svyrmmwrflr mewr Published by Canadian Newspapers limited 13 Bsyflsld Street Barrie Ontario mill Bihllsbsr maroon soccer is nu rm QUICK iiIDE MEI There has been so much said about unemployment in Canada over the past two or three years that little attention has been paid the public to slew strong growth is em loyment Sig cnntiy must of the in gain has been in manufacturing The importance of this factor is that growth in direct manufac turing employment Indirectly creates much other employment through the purchases by the manufacturing com panies and their employees of an in creased volume of raw materials can sumer goods and services foods farm products transportation services and so on An article In the current issue oi The Labor Gazette issued by the fed Eraladepartment of labor sums up the ac One of the more striking features of the current business turn is the breadth oi the expansion states The Gazette The expansion which got underway some so months ago has al ready lastedllonger than any oi the business upturns since the Korean War Equally Important there has been noticeable pickup invthetempo in re cent months employment in the first quarter of 1964 averaged 285000 high er than in the corresponding period ias year This gain of 40 per cent repre cents substantially faster rate of ad vance than in any recent year Almost all of the increase was in nonfarm in dustrles tire vance turing employment normall total employment maintenance mechanics and bodymen OTHER EDITORSVIEWS cc EASY ON THE SALT Montreal Star Winter maintenance of roads is per ceptibly raising the salt content ofnthe water at Lake Erie The source of the warning is Prof George Langtord head of the Great Lakes Institute of the Uni versliy of Toronto Undesirablc changes in the water of the lakes most exposed to civillzaticns effect have been noted before Thedev tergents whichhaven largely replaced sit in as little as 10 years The Barrie Examiner Autism sdu soc hash nails mam and sunAggy in mummss mm WAllalr Publish Hero Duns Illam MtPHIIION mull Idling gnsvsn mm Munich mum stuns mosrsumuss menses humour Circadian musg could Vancouver Sun ssnc poltc oi own Dietenbakerltrying to limit lirath VJLMIIMMIHIWE Growth In Manufacturing Shows In Employment Rise The largest advance In both relative and actual terms was in manufacturing Total manufacturing employment was up over the year by an estimated 100 gain well above the advance for any previous year since World War iii The service and trade industries together accounted for an increase of some lilo 000 proximately onehalf of the en In the remaining indus tries employment levels were much the same as in the early part of 1003 Since other industries did not contri bute to the employment increase It may be assumed that most of the job ains In the services and in trade were nduced by the growth oi direct employment in manufacturing Also since manufac gthlt¢w 77 vryrw ii PAH monomers Ioilifsmt bssithy vs Alas in my cssc hs has not provost himself so cifectfvs salesman But now suddsni notIcs cos of the more liar it urss sround Parliament till suntamed hwy looking ten years or and ion pounds mdrs ly When did he find the foun tain oi stsrnsl youth Asked IRE MUM AD Ive been to Prince Edward Island he coslitdcd in me smugi at once becoming an sif vs ssicsmsn for that modest in the st Law oolrldnt have had better holid anywhere by heavens ts differentit Driving to PEi he checked into simple but adequate cabin which appeared typical oi the island though of styls and cost which has also been rendch obsolcts by the lush turnpiks cauvsnscrsis to day it was its assures rns less arrays imam oeronnderiul for VVacationers lefutisomthswdcema ing and refreshing waters oi tboNortbilanflltdhsltJls cosihsssidwssssopcrvsssk its drovssmndtbs my wthays mu fromsoodto litious stv places Maudwithmtsursontiw scribed as consisting In ancient bsrn converted into comfortable bedroom was lair6 Isrss misï¬t svs so iousdlnillsroosn csslssi clutcssssr he an Modthmldtmstoihonw msdspessouptwoioclsrss anion sslsdsndeofmtlts ï¬idotuéamltnmy In as am stmindlogs IndfllofllltOIAHfl no we munch ousnnt Another evening be to find the dining room filled by ParentTeachers gather leisvs ms thsy do things diffcrsntly In PEI he corn mcotsd