more Published by Canadian Newspa lo Blyiiild direct Barri 1ï¬mnflw We ¢WnmurmWryWWgq Shipment 0f ly lich noon ooorad lied with ior other tron mtrluwhlcb hav not asharsoilhaisritishbus hitherto been consumed beat to anon TOlrenj vwmvowvumwnmu not Eerie lsaasr du Canadian venture to cdpture hill hat is now uadsr lha other day what is balisvId to be tbt filrst coasignmaai at Canadian to be imported into Bri tain since the sodoi thassccad Fires Of UnkOwn Cduses Reveal Few By Electricity when tire oi unknown originis be lieved to have been caused by electricity the term detective wiring is the easy answer But statistics prove it is quite irequently not the correct answer In the 1983 annual report oi the ct ice of the tire marshalunder Classi hem no mu Wk mud iication oi Causes the number oi iires Bernard caused by electricity is 3110 these 1827 were caused lightning Hence the total number oi ires caused electricity other than lightning in 168 in Ontario was 1283 This is roughl oneseventh the number oi iires atarte by cigars cl mites and pipes during the same pe ed The ontarlo dro report prepared by Bellamy iei electrical ina ector at tea Stale news is like stale read it unpalatable Events which happen today are news tomorrow they are sta tistics Oiten beiore tire is brought under control reporter may ask iire ti hter the cardinal uestion What atarie the iirel Literal engaged in the heat oi battle fire iig ter tempt ed to give premature opinion oi what caused the tire Based on supposition his opinion could be deicc ve wiring Tire big question is answered and news item is born to live tor briei moment on the air waves or in the press under the headiniaFire Caused by Detective wir ing ter an electrical inspection oi the location oi the tire may reveal the HOTHrItHDIToHs vrrws OUTDATED POLICIIS Kingston Whigstandard Russia represents to Americans ti val which has achieved power compara ble to their own through means inimical to the American way at lite And oi course the mere idea or socialism is an athems to America All this makeaait pos sibie for Americans to see Russia objec tively It isironical and tra cthnt the two most poweriut count es in the world today each founded itseli violent revolution and is still iiy at on Outdated and reactionary cut oi vio The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second class roaid Jermainrm days smurf9y sneeuv Msrnber rs mt um ran ceaseless rnu sauteinroads Ill no ailcooi VI Misd or so mncaodauowtdsw actual cause to be other than electrical But whatnot the tires that were iound to he started by electricityi How man pi thpm were started by detective wir Bellamy says Theoretically ing in house or buil ingthat has been wired by an electrician and inspected by an electrical inspector Moreover with materials required by the Electrical Code thewiring ii it isnt altered is good ior the llietlme oi the house Fred Long electrical inspector ior 0n tario Hydros Georgian Bay re ion says there have been nstances are rats have chewed the insulation on in barns and squirreli will also eat away insula on But he says most iires which on in veatlgatlon were iound to have been started by what we call detective wir ing were cases where the owner made his own alterations or additions Inspectors have come across places where iuses have been bridged with piece oi copper wire onecent coin tin ioil mm cigarette package and even pieces at lea Mr Long said they have iound that one at the commoh causes oi this tire is where lamp cords have been used or line wire iorpermancnt wiring These are oiten iound nailed or stapled to base boards walls or ceilings and runnin behind radiators under rugs or behin curtains lence racial prejudice foreign policies WHATS so NlWi Vancouver Sun Were airsid wecant Iget very eacib over the news that Englis farmers have developed synthetic sow that mothers orphaned piglets he nthetic sow along metal tank iiiied th warm water and covered with layer oisoitlatex iosrn rubber is ad mittedly ingenious lthas buiitin is recorder that soothes with low conï¬ned grunts an electric heater thatmsintains constantu warm temperature other device that arms the milk as it ows throughtubes onnected to rubber nipples on the side oi the tank Butweve hsd or years We call it government ooon rims Hasoasr llamilton Sport ti ml II In EC auto 11 certaingy henltli ho ihc vo livin hi oi ft choipstt ration ype of like world war was unloaded at on ot ths boondocks it was it anything an caperlrnsatal or limits it that We is place the British market ior bssi irons Future axportsirorn Canadian bsei km to this country will no on the re ion which is Iirsi shi man rs cslvss irom British bu chars and housewives FROM CANADA PACKERS The lniti hip amoun ted to only nd haiiitolns and it is to on Rd iroren irom Montreal re ndon Packers Limited it ilndl