Coatiu to as with Barriauhaund WWW room Ne no Tflllb PNOMI7MPII of i5 moon Ranger was me item an attitude at three mll cr some as seconds beiore flmpsct Viewed with the lar art crater in the upger right and corner North at the top Picture shows an area about one and twothirds mil cs on ride Smallest craters shown are ubout to eat in diameter and lo icet deep One rounded erotar at leit to ward top oi pinto is about Can Land On Space Pictures PASADENA Chili AP Historic pictum taken by lion ger are pretty good evidence mencari land on tho moon without much change required tor spaceships now being delt stsned Thats the consensus oi board at scientists who Friday night released no at the 4810 sensationsltphotographa Ranger snapped in the Host to min liter and so seconds baton it crashed on the moon at one Irn EDT Friday morning Tire that close up pictures ever taken at the moon termed 1000 times better than any mode heretoters irom space traitor with earth telescopes Ihawed that even its vast up parently smooth seas are poclrod with craters some as Jamali as dish There mabe some duaton iiremeon in layers up to toot thick but notdeep enough to bury iandlngrvchicls the scien tlsts concludedend underneath the dust evidence indicates is hard primary isyor Whether it would support the weight at larger manned spaceship can not hedetenniued irom photo graphs alone 10 these conclusions In nouncod sitar several houn study Friduy additional avsiu atlons will be added today at presidential press conicrcnce Dr William Pickering di rector at Jet Propulsion Lubop atory which made ltauger and released the ier pictures leit Friday night in be lament It Whltoilouse session today President Johnsonsorller telephoned congratulations to oring and others at the laboratory which was much critictrtd in recent months tor six straight previous tcliurcs in the 00000300 hunger moon re search program At plus centercnce where slides oi the historic Ranger moon picturss were shown Fri day hi Dr Gerard Kulper oi the unar and planetary sb oratory oi the University oi Ariwnuaaid the most stgniii loltns Election Campaign WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Johnsonhu asked At torneyGeneral ï¬ohcrt Ken nedy to monuge his presidentiol campal luiormed sources said They said the utter was made Woduesday at the same time Johnson told Kennedy he was eliminating him irom consider ation or vicepresidential con didsle iha otter is reported to be under consideration dont want to get into that Kennedy said Friday when sailed about re rta oi the otler betoro hs lstt or annla Port Maaa tor the wee cod This akctchy account oi the White House meeting hes coins to light trom several urtiesflin position to know ohnson summoned the as main attorneygauaral to the its House and told him ha was not being considered tor the second pot on the Democratic ticket nd then the president suggested that Kennedy con sl er taking the Job or cam paign manage the tsalt he sodlcdior his brother the lsta rlrmldent John Kennedy in La ar presidential advise renonro cirr LATE Township seeks Mariners Injunction Modems Township near Drillla tiled Mchorge Bondy carryover from the Kennedy administra lion coiled the sttomsyganerai presumably It Johnsons crt He wondered whether Ken ncdyshouidnt voluntarily with draw trons vice preld consideration perhaps by looking such decision to newspaper columnist Kennedy declined log out their as attorneygeneral he shouldnt be andwamt rennin tor moviespres and that to announce thdrowal would seem ridiculous ZliiiledJnjured In TwoÂ¥tiar Crash PEMBROKE CmTwo sons were killed and tweo err iniurcd in twocar crash Fri day night onHighwa ll lust waste this town to es north east oi Ottawa One oi the ured was in criti fag condition hospital early oy The victims were the drivers at the twocsrsélirank Gal i1 oi Pembroke and Melville lol lsir oi nearby Petawawa cntiair pllcstian Friday at Osgoode ilall tor solniunetlon rostralnlng any 15 Victim rumours ioiitsong icP Iiha bodylois Kuhn woman found slslnlsst subiuban Valighsn Tower to ltch has been identiï¬ed Joiner 21yearold newly married walircu irom provel ttmeispen Fridays malutnrgctslor op norm sob