thst was no staid ssrious lslItisst but lolly sve nin Aiter diam they gath ers sound the plsno and sang songs the mos on shls for me consisted at which although familiar to the ring srs have nsvsr heard before and would dssrly like to cspturesomethinf about pcs rssding at over Csnsds frog standing sstrids manner was belted out islands to the tune oi Canada ihsn there is the enduring treatment oi alcohol This hss boss bsnncd and almost dIrL infect In PEl until very re ccntly when so dsy portraits were Inittstsd for um drinks in cocktail loungu with meals Once an order oi wins to suitsd tn ths charming waitress ombsmssedly inviting ths cus tomer to draw the cork himsslf sndsInceshsdidnotknowhows request for Manhattan was mot by the frank question what do you put in than Fellow visitors Charming Ind all din hted by their re uption as sy mods to the Orsdie oi Confederation visitors from all arts oi Csnsda and ihs Unit Ststes Barons FROM 11x 3y McINIYItE HOOD WNDON the prob Homes For Elderly Pressing Problem ft is found very dliiicult for wei fsrc workers to keep in toads with them Ill so they srn wide li sesttcnsd in nearly every large hucsiasto bowed somsdivlsionof ii reaches One final point irom The Gazette re view might be the list of shortages oi particular skills that are becoming more pronounced across the country machav nists machine operators tool makers fitters welders mouldors sheetmetal workers loom iixers spinners and weavers sewing machine operators auto mechanics soap have been blamed for aifecting vegetation by raising hosphate content oi the water Ve blc chan es as rwellas simple poliu on aifeet its 0n the strength of studies of water of Lake Huron Prof Langford as the us Health Department warns tsmination may reach disastrous inten ere would be an economic penalty attached to abandonmentvof the sailing which keeps winter roads in goodcon dition But the effects would not con stitute an emergency while sharp chang esin the chemical burdenoi lake waters DIEFENBAKER ANDJHE FLAG Mr Diefenbaker is sorry spe tacle these days Not becausehe poses the overnments fiahpolicy but cause he What is Mr is trying peak in Augustand Septem er between the first quarter and early fall of this year it may rise by nearly another 100000 to seasonal eak of nearly 16 million and thereby urther expand Mr assignmenton ttrslameshutdtcrIioiulngAs this Is voluntary at can raced btmgalows ln thelm old people wwld be naturalised and fish In Reading possibly as model to work both sidesof the streetlby ap Ipealingamblguousl to those wholfavcrfthe fled or on sea val Ethan Montrssi Ass moronic um and Wont rum sncounr MI go the overnmen into wh he flatmfls slum all artisan politics on user are ltod Tbs sum and also tits TMHON HM rrss ll of piss issues dim Ign and fill who riavorarnew ila lie is tryln to drive qulc jeleotfoh own his followers wantbutwhlch nee swbilchetsstlilsbictofigbt ryingtoluctbcill sums west love has made unierous unis stake WhilritsinJhlshsswusod marrow Bald Mr Butcher recently went to Holland tosesttismuitistorlsdsputu Pastor Considers Marriage Schocl vrcmsrs toris marriage sdsooittto idea on iinnocisl medical do ale and yiritusl mstisrs gr MW isbyto pre Is ending In Wholesale the slmneoi PASSIONS Mar nomno nuner mam F3qu nouns ions on on shock of mndsrstorrn Tbs pssslcns of the struggle were unturned on gun acts WW8 ad for csn Britain hsd prsssrvsd will of pcwsr on ths Continent colonial oi split stalls and manoeuvre 1h Union asst on lunbost or Latentl color carried threat eitsn sufficed to bring submission At home thssuocsssss of in du and commerce hsd in still ssnsc of plosrsss so ti deep that it srss islt to bars been Godgrantsd itts mantis at war leadership fsli on tbs ubsrsi psrty the roles oi tbs busiosslnsn and the small holder the vsiaicls of reason sud reform It In rstion for the blind it nstioas committed total war Picture csblsst roosting ssrty In the war Almost two dour skilled debtors sstherod around so osis table at to Down io Street with Asquith ss ms minisisr st Ils bssd watching with dsischmsat so his oollssguss worried prob lsm to extinction when not writing detailed lsitsrs to his friends in ionghsnd Herblt Iisnry Asquith onetime clsr sics scholar at oxford would add his own ccmmsnts