1er revv ismn momw STROUD MRS DWIOIn NELSON It you are intrreeted In an tique there are booka to the heel library that tell how to Identity but loll Minifl and tore lor them For email ice you may have access to pleas tnle Rldllll ot ilttlon trav cl hiatoIY nuatery SHORTIIORN DAY ltira Joyoe Sproulc who is director oi the Ontario Show horn Lassie Aasoclatlon has been training tvll glrla tor the annual competition which they attended last Ituesday at Guelph Colleze Mlaa Rosemary Vesey oi Vascy won the titis titre Lassie oi Slmcoe County ior 19 MM GREEN On July 29 death came to Mrs Arthur 1an Ma Geor ulna McKinley this nodular arlon spent most oi her tile in Stroud until her removal to Toronto alter the death oi her husband about mo tire Green was Amity beloved tor her quiet iriendllness and neighbor 1y thoushtiul ways ATTEND FUNERAL Mr and lira Charles Sprouts visited in Toronto last week with the latters sister Mrl ircd hialusltr who with her husband nccnmpnnled them to Sonata where they attended the luncrai at their alaicrlnlnw Mrs John Alpine Mrs Alpine had been in her usual health and entered hospital tor mu She went In to coma and never regained consciousness She was hurled In Sarnla July Jo While Mr and Mr Spendlli were vialtinl irlcnds in Toronto they had the plluure at at tondng the Stratlord Festival when they saw the Country Vlia Rcrldanu oi the vlllaae were pleased to hear the old rink le to he removed it has been gradually disintegratini the last to years 0n Auii Mr and Mrs anton Harris Dnnny and Mary Minded the sinner Iamlly re It Went Pll Mid Aitar several weeks went in U8A William You is It llll month ot the unity eonun extended to Vernon Beieakl whose mother paed any ln Barrie last week Alter months holiday rd relatives In Manitoulin lire and Maureen sharlnl Cathy came home Ann Miss Cerv lyn Armatrone remained on the Island with her lrmdmother Last week Reeve and Mrs Codarane animd boat trip on the Muskelra Letter and sever al days holiday at Alonquin ho tel Port Cariiltl vililTORl Mr and Mrs lame Show Coll swood tir and Mrs Rob ert nAdama and children 1hr onto ilira Alice Dove Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Sydney Sweet and children Barrie and Cllarnca Allicjtlllï¬t Heathcote rs Seymour Iiuohlruon Mr and tire was ley Watch Monte with EN nest and Sadie Wench Danny Itarrla with his uncle Ron Harris Grentel Mrs Kent Mill er and Marilyn illnuae Jaw Mr and Mrs William Dales Milton Mr and Mre Arnott Hut tonvllle Mr and Mrs Ii ituthten Alliston Mr and hire Irving Nelson and children rt Dwipht Nelaona curious Ea MRI CAMPBEle Recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Hubert Noel do Tllley and iamily oi Hanmer with Mr and hire Ccall Raven hir end Mrs William Flatt oi hilmico at Gnorps Campbells iiilas Jeu ale Gilchrist oi Toronto with Mrs Campbell Mrs Goddart oi Kitchener spend In work with Mrs An nulls and Miss Elva Moon oi Moons Beach vlslllnl her aunt Mra Bcrt Jamlcson Service in the United Church or the next tour Sundays Au ARoUND Simeon 01llltdlvliibelt am mumonww bensonrlhobeenudehieilnt toCepreoi mammal tire aeorneilohwsoothe nrtvalotaann usurtosV 31 HAMLIN Misses Linda and Judy Neil spent last week in Pointer with their rand mite Mr Mra ii Rsy da and iamlly Min Anna Rewn room tow days holiday with qousiaa to Colllnewood Cline and Larry Rawn enloi ed the Farm Management and Crop Im vemcnt Association tzua trip Ontario Cointy last Wednesday htr and Mrs Pat Cullen Tor onto it been holldayinz with tba itth iamlly Visitors Saturday with Mr and Mn Alert Finlay and iamlly dudsd Mr and Mrs iioyd Pink ertna and iamlly Mr and Wm Jim Fortcater and John oi Ian don lttlasca Annie ttayPlckar in oi Monto and Helen Pick er n1 oi Cclllnxwood Mr and Mrs itay Hall Ray mond and Judy oi Gear stown were weekend vlsltora wth Mr and Mrs Walter Hell and Di IlIO Mlsa Edith Hope oi Toronto war weekend visitor with her mother Mre Gooth Hope and iamlly Sunday visitors with Mr and itira Harry Train included ltllsa Iva Weber oi Toronto Mr and hire Harold Gilchrist Phyllla and Marion oi stayner and Mira iliarlerct Jackson oi Toronto wlho remained tIIl Monday eve Mr and llira John De Gor ter and Jana visited Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Cornelius and Ismlly Wye brldre Vlsllors on the weekend with lira Cinrencs Atktnaon and lliurrsy lncludcdiiir and Mrs Campbell Steele Jim and Her mv vwm oidAtkInson oi We nuimnusmusnaurns lire thy Person and Brad knot crown and Mrs Archie Wnttlael visited Study with William Retatoni at oottm athl lsnwood assets Kr and lira John Wilson WNW id Cline mill Milli mm Buslnssa is Iooidaa up In Allia ton with two new oomantes atertlnl