ARMY WORN by the mill ions were advancing some Flor Morbip Concession POIEON BRAN by the pall tull is being handed down to volunteers below by Earl Elliott Ieit thickload of ihe treated bran iollowcd the workern irom tleld to iieid By duslr about no men and boys were spreading the mixture in iiclds being stripped by the army worms Residents said LOOSE HOUSING on Friday night For miles the concession road was living ms oi swarming cat law worms were spotted the week beiore last The invar sion reanirod epidemic proper tinns late last week in the EimvalePloelpston section of North slmcoe So iar oats have been hit hardest bar ley also is on the army worm menu as second dioioe iEx nsniner Hinton Find New Use Far Old Barri By BRIAN EAKEB THORNTON Since the late leDos it has been common practice to mo and raise onto bundationa so durable old sounredtimhe iramn barns Hundreds oi these are still seen throughout Simone County Until recent years these bums raised almost exclusively to he outiittcd with stabling Ln teiy many of these barns have gecn raised to provide loose ousing for beef cattle dry cows and heifers Clarence Kell Churchill has done just this to house his beet cattle this year He had the no it by 53 it by 25 tthigh barn moved last winter trom site about mile away to its present site on tho ind line oi Innlsiil by Ralph Harrison oi Mount Albert Mr Harrison use ed iour tandem nets oi wheels under two stringer plates placed under the barn According to Mr Keii the horn could have been dismant ed and then reassembled at the resent site rather then moving the entire structure as is But he explained that once barn in dismantled it can never be rebuilt as strongly For instance moriices break or do not reilt tightly and joints and boards spilt being disas umbied HEAD noon To give extra room am he had the burn raised ten teat above the ground which will per ml the operation oi irontend ion or to clean out the barn at the end oi winter aiter the cel fle go out to pasture give extra rooml am building lbiootieanto lead ing down from the south oi the barn which will giv room to store live or nix thou sand bales oi hay and straw ior Iiitersaya Mr Ken downstairs there will be ieeding racknplacod so that hay bales canbo thrown down from the mows upstalr ELM BLOCKS The foundation walls around under the entire or it by to it structure are special twelveinch them erpiilars ibis photo shows their density in thrsaioot Army BARBIE Army worm ad vances in Simone County last week have air used con siderable crop do the Bar ris billed at the on Io Depart ment at Agriculture announced Friday iho ioiiowlng ininrmation on army worm control was provid ed by the Barrie niilce to assist com ialmera now battlingrthia caterpillar invuion DISCRETION RAB hillgrown larvae are smooth striped and almost hairless ibey have one dark strip down the centre oi the hack and one on each sidelhiho general color appear green brown yor Yuri in adult is cuiworm moth the group sometimes call ed milieu Army worms iead especially on grass oats barley wheat and corn iirey usually eat ion tail and barnyard grass boioro the grain lhey have the habit of cutting the oat plnirles below the sin so thst oat kernels will iound on the ground where ceding ismoderate to heavy They cut the awns on basiey in corn they iecd in the whorl as well as on other lsavss and do not go to the ground in the daytime like they do onother crops CONTROL Sevin malatidon and ara ihion srs recommended oma notes on other materials are liven below The tollowing materials and rates are ior ONE ACRE oi crop Apply In as much water as your sprayer will apply per acre that is so to so gallons it possible In Essex and Kent applications have mostly been by helicopter with only six to wide siag blocks which have thesame strength atmcbrrail as concrete blocks but wei only about ball as much According to William NIIpII betray who in buiidln the walls these lightweight bi are not as liable to cause ioundatlons to settle iwolveinch blocks are sai est ior barn says Mrillaiph Eightinch blocks sometime buckle when barn istllied with baled boy but never twelve inch blocks Another thing to remember is that uln inch blocks have lot more insulating power than smell erhloclrs This means that burn walls willkeep drier and conl densaiion will he reduced as result caitle will be more comfortable and make better gains SLIDING