vurvmrmnn rem vw nrw Ymmnmï¬ï¬Wvpï¬rwmï¬qF Wrmrnwnaaemeumwwmwmww armWW srslwmmmraveenereuooerem Small Turnout sees SellsGray Circus the Soils and Grey circus ttoupe pitched tents to trans torm Barrlea Irene rounds into world lmaa tor younaetcrs yesterday Nearly 600 people turned out tor the etternoon perlnnnence Atten dance in the evenins drew only 300 Clowns Pepitoend CheChe were the ounaetare iavorites Maxie trio and trained dose helped them keep the kiddies laurth Baianclns acts acro hate ee hanta and horses put the chit en on the edre oi their seats ihe adults set back and art eyed the peace the show or em at best was mediocre ttreirasinnolndyl An as mp coeiume lost her smile when dishes she had splnninl ontop oi poles began to drop So many dishes broke she tlnally took one in her hand and smash ed it on the around She went back to toning rinse in the air She tried this baton the plate episode but had to give up When the rinse dropped Amtherpertormer ltnnn Mae the elephant wns ammunced with great tentere oi cations and drums The 39yearold an imal trundled in and out she returned with trim later in the prorrern to do simple routine Two sousstriane entered the end rings They walked their animals around pertormed couple of simple trioire smiled and ialt Candymen threaded throueh the audience eellinl their hith prlced wares BM Ac the be Troupe received headline the tour we men and one men stand the only really good set Key to their pertormence was belencv in on live balls sideshow provides steamer variety cl ecte hwordewailewer Alex Union put dealers sews end swords down his throat end ielt the audience amexed An announcer picked up sleepy noncheient snake He save the audience peek end returned the reptile to its hex Thienneandamareerhonr etsow oi shows was sponsor ed the Royal Canadian Air gored Aseodeiton on Wine Meetings To Be Held its Usual Puhlie works committee meet Innwlilbeiseldesusulldtn ins counclia Ausuet new Aid Smith said today Rou tine eornrnltmente and corre spondenoe mutt dealt with Aid Smith said the recess wiil permit no holiday tor him now Council is scheduled to meet in September bed is ear pec spec meetlrua eeriled to deliwlth meat meta Competition Opens Today Children trom many parts at theeorm eretlhin art oceCoun whom amigo ludlins titl en comps on heinl held at Bends Fair Grounds As in past years the com mon is cooperative etlort een the North and South hlmcoe departments of alrlcui TothG gentleman hove ponders the beauty ot some cotton candy utter yel terdeys circus performance The Selle and Grey show weer presented in the atternoon and evening onthe harrie ema munde Here defldeen poser center trom the on top toilowhrs an the one and quarter hour nl analgesiaat ternoon show shoulders provide an axe entvlewJor this little miss in tile photo at left am ensrossed lathe sword swailowinsantiu at perlonner Alex Linton at the at the alternoon sidestesw thixnminer Photos ream raters GRAIN WNNIPEG CHGrain ex clue as ture and the Junior Farmers groups in the county Ten classes with indeed in the oompetltton ineludlns two classes at bed two or dairy and one class Mugwa use sheen red clover and doate Five of reasons will be required tom competitors Sen tor Junior and novice sections will be altered so that each con testant will be competing with those in the same size mule Ten prius will he uttered each section as wall as several special prizes tor individual honors an SOUND Porpoisee make two kinds oi sounds whietie mm their larynx and clicking noise from their torehesde ceramic ee and last year ttlyweehnot are mixed proper ex polioethisyeerwttlheipireep theaowderndcoontmi Day Camp To Begin Monday Egg gig E3 is 55 agree if igt rt 53 ea eltsatlemthebus turn the children wim oernpniosesettpm Parentsereaekedto children Cost ot the twoweek camp is mm or member and Equipment Expected To Be Installed At Park Next Week Swim and neerynormnd sirouid be hotelier In Keelsoy Park by next weeir The six acre site sdtacent to tlsejtmidete Road coil course is cumnlly helng roamed by Pm Depsrunere WWI The installation oi plevmne equipment at Kcaesey Park has been delayed several times this summit by heavy workload Wind terms haveoreated ex TODAYS STOCK PRICES compute by you Danton at am INlWIllIAlsl Bone flrtdli D11 nom viii none stores