mvwWW men runawayTYemmmuaWormmmrflwgm anw mm Queens pane Studies Compulsory Arbitration Plane Gino licorice Mammoth ii Wilson Cicero loom mm ll me Psao note more on cool uisory Ireltreuoo 30 illiielrieï¬iooï¬silylvoiioo Insults For S1rW1nston in nelt committees which lectured Mum latlï¬n and in Nov beetle erlIl sbor Gimme Nitrite es Very Hard To Comprehend hi the love moo on compulsory bargain may soiu oporItI tire be To the teen not direct oltel concerned sprint either the many Ovensoo titest Britst it is IId commentary oi our timeI vssion the whole world was doomed when insults Ire shouted It Sir Winston North America might htvo hold tor Churchill probably the greatest living timo but not too long with tho Japanese Ilemoot or him side at ind dropped 10 id eyelemh man oi the contemporary ago soonntood 131mm on the 1mm hum Mwa mum lt hep oned to tendon the other dIy tiernont looiu like In 13 which on been uttll and mus have brought tooling ot rm We shall go on to the end whatever 1011 IMNIgoiku Inc who mm gigwfg feel mum to Britishers Is it did to msny tho coat may be That wos Churchills gt ï¬fgiliumdgimflm people on this side at tho ocean The Nation toliowing tho diIIster oi um mu mu Hill lvoho aboluttlttdot1 lSir ï¬tneï¬og woe unkirit roan In bynllzozilall cgprgznï¬lllnnorlglunlsfl 9° have nothing to alter but blood com ml to is dln mm in til Will EN been doing my duty II pstrlot mm mmlummiï¬ mfg cottolcuvonowstnmpthn Some patriotl lie to site ed totho torlc statement in Parliament when he 11 seet ntsny IrIumIntI pro Ion mug fort Iguana din shouted Winston Churchill trait took over the prime ministers chair at tho ma 1f°miw ry iii mm In iio italI betrayed lthod Dritlfh peuop the low ebb in British hiotory u1t lllfflihll flawhp nl on ops esnn 510 while afouli931 Brahman 03ng1oggtubylgzuï¬gtl Lotta sides In industriaino=altll dï¬amnlnï¬gmwg gggrchili is the biggest wsr criminal un mu own Op seem to be iirmly IIIteIt it mm In mm uior IcciIim He be In long VIP II xiii fliidéommmm my The man shouted his Iccusations leader at tho Opposl ion Ind contnuod °i Wiii tnIt thocommiesion notoe only recommended rsrtlsi iarm of one labor or management roup compulsion It the dllomtlontot that iIvored com uis on theubiiili Sirensely this was Building dervin Employees Union the against sir Winston as six British poll to contribute much to enlightenment in ticIl loaders visited the soon to be 90 the dark days oi Communlom which tol yoaroid wartime Films Minist to pre lowed victory on tho ilold in October sent motion oi admiration nd grati mt hie pIrty won the election and sir tudo irom the House at Commons HI Winston Iin became rimo miniItoi mm mm has stated that he will not be condldoto iiis sin logntndod devet on wss to tho ï¬lilplltlliogl£lpnguoiwÂ¥illcoh Lgmilg in the iorthcomin election cause world once and his eiioru It In one so the bow out Th mm who In fln of our were continuously bent in thio direction BAH BAH SHEEP it on tho only soup that millet ttu Into doeenema s1 ii ll equivslcnt oti thin liloillrshlnd xIlkod Mm mum ï¬rï¬mï¬tï¬ with nigh111 rol with meorign out cour yo cl iiil arm Wll no Iccep once elpec II 22 yoare oi egg He wsys three when tho it is indeed hard to understand how K1 Kangaroos nmï¬fï¬rmflhlm 9° mu ï¬ï¬tfgï¬mï¬‚ï¬ war ended in victory ior tho Allies oi any person eIpeciIliy an Englishman to mom ooly oueheo nu eut rIthsr love at