nag Onxaaf tI hter IIt oI ruler Ior them oloe on eertlemontnrv huelnen ANNOUNCE lIS PARTICIPATION IN WORLDS Ilth Ilene tor the loot Felr to be held It Montroel wlth Irede MInIIter lfllmanHw nwv 71 wflwww orm can yuterdlr Mr nutterworth IormeIIy en nounoed It the orue oonten once thet thIUnIted Btetee would oertloloete In the Mr slurp IIId Ihe Amer valIlon would be one ot outetendtn exhlblte ereohoto CF House Writes Tighter WAWA CPIMembore the Commune heve wrltlrn lo we mverlnl Ireuel orponm llnce IIIt October they have been able to churn up to the texoeyere IhI exponu ot Irev other by common center hue tretn or plenobetweon ot tewI Ind Ihelr home eonIIIIuen Now they run It chem the exponeo ot drlvlnn In tholr own Iutomotrltee Iovon oonte mle PreylouIly the were not IIm tted In the num oI trl the nude Now they oen me Iu Ith only once work rquI were dretted lmlll number ot oehtnet mnlI tore who work wlth the loeeker In the Commons II he oom mlertonere at tnterne yeeonomy LIet October thte committee oreeented report to the Com enonI eumettnfl that momhere he oeld trevel expeneee he tween tItoIr pleooe oI reeldence or tth oonelttuenolee end 0t tewe II My be required tor the nertormIan ot thelr dutIeI II membere ot the Home The only requlrement wer thet Inch exoeneoe IheII heve II been Incurredln trevellln by nommon cerrler end do no II need the out ol Itr trenrporte tlon eoonorny Ierer The lex penee oletme the to ho eun ported by reooIoIed vouchore CONTAINED MW HIII wee rether IIm II Iteternent end It oeued Houee oI Commonn wlth IIItle 1nottce But leter Iome memberI Iound Ilewe In It flrere oould be ebuue IIII olIchelI who dIel wlth IIIPI or me Iocounte dont like to In Ibout epocttlc cone And they wont II there were eny Ibuue But ore could be For Inelenoo en MP reore Ientlnl Montreal rtdlnn could under the old rule Ily up to 0t Iewe every dey tor Home or oommlttce IIIIInu Ind fly home eve nllht IhI Iexpnyere woud oIcII up the Ireneoorte Ilon teh But member Itvtng In Pom Travel Expense Rules broke ltInIIton or Peterhor duhor Inywhm eIIe wlthln Ier drlulne dIItInoe ot Otw toweoould drtve heck end Iorlh In Me own Iutomobll not chem penny at th oonu to the Iexoeyer every trlp were Itrlotly re ouIrId tor the pertorrnence oI hlI dutIII II member at the Home Under the new rum MII oen chem IrIveI expenIoI not more Irequentl Ihen one return trlp eech wee Locate Smelter In Timmins NDP Urges In Commons UIIAWA ICPIMurdo Merv tIn INDFTInInIInII ureed In the Commone IhurIon nIIht thet eny ImeIIor to handle pro ductlon Irorn the new are dI oovory neer IImmlne he to noted In Ilmmlee not eIIe thre In Onterto III mm the women In the mono edIournment debete thereto thIt polltleel were behlnd reported to Ionete the matter Perry Sound me or In Alumetï¬eet the mnelltuenoy reprerenled Pertlernent by Prlme ulnleter PeerIon IIIII Ill emeolte OLDOIIIIGII Inlerterenu III II It wee Iconornteelty IIdlctlv tone to locete Imelter out ItdI IIII IImrnlnI em ztno ore onntelned to oer cent weIte product whlle omer ore Movrrcownn Disney Turns Interests To Hollywood Ilrt School er Ion meme HOLLYWOOD IAII Well II men who to he wente nIIImI dreem ot Dlene now bellnnlnl III 10th yoer Welt new them drum wtth other Lor AmIII clvlc Indore It oonurne IohoeI thIoII would he devoted exclug duty to treInIIII youne people lorreohlevernent In the ette It weuldbelooetedoeeetteover Ieoitul Hollywood The II celled Cel Arte Ihort Celltornle Inetlc Itttntlt one ve ï¬etrgeitfletohhdou InsI94 wee hutItt bed wlth new OI elem mm III lIed been rnuIIlne tte Meme truetoe end II devettn much IIIort to