local Weather aim udnotqsslia seceel tom use Wt as ngbrridsyaoJoraeonvlete aims7 turn to ma two Continuing to expand with Barrie and Shoo Densely mini ct gmtiï¬ ï¬niiffï¬uï¬iï¬iuiyu ltaAWVVfmAf MW MNatM6h Thai 7e Porters l6 Paioi patronage NORTHERN ODESIA SJ ill 30 Lilonay blonds Lueylla AVern ghosts in Miss Muskegon as study in queealy com use Tuesday night as she made winning bid for the Miss Michigan Pageants pre llminary lalent award de spli faulty snap which gava letting hcr Cinderella all made to the iloor mid way at her shit involving trea hand pastel drawings AP Wircphotol us Ranger Sails FOr Moon PASADENA Calif AP lclcntlsis watched with lNWltll station oday as Ranger rolled peacefulmthrougp spacg uiiiu caigo oi carnalas now given an gitpercent chance oi snapping seupa of the moon Radioed iniormation indicated allinstruments aboard the not mused vehicle were in normal condition including the televi aion system designed to go into action last before impact at 025 am EDT Friday There was no threat so far oi the technical troubles that grilled aix previous linger as lawman rumma geptor oi the lot propulsion lab oratory which made and is guid ing Hanger on its mummiie voyage says the lnsectshapsd apacecratt has passed the worst its hurdles and has at four offiva chance of success Ha raised the odds from 505i pace whymmlle area in the oi Clouds just southwest oi centre at the moon anger now lstmslaing idly lla scientists determine ether one final correction must be made before the space plunges into the moon at miiep an hour ltsalx cameras pee ng out hole In the side or cone ped body must be pointed raightdown when they begin applng soon pictures in the tini minutesoiiiigh if the crsit proper phal iion no correction will be made otherwise tiny lots will he sent asignal one hour hciore impact to rollthc craft around in apnea until the right photo graphic angle is achieved it al Aeronautics and Space Administration oiiiclals say any photographs obtained will he released within ti hours The Quebec legislature vot ed 53 Wednesday night to suspend Yvestabiae from the legislature for three years for melting an unlounded accusat tlon oi influence peddling against AttorneyGeneral lltcne Hamel Mr Gables laUnion National member for Trots Rivieree Scealoryuon is Wirephoio insane In Paper Stills rgeplaced Other isms RONTO tCPlDn maior sole to settlement of newspaper prioters strike here beenrsmoved but series other issues replaced it today who walkout entered its fourth graphi UnlonCiC an calls situation wheat said he walked out July And the pa pers which have continued to pubil under the eye at Louis Fine cilia conciliation officer for the Ontario labor department it is government their lhth day oi supervised talks gea in previouslyegresdto monagernenb Wednea alterths disputants rattled residuumtime kleyiiseue of tart on over ec ron com aghast thraedailies pgihe teiatement Wednesday night that changes would have the fleet or operating open shop nonunionl coinpcsinghmlrlias twhich made no fu mment The uplou whose ï¬bula clauses were proposed conicnded in Eight lnnisiiivolullteer fire fldilers extin uiahéd ah smell blew isilaco age inst Hoadtiniinr latexosoroingx the building sh resume negotiations to Opposes Talks TOKYO AP Communist China told Russia today it will never take rt in any inten nalional meet ng that will split the international Communist movement The Chinese Communists are firmly opposed to achismatlo meeting convened by leaders of the Soviet Communist party the Chinese declared Pekinge refusal to attend showdown meeting of the worlds Communist parties was contained in letter dated July so from the central committee oi the Chinese Communist party to the Soviet Communist party Contents at the letter were monitored in Tokyoi from broadcast by the New China news agency Churchill Thanks Ul Parliament Winston Giuichlll said Wednes day he would always remember and cherish the tributes paid him by Parliament Tuesday to mark his retirement after more than so years in the House of Commons Prime Minister Douglasslama read message given him by murohilliwhen Britains po cats Mile pater statesman and wartimel else with record at the Commons resolution res in un bounded admiration and grati tude to him Churchills said Among the many diifercnt as poets and chapters oi my pub lic life it is my tenure as member of Parliament that value most highly Now at this time of soy de parture this resolution has set the seal on the many hindnessae which the House has done me it will always be remembered and cherished by myseli and my descendants There were prolonged cries oi finished readingvthe massage The Georgian Bay university founding committee