Wwremvmwnmwm hmaw Kerrv weMmvflpmwwv 974 4+ La rtitt LAWN and gardealittle pa The photograph oI planted with niarigotdr no or around the home at Mr and the trout pardon ahowr the white litre nay ibd tr Marlon Cr eould eartty be dercrlbed re lira warren oi rum growr long the white ranch lance treer and burher In the urnr which line the white drive way The urnr re eraateiy back yard Include apple honoyruckie and mock orange The white rwan In the centre aniurnr ivy growa both idea he iro entranc and re edd clrfmurr the letting The whta awaa oi the lawn tr planted with mauve patuniaa and the or den iurniture ir painted ite and yellow number at rmaii VlIvdroUses New Spray iFor DestroYing Brushy Dntaria Hydro will use heli coptarr to rpra along righte oivway In Georg an Bay area to dortroy brurh that could cruae lrtoua power interruption mlioiiowing two yeara ot ex tenrlve expartmonir Hydro har developed tailed enray tor more eiicctivo aerial control oi brush under power liner the thod will be ured in are remoteareor oi the pro ce Hydro oiiiciaia aid chemical erblctdar have been rprayed hem heiicopterr In remote arera the rovince aince tm but app Icetlon ben limited ï¬ne to the driit roblem The tailed herb cide ir new Urea ior Hydro torerterr who Mamet the iargert hrurh con droi ro ram In North America ztrain atn up or miles oi liner to boat June experimental heli opter rpraying with Ieiied erbietda waa conducted over 200 acrea oi rightroiway In erthwertcrn Ontar in on three piioir flying twe heli pterr irom dawn duair made iilghtr with each machine hey aprayed more than are area or over or miter oi right iway lite ieet wide In eompartron ground crew orirtng with murkeg tractoc uvar he lame riod terrain coud only approximately to rural or 11 mice at rlahiohway Hydro oiitclal raid How ever application by helicopter itiiir any about on to 7d per cent oi the brurh In com attach with up to it per cent tained by our ground crewe Jack Winter liydroa chiei iorerter raid We are expert mentlng right now with thia new herbicide with our hdrauiie ground equipment on motor mirt biowere and hope to have thir procedure operational by late rummer Created jointly by the organic reraarch department and the Iorcatry departmenla the herb clde can be tired tor aerial epraying in winda up to aevcn miles an hour without driitinl In the part drlttcontret har alwayr been robiom Almort dead calm con him were nec earary ergueis oi oyer three milca an hour could carry apruy iar oii target For thir rearon helicopter plieation woa lim ltcd to idea weather even to remote northern arerr ihere herbicider do not de atroy the beauty oi the couniry ride or long Used to kiiioii brurh the chemicaie do not al icct ie the lowgrow Ing tally tieoted turn quickly pr enting the fleaaant appearance oi meadow and Cleared riahtaoiway provide iorage tor wiidtiie rnaaaanraaxnermm Home which centrer the lawn Ia pian ted with portut Arterr rore burhee and and error ted other were are need to the grrden wn rauaenar Police Seek AccidentFree Long Weekend every etiort to make the com ing weekend accidentlree Both on ratloaot ethane In no Clarke 010 laid hi in every av man be roan 51mm Huakolta and Dutierin oountiea to combat the weekend trrtilo there were revanacetdenta last aeeirendpaad are would title cIearrslate tirla we end Barrie Chial oi Police Id lrcbirhart laid hie ime war aleo concealrauo on combati tog the weeke trati Mr Tachirhart raid thia week at the char eov and we ahould be part cuiarly alert Ha eeid people usually rent rum mrr cottagea ior two we and the weekend oi the ctr eover there are uaualiy mo den He arkr that people be partic ularly caretui on the water alre central Collegiate lldditions Planned Barrie and Dlatrlct Collegia tll eoon call ior ten ior an addition to the hue oiiice and the board room at Central Colic lat At rpecat meeting at the board be tinn oi Neebttt and Davier arehltoetr explained plans prepared tor the addition Aiter the board interred with Mr Dav nd some