VW gunm my rmurrwua errw MWWWWTW wlm rWmmgmnw uflwwflammm Then la very little waste space In this cornplut house Yet trariic ilow in umpdonilly good he utra large kitchen has ample table space is handy to all parts oi the house also to the basement and extra lava tory Where services are avalh able this latter could be located in the basement and the space used ier storage or other pun poses Design is tor irame ton struction with stone accent but lnptructione ior building in brink veneer are included with the blueprints By ornlttlng the perch on the right hand aide the house could be built on so loot lot Standard blueprints ior thia derign No sir coat £1500 ior the iiratHiet and 500 ior addi tional Sets They are available in Canada by return mail 0n tarin residents must renrlt per cent Sales Tax STAINED WHITE BATHTUB QUESTION We have white bathtub very badly stained Can you suggest anything that cih be done to remove the stains ANSWER Some oi the new acratcitlees cl an con into removing ingred ients which are eitective at re moving diacolorationr irom pon celhin suriacer tot course this type oi cleanser should not he used too irequently because it may ailect the iinlshl Or apply mild bleach solution to the stained areas rinsing oli liter eisw minutes with plenty oi clear water The allowing meth od may also be tried lldake thick paste oi scratahlers cleanser and peroxide adding small amount oi cream oi tan tar Rub this on the stains al low to remain about 20 to so minutes then rub area with pnetc again and rinse ott with plenty oi water repeat treatw ment SPLAde 0N ALUMINUM QUESTION We had new concrete porch put on our house and some oi the concrete splat tered on our white aluminum siding Whldr ia the best way to remove Iti ANSWER Molaten the con crete splatters with solution oi one part muriatic acid in 20 partl oi water allowing to act or tow minutes keep solu tion irom aiding itselil then iluahing oil with plenty oi water Then scrape nit the soited ce ment with nutty knlia or aimi Iar tool be careiul not to scratch aluminum auriaca Re peat application It neoeuary Because oi corrosive eiiect oi the acid wear old heavy clothes goggles to protect the eyes and rubber gloves while working same TANK can QUESTION We have septic tank and dry well at our lake property and hear many con fllcting Ideas as to their use The water In shut oli and the pipes drained each fall At the advice oi our plumber we put kerosene in the traps and toilet rIIIIII Thediullding Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont book entitled NAME ADDRESS fl IlllST IIID FOR THE HOME By BOOBS WHITMAN bowl ior the winter and drain thia away in the spring Is this harnqu to the bacterial growth in the septic tank In the use oi detergents harmiul in like manner Is it advisable to use yeast It so in what amount and how ircqumtlyi Are there any government bulletins avalle aha on this subject ANSWER According to the department oi health education and weliare normal moderate use oi detergents bleachna drain cleanersetc has no on preciable adverse eiiect on properly installed septic tank at adequate size The kerosene an nually drained into the tank is probably adequately diluted to overcome harmiul ctiecte on the bacteria Yeast is irequently used to sealant bacterial action in septic tank six or more yeast cakes are dissolved in tepid wa ter in plumbing iixture and allowed to drain into the tank Manual ct Mc Tank Prac tice No FSM Sec HI ID available tor 40 cents no stamps irom the Superintendent oDiCDocumenta Washington 25 SHOE POLISH STAIN have light tan plastic chair that has spot oi brown shoe polish on it How can remove the ataini Ruh the spot lightly with nonllsmmabie liquid spot rs mnver ATTIC VENIILATOR SIZE What is the smallest ven tilator permiasihle ier each end at ranch type home iii ieet tour inches by to ieet tour In eheel refer to the triangular unit and the apeciiication ahould be In square ieet assume you have ineuI Iatlon with vaporprooi bar rier under some type ot attic flooring louver cpeninga to provide adequate air circulation and ventilation should have at least one square ioot for every 300 square iaet oi attic iioor area You have approxi mateiy 1350 square test at floor area Tull nrursi Vsuannn General Contrach and Lumber Dealer Vbenle Sherd EnaThe lea CREDIT ABRANGEME Enclosed please find ti or which send me the new SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY HOMES Please malts remittance payable to The Barrie Examiner the two iouvers III IllI Ld ahould thereiore he at least Zla square Ieet in size BASKET WEAVE FENCE QUESTION We are interest ed in buying Irunber and build Ing our own basket weave style icnce Where may we get in iormation or to lane and best type oi lumber or thiai ANSWER Redwood in an en ccilent lumber ior thia pu so because oi Its durability de cay and insect resistance Your local lumber yard should have inlormatlon about this and may have inns available write to Cal omla Redwood Associa tion are Sacramento San Francisco 13 Calii tor Irce copy oi Redwood Fences Date Sheet No SCIi containing de tailed construction inlerrnatlon FADED DAVESPDIII HAIR We have davaoport and the material In still like new Con we auccuaiully dye this ourselves lnuyw mere are sprayon products but havent been able to iind anyone that hna used than My wile haslauccesnully used iabric spray to rejuven etc iadcd upholch drair Be sure the apray you et la tor the partiutlar materal some arent suitable or use on syn thette Iihreal onethe furniture And ioilow manufacturers dire odious on the container very cardully chair as that has iaded but liy air and Mrs Bet Burnet on Sunday irlendly together swimming and abort Pmuun was iollowcd by mi gaabord mapper Ralltives were present irons hieaiord