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POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultryrnon are diOOEIIiK DEKALB PULLETS started ready to lIy and dIy oldchlakl order now for early order discount so service or on your poultry problem Creil Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STROUD ABEID FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown EeItty Farm Equipment HARVEST TIME IS HERE NEW AND USED Combines EWIthere ThreIMn MIIoihln IIverIi lood me 17EEURTON AVE 7292378 cashmommies FOX renal Hen IL th Etch Ind corn tree Ir Good condition NP mush Home eve hone JOIN AHACMNT or KII IIrveItIr lor IIle in load dl gluon authors lulemetion McCORMIDK Dllflumaiflti ruh el hi lliiouIII mm at mienHi Initial on rubber It an inn mm W6 In and mm AUTOMOTIVE Moron CARS FOR SALE court Hun xn3ilaiihn III everpeynunu Phone Iuilli liuwImTAIneIIIIï¬giimm aadjutgrivlte we cat 10 MA MI on nod paint tummew 00 be In will In new 15 eaeatiduliii flri oi aRIaiih Hm mdï¬ï¬‚maï¬ualé Ill no oihotg mu coastline my Enqtfnire Ron 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bumper iIc once IenerIl axle hitch install ed cIr wired iImonth warren ty Full price H350 107 down per month on heat peyment In EAST 0R0 TRAVEL TRAIL ans Erenchleo dealer leh way it north turn north It HIwkeatone Ooen weekends Dill M14110 MMILIB irIvei Trailr IiIIll Iiahulill IAmhlxiilnl motel 3PER50NALS mu Perm vine contIatId goon It nonworkin Telephone mam Do IOHELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON OPPORTUNITY NOW IE THE TIME mmlohintmhv un ay or Interview Mre Walker Box too Colllnawood or cell Barrie moan lOOmIHND Petition 0711i with Iii can in down rt 33 wIIIIIyWrtte 334am laminar leADY WANTID children in my ozlnmnorhl III an I0 Berri Lenin MUIIIII mun tun I10 ie to so lltidtf 1m in beat noun Aueuei honorarium ld ueunmro MALE HELP samsnan momma FOR HIGH VOLUME DEALERSHIP to mining Provided New Car Supplied Salary or commission Annual Guarentee WRITE 10 BOX as BARBIE EXAMINER WANTED CLASS MECHANIC or Year rentice ARK MOTORS BARRIE assume no mï¬hfliu Oomior with hIrvIIt IeiI ne sue COOHIWII TWO In WWII NO to Ill iui rowan Must heve It and hunt neIt pp renaeAwty El person to Be In Tlllu neonnonm Clerk let CI mmiimlnil piItIe one Ilnsie hot on ImItio cloeht one electric mantel rIdl him tile bench weeh meroue at one item tlxture one eleotrie sign lIwn moweret one It MALI FIMAL em GIRLS new Park aFestiugls Banned vuawronr tAPFNew mat CARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms IveilIhle It uncommon oarr Io BAYFIELD sr HEY KIDS HARE WON MONEY by Ieotnl deity orderI tor the COMM III Bell on 2M Hoiidey oddly loperoowcemmin EXTRA BONUS anon noon new STEADY EMPLOYMENT Note or mete lor roowaa snop AND Box at Iniisniiinir IBAUCTION SALES AUCTION sans SIiurdIyA at It pm Auction uie oi hoiuehod hum ithinrl etc tor MRS MARY ROVER ANGUS til remnantnos this °° om um Inn at with chelre out and pens dleheewend Nile utea die one General Electric hee reunite one cell Ind wood nude one dropleei tehle one duty eleotrio stove one theory table two Murner1 hot ltehea thInIt one uni electric tron hiidten new nuniheroi 1an an irtirell nu oddtehieeoneoekdi room XI uwfll an Inï¬nite irilieht one Im Oil ism che riieldendtwoodd Ietoieehliremumberoiunlll ehieI Ind etende onestoer Iwiol meohlna kitchen te llers one vanity oheeil oi drIwe emit one end tIhle cud tehiee one thi tltv oi charlie round table wooden beds and lotion ExoticII number oi odd chain penter Ind IIrde Ipece £le Ind mullon on eteel beds one oil etove quantity oi cut tools one Ink one on top carrier nu ctureI Ind mirrors on nerd truck rose ALSO ROOM HOUSE and corner pro riy will be altered iect to merve hid ill he announced an cells No reserve William Grant Clerk