gr II Cinemmarplmm he mv rrwflu II BIG DAY Monoaor Carey Stonul ot the New York Mtg Itonda wlth 400 pound blrthriay cake preaentod to hlm at Shea Ana IIND II BIG Stadium loot at on occa oIon at hla Itth hday The cake olaht toot ionl tour toot wide and three toot hllh waI planned by the Metro CAKE Ccrnqdian Open ron crsrv pollton Retail Bakera AooocI atIon It wIll be dIaIrIbuted to number ot New York area hoopltolo AP Wirepho to Jim Bouton Extends AL soulour It any wlnnnp Ior Somewhere over barrel war chore you could hav round Jlrn Bouton bcIoro th aeaoon tnrted Now he can he Iound HM Loo Anyoloo Angela Into Eoulon New York Yankoeo detcrmlntd prevooaoon holdout atoppcd boa Anyoioo on tour hIlo Wodnooday nlyht extend Ina hlr acoroiooa Innln atrlna over the Anyoio to n1 lctory wee Boutona Ilth olaht detect moklny eccond Mg winner Amorlonn naue load Immate Whltoy Ford to tho Iueot wlth it The roycarold rIahthonder uch or mood to do Yonkeoo want In wing their contract boIoIe In Bouthn wanted 100 Iniarylnoreaoeto 02000 It rtormanco In New York EIIerod ele000 ISSUE UVIIMAIUM II arc IN General manager Ralph Houk IIIucd an ultimatum Elthor Burton report to tralnlnn camp hï¬g ll00 day IlItcd Irom Itylolg IIk theyve at me OVII the rro Bouton oald at the UM ava ln Ho laced AnycieI May It tor the tlmo Itlo Anyole dIdnt any tlmo IumpIna on hlm tor throe runa In the that Inning They havent done much Jumplny olnce Bouton pitched olx acoroleao Innln In that name than out thmu llruntree In nlnllr aIno them two woekI later wlhout aelnlny deal Ilon HII Iaat two otarta ualnot Loo Anzeiao have brou ht hlm two vlc orleo II No ony ahut onto at tho oooron Elaowhore In the AL Bottl more Orloleo outlaatod Minna oolu Nina to Datroltltaoro nlppcd Chlcaao White Box 82 Horton Hod Sox odaod KInIaI Clty Athlotlco 31 and Waahlna on Senatoradowncd Cleveland Indlono In It Innlnae Iho Yankeeo arabbod load aInIt otarter Bo Belin Iky wth two rune acorlny In aocond on Ilm Preloolo twobaoo throwlny error and Clevo Boyora aacrlllco Ily and another zoomlnï¬ home on Mickey Mantloo onpio In the thlrd Elaton Howard drove In the tart two wlth baIaavIoaded olnale In the ooventh 0N0 ONE BEHIND lho OrIoIoa ramalncd one Kama behind tho Yankooo In the nod race Holnerr by Sam Bow cnI wlth one on In the third and Norm slobom none on In the acventh aupportcd clutch relIoI pItchlny by Harvey Had String dot and stu hllllor Harmon Kli lebrew alarnmed It 35th he mer tworun bloat In the th Iourth Detrolt me Irom behind on Gator Brow olzhth lonInl twonut homer oII hank Bau mann who laced Iterter Hay Herbert tar AI Kailno IIn ed wlth one out Untll that Inn pk Herbert had tourhlt tor orm 0th homered tor the IInoro In the month OI McNertnI connected tor Ch caxo In be top ot the Innlna Don Look drove In all ol the Senatora rune In their lttlnnlna vlctory He homered In the onth then craohed threerun blalt olt Gary Boll In the lrth The Indiana Icored In the ond when Ohlco Salmon walked otolo aeeond and came home on woody Heldo alnylo No orrora helped the nod Soot deleat the Athletlco Ed Brooooud walked In tho nlnth and raced to thlrd aa pllohor Dleno Reï¬ll threw wlldlylt no to plot olt Ilrot hen Icootod home with the wlnnlnz run aI IIrn Gontlle ciouted tworun omer IonKan clty In the Iltth and Cart the ram with homer tn the Barton ellhth Champagne ToriyTops On on Golf Course New Your AP Im thlrd on the moneywlnnlhy Ilot ll but that on the moneyopondlny IlIt Champaane Ionylcrna told the dour Scot at at An drcwa The Scotsman dIdnt loath They take thelr alt Iorlouoly Bolero ho Iclt tho orochaty old ceurae booldo the FIth ol Forth Champagne Iony Ihad the undumonrtratlve coltwor ohlpplny natIveo In hlo overlap DIM arlp IIlaytiovad hla toll