Alumqu hurts Dist Deni0th 011 Cdn Aviation sheen emu Pawie canurnas con Paper cone Gee aetn Bible as milL me Dent rm inter Uliilliu interpretHM InnkI Gitlh hat Idle Paw Riv Massey hr Noranda Nor Ont TN Item can loin Pore Paetdr Pete Pam Pisa gala Ham on he Netse ll Sank ggiasgeun i8 eater sé9 8=== thh gtn in two woolen Dischg has been completed Keareey Park will serve chil dren in the northwest corner oi the city its land was partly derived mm the required park allotment tram the Castle Prob aides Ltd subdith and pant ly donated by theiata Clarice Kearney Vandalism is low in arirs this year accordlnl to par depart meat superintuition Jim Sav are The reduction is the result extra valk patrols by the city Police and Emergency 0r jenizetion oilicers he said BiiYiiiONT PARK amen iiitiill woman ted to municipalities to prepare misc ideas was lortunate deadline was maxed iron AW to November the protect should be in their government hands now he comm tte said he will use ms to summarise misdplfiletmwtmutp Meanwhile council Is ned The noses isnt quite no em deoupieeii his tillagel st hls Czdar We oh limit II all business lie is chairman ot permit tea at to lent tech ï¬ance in trite tor Barrie committee will soon be with Department at Educe on etiicteie Thunderstorms Predicted Friday Showers thunderehowers end oioudlnese are predicted tor Friday to the Barrie area but the temperature is apected to blag ermer imaovler were are wee high recorded at noon at The Examiner was ioioe Semny and cool today Pride variable cloudiness led warmer with tow scattered showers and ttrundsrehowers minds today westerly re 15 Southern White River Three ami Algoma northern Geor sten Bey regions North Bay Sudhury Sunny and little warmer becomin cloudy this atternoon sue on murder showers late today tonight and early Friday Variable cloudi neaeandahttleoooiethida Whids light becominl southxy Kin re to 25 this alternoon and west arty id to Friday Northern White River rane western James Dev to alone Variable cioudbms and warmer today with scattered showers end thrmdeeehowers Friday snow with cloudy pen northeasterl rtods and cooler Winds south eriy to to no today westerly it to 15 Friday Marine Weather NNONN tCPl Marine forecasts issued by the ibrootu weather cities at me am himddhtmdddwea to eouthmt is to re insole ehtitlnn dwellerrem landfllhie sanityester 25m and to north west to to 20 knots content his time Georgian Winds iiKht easterly beconung south to sombeast to to to knots Lake Ontario Wind iiaitt heeomlns settle to sou 10 to hereto telnet lair itï¬lriamiiih ey Windsor as 55 I5 55 til 52 as to as or so aasgaaaaaaaasssa Saigon Reports North Viet Nam Leader Resigns MIGON Meterst South Vietnamese press and radio toe dey published report that North Vlet Nams Communist lander Ho Get mm had so stated and been replaced by he Dream party men with strm WM do when you move when error one nmncrsi rows the scrutiny oi local children ed to two small homes no thisboy and girl take sions terdey at the arena srounds diariee prices eased all in opens Tar aimy roemlrogvltgem in trade today umr tensions lilciwnod Wam$ifrtddu dmiuJWï¬ tsuders eyes iv rename 0° lnduatrteis up ma doher tomqu massaged new hairy Bold iID ï¬lial It 15 Gill It 10 Claims =Pr0iéct 0119 Yearjï¬wavé used in Northrhay The Mice and cltycomrnittee toured the North Bay alterin June Barrlea city development committee andtfloyal Canadian lesion brunch 147 continue to ponderthe ibiiityat sent cttiu nous n1 for rent an Recent Central and otilciais used int cltleen hernia hearthehub why and theme Octoberidlie liner denote We lower October rye this it lower October raw seed one lower Nougmbq mnmntcat mm cream add Miter prices Board have such houev Aalouiteuai Recreation Cornmittee tenderable come to close thisovarian Six Closes Tonight Thereix weeh retardation bro amrsponeored by the Barrie wli at the annual Awards nigh will be presented wi mine crest and all have mo monochrome ice bud Week raglan new ssevrc THE Vac BUDGET spreads HEATINGPII Spveod yew tare Uymem unitounly loiipaymentrsesn ov MA ï¬equmidwhtev hills when fuel expenses nngsoeseiiy heattee Call is todqu isieiohonddtt rnoua 728 246 meter ereesr mildew Werentioetese el WWWn tom an civic earmarkedn ietuehnow MaseruKane giihetrieie ateem our ransom warnum