ediuat menta in th or were agreed to the propert comrntttea re port recomme lag the addition MYEM war adopted decorative animalr are arrang ed round the lawn in the evenin the garden to lit by Iioodtig tr Examiner Photot deflected By Nurse Shortage flrough rhortaga oi nurr Ing rtaii aiiec many horpttalr In Canada Cameron burinear admlntatrator oi Royal Victoria tiarpitol raid thia Is not the care here Wednerday he pointed out that BVH ir rtlttrolativaty iortun ate in not having the problem Circus Corning To Barrie Aug The circur is coming to town Wednerday Aug with two rhowa matinee at rm and an evening rhow at pm It will be rpnnrorcd by the Re uI Canadian Air Force Aaaociaton tot tiling Harrie The Bette and Gra Circur will put up their ton on the Arena Groundr tor the two per Ierrnuncea Three ringa are headlined by tho Lac Troupe who man age to keep their equilibrium whlie rolling on giober up and down ateep atopcr One oi the highlights oi their eriormance Ir when the iive aceya balance on huge balll end roll up narrow ramp matte on degree turn and titan roll up rtIII another ramp clirred at to degree angi antennas err Terrors oncrs barriebhrinerr at the Sheba Club ndtheir wiver on charter In biaet race trsck to Toronto ed but to watch hamerr rac Greenwood note Wood The lecture race la called the Sheba rare alter the club The more than 40 Sheldon and wine trooa Gallium and roll down again backwarda Sharing the rpotltght will he the eiephantr trained by Lu Chriatloo Pupito clownwltt prerent comedymagic act Aetr irom around the world including the Redcarna irom Holland who do abaianeing act with ladders ballerinaequal trienne Claudine irom Den mark the Bronneiiyr iamliy at French acrobatic gymnartr Carmeaoita Del Manzana an aerial ballerina irom Spain and the Schmidtr Irom Germany will airo be featured The circus aiao bridge with It number at lungie animate ttrV eludingrtiluiiy guaneca irom the Ander lttouatains in Peru and Tommy the teenaged camel From the Cong co the giant man II muddleaminech wrrwmwvusnrlflmw Wm wmwmwtm qmem Urbansarigriraiao Nbr Applicable Barrie Anew provincialproan oi tocreeaed ranta tor munict liter their urban btlrbt not ap Cookereld todao merrily can hearing prohlutta develop irom the at me ervtwoiiour area PROBLEM tte raid We should be clear up by menu Icipaiitywtthout government aid itir main concern about pro vlnctal or iederal government til irliti Itdhi reapona rc an at the renter governmente The mayor baa oiten ured thia agumeot lo aeetr iacroared owevar he arid thia an aouncenwnt could very well be timely becauae oi deemed that door exlrt in or commun itler where whole rectien even entire conununitiee ha deteriorated into rundown at have aiiected the wet ffllll Proper ter deer not he held rthe broadenedprogram in conjunction with recent amend manta to the annlng Act Ir derigned to pie Ontario inthe lead among previncea which are taking ad niage oi the Iederal urban ran at program it will parallel new iederal la iairllon which emendedthe ur re newal rectien oi the National Houring Act 1m Under the new policy the pro Board Is Taking rim staid 0n Keys To Barrie Collegiate and Dirtrict Collegiate taken ilrrn rtand on proce re to be ioliowed with respect to keyr to Central coiiegi rirontdoo and cl The board adopted proper ty committee report wh eh re commended the ioliowing ruler outeide door heyr rhail be ireued to the superintendent buainerr admintrtrator building an erinteadent chiei watedlan prncipal viceprinctpal and technical eeordinato trey to theeuditorium rtage door or the ure oi the hand during regular rahearrats at Central Collegiate Entrance and exit to or irom the reboot during hourr when the rchool Ir normally locked la to be by way oi the main iront door at each rchoot or the Board breezeway door at Central other doorr may not he uaed Strii memberr are encour aged to moire lull use oi the retreat iacliitier in carrying on their work Accerr to the building outeide oi the regular hourr will be