DOOR Along the south downstairs Mr Keil is having three iar sliding doors installed This give easy acccss to the tractor nanny itsarts son oi William italphhvleiroy shows method at placing cribbing If vuwmav sewnV mow 3MIIWmwfflvjwnwv new wwwmW mi Nllillllolib in the area at Phelpsio and Crosaia ban ed together Friday attornoon and worked until dark tight ing the army worm intesta tion they were spreading bran poisonedwith the chem ical Savln in iieida thth out the district alillcted by the army worm onslausht Shown hm with their pails hill at poison trrsn an tow orm Control Materials Outlined eight ialions oi water per acre bong used Results generally are satislaciory BEVIN liity per cent ssvln table power lbs or as for cent wetieble powder iotan called spray powder or we lbs Many oi the Kent County growers are using lb or Seven Fiowsbie icon iainlng 11b actual per gal loni We pinia NOTE ON IEVIN Sevin may be applied to any cro as residues are at low toxclty Do not teed or gesture treated crops ior one ay Sevin is very toxic to bees Do not spray clover etc that is in bloom ï¬stula is slow in killing It will take two or three days in cool weather Cost compares with othsr maicrisis it is available irom msior supiy outlets especially those sndiing or his chard and vegetable chem ieala Matanoon Twentylive per cent Maia ihion wettabie under lh or no per cent ainthion emula lion quart NMES ON MALAiIIiON This is low toxicity mn tarial However do not palv turn or iced treated iorage or seven days Mninthlon will he more oi icetive when it is hot pos sibly not ioo eiieetive when it is cold Coat sincet lbs oi 24 per cant wettable powder are re ulred the cost will be more an ior navin or parathion derbsrrs oi Clarence Kali Churchill so that alngblock ioundation can be built in unn don hourly ruesoav weonesoav cleans and loader ior cleanind WIM es But just as important these doors will give oodi oor tem peraiurocontro That is in milder weather the doors can be opened up to give complete ventilation and prevent humidity buildup in very cold matter they canbe closed leavin warm The osltiezwiii be tree to toxin and pulse bato aswthey please gonlyofllflfill sssassrv no in mm Miles North serum or assassin our Ollslulll nova PARAIEION Filtun per parathion wei table powder lit NOTE ON PARAiIiION Thl Is highly toxic ma teria Wear an ap roved in when soolyirs Do noi uro or iosd treated cropswuntil it it liter sppiicstion lhera shou be no residue problem with milk etc it may be the chss st and should be vary ct vs Apple no in equipment and issniliiar parathion application LEAVE Rllmlili Dioldrin sidrin DDi are materials that leave residues ior weeks or maths my scotnnulate in milk and rib and mum they are quas hand oi the man mile ting horn isit are yihar Lawrence Rythsr Gordon Month and Colin Elliott when ills photo was they were working in Ambrose ONaliia cat is tionabls to hurry worm control Disldr aldrin and andrin or very ctlvs and could hav place in ditch banks to pm vsnt rnigratlonsli theta are places where cattle will not grass Obtain an £03 WW POISON IRAN lAifl Bails are excellent ior small ar aids to pro migration The will he ch per except ior an be iniormation ii types oi cham asvln Wattsbl or other term equivalent rate lit gallons dproad tbs bran on mat iioor add the min to the wa ter and pour it over the bran shovel to mix as you would mls content watering can my led to advantsgs to add the and Bevin to the bran The above iormula will treat to We dcros Sprasd thinly by Toke Soil lind Crop Bus Tour To York County On July 29 nhdiuhï¬am North lhnooa This will chatty be the last opportunity 9to mention tha boil and Gap Bus Tour to York County on July to Four have been arrsn ed with moraiu soiled calling ior visits to the dairy iarm oi Gordon Murray at Ma gic and the altarGain its arch arm Items oi interact at the th Murray Farm includa milking arior sugar ieodar and is are setup while at Bhur aiu resign trimaran tha corn var po sine test plots will be the main source oi interest Aitarnoon calls have been ar ranged at the Pioneer Village and til Massey Ferguson Farms iililren when the group can see the beet cattle teadiot the Bhorthorn herd commercial pig barn and nitrogen tests on corn Tickets are so and may be obtained imm the township chairsnan oi the soil and crop improvement association good day is anticipated and it is hoped