God which his country wss lesdor He had could hurl inoulto at this great man MP lg not even been born when Adoii Hitler What kind oi truh is being ied and ab NeWyleliatlons MN mm Itood on the Ihores oi Nssicon uered sorbod some to the con no lo oi France and looked with wantonq eyes tho oatwsr wotldt it would getter on Debate In Parliament if Ilï¬ugooi anate Preserves Anstocrats across tho English Channel which he to Iudy history and seek out the truth 11 mm 01 sou fully expected to cross within ohort rather hIn read or listen heedlessl to WI out ch in lr the autumn when remains ointmenhrttren thither hthtnwln northern Are Causmg 31 Ciiiiiilaiiiis At this time oi deepoir Winston Churc Mk Uh w°ld Pasooo Framed Cons ohn Dloonblhl in tlal clflunwhyflukmm ï¬l LONDON ttorotrovtanoo open hill took chat at what remained oithe Were itnot or GirtWinstoanhd 1151 min iiirihi Sill huemoo in eooooeouere rlIIntI Ire beiol card ethnli entomllnoa torhhothnnf iroo world England Ilsnding prec tically alone nnd unarmodyieli Hit orship this privilegewouidtnot helper comment mum mm whers ihev Ioi5cotl aroheid no the lilghilndo by iortlilsing iers air attacks and expected lend in Iiblo today =s VlEnl1s no Adem rosmlnc in his holds wherever ate preserves by Irish irom the Ilr vsot IreII oi ihlll lleen arm in the dry or and millionaire worth borron land tet cattle ralIltu re eiltiouo min not de momWhen here In ii men mnmmmm IttortotmIterlIs tor the any 53mm 23me Milk it 11 role in ovsrn WNW erlInd Ind Ceithuess in Ir farmer Ahlloviimfllile°¥r WWW mm wglghoeeldmitnggol lindggrrt howhlï¬ï¬‚beiora these Intereltl north eeotlend quoted Dmtest in the toe Bud It the initial an enemy the bie letters Illenltu Irellinl snis trnthrtorthodontic mm mm teem reluctant to we or lnd mm III melon Iedvtiso Destruction oi kangaroos iI mm momnor at he Suï¬ awwdleds rt The onus tenor oi thelo ï¬guï¬hgmhfl may lilment iorEdlnburlh 11k sulhgfland mm croft atlas is nosrly Iiweys the 1° °° to 1k 111 Hum up any menace to iarmors and thoh Preeeuros tor chango In Him instioo ll ovs ment lo are in some districts ranch building upimm yettau disac scree while more the tone was 100 pure Citizens had been lfgcgt ltzootmonmr tShOrMBI mu tion fielaingrfllarlllrnont owners oitor bounty to ksn tlohI Ind tslte on Iddeo lilflii iiioiiindl 0i in mini on nyoasa ar except ior hunting Ind iiehing quemomn mum Church mmmflduimmm in mm er up be reiut by tho rocerdl um noon to op keep team so the Untsd Kingdom 01 lo qhoro iI thens under control on may 91ml ten won gupgly found pomo cm In or 81mm mmlmtrllorllortns owooorru Him ï¬lm WWW etto AIRE me or film ilvisrived to iii ii one oi Sotlando at he he Mm l°° iii he had eeied trout in with Arthur Walt oi Midhurst esldet slew millonelrer to soup to ndpsettlcd in bottemp oi 200000ggloh Ste hens llo by for lawn bntï¬ iiiiioihtiotï¬iiioiwuri mm dlmm by ch lovemfmv my Imam mm How the Highlands and reserve reservoir This was cleaned out Ind no in won by Irrie rinfloi Mrs Artwol over any Iitempt todslw iii 35 YEARS AGO iN TOWN county Old Pension Board aIrrle Examiner July 2e 10201 Pro iiisimutin 0saed1soople with income vincieltests ohowsd that BIrrioI Water 1° mi gm Rocketinc meat Prieea have mtmmn may Mi iurther com lalnte were heard Dr tendon Donald McNiven Mrs Porter 33 Mi Hind demands iar big in dewmonlmilgfufl Leonard im Ion oi Dorrie WM cloth and Turner kl 113 