whammyin rm 3110r1r eeoiiy with III Ihllll Am mm SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS SUNNIDALE CR3 ayaeuJLIam Mr end lira Keith Proaaer and We at karoorou recent viaitora with and Mra Archie Wham he Batu iarniilea attended the Batu Minion at ï¬xing valer Park on Mod Mr and hire Van Beeh Mr and MraA Qilham and Mr and Mra Dull were luaela It the Van Vooratliuetena wed dioa at own llill 6U MINI Durinl Amat liev ltltehie will he on vacation Dun inx hia abunm aervicea at lion Church will is conducted by tueet miniaten HOLLOWS IJ MR5 IDWDEN Mr and Mra Keonalh Beth aate end iamlly oi luadale at the weekend with Mr and re Archie Bethlnte Mra Robert Gray it vililiel her aieier and hrotherinlaw Mr and Mra Roy Smith Tor onio ior two wean Mr and hire Robert stoutt th end iamil oi Emery viaited at Mr and re Roy smith on Sunday GUTHRIE Iy MR8 CAMERON Mime Margaret Munro oi North Bey and Darlene Jory ol Bailaion vieited their aunt Mra week on Don Bell and non oi Eady also vieltad her parante ior iew daye pbeil la holi Miaa Mnrle dayine in Oriilia with her eou elna iha Lilllcrapa Mlaaoa Myrna Campbell Bei ty Caldwell and Elva Moon are unendina week at Warm Beach liiiaoea Lorraine Caidweli and hicQtail Kate Graham Mra Karen hleCuniy Wayne Campv bell and Ruaaell Beale were male oi their teacher Mra Shelewell at Horn Lake or the weekend Miaaea Catharina and Anna Napier Mra ll MoCuai and Mrs Mccuaia Ireate ihemaelvea to dlnnar at the dun dlai Reataurantln Oriliia one day leat week Conmiulatinne to Mr and Mn Pat Jamieaon oi Toronto on the arrival oi their aeoond daughter on July 21 Heather Ia vlaliinl her Irandparenta Mr and Mra Bert Jemieaon Mra ii uirea of St momea haa been daitlnl lha llntinaa and Siodtlnrt lamiliag Mr and Mra Newton item also attended the chriatenina in iondon oi the non oi Mr and Mra William Sinclair on July in cnuncmu 31 MM lenunran Mickey Walton returned to hia home irom Toronto General Hoo plial iotiowina emery Mra John Luoaa oi Barrie iorrneriy oi Churchill la pat ient at the Eowmnn Nurainy Home Eiroud Mr and Mra Ruaaell Byraoa Oshawa vialted recently with Mina Lillian Sloan Miae Martha Fitnimmine haa returned from month vaca tion in Caiiiorola Mr and Mn William Sloan Gail and Elizaheili ol Gait have been recent ueaia with Mr and Mra Harry Bioo Rev Mr Price oi Fonihiii min in St Petera Anailean Church Sunday having an ganged pulyita with Roy an Mr and Mra Baker oi churc hlll have ourchaaed Lochian Dxiorda houee on the ith line Mr and Mra Carrier and iamlly oi Leiroy have moved in to the tanner Proaler home Mr and Mra Juaiio Clhiritn apent the weekend with the iormere eieter at iiileonhura Mr and Mn Ghnrlen Hou to ion end Mr and Mra Eou ton oi Toronto went Wed ne ay with Sloan Mra Grubb Mra Ted Kel laugh and Howard Allen have attuned to their home ioiiow in low daya ally in Royal Vclorla Hoaptal Barrie MIR SWAN RETIRE Miaa Mary Sloan haa received letter irom Elwood Madlli MP ior Duiierinaimcoe con modulo her on her yearn to the lnnlail Townlhip oilice and wiahlne her pleaeure in retire iMl lnnlaiil Townahip police pre uoierl Miaa Sloan with air