Mimi oakville Toronto Centralia Richmond Hill Those from stroud attending were Mr and Minimum ilmllyoitbeillaOedIOorhn Inthsirloeauialovlngh hire Russel Wry Gwen and morning triendrdrand himDouIMw Donnie hurry and iamlly hir Ind MrIuFred Muiholllnd Ber tie and ianrliy hirs hiacltod Big Bay Point hit and lire Belt hiulhollnnd Bonnie and Bill Next Ardrer reunion will be held in two yeara time at same place and aama day WEEKEND VISITORS Visitors ior weekend with Miss Jean and Wilson che were Mr and hire Wilbert Clark oi Till sonburg also Mr and hire Til lay oi Maple all attended the Wice Reunion on Saturday July 25 at hildhurat Park Mr and hire Elmer Pratt David and Keith are holidaying thisweek at Wolaely Bay on French River Rev and hire Fred Jackson and John are holidaying tor the next three weeks Anyone wish ing to get in touch with them your correspondent has their Ichedule hire Eisner Rulman JoAnne and David oi Midhurst at tow daya holidaying wi Mr and hira Lennox Black NEW FLOS 31mme Rev and Mrs Orville Make at unduy were supper guests on lueaday oi the latters sister and brotherlnlaw Mr and Mn Everett Edwards and iamlly harry Locke oi Lindsay spent couple oi daye withhla aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs men eAlltmEdwarda Murray and Ruth Mrs Duran and sons Pat and John oi hildhuret were re cent visitors at the home oi Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay and iam Mlea Sandra Finlay altended Kng hear at the Stratiord Shakespearean Festival Misses Connie and Donna Roe Sinclair ot Collande were on Itolidwa Iaat Vltek withthelr cousins Anne and Catherine Rawn Mrs Clarence Atkinson spent tow daye last week with her mother Mrs Wiggins stayner Mrs Harold Smith and Doreen held linen alrower on Setrn day evening tor Mira Catherine King brideelect Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless iarrn oi Art Robinson at Glen Rum During an electrical storm Mr Robinsons barn was struck by lightning but damage was reported alight the lire was extinguished beiore gotilul out at control Congratulations to Mr and un Donald Westbrooke toes Judith Amoldl on their man rlage on Saturday July 25 at genilreabyterlan Church In Dun PURCHASE HOME Mr and Mn George Peacock ols erRRrreccntlypur clras the hdme oi Mr and Mrs Robert Smith Mr and Mrs George St Denis and iamlly who have occupied the Pettinger house for the two years are moving to Camp Borden thia week WOMENS INSTITUTE Members of the Creemore We mens Institute held their July at meeting at the home oi hire William Day at hayvlew hire Sid Gibson prealdenl drained the meeting In the usual man ner Itoll call An ancient Iarm Implement and Its modern coun terpart was answered by It members Mrs Allan gave crnrent events prlc lot the evening program Agricu tun la the strongest spoke in the wheel oi Industry was givv an by Mrs Va Stephenson In the absence oi the convener Mrs Mutated several papers were read try him my on Scterzce or Hunger and are mine Farming The president extended vote at thanks to hire Day for the evening out Lunch was served by hirs Penalton Mrl Allen Mrs Glhaon and Mn my man nuttnumrr Iha Creemore grocery store at Orr Macbesoey was broken into some time Monday night and small amount oi goods taken Entry waa made by breaking panel ot rear door and releasing lock holband other door stoppers Provincial police from Stayner were called and are carrying out an inves tigation MOVING DAYS Mr and Mrs John Wilson and iamily have moved to the hit intoah home on Francis street In tumor10mm PER DAY nrcauv AND IT com YOU only mandibular sure moi uranium Rawbotham The reunion next year will be held at Creernore Park the last madly in July Ihe car coming item the iartheat distance this year brought Clem and hill Wla chester irom Orllila crowns ly MRS LAVENDER hir and hire Stevenson went Ilreeday with Mr and at Walter Lloyd at Schum Mr Ind Mrs Harold Wright and iamily visited Sunday with all titles Iiloklinga oi Crown Mr and hire Ken Stevenson and cldldren oi Rtelunond Hill were Sunday visitors with their parents Mr and Mrs Steven aon Mr and hire Arthur Burham and Mr and him Steven so spent Sunday with the late tare son Kenneth Stevenson Richmond Hill PASSED PIANO EXAM Congratulations to Myrna Sim on passing her Grade pano exalrrlnatlon held re cently by the Royal Onaerva tory at Music at Ibronto in the Collier Street United Grurdr Hall Barrie WOMENS mm Womens Institute met July It at hira Dee Partridgea with good attendance Iha treasurere report was given Roll call Narne an improvement in Ag riculture Mottowaa glvanhy Mrs bees Donjt put loii till tomorrow what you can do acted In Live Borrowed Lite program was quite in tending paper on Canning Wu lull III III inn ll III II Illlill crown DIAMOND crosswer nonnaJAaraum Recent visitors with An derson were Rev Orville IMke oi Lindsay Mi Ind hire EI wood the Toronto TEE spent in days last wIk with her darIKhW sen Frank Jonas Mr and Mn Itndway Gail and Helen oi math isw days ntthe home charlie Bowdery It visitors with were Mr and Falriax oi Martini him Coleman at am Saturday vialtcu Mr and Mrs Gina and iamily have returned Irom tour north as tar if Ear E3 hilsa Jean Barnes and Iriend SiIPEitlilitSilEIiill SUPERIOR TIMI ii iii it THE BEST COTTAGES BUILTf BEST FOR LESS WITH QUALITY MATERIALS FROM lIaorrsleu CASH CARRY an erect at 128912 aaaaIaaIa BARR Armaments tor Home turnovrnrnr We canbethe best that ever happened to your home and budgeii Steek of Huge stocks Good financing Vandthew llnwest prices in town ltapalr remodel traJivlng spacefï¬before Expert help tordoIP winter amves bag term credit arrangements can be arranged with monthly payments iER wellrecommendrpro rTOHEATIT we monsoonmo our noun onannrrron ruauc urrurrestoMMIssroN aavrrato starer