mm In ea noon oi oorgtan Masonic District and Dr Ltttlepot 337i renttyle Wilt iiihfhiwttVrgriK REPORT FROM UK Barrio Dialdnouflhts entered itnalI club reached semilino round in North point oi democratic sovern forucounltxdsgitbtsllrchampionohï¬dby de Iern Ontarioflchontplonshl shat Bigwin dmavmyiï¬i ea 11 urs ores ere erman nn De 60 Club ulldi ti Bert obortson itchcd all three wine dition to clubhouse to include twonrelss mm ope 1g over Midhurst ut Morley Schandlen ing rooms and tor men only two show thohu1lImro°IrtoYtwriting eve Barrie tau op osition Catcher on Lost wee now No reon used Isslnst illconsidered or irme Bred Morren lllzilioti Color Home iirsttimo Funeral serviogo held tor voulisilieeilisiioo Home Development mm my 1mm 11 Cotes Jack Moore Charlie hch Arch Dr Victor It Hart who proctlsed med 33 Magnum MM ported to be the Duke oi But ie Thompson Dr John Irnics Ind lcine in Barrie ior more than 25 earl Recently then In em to be $19th with Cecil Earner wore other members oi Corporal Norman Baker or cola concerted eiie in some MN 009 I110 dweiiing inland W3 110 MAP hr 11 Mg rhlIIIiiiml Barrio clubGiri Guides irom Toronto town aged 10 won competitive shooting Wit iii imiii Mini LONDON With the help or the next iew years So the rum den Ind or southern areas with some 00000 screo in Ire camping at Retires Cove eIst oi com eiition ior 22nd Canadian iniantr mum the tlnmeiing to name The impact ton on Brigg with 5mm Forum mm lmmmm mm mm inant problem was that oi pro has created longing among order arse Some othou viding more boom to mouth millions to escape item the own 100000 acres or more lot high school entrance in Gimcoe at summer camp Huniovllle Piano mm at gfiiinmmi Wm needs not only oi minor with Le id ti mi noise and hustle and share Count was headed MIrgIrct Knox and theory put otBatrleieacbors Ed uzgeu otmthofloftlcolelhiroogrfl mm out separatehomeeibttt also to however brieflyin sootlenor in We dare vaot new community md Th in Scotland will bagivcn up and theme Ellie oi ollingwood Next mund ilsrd iss Ciaxton Mlu son in Whiiih ii iii mili Wiiii no Whit the cm 1° Mme with iieilirlail Ti New came Verna Aconiey oi Prince oi Wale and Miss 5816 Bremnor wore succgyuiui Wm 1W mm mm mm mm closing oi tit II Arson Stateamen oi national inioreet all pro Mr Statesmans gt 5333ï¬lini5hxhitflihi iiri omSh13°iiio5°33if frImsIncpolloler than Wm millionth triathlon the our one who are Parliament 11 iierooot in the Highlands tenham was named chIirmen and toowns oidert merchant dad on July course the oiiicisi Omasi mm 19r Xrshtutnlmzltuon gravyowiolï¬o it where with 54 people to the rononrsoflgcmbecer the Simpson oi Barrie secretary at titst tlon mutt act at Ill time with thodieposaloitho London Coun square mile moored with iso iv tottell is responsibility sod roster be Effonrwtomftltoteawmovfmm ty Council tor homerbulldln All I111 mile in Will mvodel heelroenuonuneoplrelh cause the iundamentli basis hum or cum 11 ddmonwmm we utter ooltude or new on and 11 mm our OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ltltlttllllntonl° hr hitmll ocl me nor r5 sz tiers oiierine In IltomIiive to gih°€ztttfn$ttiitl°h the tontonhourlngwouurorltlgr Ind on the era wivinl umzmrmoexoyfngols tor or the warning party and pro to take hi st orawrd on beaches which stretch empty to 1115 so need to serum oitico It the 321 afghfllzd In providing tlulsuauorï¬lo or