and theyloved hla Iparkllna gerannallty whlch bubblod Ilko II champanno Ihoy chrlotonod him the JollyYankJ Item no tall poodIookloy oxmarlne Irom Eon leandro aiII dIdnt have to wln the milk Open to eatabllah hlm aelt no one at the moat excltlnl Ilruroa In modern day poll It merely embelllaheri the image Belora Ilylnl to Scotland he war the hottert player on tho Amerlcan tour He had won tour toumamonta two more than any other player and had pocketed wart Ilrat rIze money In two 0100000 evena the Ihundorblrd and Cleveland Open Theohampalna glrnrnlch helped tony war playlna In the OranaeCounty Open In Collton nla In I061 when he noted aomo reportera drlnklnn or II onau ato ordoh Pr wln Ililaprlnl Ior otterhpaane Itd cold He won andha dld Ita bo corno atrademaflt 80 haa hII eaIuaI Iltht humor and cocky braahnera mnlnlo cent ot the mat Welter Halon Lorna returned Irom Scotland danollny Iancy whiteand old claorotte holder lrom hla lipo LIttIa altt Irom the Dukaot Windoorfl Ho dropped kidding remark about ore dIltIcult Amarlcan couroea nd nreoted hlaybo hood chum on Open chem on Kan VenturI wlth the Brltlr accented oomment Oh you muat be the chap who won that American tourna ment For all hla clownlnantbnylo crattrman wltlrtho boldnero or pirate and the nerve at burllar bemaoame Into roll wlthout the amateur or early tourna mant background otvmoot oIhl rlvaloHe not Iloh aa proIoa olonalI arrlotan ahortly alter Iottlny out the marlneo In treeand drltted Into the tour ciaulo awlnaer who Ialon on the tee and hla Irono In no avar wlnnlna more than 01100 untll hla came wI when we pl aer donly Ialled In the artmmer 1001 boot year he collected WM vausgwrernutm monitor waarenecidehexrnonuï¬ Whether leseneooh ï¬ght loo decided that tbia not torohouldbedoddodbythow tlromeneborlrlp Promotion oe which the bout to Beachmla In whloh de VI Intercontlnootel to controlled to wtthln eh Ntlon Llatoaa mano iulond Nlloaobualeou ouo Gets Underway come at dtotanco and wa bbad by Arnold Palmer ot boot hopeful Ooorao Knudoon and tom champ Geno Kunea walled tor lo mlnuteo beIore the Ive way woo cleared aoen today Iwalted Hold ot not In the cocaine round ol the 0000 Canadian open to champlonohl alrner nd tellow all are NI am both ohunnlnl lot nova Wedneadoy durlnl damp practice round Ito one at the boat IIvo couroeo layer on the tour thla Ioklauo WouIdnt you ray that ArnIeI Palmer who ohot th role ot men to bee tho aouaheot In $0 oouroo that ad anyone he Irot they had to center with lirhtnlnl and heavy reln Io they arrIved In planoa end than taco cattery ct 1000 to row that almoIt oopped play The mmlnod moor ot Arnloa Army and Pack awarrned over the thIr IaIrway and the Iouroemei ah Included Cano Mllll CUP DRIVES Nlcklauo who Ibot twoovor cold the rum played lot louder than the 7000 arda would Indlcata becauae nt ot drlv which would ordlnarlly be oeo ya to 000 yard to avoid the water Althouth moat yoltora thin tourundermooema Illte IIbie orlnnor mra tor the 71 ole teat Palmer who won the Co nadIan Open In rare predicted on or Itnudoonranked with AI Bold Inl II but chance tor Cana dlan vIotory played onLv nine boloa and dldn oep acorn Another lormer champlon 1063 winner Dona Ford woo one thoae who thoufllt 280 would take It flle IIeId Includeo three other lloltove who rank bohlnd Nlck or and Palmer In the top to moneywhom the other main throata are Gary tcbl Cblt Rodraus and Bllly Cooper Casevlllteceives 500Pound Cake NEW YORK AP It would have been Im IIbII to toretell back In mo at Charlao Dlllon gr alll kalewow nulllooa or II WWI would omodoybocoma lame manner al at the met aucc llved buahe nMayrvllIe Hy In blue lame be war bettorttnown clown than no boil player He wore loud tleo wlth ho baaebalt uallorrn