has rovers ed its stand onvthe type oi in stitution oi higher looming for the area On the advice of Edu cation Minister William Davis the committee will attempt to establish lull arts and science university in Shncee County subconunlttee under the chairmanship or lose Weider oiv Collingwood will prepare arbriei to present to the Ontario Unl verslty Advisory Board The brief Will cite the sad for such an isutltution in the county it will suggest the use at RCAF Station Edgar as the campus site The founding committee had beenheading towards similar or community type college But at recent mee in Cold water Mr Devicepr ed that the province needed fullvfledged universities He saidthe dismantled radar hare could be converted forum for 100students ionszsooo llc Lennon tar is miles soulliui ne flia imitativede Ice and coil ve arr venom b1 lFfirernets pï¬vented the are so an of the renalof LONDON Reuters Sir Holiybrooir Hope shown above currently the highest livingauernsey milk produo er in Canada brought honors to her owners Mr and Mrs Pat OConnor Eirei Farsn NEW YORK AP Civil rights leaders in some cities ex press rescrvailons about call by Negro loaderi for an end to most if not allI mass demon strations in the United States until aitoralection day Nov The national leaders were critical at what they called the states rlghos platform Hear hear as DouglasHome adopted by the Republican con veniion that nominated Arizona flirts science Sought For Edgar suggested the icon ing commit tee pre are bri his ass stance The minister also sdvleodtba committee to seek affiliation with an established university in discounting the iunlor col lege he noted that technologie al school forthaGeorglan Bay area is planned for the near fu are lmai politicians and interested and offered parties at themeeting discussed with the minister all aspects or the university problem Archl teclural and ngiincerins studies mega also available to Present at Vlhs Goldwater meeting were Fisher Canton prealdenivofvtbe East Simona Progressive Conservative Assoc iation LloydLatherby MPP simccaEait Reva Downd er MPR foeruiierin Shame and Dr Rynard MP for Sirocco Eastpand John McCar try deputy minister at theUnl veralty Aiiaire Department Cookstown in recognition oi Hopes achievement Mr Connor lam received Guernsey Island Milk Jug held hareby his wlie iha resentation from the Canad an Guernsey Breeders Assn Senator Barry Goldwater ior president ihoir statement is sued chncsdey night after eiasnrnit meeting said We believe that racism has been injected into the campaign by the Goldwater forcaa Urglng ashiit in tactics they called for broad curtailment it not total moratorium at all mass marches mass pickatin and mass demonstrations untl after election day and more emphasis on gettingmora Ne groes registered iovote Roy Wilkins executive scores tary oi the National Association for the Advancement oi Coloredj People took palnsto make it clear that the summit state ment should not be interpreted as an cndorsement oi President Jphnsons candidsoy tive MP laolr Mclntosh stands accused hya federal Judicial dairy oi pressuring govern ment agency to pay cmpialiure hcaeilis sent to about 1000 farmers in his Saskatchewan constituency in 1963 Mr Mcinlosh MP for swift Current Maple Creek irom diater labelled the documcn political report poiiticsly slanted by dcicated Libarai candidate Judge Harold Pope of as dawBaek Ironically Judge Pope int quiry stemmedfromconiplainie laat year by Mr McIntoshover the dismissaloiGebrge Walk SwiftrCurreot aeupervlsc rAsaist sudge Po gin volume ah rsilttsd eral government neoo mlasal see is mitosesMargaret has turned vitalion to go tcNewYorir in October for thspremlere Finestliou beaed on books by Winsto Cii walker marsm onionsarosisswano elation msda at Eire Farms preview oitholilh Odtario Guernsey Classic Sale The sale took place Wednea day aitarnoon For more stor lea and pictures sea pagaflva Examiner photo spot check by The Asso ciaied Press indicated that sev eral civil rights leaders on the local level intend iogo ahead with demonstrations when they feel they are required to get r9 suits Jessa Gray leader oi the Harlem lent strikes said Wellcohtinoe to have demon strations inHaricm in spite oi what Wilkins sast Stanley Branche head of the Committee for Freedom ow in Chester Pa near Philadelphia said Ths ohly way we gotthis far Is because of our demon strations At rally oi 150 persons Wed nesday night he called ior pick ets to march at paper com pany today to me more Jobs for Negroes Mr Molnth profoundly iniiu encad Mr Walker and threat ensd Mr Riddaii and the PFAA board at review No investigation was held al though Aivin Hamilton then led eral