ARCHER COLWIIL Auctioneer nnnmraerrvnr CInadIe Dominion DrernI FaIIIVIl WII ineuyurIted with riorrnencee in the Little oItre ottIWIAprll 24 no Annie at lt ii 52 Appoint Bishops OiumWA CF Aliment hithope eun grie Ont end at WWI III the wtwmmntiou he Rev Joesph Aurele Plourde It etoor in the oi 31 Mondrian in Edmundmn we nun to iiing lmagi lde models oi AlqudrrIe Ont FItherPIeurde Ill horn in St FrencolI de Meduelhe Que end was mum in ten Dismissal Upheld mnomo torion Jiirtioe oi Lieii lid Wedoud tile dinnir HEM an III in on writing oi three mmnmm the Oneida Police mutton Wowm eone we diemleeed alter their at were ioood on mindi letters mailed in pertment envel Hewitt Ind II Smith cometained we has hindnit on iorce when Mu aeen Iota threush heekete la the police depeli nu meat oiiite Both policemen denied knowledje oi the 1m Ind Ieid they ml ht the hendied the paper on anythinl VIII limit as my oi oy were on hriaeisx dieoredit on the repute tion oi the polite lZTINDERS TENDERS Tenders invited tor the Iuooly Ind laItIiiItion oi In and duct work Ieouired tor the Laundry Area oi the General Ind Marine Hospital Coillna PlInI end specitlcetlons my be ohteined irorn the Architects CIreweli Ind Grleshech eon Hume sheet Colllnmood ihe lemming neceIIIr Cleslns date pm FridIy Aitltllt 1W CARSWEIIII AND GREEBACH Architects gym MWdied tut Idem ille Hula tender not sousion III gt ii Sr is 25 ii 53 éi E2 in nether nope oiliietd tine hrein waves Ind molecular Itructtuee to Ihetch in idea It WWW oild Hill lemme rolled out oi the mechlne Celcompe Iolution moi tor Pooch to IncorpooetWIeed the aim er Injured In Crash Paranoia Oat CPIMi ETi hlwa day um 33m uttered wheneceria dth wenid wu in eoliieion wtth Allard 10Ioe nd Roiend Allard oi are Iu QueI VIII severely ihe accident occurred on neerhy Aliumeite kind on the bee eide oi the mien River Smoke Screen PEIROLIA Git WIOP tion lander John Dieien llid Wednesdey nilht eehlnl to provoke In election to provide Imohesoreen to conceIl the governmente ieii use to carry out its prorateet Ihinl It herheoue ziven by the Progressive nlllVlA tive ridinl associations oi Lenihton Kent and lamhion EIIt the iormer PC prime mint IIIOIIIIIC he lliiellevloedirn Peer Ion preps as or In oer election was the exam that the opposition is obstructiltl the government But the people Ire kids for Intion not on election Mr Dleienhetier IIld cherzlnl that he never seen Iovarnntent leslrletien boiote PIn amethIn the Pearson ov eminent as CHOICE suuotNe lets all AT roar MchCOtl Nana MIDLAND MONDAY AUGUST out All lots serviced With fluvial roidsfiiy protection Niodaat an lots taint Lot No willy ding restrictions In on deiiIIry oi deed tin marked Indvdll he ahld aubiIct toreaaonahleireeeruefl he sold first Terms 10 deposit haience years it cleaned Price list stylus cuss THORNTON AucnoNIIa dwinanaiincm Win Ins Moon tetra Sohurmeler some on min tide it said new In so ieteoce It Jet Froauieion LI per cent chance that hour will return doeeup oi the temtn where tare utronluil my lend AP Winphoto furnace II on or one Mn you better dosomethlng quickl lhIt Illround thi in the basement you call Mom is iu little out at date And when you start puttin patches on top lawman lie worn out In unsafe to your You better et rid oi It quick before it gets rid of you ell Shorgas and have then in stall new modern gas mmaoe Get in on the big savings at thistime of year when you install new gas furnace Why wait til the cold weather comes sin or you lung your head and and up in hospital Its easy just call had our men are there and your basement is transformed to aquiet large area with plenty of room for you to room with no tears and lots of area for the kids to play in and no chances of them getting into trouble PER MONTH he umwy vsen Vhgtl4t 89 11 mm