um IAN HOPE DIST MANAGER FOR CONSUMERS GAS Manager Sees Exciting Several thousand miles and several Jobs se arate tan Hope Irom his iirst as marina engineer in the shipyards on the Clyde and his present iob as dls trlct manager oi the Consurm ers Gas Company in Barrie horn in Edinburgh Scotland he came to Canada in me and aiter holding several other posi tions he Joined Consumers Gas in Toronto as an industrial sales resentatlve was promoted to sales manager in Oshawa in rear and burning win was he came to Barrie as district manager even beiore gas was flowing through the natural gas pipeline to serve Barrie customers During his service with Con sumers the biggest change he has seen is the switch irom manuiactured gas to natural gas which took place in September at 1968 Mr Hope received his acad emie education at Leith Acad emy and attended night school Glasgow ior iour years in order to obtain hie papers as marine engineer One oi the newest and most interesting features oi the na Change tural an industry he said is new idea ior supplying all the power needs at an industry by means at natural gas powered machine This is called the total energy concept with all power required ior heating lighting air conditioning and other needs in industrial and commercial mudinu supplied by one ma oe Mr Hope said he believes na tural gas to be the best iuel ior heating because It is cleaner However he pointed out that competition benailts boils industry and the consume er Any comm he said which oiiers roduot which can do better in in some areas than the product oi another company iorcea the other company to im prove Its product and in this way benefits the customer Ionrpetiiion is goodior ev ery as it keeps them on their toes There are as employees in the district oiiice in Barrie tour oiiice personnel three eales re presentatives supervisory per sonnel as well as linemen and servicemen Thirteen vehicles we wnnp mam mmwwmlnwVg rlys 37 Wtvx awn WW WV wmm Photon TORONTO STREET by David Galloway GATE STATION 0N ANNE STREET WHERE GAS IS RECEIVED FOR DISTRIBUTION lN THE DISTRICT painted the miller blue anii white with the homer Gas flame as the emblem serve the district Eight have two way radios Like many other Harris in dustries Consumers Gas is ex pending For the 12 months prior to June 1m l59t7a5000 cubic ieet oi gas was pumped trons the Barrie gate station year pm vioua total at 1556567000 was pumped irom the Barrie gate station This is an increase over the year oi 35193000 cubic ieet oi gsa CRAIGHURST By MR5 CASION hire Susie some visiting in Winnipeg ior two weeks bk and Mrs John Kendrick oi Missouri USA are visiting Mr and hiss Robert Kendrick Woody Malone oi Dalston and Wayne McCracken oi Eranty Bay are holidaying with Mr unm it PW Wasagn Beach on Sunday tor Karen McCraclren and bowls Tattoo raIriil aidn Mnhsaamdmm are in geek with Mr and Mrs ton Miss Valerie Brown returned lo 511de Sunday alter spend ing week with Mr and Mrs Era Casino Mrs James Ellamere and ohlidren oi Barrie spent last week with the Ellemere boys snow My MRS CAMPBELL Weekend visitors with the James Leonarda oi Klldare Farms were Mr and Mrs George Robertson Weston Don ald Johnatone and Stanley Smith Pembroke Len Burrows Aginoourt Mrs Harvey John ston and Mrs Sam Thompson Mount Dennis Joan and Joyce Taylor loron Mr and Mrs Thompson and Misses Taylor are staying ior an ex tended vislt with Mr and Mrs Jeonnrd The Monday night meeting at the centennial project commit tee and council saw almost complete meeting members Ibe parkseems iavoriteto may throughout the township also the memorial to those lost twoworld wars le7 may am quite long way oii but all citizens are urged to plan some small home protect in beautily our township when we areJoolung forward to the in ternational plowing match Mr and Mrs John Gowan Ed the pleasure at visit irons and Mrs Peter South Por cupine and Mr and Mrs Harry Festheratone Atherlay sorryto hen Mrs Clinne had ah to attend ran line when John Allen Law was hit crossing the highway The sympathy oi the community ls extended to Mrs Law their son and two daughters Mrs Law is iormut councillor ln Innlsiil and she and her hua hand were well known and res pected throughout the area Many from here attended the Old nrne Piddiers contest at ISIlbgehlburnahzyrldey grduSaturduaAyi repo as large crowd oi enthusiastic com petitors with many women tid dlars Mrs Edgar lhompson is en ioying holiday in the northern part of the province with her daughter Edith and souin Dont forget the flower sponsored by the WI Aug Prize lists are available to an one in community Call Mrs Hand strand Inniriil Township Credit Union will entertain to External Aid students from 17 countries oi the world Aug 21 Lunch will be served at St Pauls Anglican Church While in Home County they will visit Ioop and Copaco in Barrie and other industries oi this area CHURCHILL ly mas an savings sï¬hflidflï¬n $1415 baby son Billie Mrs ns Piuttora and family at Burlingtm epentiast wear withther lnsother hire Harvey stints maiï¬ EV mo tomes Jack naive tune been in Illinois tor iew Mr and Mn Sewers spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dick worgan at thelrcotv tage three Hs ii paka had blacksmith shop andSeottandmotheanlv had Jubilee meet was assisted by vioepmldent Mrs