at bedroom lamoa on her eat day at the oiiice Mlaa Sloan hae been actively uaoclated with the cierlta oi iiee loraimoot 30 yea iirat with her uncle William Sloan later with Allan Allan lreton and more re Riahard itch Al ilmta Miu Sloan haa been act in oierit unrizo cnuncn Then will be no eervico ih ihe United Church on sunday ltueiin oi Oriilia wliib immateratouucw Mr Ali aarvice ill humour Kali attended iheRaii reunion at Ionian Park Symon oithe comment in amended the rzldatlvae oi Bone away home at Emu July at Mile Janice Todd ie with her alater stood at hemore Mr and Mn Gnu Devla and iamlly attended the Perrier Reunion at liailydown Beach day Mr and lire Jaeh countable and daunhien Mr and tire Blake Conatehle and iamlly and Mra Jean Cooatabie and tone eiiended iamlly letin other at the oi Mr are now enioylna holiday at Cape Cod Many local women attended the quilt me and lit ialr ai Eaton Mre hunter demon atrated more in gt The Beatty iarn hed re union nt the Nollowa Oommuolly llail park on Sunday GILFORD Ry MR8 MWYER Vieiiore It lou Neiilye an in week were Mu Elwin Smith Vicioria Miee Mary Robineon Toronto Mr end Mra Footer Cniilulwoori Mra Tormon oi Toronto war yiaiior with her eiater Mra ll Keii recently home imm thia community attendinl the Quilt and Riel Fair in Beeton were Mra Conaiahie Mira Haition Mra Sa er Mra Kell hlra Nu ea Mre Weaver and Mra Sawyer BIBLE SCHOOL children attendln Bible Vaca liun School at liiordSchooi ycobxsrown By DAUREEN ANDERSON Mr and Mra Carl Carlton oi Dotcheater viaiied duriny the gut week with Mr and Mra ohn Taylor Mr and Mra Jack Findley oi Huniaviile vlalied recently with Mra Findieya mother and air ier Mra MoMaeier and Mia lrene MoMoater Boo Prion oi Kitchener and Bill Prinl oi Port Qedlt aoent their vacation with iheir ar ante Mr and Mre Elli Sunday viaitora with Mr end Mra John ia lor were Mra Mary Dlly oi undnlk and Mr and Mra Aubre Hibbaat and iamlly lrom Mar dale Eympa oi the community extend to Mr and Mra Arthur Cooper and iamlly on the death oi Mr Coopera lather Howard Cooper who died at Stevenon Memorial Napltel Ailleton July is Vieitora durinz the part week with Mr and Mra Bill Prinz were Mr and Mr Murray Miler anuimait Mr and Mra Bailateio Kitchen er Mr and Mre Geberdt oi Kitchener Mr and Mra John Prion oi Guelph and Mr and Mra Bud Graham and Kathy oi Alillton Mra McMaaier and Mien lrene McMaaier villted in Rigid with Mra Mer 5n and Mn Monard Martin nod iamlly oi Chillwacit 50 are viaiiinz Mr and Mra John Taylor Mr and Mra Jim Oli oi Sprinnhiil Nove Scoiia have re turned home ioliowin weehe vacation with Mr Mra Bill Print Conuratulaiiooa to Mr and Mra Don Cook on the itith oi daughter on July to at Stavenaoo Memorial Warhol Aiiilton Bob and ii Print and Siodelar went weeka vaca tion at Sauble Beach iiNTEN MILLS Ry MRI soon Regular church aervice Sun doy at 130 Conaratuiet one to John Cole and Donna Buiiay who were married recently and are re alding in thin village Deepeat aympathy in extended the bereaved relativea oi Mra Don Bender who wan bur ied on Saturday Mra Torn Park and non oi stratiord visited over the week end