000 3160900000 400700000 100500000 150300000 4000000 73300000 88400000 4100000 720600000 59600000 193000000 5000000 000000 16000000 8400000 3200000 1000000 1300000 1000000 1000000 1354900000 64300000 5600000 900000 17300000 3000000 1200000 600000 1400000 400000 509000000 5515500000 EXPENDITURES Agricultural Slipporis Grain storage Acreage grain payments Atomic ener BEG CBC Chief electoral officer Citizenshipimmigrotinn Civil service commission Defence production External affairs mlliunlcipalgrants University grants Provincial subsidies Taxsharing arrangements Interest on public debt Servicing public debt Fisheries Forestry Justice Penitentiaries Labor House of Commons Senate Minestechnical surveys Coal board Gold mining assistance National dflenca Film board National Gallery Health grants Hospital insurance 150600000 Family allowances 491200000 31500000 National Research Council National revenue Northern affairs Post office Public works 217900000 grszr rodecommerce Transport Veterans affairs Total expenditures rophy asBariies Ciia thetYepr Wednesday 01200000 20800000 485 000 735000000 102900000 1514900000 2965000110 200300000 Miscellaneous 400500000 5702900000 Aid Soc Red Cross the 180m 51 gt 57700000 42300000 53400000 48200000 40500000 38000000 300000 07200000 30100000 200000 900000 100000 54000000 3700000 17000000 4200000 20400000 103100000 24500000 19000000 2070000 501900000 756300000 700000 10300000 10100000 3600000 19100000 121500000 5300000 1900000 21000000 19100000 12100000 1519000000 4000000 1000000 40000000 109400000 506200000 34500000 73300000 74500000 170400000 200000000 5500000 21700000 $37700000 $2300000 22500N0 5100000 500000 10000000 0900000 0100000 10700000 5600000 1800000 $700000 17600000 13100000 4600000 700000 46000000 68700000 74300000 65000000 52400000 17900000 5961100000 tarded Children and who 1711 been aétivd ianity to 414000000 pansion in 1959 111a general price level rose tit per centn more moderate climb 1haa in recent year and twothirds of the rise in national proddct was on actual gain in physical output The main economic on the Job front Ununployment for the year averaged 448000 seven per cent of the labor force com pared to 1959 average unem ployment of 07300 sixper cent rate one per cent rise in the number of people at work didnt keep pace with zawceotlumpintheln bor force One economic mainstay was consumer spending which roso to 03400000000 from 52248 000000 The 41 per cent in crease compared with gain in personal income of per cent to 327442000000 from $26319 00000 But taxes took larger bite and the rate of personal savings slowed down The reports outline of govern ment accounts showed the trea surys cash balances declined by only $71200000 despite the big deficit of $345500000 The government financed port of it through $222000000 in crensa in unmatured debt bonds and other securities3 held by the public and got an other $51500000 from series of non budgetary transactions GOT FUND LOAN One of the years non budget pinch was eash demands on Mr Flentlngs treasury was 367000000loan to help bolster the dwindling Unemployment Insurance Fund Despite the lo the balance in the fund sunk to $207000000 from $177001000 during the year Insurance fund expenditures totalled $513000000 including $510000000in benefit payments and $7000000 in losses on sales of invutments The fund got from employers and employees $300000 in government con tributions $10000000frurn in vestment income and the WI 000000 in federal loans The governments gross debt rou to 521501200000 from 20 $6000000 This is partly offset by various assets and the net debt rose by $35303001 to $12 This increase is equivalent to the budget deficit plus book keeping adjustment relating to transacqu in prior years The treasurys two biggest money earners bolstered the budget revenues Personallneome taxes rose by $140000000 tn $1711M000 and corporation income taxes advanced $15700000 to $1278 600000 The firstAprovlded 305 per cent of budget revenues the second 217 per cent RETURNS DROP Sales tax returns dropped by $12100000 to $720600 000 Thereport said this is be ed due to year end tax remit tances being delayed becaue March tell on the Easter bol lday weekend The income and sales tax fig ures do not include the special three per cent levies ur marked for the Old Age Pension Fund Defence remained the heavi est spending item 26 per cent of the budget with out lays by the defence deportrnent at 31519000000 down by small $4100000 This fell $90 000000 short of the amount ap propriated by Parliaman Cost of carrying the public debt rose by $13700000 to 3797 200000 134 per cent of the budget Subsidies and tax sharing payments to the provinces in creased by $18900000 to $537 000000 and the expanding pop ulation pushed family allowance payments up by $15000000 to $506200000 010 Township Council Passes Bylaw ToCollecl 1961 Taxes Oro raidents will be slapped with 10min township residen tial tax rate Oro Council which met June agreed bylaw to raise levy and coL lect 1961 taxes was passedat the meeting and budget of esti mnta lortownship revenue and expenditures for 1961 was brought in and accepted County rate of 119 mills and township commercial rate of 125 mills was set To cover current expenditur esahylawwes passedtopr0 vide for the borrowingot near ossary funds Also passed was bylaw to provide for cup plementary road program for additional road expenditures This was to be forwarded to the department for approval $60000 ADDITION bylaw to provide for the issuance of debentures in the amount of $60000 for additions to Shanty Day School was given first and second reading and ordered forwarded to the Ont ario Municipallioard for consid eration also passed was by law to provide for the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of debentures Among other business at Hie meeting which wx presided at by Reeve Giltemie Quotation for larger snow plow for 66 grader was accepted sifliect to departmental amm Forms from Jarrett Corn rnunity Hall board with meet to Winter Works incentive pro gram were presented along With letter and cheque from Lashley for grant on work done The cheque was forward ed to the board Madonte Township prmenied requisition for the amount required from On Union School Section 14 of $163804 and from Orillia Township for Union School Section No 12 of $151 52 Claims were made by Leigh for one sheep and lamb killed by dogs Farouhar son one sheep and lamb kil led and Kenneth McPher son for one sheep and lamb killed and two lambs injured They wue ordered paid at val uators valuation Road superintendent Currie presented his report on work done during May It was ac cepted and passed for payment Police Seize Three Wheels Of Chance SUDBURY UP Five men were released on bail Wednes day and three wheels of chance were out of operation as the re sult of police raid Tuesday night on the Peter March Shows The carnival is under the sponsorship of Sacred Heart College Charged with operating wheel of fortune and released on $50 hail were Murray Caul field 31Toronto Edward Tay lor 31 Niagara Falls Richard Qurowslri Sudbury Yves Nae dean 18 Sudbury and Laurent Catholic Church Rediscovers Religious Role cannon CORNELL AP mum writer NEW YORK APLA man power reform is going on today in the Roman Catholic Church in the United StateHhe rise of the laity 1a churchthat for centuries functioned chiele through its clergy with members left in comparatively passive religious role the two groups now are actv log Increasingly as team in doing the churchs work Its widespread fastgrowv lag and historic shift in cm phasis Much has been done to over come the old hesitancles both on the port of the clergy and the laity says Most Rev Rob ert Dwyer bishop of Reno Nev et we have only begun to utilize this tremendous palm tint of cooperative zeal The strongly emergingforce the lay apostolate gets its name from Greek word howthe people MANY LAY ACHVITIES Its rfllected in host of 20th centurylaunched Catholic ncti villassocial action groups na tional organizations of lay men and women interracial councils lay re lay theological study sodalities family lifc movements Bible discussion groups BAYCIIY llPllOlSIERING lllNlI SPECIAL WITH EVERY bPC CHESTERFIELD men FOAM nuance CUSHIONS FREE ARM COVERS P1101 an em as enigma Street 01 The Laity The old idea of rlding into Heaven on the cassock of priest is losing its grip on the Catholic layman of today says Martin work EXECILIVC di rector of the National Council of Catholic Men Untfl 10 years ago Roman Catholic lay missionary groups didnt exist in the Unitcd States Now there are monyol them Plans are under way to recruit new corps of lay volunteers to serve the church in 118 rural areas and in Latin America Possibly the most arresting Christian phenomenon of our times is the rediscovery of the laymans true role in the church says Rt Rev Msgr Irving de Blane of the Na tional Catholic Welfare Confer ence Roman Catholic lenders see the trend mainly as result of changed conditions allowing the church to broaden its efforts to spread the gospel to the world iuioiffiilhiiiliicr PA66d Imnwv17 an SEARRIE 10 THE EARTH EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 1501 in contrast with past absorption in preserving the laith The churdi has again be come more aware that she is wnqucring church Most Rev Joseph Biomlaus bishon of hlwnnra Tanganyika told an American lay mission 561001 Now the laity are coming back into their own Stay in bed Saturday morn ing and still en and Mail ioy yout Globe no need to run out to corner box to buy your morning Bhginnittg this Saturday readers will be able to get 51005 ONLY home an of 11 Mr including 11 club 0492130 for 00113133 For 110nm delivery in Barrie Call PA 82223 21 Mary Sr be safe be sure noMINI OUT Buy Dominion Tires At 0N TIRE STOR Dont take it for granted that your fires will last forever Have them checked by the man who knows tires your DominionRoyal dealer He car1 quickly spot the unsafe and tell you why you should buy new Dominion Royals the tires that give extra safety greater performance longer mileage Check now Trade nowBe dollars ahead liflMlNlflNllflYAlllRES Dominlonlllifbhor lunnmm Es 791 no noYu Borrle in coming thing leconbmycars is here And it hashrought luxury it Heres an economy car with 40 HP engine for highway cruising fastshift 4speed transmission and triggerresponsive handling Insideluxury everywherel Foampadded reclining seats harmonizing vinyl upholstery coloredfloor matsall this plus the 4door sedancomfort so popular in its sister car the Dauphine tough rugged car the Gordinl hasproved to be winner under ihe most appalling road and climatic conditionsimaglnablo 1st1ln its class in the Coronation Safaria gruelling endurance rcoinpetltion of 3350 mile guaranteed for 12 The minn tnoo Only38flnlshed arson through the heart of Africa 81 cars started including 3Gordinis The Renault Gordlnl44 miles tothe gallon months12000milesSae your Renault dealer are 1Lv SEDAN 00115189500 sum souipeen eonr or eurnv marruews Morons

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