Russell Stewart Mrs Auev tin Cools Ortille member oi the Presbytery exeoutive was the speaker Mrs Cools used St John to ya 14 as text ior her message lilies Jean Spence was soloist MONE HISTORY teadserdhoinr oing meter pot industry that was carried on by lihynold Shultz 100 years ago on the lam WU owned by Mae stewed are is anrdous in seem picture oi ibe Yettay Tyrone 5th line corner was thriving village in those days The log school there wnatha centre ior the teaubin oi the lEig Kirk on the southwest corner He was Albert Kirkpatrick Many Members at the Consrnnersi Gas sales etaii include George storekeeperi iather they lived in the house nowowned hank looidraat Later it was avenod by the Wreggit family anditwaaaaidtobehatmted Thishoue now over 100 yous oldetillatassislnperie¢eon ditionAisoiel ondsesouthesst earner was owned by irwin by Moore Mather oi Waiter Moore of Bell Mr and Mrs William Moore and daughters lived in home some tom them Causal School 85 years no Max Noble oi In loom and did mustard weaving Mrs Noble her tether gatiog aultimn mmadrlmed out oi an Harold eannnorauinonwli speak in the United Chum here Sunday Aug sonar itle In ems Mr arid Mrs Lawrence Fray er and Mr and Mrs Partridge oi Gowee enjoyeda nectartrip around lash fliree drilthm oiV tie our aw drew rJMnaon ransommono as was shockedsrtdsy hfllm Wat lth aneddress andwa bills sales clerk lfltzl handle Bishop salee supervisor een ire andGordoo Madge salsa representative Consumers Gas Serves Barrie And District Natural gas which flows into the lrsnscanada Pipeline in A1 berta travels thousands at mlI ea throws Prairie wheallields duoughiasbnrahoiwoodedn Ilheilnd Northern 0ntarin and Manitoba beiore it Is used the hide in Barrie Angus the Consum whim ser Ia one oi the pitya sineases but ser city is certanty not early as In an vipe tine system served some areas oi the city and lan Hope dis trict manager ior Consumer Gls here said crews installing pipellnha it the city has lifutv em pe es the Dunlap and staple street areas As an industry in Ontario gas tlm has served areas at the province ior abrart 150 years cprimarily Constance as Com ploy ltaeli has libyear blslt tory at service in the province he be ng the idea oi upoivins as to the Ontario householder and business con cern irorn the vast reserves in Alberta sea was manuiactured and iorcmmtiuough pipelines under pr it was not until sees that natural II was used to Ontariolnd this was bought mm the Tennessee irsnsmip slon Line and brought into the guinea at Niagara 0n ihe in loss the spoornlle trans mission line imm Alberta reached Ontario and Harris Starting in April oi the same ear pipeline had been installed Barrie and area in anticipa tion oi the completion oi the vi lransCanada Pipeline and in September natural gas it into Barrie to begin the companys customers lhe gas needs oi the city and district are supplied root the late station on Anne St north at Srmnldale lid and it Is then ied through 61 miles at pipe Into the city to serve the needs oi lis hundreds oi oustomere who make use of the service in varloin ways Some dimmers use gas to beat their home odrers use the service only tor water heater or stove and others maire use at the entire ranges oi service otiered And as ope pointed out the more you use the less your cost He said that are com more ior the person using it ior only one appliance or pur pose titan it does to the custom Biil Carroli who foreman it in touch with as using all the services oiiered 1b are more than can aselanrara in the Area by the district cities In Berri pipeli serves Rainer Go Elmvsie Ill ad Penatang Alliston Beeton and as well at Harris was one see vieed by limited gas pipeline mtem in the late lath century and early cent the no tire ea miles oi pipe the wars put in right ironl scratch he tore distribution and transmis sion iron the homemade Pi line began tomesa are billed monthly Mr Hope inted out with as actual resting taken one month and an eeUnratad reading tater flu second month so that are ten are actually read only all as year An odourabt is added to the gas at each gate station so that In case oi gas leak the small will be easily detectible the customers According to Mr Hope the odour is similar or that emitted by skunk Hope it has similar base Mr Hope said that according to the tire nunhare report no nrralguususllynmslutnl on the list at user at tint and explosions wall below other iuds He pointed out that in the district an excellent saio ty record had been attained it the past live years Mr Hope also atressed till when any iuel ie listed as the cause oi the it is oiten the human iactor wbldr is respon it an pm on tome Consumerf Gas see ceman loos out to tires II the eiw during the day in old tntmoiigaaiithebuilding involved uses the tire Mr Hope said this was Just normal set ety procedure iollawed by mod companies In less pipeline serviced only Tbronio and since then the pipeline has been extended to own vi an ma Orangevlle Rich Hill oodhrldce Br Streetsvlile the Niagara Pantr suls Newmeriet Aurora Mash hanr Simsiiville Whitby Peter borough Lindsay Bromine 53 mm ws sew and Pm served from the Ontario line are the New York State points including Massena Noriolk Norwood Potsdam Canton Madrid and Ogdensburlr linemen and Iconstrudhn sonnel by radio PI