and too all on praotloln aIIdInI II he rotted to hII pol tlon In the outIIoId Ihore woo an In ne oylum near the ark acr Irorn oentretlod tome and th rnateo cheered when they raw hlm Caoeya manaaer uaad tol hIo head to the all matter oItlme rule It war II manner that he earned and torn ln OI VTrimble Not LImpresIed Wlth Exhibition Football Victbriea MONTREAL OPII Jlm Irlmbie aoya Ottawa Itou Itlderoara on the way to wn nlna the CanadIan Prootb all kaaue exhlbltlon ohamplonahlp tor 100a But whatgdoea Itvmat tort In the arapolrult plaaaua In Ltd In the exblbltlo yamoa Wad all holdlnl up two IIn era to Ind to two palate on Ill tart to worry Iha Montreal AlotletteI coach war expreroln hla Ioatlment about the Importance aomepeo pie attach to wtanlne preoeoaoo lomoo trlrnbl team have al wayI plorebie exhibi tIon record IbeAlouotteo have played two pre Ion aameo Io tor thla year IoIInl 054 to Calaory and wlnn no narrowly 11 over Ear katchewan Irlrnbla haa alert chance to experIrnent tonight whenthe AI ouettea lploy heat to Ottawa In the loo ethbItlea romeo tho ooaeon tor both IIItI encatteamr Ottawa corner heroundoleated In exhlbltlcn pl avlnl cored oonvlnclaa wlno erngteoma BUY THE who riayatvo pr take year and do pendlna on whlch record book you belt and ava la In bare all her Ililolan with vlbrantllv II completlaa hla thlrd ye aI rnonaaor otthe Na tonal League doormat New YorkM to alter havlny won to Manon and oevén orld chom plonohlpa In yea or at the New Yor Yankeeo 35 IzIIifraontekdda 000 ore nude nldhtr rainedout name betwoax Met and loo Annalee Dada or to have to be cut Player luan me oh ll MIMI Ilnale Ive Barrio over Stewarta Germ lava tbrllier that vaulted Plan two White oI thlrd ploco Btewarta In tho Ilrot unto PIoIaI Wayne Raoer and Stewarto Butch Boyd were hooked up to alnltnl pltohora dml ItuueII hurllna tor Plan woe worklna on no hitter until thevolrth Innln when Joe Ieï¬gghed able 11 love up an Doorman In the mat Innln no more until mid HI eon doubled to the tltth Then came the Ilrot ol two diaputed calla wblch corned tIro worka by both teaml Corby Adamo led all the Ilrttb wlth hit Harv Martln waa called out th on tblrd olrlko by plate urn ten fire Burns but everyone nclttdlnl Martin bellovod that be had luot two ItrIkeo Alter conrlderable arzutnz by the It Plara manayoment and Mertln In parllcular Hurno ruled that player waa out Then comb the call at the night thlo tlme Involvlay baaa umplro Bud Knapp With Adamo Edw otIlt at that bone Pratt rent to Al Smlth at ahort Smlth rod have knocked the bat downand rnetlo hla play to IIIIt baae on the manor Adamo rounded oeoond and and ed up at third the Sta wart management ap oled to Hoop that Smith he actually equ the ball and IlrerI to rat tor the double play on Adamo Then the rhubarb rea broke Iooae But when the Inai de clotnn waa rnade Stewarto had thelr double playtha lnnlna wai over and Boyd waa out or am Hlooo Ievanthda IllDI Ill blar PI Ibo Ievonth In aurda wlth atewarto lead our ohortIlved on In the bottom at the month Barron lined to Ielt Hold and throolnr error lent him around to Imm robs hiyoooflrohd run on no Ila ï¬lncbardaon Iacrltlood Don nel to ooond then come Hineo only the Iecoad and pinata run Ior are Boyd had toooed three hlttor uatlltho three Plate hIta In the month he ended with III rtorrnone and no Plan otter lot more than one hlt Doorman Adamo Barron Donneily and ltldlaldoon not con playInI In no Held and aetond player Plate haI hrouaht up trorn Lokevlew Dolly ot the Interrnadlota lea Illa mode hla Ilrot hlt in oenlor oompetlllon two bowr and war the only extra Ie blow rellatored by Fine Huuail treated the lane to no pltchlna dIapIIy aim and IInlahed with threehlttor He walked on one Stewart bottcr