up and many new hom es beinl built The new Dom inion storehaa the inundation our and ccmeru toottou being poured atIsiNItss ADDITION Guild Interiors has built new iurnlturs atore alto the Preabyterian Church vic torla Street West with 1500 square taet oi burlacu iloor agate belldee basement show room They will have iurnltura carpets lamps floorcoverings specialisinl In drapery end ur pea lton Abrama nunouer hopes to move to Allison With his wlia In the near uture He has been employed in the iurnlture and drapery nuslncu ln Barrie ior the paatJuIoara On three big openinn days Iadlra will he preasntcd with rose apiece This will be welcome addi tion to Alllslon buainras TAKE OVER BEATIIES Beaver Lumber00 has tsk on over the Beettle Dumber oi Alllaton The new manner is Eusene Devreau ionnerly menu or at the branch at Win haln Illllllnt manager is Chris Relouw oomlns Irom the St Marys branch Beaver Dumber Co has In stores In Ontario and Ir wall known ior tta producta Alllaton stlcomes them to thlaicornmun Ioantsï¬a vvuuaauyawm mpgpa Web mm 57 ammo MM as me Mr audlurl William shear down and are Math and Mr and hire Allen Moore and lids spent Iast week holidath at lent Recent vtattore with Mr and Mrs William Ortttsodea were lir endlire Steve Wlulfl and Ismlly Palnewld Mr and tin Jack Critteoden and tan to an and um me man sttaashanand iamiiyru an and Mn Jim Cruthera Klr note and Mr and Mra IiacFeddrn Donnie and Brent oi Arnie itira Lush and dwehlrra oi Pcterbmulh ls visitlns her par snta Mr and Mrs Normsn Cook thta week ayuaso men tens we arm iornter passed an Thursday July in Revenue tutorial Hospital Altiatoo all or short Illness ï¬e team to mournonedauhtar Vtolattire Vernon Wire et lrnitiivilia and Cecil at home Three rand dauxtatm trynnVrroe ancilla dra Win as brother John Knox oi Dama vtlie Mineral service was held Set to Anderson Ml home doom oi Rev Mr Holmes interment war at Mount Taut Centetery Paii bearera were Bolton Grimm Bill Bolton MIRA Bradley Ralph ntompson lid Walter Walkem Mr and am Harvey Blunt aon apent the halide in irienda In North Bay Jack and Mn Wine oi dudbury uflsd Monday on the for the that In Feminine FABRICS Ladies we have the Iarl cat Ielcotlnn oi lane organza aaerauchrretc to live you that iemlnlne look to deer to every woman IRobertsons 127 DUNLOP 51 BARRIEON1 Enloy Todays Values Todoyi Open SUMMER FURNITURE CLEARANCE ALL REDUCED FABRICS 7mm II TI IARIII ha SALAD ml THURSDAY AUDUIT home in Fort Ml Flow ride hillI Rhmde Mullins turnod with than or holiday Mr Ind Mrs Fred Macuan RIE SEA FOODS Restaurant Offers FREE Pen Ready Service with FRESH Flah Purchase THIS WEEKS SPECIAL Mackerel Sea tiorrinr Smoked Illlcta Rad docl Sole ftoundrn IM Halibut Prth Red lprinl Salmon Rainbow Trout inb atrra starim Pickrrel Smoked loll Ola core neran FRESH FRESH ONLY NOFROZEN FISH FISH CHIPS Take Our Service run Just For in minor LOBSTER DEEP FRIED PINEAPPLE RING 109 BRADFORD ST Next to Dairy Queen 72643501 Frank Trklruhnrl Proprietor Opcn Mon to Sat ma to Ildovpnrt Sunday pm Is lthi mm CLEARANCEOFFLOOR MODEL APPLIANCES VIKING AUTOMATIC WASHER Model W635 push button prouram selector neï¬r tats To Clear ONLY OF EACH MODEL ALL GREATLY REDUCED 2599 VIKING ELECTRIC RANGE SOME SLIGHTLY MARRro ALI CARRY ruu WARRANTY VIKINGWRINGERWASHER Deluxe mode 3M rollstop wrinser pump and timer Regular 139 95 ToClrar INGLIS 1963 SUPERB 15995 AUTOMATIC WASHER Automatic washer and electric dryer Sold as pair only with washertradein Regular Slim IIVVIKINGIOEHUMIDIFIER 95 MARCONI TELEVISION 574 To Clear Walnut console modoi23pleture 20 watt output six speakers alnut ealr Refqu mos Chairs chalsés suncots umbrella groupings lawn swings snack tables replacement suucot mattresses Shop Early Limited Quantities SHEET GLASS MIRROR 24 30 Two sizes to choose from Rog 649 with etched design and 24 36 plecrust edge Reg795 lliodcl am Deluxe Fully automatic with rotisserie Regularzima To Clear 39990 SPECIAL srrrIAL OLOURFUL TOSS CUSHIONS Several styles and var iety of wonderful col Reg39il ours from which to choose oraeeanarau Regular his ToClaar To Clear Our lowest Price IniYea vIKING 21 sugar HAIFIIIIICE CLEARANCE FREEzERs otelBarkrlolh SIIPCOVEIIS our preseni stéck only at time prim or Cushion Chesteriields Rogues arrctst pacesavers Reg1595 sorted colours and patterns PERSON SPECIAL Reg 249 errant 159 NOWbuy bode In quant lty when prices are QuirkFrom and store Ioruselaterlr SPECIAL these Delicate VIKINO reunites Twin basket Add mum tematiovstc Note vysuor taut no In provideample warranties sdiustable fto mainstream slatan baitcdjeoametilnlsts never auth theatirCanadian materialal you the most storage dollar oiure Buy New