the Illldldddllï¬ newly mm moms news PORK IMPORTS UP IN CANADA Pork Imports em up sharply In Canada last year in line with an Increase in port consumption In Eastern producers Increased their output substantially while in micro Canada to duotlon totals ed no ads Department Arlgcult phat Population Oi Farms Has Dropped Sharply By KEN 0AM 0A Maldona Ihere have been many chao gss In our rural communities oi Ontario This brlei de scription oi some oi these chan gas their cause and aiisct In ml in Ontario 18 per cent of the labour iorce was employed on the am and by 1061 this was reduced to only 72 per cent This was not on tlrely caused by Increased poplt oiatlon In urban areas but reduction oi the total num er and tension For example In root we had so per cent taw er ismers then In ml Why did this change take lacsl Mainly because at two portant Iactors lhe isrmars not Income was much lower than wages paid to labour in Industry Ihacost price squeeze Why did he tannars not In come as cant oi gross In ooma dc Ina when wares In other segments oi the economy were rising It seems that people can only eat so much and the Increase in ability to produce iood has iar outstrip ed our Increase in population and exports causing surplus oi supply over demand and therelore It is uausily buy ers market tor iarrn products EXAMPLE For It example at the in creased production per term lrom tees to 1951 term else has inneased onlyepercent where as the number at cattle per term has Increased irom 175 to 329 an Increase oi or per cent The number at milk cows in creased irom 72 to 130 an In Diseaae Hits Poultry Flock Chronic respiratory disease Chm causes large number oi poulir carcass condemna tions at aughtcr plants inspectr ed by CDAs Health at Animals Branch Federal veterinarians are in terested In two main approaches to tackling this disease which has been causing heavy losses toTKroducers iar man years disease In assoc ated with pleuropneumonla like organ Isms new Although other disease iaciore are also involv ed one of the best controlc Is the establishment oi PPLDiree breeder Ilocks based on blood tests Progeny Irom such stock would undoubtedly bring about reduction in carcasses con demned ior respiratory diseases but there la dilticulty Poultry breeders require more knowledge and experience In setting up en vironments that can he guaran teed iree irom pathogenic FPLO Only limited but iavorahle amount of data In available on this subiect at present Dll EGG secohd approach to the con trol oi CitD In commercial broil Her chiclss Invelvuythe use olvsn antibiotic It aims at ireetng young chicks lrom PPM trm sssltted via the egg orcontract ed during hatching This can be attempted by dlpglna hatching er Into an ant to solution lb ore Incrshatiou In such man ner that the antibiotic penetrates the eg contents eiiectlvely it can so be attempted by in jecting anpanllhlotlc solution In Largelscale upalm an antibiotic that In credited with specilte control at cm were cerrlcdfont recently In Canada andedecrease in carcasshlion arena 01 ntlhs num ber oi hogs ncrsssed irons the to or be per cent Farmers have had to pay tor this Increase he production by Increasing their capital invest msnt irom sense In less to 010915 In iDdl timer constant dollars which Is to per cent Incr but they were able to do It with 17 per cent saving In labor which helped to oilset the Increase cs Ital expense The Ontario armcrs not In come as per cent oI hla cash income has been steadily or choice as result at the situa tion described In the previous section It has declined irom dd per cent in ml to 818 per cent In 1901 This decline In not Income means th to have the me real Income in me mar must reduce cost per unit produce more units or both This iiow oi labour trom the tarsal to other sections at the economy might have been more rapid except the armor is not as mcbileflaa many other types oi labor For example many tumors are In the code age group with their roots well established In the commun Ity and would rather have lit tle lass iinancially then leave neighbors triends church etc Lack oi training ior other types oi employment In considera tion as well as eetheiic values such as owning his own land being his own hossLetc in democratic private en terprising nation such as ours economic growth Is cred one oi the frlorit goals at the country so terns have con tributed more to this than any section of the economy In rel ways He argeiood up ply at noble cost there reelng greater pe ant oi th nsumsrs enrol pure ass othsr loods vices which In turn re more employment whch