agriculture minister in structed Mr Riddeli to go ahead with one Eeuaiits cheouea wcre ordered issued by Mr llamll lonl iorrner executive assist antltoyFs now CBC television roduce alter as rice of act onaby andMr Walker LUSAKA Reuterst itiiri members oi the fanatical Lumps Church religious sect were killed today when North ern Rhodesian troops and police stormed and ocean ed their taro tilled Slone village headquarters near Chiasali Northern Prov ince according to first reports government spokesman said about 100 were injured as well as two soldiers ltint police used tear gas to clear the saoia main church ti women the spokesman said People from surrounding vi iagas were reported flocking into Chinssll and gathering at the local administrative head quarters government spokesman said today reports reaching Lusaka indicated the Lumps followers ed tha army sitar select ing ails by the district com msaloner to come out peace ably Both the village oi Shane and the sacia large brick church were occupied but the where abouts of the secta leader prophetese Alice Lenahlma is not known he said Siana village about seven miles west of Chiasali was for merly known as Kssorno Lan sblma changed the name to the lozcal yersion oi the Biblical an It loo kadedLuhrpa village of Chinsail today but reports oi their progress had not yet come in the pohoeman undo Demonstrations said Terrified refugeessad Lumps warriorsspeared 50 African men to death in two North Rhodesian villages drove the the daily newspaper as an edu cational tool ii beexplorad by group oi some to Canadian and United States school teach ers here Aug MA The teachers are to attend workshop on iiisnawapaperin the cinema versity Mme workshop sponsored by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association started last year under the direction oi Pressured AgéiiCY MPils Accessed omws or Conserva ard Riddail of Regina He says Carletons psychology depart ment Mr Wendt now dean students at Carleton is to direct it again this year The lavday program and discussion groups ls aimed at acquaintlng teachers with the varied iniormation available in newxaper ior use as teach ing at They will be shown how to use newspaper stories to illus LDS hunches on sat Garner got into verbal shoot out with ihacity oouncilWedt nesday over the encroaphmanis oitha cltleson IhEIr nlstlc mountain retreats he TV lMAVr it Er public alsl mas oi the All at Carleton Uni respondent of talks McQueen is Villagers Reject lining Pleas To Come Peaceiuliy survivins women and children shin grass huts and burned them vs The releases from neighbor ing villages said toil men women and children died in the slaughter st Chiral and Et mahundoI near aects head quartcrs Some Moo Africans nod to Mulanga to miles away seek ing mtsction from the diacl lee oi lice Lenahima who ve been on rampage oi murder arson and looting or more than Itle lh rev easy government had reported tl dead including no Lumpss and three police moo WILL NM APPEASE Prime Minister Kenneth Kauada head at Northern des first ailAfrican gov meat pronuied There wlillhe no pearemant of the sect Brtsh Governor Sir Evelyn Hone new with lisunde Wednee day to Chlnsall the centre of the violence 500 miles noithcast oi Lusaka The Lumpa outbreak was touched off when young mem ber oi the was punished for playing hoo ey from school relatlvawhn belongs to Kaunu deta9Uolted National independ ence Partylong at odds with Alice and her followershanded out the punishment Alles whose lunarold move ment has attracted thousands oi isnatlcspclalms she returned to His three days site south to lead crusade to destroy the power of witchcraft She had an strict Church of Scotland upbringing hutpow has deval opad her own brand oi witch craii She is matroaly woman in her ioe Study see As Teaching OTTAWA CF Ways to use irate lessons in such current events and geography The teachers wl talks on journalism gt ber of prominent Journalists and an lesson vicepresident the Hamilton Specta toriai policy and in reporting Ross Mu lisher of the Winni on therole oi the Guy Montreal La Ereaeeo in French Canada Fisher NDP MP for thur on politics and the The proieeeors are Wllirs gleston director of Car Universitys department at nalismand Dr Font oi the University at onlos anthropology departmei Hollywood iota Protest Development0ijlietreats ii hsteveryournamelo that Four movie stars iedhy James is queeilonlhet should he put to the planning tome Miss Dratie rose to say she hadnt had hersay the previous She ruled out of order itdown Shle dlgn wringing herhaniis and asking nobod in particular Why cant have parhifwhy WI department not Thehlose arsic hero oi the television westerns auoooeni jhs ask