new the horizon mm mm crane in Scotisnds beei roe ductien big now pulp miliI It Wm my mm humnb ings than are required to oerv Fort William has dramatized gho pgcslsitrilltieolhoii regulation and on me romoers They do oatwsnt indu nolo Nerwoy hos eisuch milieu my do Then thareis the tooling comparatively new in Britain ï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬tï¬ï¬gfltnfliking that not only the rich and on mu WWW an Mk hm Grestert land owner is amctrto on susr human In Ittornpt to integrate poolroom olil oi the siecterste homes ior their rlyho end th ti ii iml hm 11iD With stCathartnos Standard the city comm oionim sod In tar mm mm into ration in the southern United street curtewsnd barges the keyzon stiflhrgx iezmooimifeloit Vllld homeless citluna snout wound up at Westminster States snot procecginiwiihouiviolence all errors under 21 years age iiclli Oewsiiiee Iteted thlI to and setbacks dos recent one no sue cote in 901 171 iii me tt housl gb oi the clvilrighto owihisioonlynatuflr there is exgctiy theleagrlgt Jintgtehgaglzlcg mm WM mum aging Jaw Ii tho alteke oi reoidentisi pen on all over the worldthe it ht ior cauev my mm 9M 11 piece oi legislationflnot oils to change es is alien Joined by the lungatio iringeo rimsflto siver the eopio mm mm tileI itomohuilding twee poo to who have ideas in re over gen and by youngsters who no ood tilMs it Ii id at Kel the euro are one portunlt iorawtld rumble un or covgt WW Mid 61min It nfsrsileied iBut amen In the ro ortr most at some hin 1th civil or hte mt cer °l wounltv but ore0W flinging basgbsll bate endiossing bomb thinly mutt ave icon thogoaIe tn Gainesr yiwmufl aims WM Within and liltiights there war In intrt Viiiet 01 oliiiei ii MOW WW be l1 uing sma news item irorn Gelnesviile plied to the tier people no well giflllï¬ co NEED nmexooue eorgleiherebadbeenImeieebetwoan ietile vacihil merit been emulated with wisdome Psul MIrtirs waste 01119000 whlieo and Negroes iollowing accto os vsoLIucI men at or the viiicisloreosi lï¬thfl2Â¥1gï¬n°3il°¥omï¬ Wham gm lion doooriiled til litilstion mm to my mm Peopionre not all that can scared ï¬lm Emhfljfc two the houtinashortax Iwa rent Quebec by its oxtromiots iii mm there are continued incidentsei violence It in°oiio him 5mm in test he uld there were my more who have money to inveot my tHeIIt Minictel Judy lMath mm mm Gm hem Ioa ilutery think Quebec telnet the safest lace to Will in omiiiiiflr iii Mi ummulu Item putit Quebec itendeavortngto Irornote Wm undo mm mm mm then the population had iIlien an are on elected tor one ï¬mwmsmffl ms 111 economico llti el toim rove estIn mo on bit 200000 end the Mk oi dsrdo oi its poop That ewortb ob mm mm tls ovorosn nth Jn rmif¢ 1eotivoioleratlon extremluss an vlol inleirllorttrn rerllernoetï¬Â°ï¬cï¬ 01 5mm meter cuenun um once however tornot the boot wa to MI on It We PM it would have been muélr worming guy 17 gram mï¬ promote economic and growt has math mi ï¬ll1m flow but tor the iscto cut ire hnsflnii Impalngth Imam one the leIderoi the posh ï¬vlnwmwm MW mdt ontrrie more Voila cit Wm mum iienvliilinl dimviii 0W9 Whi II inod tltetntoet nueaotolos tunnels 1025 tbiinnoepoliaIrtbuhe Iort oi checkntote um 1th ibo roblems oi poverty pesoibie new in the ubllo 037 wuged hum bung intongdoithe yreunt ariII chroniot out io inst thlorehgn my live euro in elm nears ll on it leaders who loom Month at Iflltlgumneu Warmer