turtherlnt Jeot No II IIII mom ItcmlnuteJIIrn thet dreern It wIII be IHWII to cIvIo end In dtntrlel wlth the 31 re III Kmart wIll III 15 over Ior lure end tundrreteere II In their cemoelen memlllelutlon In III the em wlthout hevtnl to uh nunu leer ot Iudernlo Iubjecte 1ny III It beehelor no em an end the Iellzetlon unlvereltyfll eIt up or lunar It the Itudlo Bub dentewouldbeexpoeedtoe tolnod upwerde at re per cent woelo Mr Dele Inld mlnlnn corn enIeI Involved In exploltlne he new ore bodlu In IheTlnI rnlnI me would no doubt eeeount II III Iconomlc IIoto In deotdtnt the button ot emelIor mention on cm Iour Toronto text drlvere were Ilned to end ooete here TIIIIIB IINI III the IeuIlttoote oontreot whtog vII Alr xIerrnv tnel True nIIted ncIuere rlyht to up oeuenure It the Ilrport beter tIxI oItIcIeII ennounced en Ill out nro em to Ill Item to Ierve elroort donn Greenbere In men tIve the Toronto IeIleeb Countll IIId the oouncII end the Toronto Iexloeb auIId will re Iuenelfttgmphe to Iollelt um on wlt up to woqu ZwwJWfwg7uw lam It From Cenedteee end the queetloo VIII Itd on Bell II III Ilernentery euthorlly to be number at 5° III dtreot II to It Irom II IhII tektne pert ment WIGGINSFURS Willledoeerlllnttl August Ihe 4th to Preporotton For Ihelr II kunrorrn It ertlng Auguetflth 1h when no verIuI prI II IIIeotIver Meohooe Com In the Commne Ior II tInIe Ihurldly II the III nrovlelon ot the hlll mud urntrout Ind eretore IInIh to one hour ot detIetInl tInII Iech weeh toume PI Ion IPcJol Iette IIIuonI ton Mont eelmt Ien led II III LII run III IrIetonI Bryce leokuey tbVerdunt on the Implement ouIeIlon And he turned wlth Arnold PeterI INDP HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In Illhtlnl Ior nIIlonIIIutlon nI the prtvetalrvaned IetephonI eom eny oh ooere nIoIIly III terIo end Queoe the telephone oltl wu de heted the MI hour wIIhout oom to to re oeoIIton lr Irenct dent Bell let to he Ielr Io lrenchCenedlent In In promo reottoee etd he II oonttv Ih tlon end an lemon It wee done to Iglnh thel by netloneIlItnl III III cont Iolved Nuclear Wont Mdke Bomb OIIAWA CPI Ottlelele III Atomlo Enerey ot CInIde Ltm Ited end the Internet ItIIlrI de Irtment Ield nluredeg III ndle could not me the enede Indle nuolIIr reeoerch reeetor In my wey to produce In etomtc bomb the were commentlnr on New IIIII report Tutu the neweoeoer Ihe dteurnen II etettnl Ihet Indle could now produce rnlIItIrIIy uIeIuI etonIIo bomb wtthIn ld monthe Cenedlen otttolele IeId Ihet under CIn ndle uroe ment the Gene Indle motor een only he ueed Ior roeeereh Into oeeoIIul um II etomlo enemy Ih erreIment ItlpuleteI that III hyproduote Irvm Ipent CI nedten IueI tncludtnn Iuton IurnoIIuet be ueod ony Ior peeoetul wrooeee Democrete Select Keynote Speaker WASHINGTON AP Bene tor John Peetoro the one Ilnnete Itberel oreIor Irom Ithode IIIInd wee ohoun Wed nIIon II note Ioeeker tor thee Demooreto neIIonel conven Ieoped II IIetore ooroved hy the Irrenlomonte cornmlttoe tor the oonvontton oponlne Ann In AtIIntIe ctty Ihe Ietectlon wee In no wlth Johneonlen Ilretoly trytnn Io munleetlone prohlome would be Control Block 3911 PhOne Bill Itwee rttct ltolportentlell Iou math IIFIthtmn 31 II towerlel mu lend beneth mm utd he hIIu eoneumere II oompeny IWltllttndl on man from hell the would heve tyo relee It IIWI tender eorne Itr Pinon Ir ed lhet Bell vtrtuIIIy dtotete Ite prloee to the lovemment when oomrnunl eetlone Ire required by overn Inent depertmenle Ind uenclee heoeuu ol IIIII neernwnopoly In the old III we French cone dont hold even one per cent It thle Ilnd It Inerelteetlon Hr PImn hIdn