by key to the main iront door which rhail signed tor in the princip Upland Game Season Set Landa and Foreatr litiniater silica and returned the next ry choet keya murt under no circumatancer be Issued or lent to unauthorired perronr Neceraary cira in thir licy may be authorized by he rupertntendent alter con aultation with the burtnera minirtrator and building eup erlntendent Kelao Roberta har announced open rearonr ior hunting upland game in Ontario In the Loire Slmcoe area then apply ar ioliowr armature vDuiierin Peel and York cou tier thetownrhipr oi Adia Tecumreth Wort Gwltitmbun toaeorontio Elsa and lnniaiil tn simcoe County and the town rhigr oi Pickering Reach Scott in ridge Whitby and Cut Whitby In Ontario County the open ream rune from Oct at to Nov The bag limit to three per day Evith not morethan one to bea en in tire remainder oi the Lake Simcoe diatrict open aeaeon rune irom Oct to Nov 10 withthr bad lmit three tier dayci either Houra ior hunting phearante are irom an to port Phearont bunt ing to regulated townrhipe atro requirer townahlp hunting lie enca RUFFED GROUIE Opea reason opene Oct aad eiorer Dec to In Dutierlo Com to In Ontario Peel Btmeoew and York oountlee the aearorr irom Sept or to Dec re limit to live per day ttr porrearien at any one time auwoanrm ammo Duiierin County moon opener Oct and runatoNdv Peel 0ntertostmeoee counties the Sept IONWII th itrnit la eillrt per day morethaa to Barrie layer Lei ad oi mrem arm noranv cm 1ch KEN vtnee will extend ttr proaram to include not only the acouteltloo and clearance at land in approv amr but aloe Broaden coat rhartng to include the pre er tied at detailed urban reoewe area other and the on etld uratloo et rerultloa mroddeo coat altering toIne elude rtain new and adrrruniclpalraratcerio an or baa renterl the tlllWll ct clearedllod Arrea lor ht bedar arroaoanan Whereaa blighted arerr or tour he to eve aubatao houen cootent Ia rder to re orerrrm cl automatic coatribrrtionr Mun Iclpalitlet with now more than scir ever beiore have in here en ti catiooruultlrya careiully dï¬ cetnm nahoth tor the actual schemata be ill dertairea and in gsneral term or relaled to the cornmraritya eiilcial plan The nine Act war armad ed on year to rmit munici riitte trader in coedtluue wage mand ealorcebyld rel new an tanaote oi dw Becauee oithe ture piicat onr communitirr better phyrically province will coattn more urban renewal programr by metal atudles and reportru Citt expected to derive beaeiit irom tha en larged program are Kingion Hamiltonand Torontc all which urban renewal pro teetr in negotiation stage The new program la expected be oi loterrat tola wider range at communitiea thaothe iormer ema Maripora festival Singer Is ll Native 0i Orillia One oi the many iotlutnging rtara who will be Iupeat the Marleen Folk Ni year native oi Ortll don plenum boys eterr ttlre Ktwantr Fertlva In rm Now to he can look backupon myea oi eiaglngertreri in me bro cpere drum and band Alt school uctiona Oh ran With his return to ca hr mpioyed aa rtudlo nrle an danced down on CBC lle iealr that It war thisallow that provided trim with the pooh Into country and wertem iotk muric litr toievirlon experience In cIu guert rpotr on many atro war hort oi hlr and wertern murie Britiah Broadcaa gr WAm innate on Country Hoe htrroturn to ade it her ppeared on CB Night Ike Hurt and Onlhe onetwosk area car on WPSiag Out IIre Driitta ringer har reriormed In mrny iotir aciudin Torontor Pu Ion Ktchenera ilteaa tiarniltonr Downrtatra Club htontreatr tth Dimension WIn rr tlh Dimenrion dOrtI llaa Club oi lwo Lev Gord tvrltll qrrligh Bingerr recorded two at Mr eon willbe recording longp yin album thia rummer and will be oiion pereonal rearance tour throught thalliu te¢ Slater He will periorm at the Satur day end Sunde concerto oi the Maripora Po Ferti tht year Iha Fertlvat runr Auf no the concert rite rituaad oii Hilhway roe tuet rr miter waatlot Oriiiia other ioik pariermerr include tonr itiner Son Terry and and saippi NtiAL