that than will be no bets oi the Soil and Crop Im provement Association and the Farris Management Groups in the county The simcoa County Judging Competition has been set ior August oi the Barrie Fair Grounds Junior Farmers and all members will be receiving no iurther word oithslcoillpeiitlon Ab turnout from the mom moment and structures and purchased lass the near iuturs it is hoped attend thl One oi the most expensive items purchased on today term is iarm machinery Wiih more and more armors trying to be their machinery invest ment in we iind that mschi ery lsasin lar psrti arly in short rrn peak workload periods ihis is oiisn more economical an purchasing unit that is idle most oi the year RENTAL IUGOEFHONI the following rental rates angle on as good sui iarmers to allow When hand ling their needs in this his ri For one do per cant oi the now cost or one weeko per cent oi the new cost ior one mumvrvmwuiwmammwmmmwwriavwnwauwm all summonses was av not sourcearm you Championship New th use has come our way it ins glory ior our the corn psiitors on both teams did not take advantage oi in ruling which allowed us to inc uda an area iar enoush in nireumierc sees in 50000 Inn with itlli compo an gsd In iavor oi Simud Can wh Stmd oklahoma re wed mistake in the sta throw by Ken lmilh to lot last inches in stead oi tiring our top is Jack Hunters lit soil This correctionI no as cnmpetiii Bob horn son besides boi iisld day to occupy his opt in pracica an won place on the international team with six points Another atroud Can ads thrower who torostsd in Ihrowing asucs Pinkney ca through to win two pole in the tidal scorinlp fllis our ice lnts oi pain ior the world team 1110 ilnai seouonpolnis ivsaliroud Ca dsiirst lace troud En Iand second droud Auaira ourth notuNo me soon We ro Aus 1m They claimed their women thrsw rolliiisg pins irom childhood The tioud Canada girls under the coach Iéiul ogdrsmilwilhtuiiellson calm on an opn score otst with twow ri nos son rat piano grand cham pion and won ten points Next cams Carolyn Armstrong who oar came down here item list when her ino to Monty disori lier thmot lll test gained her second piece in the world mm and gained us nine points Norins skilistsr another new and mother oi our ehudrsn parked her young pair oi twins whila aha practised and item her that throw showed that oil to make the er it last lo incim placed her is grim giving strand Canada ial oi points out oi possible so We wraour readers will join us inoongrstuiations to tha teams to their coaches Mr and homo Nelson and other They deserve credit too tenacity shown to stick the light whsnlit looked many times as ii our oil as sure slipping away this aim AliON It is tha isslin oi the coin monthlo per cent oi the new cost ior two months2s per cent oi the new cost ior time months gr 12 percent oi the new th sreomeot with the deal or or neighbor should include the role rental period tonne oi settlement responsibility ior mud terms at delivery Many isnnars are also less on permanent basis Author cuts are made regu larly ior several years At the and oi this time the title may be transierrsd to the iarmer However this arrangement us uali turns out to be man oosty than it the armor had rrowed the capital initially the lie are countriowso Feature at mi 95 itsamanl Itghï¬lï¬m its lliIIiliIi hammoianmdhus turns mme o° dept ih to be go hi the township at the any you banquet and dsniriltiaier in they that time meritorious oomplishmenis srs acknowled row wfiri liis new th the ntsrnatibnal it no or to looks like nsoneliq ovoninl We would sullen are any places ch licaio names in th the world the get us stamd ths ii equal the requirements in agiil to the one we have em on When the writer visited strood England during Coronation year we suggested there that we should ave some kind oi link bsiwssn the names es alter which our airoud an annual oven Oklahoma surge throwing we with ii Now we have rovsd we good sports as we Donna Watson and liev Cools ran will an at on TV trom tha London ation tonight The interview was arranged is Don Gray iorsnsrly oi Be RECOVER PROPELLEI OiiAWA CPI Skin divers recovered ooopound tiller and too and repeller Sunday wear oi ths Maggie mshl the ct ws River at iiiu BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE SiAitTiNG froMosaow mssorasrsovsassusuunsnnavsu nuns tANCilSTEii ma ulna nuuotns Fnannlu MARCH nun channels