AMBASSADOR MEETS PEARSON Ambassador Vonl Shik Kim ot South Korea ileitl pays his Ilrst ottiolat cell on BEETON By MR8 WRIGHT Mrs Rothery oi Allision Islted Mrs hits on Frl ay ITALIFAX VISIT Miss Susan Hammett and her cousin David Cuisln lett on Monday tor Haliiax where they expect to spend month with Mr and Mrs Cousin Mre Coburn out tow days at the past wee with litre It Ionghurat at her oottapo at Stoney Point Lake Simcoe Prime tillnlster Pearson In Ot tawa Wednesday The new Ambassador who earlier met with External Attairs Minislt Mrund Mrs Iarls oi Cookstown Visited Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds on Siurday Mre Donald Palmer spent Wednesday with relatives In Brampton Mr and Mrs Ellis Taylor ot Brampton called on iriends in town on Thursday hire Butler returned home on Sunday trern two wenke visit with relatives In Ottawa Mr and Mrs Bill Hammett and Lynn are holidaying at their cottage at Port Perry Lake Scusot LATE EDWARD ELLISON Edward Ellison oi Centre ter Martin Is also hlseoun 21m NEWS WI trys deiesats to the United Nations in New York CF Wirephoto Street Boston passed away on Wednesday morning July at in AIllstnn Funeral service was held on Saturday at the Ander son Funeral Home Iotlenhant Interment In St Andrews Prep byterian church Cemetery See ton Mrs it Cullln ts spendiu two weeks with her dauahler and aonInlaw Mr and Mrs Romyn oi St Catharines Mr and Mrs Sulman and lamlIyspont the weekend with relatives in Trenton ray EXAMINER waur ADS monuments OUTBOARD martin SPECIALS 1964VIKIN625HPManRo$495NOW $420 1954 VIKING so HP Man Reg $550 Now $475 I963 VIKING Is HP Man Reg $399 Now I96S EVINRUDE IO HP ManSpooiaI USED 40 IIP ELECTRIC SCOTT Special VIKING TELEVISION $185 $299 5299 AT ME SAVINGS SPECIAL 924888 VIKING rcmst Woreatui tor your home this charme isseg styled consolsteatures Rangoon chassis wills 23 Picture Tube and it PMv speaker or outstandv lngslght andsound Swedish walnut walnut orfmahogany veneers Wyw 171 It 32Itpprox CRESILINEII IMPERIAL ARABIAN CAMLTNEE MUSTANG DELUXE REG Luggage eter case reinsed tone contra astral operation Thuhover mounted PM speaker Black 1d cot our or terra cotta and white 14$ 13 approx VP$MIM9K new By use Goose nosr mums1mm to Mamwto ihs sasslns ot brother Jack at Elliot Lake lr and llrs William Kur thur and Broads left last week by train tor tits wast to spend three wsokavtsltins and touring In Alberta GEMIONHIIDIMW Coanaiuiattoas to Bill Geth ons and Phyllis Morrow who were married in Trinity United Church last may events by luv inboard Warr UCW BAKE SALES The United aturoh Women tinnistil Ladies held sucoew Iul bah sets and last Wednesday altarnoon at tnatstil Park The nextaad last sets will be no Ausust with the Essa Ladies providlns the pod INDIAN QUILT Thornton ladies were well to presented in their attendance at the Simone County Quilt and ï¬ns Fair in Seeton Commun every two ya it was ot note to see quitl display which ha It made by the tndtan ladies in the Yu kon where Mrs toms Kitchen works as public health nurse on the Alaska itishway Mrs Kitchen visited Thornton Wo mens Institute aa their speak er last May Raymond Silver is able to be out asaln alter bout with pneumonia In Royal Victoria Hospital AUGUOT VACATION Rev and Mrs Leonard Warr and iiy will be spendlnl their vacation or the mantis oI 1Aiusust at Baubis Beads Lsks uron JOINT SERVICES Notice to all Trinity Sunday School obltdron There will be no Sunday School during Aus ust Resular mnrnlnl nhureh serytos witt oonttnustatv II clock with supply speakers Holly coagulation will ioin with Thomion in these iotnt servloes EATONS Buy Now And ssvnv BOATS Reduced To Clear SPECIAL REG SIMO IPECIAL REG sus VIKIIIosIIIIrIIsIs RECORD PLAYER SPECIAL $IO95 $725 I4 Moulded Plywood Runabout $595 tor wiilail held monies Mr and Mrs II li and sadly hays return liter samples to our Parry Sound Point and Moxsttarmuy came across throotoot Massasausa mt very close to their camp CONOIAIULATIONI daughter Moliis Michele was born to Mr and Mrs Will ians Psaoods It Thom ton on July in the Sarrts hospital Cons so out to Mr and Mrs Morley Pearson is Thornton otl th birth ot sonlast month MING EXEMCIIES Boots at