In creases economic growth He has urc amounts rns arm labour The isrmer released power to produ more and services which give tlon more economic growt Predictions seem to Indicate that this trend to ewes tarm ers and larger in and the plight oi overproduction and surpluses will be with us ion several years yet in view ot these changes and the prob able chan es to come term people mtg do well to consid er those areas Iiow do those changes eiiect our needs ior education oppor tuniileel How do these changes eiieot our community organisations churches recreation etc How much emphasis should be placed on Industrial growth lo callyt la the present system at local govsmmsnt suitable In light at the changes which have taken place and are likon to continue uwrswmm Wrwmwm WhyWM wprvyv 75 trr We even xv =r65icce in Ask Changes InProcluction ALIJmeetautv on Iculture experimen explained these mix at Lbs Allis and snow material In out or con oi dampin oil new Isrtl reesmmeo dedhlmisIldadior tobacco seed beds It will re plaoo the rrevlously used 10 dd aoaiy no new Iertiliur Is hither no lower In pot sasna orcantese should applied and alter the McCann said low percentage oi potash the dry weight at tops hs area Incanilmatars aod the height oi the tent in centimeters was highes Mr hlcCenn said Also the num ber oi ants par arm was lowest ed the lowest percent sse oi potash Iha hosphata Increase In the seed iortillser helps root development he added Itorsodren Morton Soil Dram oh la the new material tor control oi damping cit Ihle gellingfldgncnhltcen app green house watering sy by hose proportioner or band wat cant ttr meet an Itlsooteotewii irlckyto measurements must be exect Morsodren In elisciive lainst exist disease and acts prevsu etlve too 50 EASY Mr hlcCann cautioned now not to overdose the seed use hiorsodren while the seeds are germinating Allevl about two emits be tw applications he caution ed Otherwise youll get some nearlo plants with lost sionnl yellowish cast to the leaves Mr McCann explained the cur rent resulte irons teats being conducted at the experimental term at Delhi on several chem Ical weed killers These tests be going on ior three and are still incomplete We are not recommending any at these yet he said We need additional years oi testing to deto no thelrintluenca on last on ty So is the experi mental weed killers are most eiiscti restart the annual Wadd naitsveeds soldi rams sy cope an ac with the pennnial weeds sued ou cit grass and beta SEEK DOG LINCOLN Enlllnd CF Farmers here in Lincolnehire are starting drive against killer ï¬n Alterb rcï¬nt mass sheep tighter as double ï¬nch the madey protects oi the atiooal Parmaa Union has decided to otter or reward tor Inionnatlon leading to the cap tune oi the dogs CHRONIC respiratory dis pienis Inspected by theCaa being put to curb the ease CflDt causes large ada Department at AgriouI disease Canada Department number or poultry carcass turea henlthoianimals branch oi Agriculture photon condemnationa at slaughter large scale experiments are Visit Historic PIaeos oi InterestIncluding one Royal airy She Canada last to it million pounds the Most in more than cede Canadian ch tear also ruched iorth section partnesnt oi Agriculth dairy products division Can Dept oi Ag riculture pho spectl Purity Of Cheese At Higher Peak Canadian cheese last year reached new peak oi purlle record 121000 cheese sans lrom inotories across Can were tested ior extraneous matter In me reports Oliver White chlei oi In ction and grading tor Canada lllr ment oi Asrlcuituros products division The number Is an Inc of 11000 irom 1m and d000 more than the previous high set In Ihese wssl Iorelgn matter than ever In cheese ed last year and record cent oi the samples were Iound suitlcieutly tree oI sediment to air quality tor Canada First Grade The percentage Is an Increase oi one per cent over that oi the pnvious three year seven per cent over 1961 an gale oi es per cent over 1001 the ilrst the dlvtslo cheese testing laboratory Choose production In Canada last year amounted to 1550 million pounds the highest In bu more than dec Wllh such nrga produc tloo the manuinclurasu are to be commended Ior maintaining high standard oi cleanllnï¬srs In their plant operations White said Intprove Qualin Iiiogs By Arti sciai Insemination Interest In mounting In the sliniiIes uttered by extensive use oi artiiiclal Insemination in the swine Industry ln Canads commercial In szna had Its be Innings In Ontario in 1962 Aout 1000 laws were inseminated durln the year and 70 per cent them ierrowed to one service In Britain