to tbs Islslgsut cut and thrust of do ills was philosophy oi com promise rsihsr than command and he was man oi psscs thrust into wsr HAIBI ARMY Sat sgsinst him was Held Msrshsi Lord Kitchener of Khartoum hsro oi the British Empire who hsd not spent full ssr in England for four doc es lihis stoolwslmcst mystical warrior oi ths Esst hsd tm sbru tly called by bsfflsd nation relsry oi war oi imagination rs and It would at national rather thsn strictly military resources llis pcrsonsi msgnslism had raised so smy of 1000000 volunteers hut the cabinet hold him In such am that Its civilisn mom msrsly dsmumd as he refused to discuss his do stld Lloyd George the count lswysr from Welsh cot gs who nested munitions productqu from Kitchener Within year he raised weekly production from 70000 shells to one million pacifist beiors tbs war he soon wss csbortlng the British peopleas Asquith never could to the greatpssks of honor ws hsd motion duly psiriob eelL WmtBrélieoh With Thmdemus Shock policy MIconssrvstivss hated him the liberals distrusted him for it Its was the first in the srnmsot to see the possth tiu of the tsnlr super yet up ball the In out oi oi tlcs and some of it in the trsucius as so ssiis from poll cs JOINED GOVERNMENT Andrew Bow Lew was the sat political anchor man who ugtst his rsstivs Torin into coalition govsrnmsnt spent his snsr tethering Wt to its is Glasgow in dustrlsllst hsllla from cansds who had left st it he rs IIId srn for king and country ihls In ubioct of dividsd counsels combining sad rs comhiuing until ulih to me could no longer ho It together lord llshc tits first son lord sr edfcrsstrihsstGrmsn onths Baltic ccssl When sited thor possessed such maps nor wss interested in see That wss the arm This tsmpersmsnlsl sdmtrsl built the worlds most magnit Icsnt battleships but virtusll Isnored the submarine thres liis huge creations were gsmv bled st Jutisnd in cisqu use vsl scfpleca that solved little and brought serious British losses The British Expeditionary arcs in France was none mandcd by General Sir John French vsln man and TODAY IN HISTORY Alfl the United as annexed Hawaii siter being rs ousstod to do so by the Island republic or years sgo In 71914 But ths outlrnsrs was corn promiss They run gins sons men solos Incisnt Isles and iii as It then was och thu soou force to push ahead nor saou coursgsio sdmrt do fest miss snny hold out for yssr until it wu brought homo Then all was committed to tits Western Front the enter nsrs had lost sort the only six tsgy lslt wss attrition Tbs ehiif executor of strnv tsgy was Mitchs successor General Sir Douglss list so susters Scotsman with We torin islth tic hsd mind like ruthless calculating msdtlas ft sonod that the Allies hsd bsgun with mom men sod would svsa tusliy triumph by brutsl human subtraction History sod the British cpeople record our chin isg is in tislgs favor hs us right At home ths rts drove out tbs smstsurs oyd George orgsuiud smil it wsr csbinel sending Asoth into retirement and destroying the Libcrsl party In ths process of himself prime mloistsr MILITARY Dim The cabinet forths first time ran by an agenda kept minutes and msds rogulsr decisions But the more dstcnniasd the lovenunsnt became tho more the seasrsis sad srlmlrsis feared it The mutual suspicion continx nod to lhs After it huge losses of Psaschendses gained not an inch of territory Lloyd Gsorss refused to send more men As Into ss isnus ms Lloyd Georgy lsrc his attitude as one of profound dissatxsisc lion and strust of the army sad sssslcd the war otfics as todayin lost stsil sucrotton and extravagant in men cccdcd in Its long bid fol statsh In less when it became he both state nilPresident Rocssvslt and Prime Ministsr Church IlI met at sea to drsit the Atlantic Charter illsChurchill met Stslln In Moscow where they ro sfiirmed their sllispos against the Axis powers en sled in the Second World sr SOPnor WATER IIECIRCALIY wars mono and materials lie be have the generals wsrc picn oing srcoug ihs sensruls so euscd bioy Gcorgs oi medd lingsnd evenxing Georll su them heave th the experts the English cement General Erich budendorff oi lifts rt Germany tint libs its ws know rs IIsd Gena oral Max lioiimsnn thst they are lions led by donkc AND IT cosrs YOU outs MchH so our tr