the parents the Thornton children who attended tha twowsok Slbis Vacation School to Holly attended the closlns assroises oi rants last Friday solos at Holly Church his air you loos out to all the leaders and assistant who worked untirtosiy to malts the school so suoesuiui About too children attendins the project vary worthwhile mamas IN muse Thornton Peowse baseball team are now in the floats They won over Ester last Saturday when the same was played in Thornton with score at Last week tow days were spent by Mr and Mrs Geom Holt visiting tslenda in Hamil ton Paienno and Etobieoks LUCKY LUNCHEON Are you tuokyi You nsiaht be it you obtain ticket trom any member oi the nnity United Church Women Thornton ior their Lucky Luncheon which to take place at two on So in the church school room As titers ls only one sittins the number ot tickets aVaitebte is limited so It tolerated dont delay in makins your oontaots Many door priseswitl be live away APTO MM IRVING CARSON Mr Mcltush Is Visitins his daughter at Oshawa Mrs Clarence Carson was tent pessbut did very well tii the mnm Elmvala July as and baby enjoyed campins trip tor low days In and his ne Ir er ParFinm Detroit Vlath the totmarsuleu Ilsa Gerard Moran and tuniiy Friday Glands Carson Inderwent loosiile Io Poet Genr oral Hmflooday 57 MRS MOMENT aï¬bfllgflz CAMP urat out Guides with their captain Mrs Tit tih and aerseant Mrs Btundatt spent the equivaeat woskend campinl at Mr and Mrs Tilt nun There were thre tents In tint tent we Heather Beestey Rows Ecltbardt Pat ty Deitth and Margaret Kat on who worked real hard and were good housekeepers In second were Jennie Good hand Nancy Lewis Nancy Rus man Joan Rusman itth Sut ton and Ellen Btundell These girls had hard Iimokoeplni their tent up as they lacked in third tent were Marlene Miller Joyce Sutton Uta Edit hardtThese girls were beauti tui smptire en The camp was run In pioneer way by the iris pettins their own wood and water endloooktns onan open lira Master Bill With so oompaniedhis mother and was looked atter by the liria espe lIy Ellen Blundeil These atria wish to thank the mothers oom rnitteo who helped to transport them to camp and back with their equipment VISIT TIFFINS Mr it Pearson Murphyand Do at Kietnburs and Mr and Mrs Pear son oI Toronto spent low days last week with Mr and Mrs Ken Tlttin also on the weekend Mr and Mrs Newton oi wes ton were visitors Mrs Peacock anddaughi terdoyee tMrs Dawal andlav mlly at Montreal spentThurs ANNUAL VGOLF CLUB SET Consists of Irons and on wood mens and Iadios right and Mt hand Got sacs Res 19a swim sass arrow 699 dour canTSRes ms soecist rrusue Gottnsaster GOLF CLUBS REDUCED TO CLEAR Irena Woods 14 2488 VIKINGmss rtavrms Elam 17 recordwith lid nual mow front 795 was will 72855983 Manyoutotsndingsayingsloryourhosnoemotions at cannot miss This solo long too or Goods whon Monoy ir eof rd neurotic Rdlundod s1 day with Mrs Vandawator otWatsnlail Mr and tin McNeil oi Ilpafl and Pat Collins Sr am to Midland TENN VISIIOM Suadayvtsltors at Mrs DZ Aasios wer Mrs Fairtax Mrs Coburn and Mrs Coleman ot Beeton They also visited their lather wholes attenttnBarri DM shoe Mrs Andreas Iatlsltia Mr and Mrs Mas Andross ot Doustastowo ions island NY Mr and Mr Fred Beaulteu and Boers oi BelCams spent Monday with It and II II Palmer Miss Eleanor Chomp visi tins with relatives Huntsvuts Cotiu Stewart and brother ArtotBIrri Jackoh Mr and Mrs John list And amiiy hava returned ma trons vacation trip around the Georgian Say Misses Rosemarle Catlin of Illneoins Laura Humpbroys and tans Mdtahonloi Barrie are nests ot Jana Halpenay MrsC Stewart and Carol spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs tackle Oro Beach Cod Salarion Haddock White Ilsb Rainbow Troll TRV THEM THEVRI netIcIous user FRIED Immanuel on 10 Tr our Delicious LOESTER SALAD larrto Burrer Sea Chowder IDEAL WITH FISH Eaeh Stirlmpa Vaeailops Flounders rmss Less Lobster etc FISH and upstroke Out Service IIIIIIIIIII israroous and RESTAURANT Iooanaonoso sr INIIIZIdoInyooun mom FrankTekteahurt Open Mon to Sat up to 1180pm Proprietds savsoucoirsquuurur 29gt Sunday pns to 1130 plus New 54 Wins harvestsIna Varturn mawymm WWW sï¬ï¬MImrIm mm