leetln diameter say scientists at Jet Propulsion Laboratory and hss an angu lar rock mass in its center which mi ht possib be nsihis or its girl AP irephotoi Moon Revea cant thing about them is lirat they reveal no unanticipated problems to be met in the de sign oi moon landing crslt Barrie Ontario Can SCAN Editors Claim Interierence Resign Posts RON cPiliivs editor iai statt members including editor Ken Leiolli ruined Pri dsy from Mscleaos Magazine or what they termed mama ment interterm in the li cationa editorial ind uses it McEsdrern viceproal dent in charga ot the msgsslna division ct Mscleanllunter Pub lishing Company Limited said that only Mr Wollia reatm lon had deiloilaty been so copied to other no Peter Gm siri managing editor Harry Bruce reports and reviews edi tor David Lewis Stain assist ant editor and Robert NIKON stall writer met with Mr Me Eachem Friday to discuss theh resignations in statement sitar the mast lug Mr McEIchern said he was unable to corulrm any cuter editorial changes Mr Bnres said he thought further tsiits with the measle rneatt are scheduled Quéen To Spéak OliAWA OP While all the eoiortul details am still to be titled in the program for the Queens visit to chariottotown and Quebec City in October is one at contrasts between the two provincial capitals SINGER MISSING Country music star Jim Reeves was apparently rm private plane believed crash edncsrrvNashvllle Tenn His piano player Dean Manual also was aronti on miss iug erait AP Wrephoto Immigration Dept Target gFor MPs WAWAJCPT lha opposi tions rrrencio us on money blli corn let oneweek stand in the morons Friday andis expected to run well into next wselm The measure would glva the government orcopoonoo in in tsrim spending authority tor August ond September flooding ng males lhbipunicmoo him Jï¬miwiilybe no edition of on asrglsl Euxluiiéllllflpigl Vi ii llcatlrnryfwlil be resurnadion ltresdsy mostly indoors and more lormal the early evening oi Monday town lithesen is too rough theywiii drive to Charlottetown trayGee and go aboard theyscht in that new memorial theatre The outline snrvmnced by Prime Minirler Pearsons attics Friday indicates the Charlotte town visit will be largely inton msi with open sir ceremonies and childrens rally at the on hibition grounds 1hevlsttoQuebeewllibe an exchange oi addresses in the legislative building mili tary ceremony in the Citsdel state dinners hnachoorrs and re captions Fridays mermeement said the program tor the Queens subseqth visit to Ottawa will be made public later when plsn nine to turtior advanced The Queen and Prince Philip will fly it BOAC aircrsit to summorsl PEl arriving in Oct ii Altar en oiiieial welcome it are conditions permit the Royal Couple will go aboard the royal yacht Britannia in summerside Harbor and sail tor areslotto more sheltered harbor fihe Charlottetown grong tor Tuesday starts wt cere monies marklntha format on trier era on em and unveiling at commemora tiva plaque ltoliowed by tcsrlo the evening the Queen and Prince Philip will attend spe cial royal pertonrrsnca in the position crlflciam warsithe CBC and the immigration depart mont Liberals bro it their weaklong Ilium briefly to dis cuss iorouws taxi problems but it remained to opposition MPI to do most oitho talking Arnold Peter tNDPt iimis taming blasted id isbister newlynamed deputy minister ol citizenshipand immigration as an autecr uunuslltlsd citi cial sod hin broadLv that he should be replaced Andrew lirawintNDP lon onto Greenwoodt Justice him up gumr swaswiwmwwm wwwmmwm sa ammoniaw sarursay August moor resolutions nrscuo Myespold not Howey oi bondon Ontario ahows how he cut ed locked windfalrgzothéxsi uu Probé macarorcp Windfall 011s end Mines Ltd stdtercd spectacular collapseon the Ten onto Stockjfgrchange Friday tollewtug newsot worthless mayors the iiiztmdélil hole at its iirmnlnsma gs Sharing the spotlightrwith the collapse Friday was on fair nouucerncnt by Ontario Attor rthur Wishart that an investigation into trading at the mkdhdrw ordércd irliy hit two lays assay tiridtuuwers reliant The stoclr Which had closed at so lhrrrsday baton the as II results were irelcsscd openedst sorcentaziriday alter