PREMIER ATTENDS YPC BARBECUE Moimnlohnl Boorte to diet with booteeelirnWiliiemGImer Textile Fimts With European OTTAWA CHA Canadian trade rnlIeion bu iound that with mini and determined eiiort exports oi Canadianmade iebrice to Bclndlnavte West Germany and Beillum could be markedly Inmued thie year lhle ooneIIuIen wan reached In report iuued itreedey by the trade tie tment on the Ca nedlen tab or trade mluion to then mmpeen countrlee in Februea Iite nemember arrow rel ruentlu the Cane an textie industry nonridered It won euc oeniui In no twin obieetivee oI Ilia and mindinl The ntlulon vlelted Norway dweden and Denmark mem bere ol theEuropeen Free Trade Areodntlon Finland end Gentinny end nelzlum membere oi the Erropeen Conn Inon Market The report uye Individual eelev oi Canadian inbrlca are likely to be relatively emell However for convanlee Willinl to enter export market and no it can prolpe bueineu particularly within the UTA oountrtel Price wee not the chlei eel etderetton Articlee With novelty or snob appeal otten com manded emlum The de or the brand new or up to dnte can iiNN rtuorns leit end her dauthterInIew hire Jack Garner untre It Barbecue We held It the Garnere Shenty Bey rw Seek Business Trade Markets ecereely be over emphuired and it here that Cltlltllln mille have their beet opportu nl gonad exporte ei iebrtce to the it countriee in rm to talled 340562 pound valued at tomes about 27 per cent oi Canadian textile production However the ma Entree were alumni three tlmee time of the previoue year and It In the ooneIderedvlew oi the min rlon that with iorceiul end determined eilort these iiruree can be Increaeed markedly tor my the mieeion euneeted mar ket exirta in Norway ior Cana dian rnlnwear In Sweden or nightwear and lingerie In Fin Ind and Denmark ior inncy woretedr In Germany for cer tain type and qualltlee oi mene wontedr end In Belgium tor wonted or woollen clelitlee where style and exc ueiveneu are Important the group edde thin note at advice on oottrtery ior Canadian exporterlz Europe In leneralIre very eorreet and badmen nan rueh iniiure toanewer iettere in ureeeonleble itll pear win on amp and inlldre to five lpretttcel ei iect to our we wil rapidly ile Itrny eny manual ee that may exist limit Prirnpirtg Time To Eliminate Bedlam go in in ga ii in 53 if sea E3 5E 35 gig at aria in tduee The event war were trad by lite Younl Va Conurvetlve Mead oi Barrie interning Photo SOCIAL NOTES UllAWA MENU Mr and Mre Bill Judge and iarnliy iomiedy at Napier Steed lent the aw title week to take up midence in the rap that their new address is are McGlll Avemre Mm lit FROM CALIFORNIA Mir Eileen ONeil at New port Beadz California will be meat It the home of her brotherinIlw and eleter Mr end Mn WI Strebene Avenue ENGAGEMENT hiiu Muriel Margaret Gilli land oi Oeloode Ontario will wed George Earl Maxwell at Grace Chapel Ottawa on Sept It It pm flie bride alert in the daughter oi tlle late Mr andMre Robert Gilllland The bridegroom to be Ie the non oi Mr Ind hire Earl Max well oilRR Barrie RECEPTION Andrew 1hompson contender zssgggggg uBE Teaéhers Begin New Campaign ii it Sign gigs tor the leaderehip oi the On tarIo Liberal Party will hold reoeption in his room eleook dale Park Inn thin evening prior to aklnlt engagement at stmd humpeon will meet Intereeted reeidente from to oclock SQUARE DANCE OoIIIngwood Comowily An one will present ooloriul night on Way evening when equore dancere lather there ioran evenin of danctnn oom Inenalng at 830 pan Stu Rob erteon oi Buran will be the caller Dancere will include ntetnboie oi the Bean and Belle are Dance Club of Barrie sq OLD ADAGE PROVEN TRUE We email world alter all Btudenle oi Barrie who are travelling in Europe this eununer will be the lint to admit it In letter to her mother Mn chqu Kearney at it mm eummer abroad conï¬rmed her be llei in thevold adage While flattening at the Plttl Palace ln Fiorenoe Italy Anne met Barry and Aaron Dydr oi Barrie none of Mr and hire Jack Dyalr oi High St Mite Kearneymili return to Canada on Aug 29 VIDA VOIDED MAMLA AP The Travel Ind Tourist induetry Board has ruled vivltora may elay in the Phllipplnee tor is daye without vine lbemviotu Illmltwee COMPARE 13 CARAT DIAMUNI DUET Veplune II IC 111 lil ll comes new teadte penallredwhm the new AflEND CONFERENCE WORD CHM Forgi supervieore and er iron nine Indian schools in Ontario and eg Value 98° Stack your linen eloeet high wlth these thick thlrety luxurious towels by FGeIdweII And at there eevlnde you can afford to tuck away law ior thoee unexpected ehower and birthday giit occarlone Patteme range from eweet candy etrlpee blooming flowere to conservative eollde with color range maggots hotl Generoue elzee 20 it ltitirclume1 mr torus ntqun ty ewe demehlnt clothe ubrtenderde of 4f reg Value 29 en HIGHER PRICED HAND TOWEIS with The tiny dawn to these towele wont meet their enranoe or dureblllty Gay prime bold atripee and mid colore 1the group Reg Valuoe up to 179 TERRYIIJWEIS BATH IflWElS 15 30ln woven etrlpeeAeeorted colorIJube Cunning Paetorale printeugay Hotels and reridentiei are attending weeklmw Ina eonierenee here at the Mo hawk Institute The eupervlsory Ital training course eponeored by the federal department or in dlanaliaireJevtheiimbeld ln0ntario The trainee repre eentabont moo Indian young Itere at eaven realdeotlai uhoole Inrontario Md two In Quebec suns summit FINhLf kroucnous cirrhotic 14me ï¬nder rveiandarde or regular 49 each values only 57p lot heavyeolld color toWele with wtde woven lobby border forlonlv 57¢ a=ieon 138 MWMM nun tutors Extrn warm and longweartndl Assorted twin bed and double bed elzee Satin bound decorator colore Subltandarde ggtsnszor 57 turnaround in mwrts Youll love their linttree ouaIIdea Their 18 29 etze In euhtle paetelv etrlpee And neat MORE settler slvmosou IMPORTEDIINEN rrn rowusti $ch aparkluo china and glean with there quickdrying imports Peppermlntatrlped in mumcolon Fringed ends 12 32 Reg 49 ea 44 ea Stunning mien printeddeeflddaï¬n wide arroyo oolore 17 Whitest 49c Zion 77c illlillsl rut ititt498 ltlnn negV