documted one ot hle etetemeete on employ ment Mr Men voleed ton to eheek eueolotone thet IIe plene to Inereue ItI beerIt ot dtreotore oeoeuee It wente Io telte over lew IIneIIer phone computer III Ipeouleted on whether one them II the concede Phone Compeny enIeIl OtIIweeree oomoIny oI whleh he eetd Irtvy IIer II prlndrel owner nus Senators Object TV Brutal Violence Shows wtemnomltï¬ Otlllrmed IIlomll Dodd IenI uve pm com Who wlth other Illnï¬glnglghï¬wou membere II III denele Iubcom mlttee on Iuvenlle deltnouonoy welohed monetere end murderc told Ire perform on eomn In note wont tIItI It Ior demoed heerln room In they on bettIr mend your renewed Intnq ry IntoIV pro lremmlne Iletoment cum Mm no tured Induetry wIInIIuI ebout the content It rolrerne belne wetehed oh dren end teen IIIII IIId the melt II IIIevy Irom perente who object dont thlnII you oere Dodd eeld But unleII on do one the Amortoen poooe ere Intel to mIkI You oere Dodd end Benetor Kenneth KIeIlnu then NYl eeId they Ire oppoeed to todIreI relule Reaetor No plutonlunI Imm Cenedlen Iuet oen he need to rnelte In mIt In nIIIoIeloI the llon nt prommmlgg end that leorne IeIrI depertrnent they hope the uItry wtll IIIdII edthetCenIde hu olen up III rIcIIIeI end on thet IndlI now II Iooeretlnl plutonlum IroIn epent CenIdIIn Iuel Ivert whet ooutd ooorne pub lllo Ilemor tor moment on Ill nIII down the Induetrlellud Eeet eert ot the drlve to thwart ubIIoen Benetor Berry Gold hId Ior the Itruldency Toronto Taxis Fined At Airport IIe IIId the would not em but oonttnue Io drtve eround the ooncoureo ewelttn weenie IMMISIymlvt hflt mey no It the Ilrport retuelnl to IIIII oemnrere to the termtnel 12er Bloomï¬eld who den Iend elIht men In court Ietd tee euootetlone ylen to meet the Mn IIIII Ioronto oomrnt to the etrepollten Ibronto III end the vehlolIe ytctr no oueen ere III over the Metro me It donot need Metro Iloenu end not Iubleot to Mme lIIlonI Ith Tree em under erlrmnhmmed by the led trenmrtdepert MIIISIIN 12 mean ALE 12 homeroom UIIAWA CPI CInedlIne It Celllle Que here been IeIIed to he more Meme on erImlneII The tour IIIIII InoIt DIM ert teem In to enIIIt the old It the III down In htnce Ihen oubllcll elven the It by newe InIdle reequ In the teoture at It IIIIt Illht ot the men we on the Iooee Ilnee the meet wented llIt wII IIII ed Ire WIIIIIIn AdIrnI el IIIII WIItly Semborehl IIIII Joe Le cheIu wented by It Celhertnee Ith Ior the murder II III ether In June INI JIIIII lredertelr Munr It It Tomntn wInIed by Ior onto wltce tor ermed rubbery wlth vlolenoe Ind uoeoln er rIIt He eIoe Councll Prdeldent tIIorle Mo IIer Lemy at EhIw III In Que wented hy Mono ree pollre Ior IIIIInr pert In thett truth Montml bentt There Ire rIerdI Iolellln Ito ooo Ior lotormetton IIIan to Me erroet Adolphe IIIrehIIlty 41 ot Enjayrale and lager In wuvma Iwmmrtvsenmmrwwmnmpwy MoorIvonne Criminal List Released By RCMP eIleI oe Illee leur oe BeludIImpl III XII chewell vented bl Inlltou penttentlery IInhort II Ior II II In ouetody Fueled III IN I1IIIIrIIrvInIIerrIoII IIII eentenoe he VIII convicted on In IrrnId Merv chem In tote III we Iervtn the you Ieetenoe Ior to ottenee Ina conumentty with NI We term when he moped Meeeher Lerner Ind Ker oh my be ernIed the werned neurone the YtCIIPe nel IIIt Ilret Ior tour loubllo III trickle eI Irorn IIIIIIce neurone heme llourtete who ourenue ren ulIII Indlen blenIIIte Ihould re member Indlene never mode hleelretIthey luII Mullet them Irom tredtne pqu while II to Don ell DRIVI I964 RAMBLER NOWI VIAU MOTORS II DOWAN II III Bredtord OI 2ANN St it IIIIRIIII IIAsunIII LASER Bass Ii