about new lows were InsemInaIed In use In Norway the Inseminatgg centers will service about lemales In teen in Japan about leper cent at the hraedinl iemales are now artliiclally In semioated AJs big advantage In that It nnlts extensive use oi top quality to accelerate Im provIemen In hog cIlniquea oi semen collec tion and Insemination are simi lar to those employed with cattle However boar semen must be used within so hours oi collection to maintain good Ill conception rate As yet no set IsIaciory results have been ob tained with Irazenhoar semen At the CDAs Brandon Ex perimental Farm swinaAl re search hee centered on diiierent aspects oi sperm Iornsatlon and on rm production by boars at Ierent breeds reports Dr Swlorstra CONDUCT more in tests at Brendon semen was collected every other day ior two months ram 12 one narold boars The animals were thenslaughtered and their testes exasnined to determine YDU CHNT MISS SHVING WITH P5P the actual number oi sperm produced per day These studiee revealed tht such treaucnt collections not Iniurous to the or was concluded also that lily more sperm were produced by the re roductlva system than were telned in the collections Iirtiilelal breadth programs with dairy cattle ave shown that the only way oi making real breedingprograu Is by rapid testing oi young bulls and by using superior tested sires extensively The same prin ciples up to Al In swlus ArtiiicfaIi pchaIIy attractive to those is keep only low breeding sows Not only It permit them to obtain the an ces oi an outstanding bo but also avoids the possibility oi spreading diseases that may occur when boars are minted SPEEDY DAN BRANDS HATCH Engisnd tCPCaiiiornia racing driver Dan Gurney recently broke the lap record at the Kent trs ootcblna one minute and sec onds or to notice an hour Hts prise was too bottles oi champagne See slitrattan oi operation oi It mm armoryaw V11qu Aurawwmwmw arm MIMWEWWW county Harvest In Full Swing Crops Improved IIIWAM MOI sandman luresmt low ever but the uallty was excellent rthe mos past to slmt periect haying we Ibar mile oi the second crop oi hay Is in pro cese et the cunt time but com and potuto crops on the other hand appear to be coming along much better In re cent weeks Mott torn IIaIds aralntulitsasoiaodaresob hing up well The members oi the North 81mm Soil and Crop Improve ment Association essioyed Bus to York County on July it over e00 members Irom North aim Joined In the Doug which was organised and dir ected by otIIccrs oi the Asso ciation with Donald Boll More rIs Derby and Alan Scott In deem Calls won made at the dairy term oi Glen hmrray and the 9hme Research Farm Maple Pioneer Village and th Massey Mssou Farrrss hill Illtsn Reports trom the tour In dicale that everyone had an en celled tiny Baker 34 Several hundred ml at oats Charged In Murder Case orsrdaedgrainlnthemarlsoil north oi aipston were severe VANCOUVER CPIA yearold baloer was char damaged with losses Saturday with two coum oi Ifll none 25 to it per cerium in patdses 100 per cent lbs loan capital nnsrder in the twoonn oI stile slaying oi teen would have been much greater sac Ior action in glgothearts peer Nanaimo tr intesth teldn with isonbswn bait and spraon Ronald one Ingram op beiolrxelti by tom the air is aeroplane in submim Norih Van bit shrunken due IIirswtba dry weather In early July All names The outbreak was serious actor on corteidar able asunber or terms this can Amywornu From the la est Inion canyon and was remanded with out have some 700 stares we wed by three aeroplanes out piea until Aug in Near olnro He Is ottergod In the ethyl oi Diana Phipps and tails Dixon befall 19 ietaity shot ncaiibre riile In location eiabt miles upset Oct Id 1062 killer made his original so tack on the couple in Nan atmo Iovers lane Police said Ingram cam here trons Nanaimo year ago lie was arrested tor Questioning thisyenrsxcoptdntwsnhoutd boon the watch or damag In mandrasosta ChromeEdged Knives srsvsnsne lose AFTER rose Chromitdged Kai as stay sharp chop more tone at ï¬neécut fora In addition the cutter bar In laced with tungsten carbide for longer life BelectACut transmission gives you short medium or long lengthviorage with push of lever The Gehl ChopAll gives you troubledree woe saving chopping konstha ï¬rst load oi bay to the last Iced of com All this plusltha shortest nsost malicem out silage available name moorr as Farm Progress Show It was proved that you can get up to 28 more silage In you silo with Gehls short out meanderinsoummi PIIIITBID TRAC 0R SERVICE No annals HIGHWAY rs norm in MN worm pr €er umrs 7282752