at llaighie Mr and Mra Everett Eeaoocit and boya relurned home Sun day irom epondinr week who in at Tlmiaiiamine Mr and Mra lorne Howden Manylouand Pete Gamble apent week with irlende at Tomato near New Urkeard Mr and Mra Smith oi Eenmeviiia vialted Mr and Mra Aiex Bowman recently Mr And Ma lorne Wilton and hoyn apent law daya at the hunt so near Mattawa Sieyh by and Randy Scoii oi Weai Hill are holiday lnx tor week with their rand parents Mr and Mn Scott Miaa Janet Edward returned tolm me lo Mndonaiter ndio her hoiideya tat heldnt the home at extent new on July preeent from Here are between on and an moron noamson who Iv limit LESSON Mmkmwdandnen on dayeiaetareekwi urandIreNonyBrownoothehiith buL Gailandizrryepeota lane and lilrlba COPPII TAELI step iabiea arborlte toga walnut iiniah 29495 flirt lil 52 PC CHINA DISH SETS Aaeorted patterne 1995 i7Iiiil ac on iiii lira lanky laden Port Ar inur unnatulaiiona to tile Bell ll oi lire Jean Btu one three piano bontratoiallolu to Mr and 607 wool Round uare and long viny convert an aorted coioure mm POLE LAMP Adluatablo iarnpa indi vidualawitch 1495 unit mu ESTERFIEED SEATER Nylon irim covers loam cuohiono 95 alaorted ooloura REG 23995 PC EEDROOM SUITES 13 hi erohaatbooltcnaehad whjiunuta omliver mink ilnlah REG 6995 limnloiu New impenh SMOOTH TOP SPRING FILLED MATTRESS one am roiomo cors With aprinl iii REG 3995 Arborlia tahie our Top llldD lotted colory ledomaitma achrraoMe sers my oh 535935 34 at new in trim 695 daaoaendlolrJndlirtweehetGoNmbahanda RonidCotunanonihehuinoi weeirvithlirJodJirtctan eoeehrlaeiikdarhomwiav enrihire ivan Bell and MW lireJJ mo on la town it Mn Mime mm mm lo ott Goon and Hanan in naioillroehvrll mingle daughter ia oi Pleloa are hallo thug WlliM Bell in Mr and MrITGrenviiie liai ob Illnnnmarna Manuelaan ereditl lt Illllllm aaau THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDA FURTHERMORE WERE OPE rFRiDAY NIGHT TILL 9pm FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE il flunllflill NO MONEY DOWN or to Yanksre My Welinanee our own FEATURE SPECIAL Liam sons1 Nylon frieze covera aaai colours mm anthrax tee mnon ram Ont CMVoltai Scetia common nu ieer itreman Allan Warren meantime mood that it bought Iuiohrrediimday you tin WNW ammo Nova Seoiin coal moi the teethan loiflmtutyurtnrwuumumm nethemin IaitouelnmninnPielt atreei oi WM county with Redmm Suite on gIJdrrohmeheat Inpanel hymn REG 3399 One only Releni Wrioler Wuhan Heavy duty wrloyar Pump IIlllillll 929935 23995 ili Iiinil an estimated at $0000 Nylon irleae cover loam eunhlona loam haeke choc brown REG man One only arei llllnuamaanl Weellnlllonae Heavy Duly Mulilysned Automatlo ther Four cycle 0oa only amethysteye Haaoyduty brooer apt line with tremovehleoven door for eeay REGl8995 gt usaomaluoaa Ineaeeilaittoohdiiionirooi denoiom hereon no ownmum aLAcK AND omen wonxewoa ii iiI7 MCIEANIRS New No Thouaeod Model Someihinxlrenllyiaewinvaw 12REGé1995 ouILriroanï¬ lm Deomark Ll IdogJ REif695 Moovenvncuu nmï¬ Complete lh drill finishing halid ALLrITEMsADVEtiTIEbAVAILAI MITED ounNrmnst The Muuoau rem the churchJ tteaelilsddtew flIIlhlnnmm