aonrinuta ay andlater ral lied to baton slumping ister iiIvrsau shd Hubert Bed anal arilamurtarn to im grationvhin bin medlslely rushed ls steradai anomliw cu moo go so tivo oiiicllln MrsBadsirIicsiisd on Mr Peters to wilhdrsnghls vicious stink resins itwss uncalled lorwsnd geoutrury to and taste house through milk chute to some threcyearold damsel in distress leunie Csughiin ca thphoto 1041 at market ciManuA to tal oi 1374491 shares estranged hands Spacuiators have oiten garn bladnrere than 61000000 day in Windisil since rumor iuiy that voluahlebsse metal strike hadbeeb made tin its claims tour miles mm the tin innocence copper silver sine atrike by Texas Gull Sulph near iimmtru last ihs rumors sent the stock im Momdow at at cents to to Id$5i0iirls montir But the rumors were dis counted Thursday night wiser company President George MaeMllianasmeuoced that the tlret drill hole had tatiedto tlnd conurretciai ere vol Pr Weather lastscloudy muyw iedsIadwarmerDundsy totsihtu Mmmary espontwe Highsuadayac Netvmrs Than ParCepyJ Papas NA FACE CYPRUS CHARGE One licensed Ol Urging denomination Oi Makarios NIOOSIA OP Cans dlan UN soldiers were in Cans dtancustody today and lacing drum one sitar slitMU tcii log group at GreekCypriots that Cypriot President biaharloa omit We iii as er upon GreebCyprlcts when he wan and to treat at their position this discicsrn cams several hours alter the 00qu Cans disn totes suiieacd its tint tstsi hint 857 mm March soldier in the Boys Cans Dugoons idssrtiiied by army headquarters in Ottawa Campbell at New at Greek in rams gusts bar the 01pm prob lem would not be solved until idsksrlos Greek Orthoch archbishop was dead and he also insulted Gmhcypriots The Canadian Provost kg Investigated with the help at Mahhl conupmdhi to sm lusta and Greek ot police Portia was hidsy by the Provost prs and MW to Nicosia tor detention peed ing iurther invastigstlou and probable disciplinary scion raccoon sosr the second hddent econrod on an get lost and wandered into renown can and armed ommm tlons iuat north or Nicosia AtiuitedNIltecsnportastd windy tire Greeks saw his shadow The Msksrlos incident was alleged to have tam place mmmueemm townot Pentagon which nadian troops use as leave each report ill the Nicosia daily new Mairhl said Canadian at car nrernbersotthr guaisaidistn several shotalali their headquarters building than won on casualties or serous damaae reported antain Rtiasicr Beck Nuclear weapons Treaty Moseow Routers ant sin and Russia gays Joint back log to the ideal ot an interna tional treaty to halt the spread oi nuclear weapons in ioint communique issued here today The communique was signed by British Foreign Secretary It Butler It the end oi visit to Moscow during which he had talks with Premier Khrumhchsv and ther Soviet leaders the Sovi news agency has repofled rBrltaln and Russia also an nounced agreement on talks to draw up colander convention and increase cultural as changes but the communique showed iittieagrcemcot on other world issues such as Laos Germany land European security gt The comli us said the two sides sxchang viswaVou the sub ect oi Laos which played an mportant part in their talks inicnncd sources said Friday night the Soviet Union aiectcd British couditloos ior tion Laos couiarelwe posed byfliuasis ih eommuniqua said the common aim should be patient and constructive uegoilstious on preserving world peace sdd ing that everything possible should bedone to widen areas at agreement cases ESSENTIAL The communique said both sides again couiirmsd their cool victicn that the saisguardingot peace in the nuclear age is oi primaryrintercst tor aliataiel regardless oi distinction in their political and social systems The common goal theratere should be patient and construc tive talks aimed at seeking pcacetul and mutually accept able solution or disputed rotar national problems The cemrnuniqus said broad change at views on interns tionai problems too place The sides discussed questiond on which exchanges of vlawa now arcunderwa in reapcc nt thaconaoll stlonot United Nations mechanism io maintaining peace They expressed readiness to take part in turthsr exchange oi views on these questions