ardr Irley and Art IIIer tIn accounted tor the three hlta hltyet the nI ht ed wbloh drove to Donnally th Elmvaiebadaonemu mdhnIuIIodmnawaihte BeloourtDoanrrne two rummar on oere MotownM ac ooan BIrrettatruclrmeutDykotlra Eta and Iorcedthe runacroutae to In the bottom the thlrd Iachaono round ttlpper tled the more at tel Irueiovo want attend to the IIIth when Fred aneo aloaled and when bu Beloourt attempted to pick ott Haneo oteallal record the ball cleanthytnt 01 Im If can tlrno the bat Honeo the eeod Irnolovo run over the plate Hence woa credlted with oInIIe Itolon hole and Ioored on two bale throwlna error Beloourt than come In the bot tom ot the th and the lame waant doctdad untll that Innlaa Pat Wanamaker walked and oreed Wanamaker at Iecond Chappeli rent hot Ilner to that wblch Campbell gloved tor the Iecood out Then Blanchard came up wlth run Icorlna hlt drlvlnl In Rawn nrlroh woo rate at tint on an error then Thurlow came through wlth deep hlgh tly bell to Iett Ilold Left IIoIder Ernle Mllla who momenta before that had one In to oubatltute Ior Slbbald raced back and appeared ready to make the catch at the nlaht ut Ieamed at the loot moment Plaza lot the bare loaded In lo the Hat Innln and didnt More Ildhto run or ooma aharp IotIeId play by Stewarta Ioroed the playora Into two Iloldoro chole oI and around out That waa tho only am Boyd woo in untll llflmlflnplfl rhubarba In the ox Hod lhurlowo home run wlth two men helped rrualove trlm Etmvaie Prince Hotel ol to debt at the ball to tho and when It came down over hla head for home run rtrurlow wan crodltod wlth home run battloy In three runr Lou Balcourt war the pamoo top batter wlth three alnzlea In three IrIpa to the plate Ior three at Elmvalea IIva hIIa oIt Dykatra Den nlrnor not the other two one at which war The more outhlt Ituelove live to tour but Don Dykatra waa arentdln the clutch Elm gt IKIIII tlllIl ou le Jackoon and Ihurlowa horn erl abclcountod tor the cntra Viki4 PROUDLY EXPORTED T0 MOIIE THAN 50 COUNTRIES Lithlllttl Mrlilllrllr Mill lllrllll Ii II lat In lrrrwllrlurl LMILHLIV Ill gBHN srvrevv Buvacrenrass ee he Wide Selection Of TOPLESS fMODELs uter er tbreo waob GOTBIROCONVERTIBLE Whlte wlth black top and red Interior radio whlta walla wlndohloid waahero hackup ma autcK convanrlato Electra 215 Robtno Ego Blue Power Steer Ing broker and windows radlo electric top Itzhto automatlc tranamloolon power ateor Ifldï¬unk backP Ilahlo automattc wlth Ins power broker SAVE 050000 Novv JUST I964 CHEVELLEV CONVERTIBLE Mallbu super Sport brand new yellow wlth black Interlor V0 wlth barrel carburetor padded daoh electric too 1th walla radio brakeo and otoorlnn coneole wlth utomatto tranomlarlon andraeat belle POW TOTAL PRICE are oHEVELLa convertrim Mallbu blue with matching Irrterlor redto wlndahleldwaahera power ateerlng and hrakaa automatic trane padded daoh wheel dleoo and carrier lull new car warranty II acompany car drtvcn by Idro Georaopangefllald SAVE 050000 REDUCED TO JUST cnuaa control NOW JUST I964 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE startlro Aqua In colour wlth thte leather uphalotery WEI ateerlnr brakes and wln dowa backeupllluhta radlo white waIII and oporty conooie contalnlng tachometer and automatic tranrrnlaelon ohIlt handle Thlo oarhae been drlven tor loeo Ihana month by Mr George Danaerlleld Preoldont ot $949504 Dangerï¬eld Motoro Immo NOW JUST 1964 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Impala Black wlth red Intarlnr automatlo tranemlaalon wlndehlold woahoro radlo wcr oteorlng and broker clock and neat elta New car warranty rhIa car woo trad ed In by aBarrIe doc SAVEWW $516800 to limo car can plnchhlttl or amt the other no oIIBo Rlchard vrwareoqemu 0ng ryemagnum