favor with British buichsrs it will be ths iorerulnnsr ior iurthsr and lar ger consignments this may well open uï¬I antlal mar kst In tlrlta ior adian but According to ornithiiaid snar kst pawns the matter at price may on obstacle to build leg up Canadian mark ct bore nnadian bscl thay pointoat is classified in three grades diatomgood and stand ard atheism prices in Tome to they say tor the three grad so cents respectively Prices at ths Bsnitttllald ms is ior Scottish sides cents Fmgilllt ti gsalina cents An iculturai spokesman for an can dlsn government in Ion Brltish buyers will probably ilod our beei rather llka Scottish in araocs Prices in Can stir or ouslltylbeai are about may be rastricted caper cuts which are all tiy lowsr la price than In Br tain the rhinosat which has hut arrived is purely trial cons msrclsl van by Canada Fae ksrs and this is being under tam without any government so OTTAWA REPORT NOT WITHOUT TINT OLD HISTORIC PRECEDENT Says Irresponsible Men Concoct National Poison Patrick Nicholsons guest eolunsnlst today Is Illscld Daniarih Progressive Cor parks MP ior Kent mnorn DANFORTB OiiAWACiear thinking Ca nadians all scrou this country oitours are beginning to think that one oi ihemoat deadly poisons evsrnrroducsd can be throughout this land Tritium licensereouired or subicct sny controls munic lpai provincial or ledarsl ihls poison is sovirlle and dangerous that it can intact cause complete breakdown of an entire country in the matter at low weeks or months This poison is product at sclilsh ruthless men under the disguise oi politics who use it without caution or restraint tor the sole purpose oi promoting their own personal interests and desire ior power No one today will dispute ths tact that Canada is ruiisring untold agony due to an over dose oi this potant dastroysr IN GRAVE DANGER When country laconimatsd with cries oi separatism lroa rtstr rspubilc two nations side by side oppression oi minori ties new flag new emblem naw coinage complete break with the past cooperative iod eralirm something must be ter ribly wrong th nation is truly ill and in gra danger No one in his right mind could believe the ordinary citi in the little villa or town in Quebec or Oats or any Singing In NegrOChI1rches and imperialist lot oi American reporters are getting religion these days whether they want to or not lts asortpi religion many knew about only vagucig that old time religion at ls Apparently cod enough ior the Southern ristlsn leadership Con Covsidhg this group which Is headedibyrbr Martiaxisrthar King Jr invariany leads My rters inside the Deep Boulhs grachurches can be its an experience thin the Ellis oi tiiauflaplrrosrd cburll onus as Foes thsm ts aside or culture almost totally unknown the splitvlcy purist show no years oi history aver understood bciors can throushoa mind in the ot single bandc in tarin loot stsmpag meringNsver was to true more handout other province is responsible ior this sum oi unrest lie is like any other Marian interest ed in his church his job and his iamliys woiisre Nation problems some thing is away and are at little immedi interest Vcry sal dom indeed does ha consider them Where then Is the major cause oi our troubles todsyi ht usstop evading the issue and place Iha blame exactly uwhera it beiongs lat or trace this poison to its source and then destroy it We know Its source every one at us WILD PRDMllEl it spumes irornthc iisry ora tory oi Mew irresponsible poll tlclans who care littla ior the terrible coauouenca oi their wildaxclamstions It is gener ated by wild promises oi politi cal platiorms lt bo iorth un controlled wbsn sacred ideals and nation al symbols are thrown into the litlcal arena in mad scram ls ior votes This is the source This Is the poison The cure is simple it is en tirely In the hands oi the voters at Canada You must rutblss 1y weed out the mislits ths teurs oi national unity the sponaibla power grabbcrs at the alsctionpolis so that once more on every level municipal pro vincial and odors Canada may two to ranlty and prog ress as nation coast to coast Only then will we have the cure There isno room In the iuture oi this great country ior vicious little men and their po litlcai poisons Look aid extending his arm in His skin was brlrtling witbgoo bumps Thsrs was to the sin ing Ilratmade you grant to and weep the same congregation It in Ml its need III III on iccbnlcally the blend oi voices was as polished as though they had rehearsed many time and perhaps they had at pro meetings But there also spoatsaisty about the which made it Immisiskably rs Bynomuns patio maniac Surely the setting hadvsome thing to do with thl siiect with new clarity mtg1k the its town road are cents Wallis and coasollag or chstisag aommmmm Mr we wmrmmr ï¬xri VOLUNTEERS HOME FROM RIEL REBELLION View bi Dualop Street East Barrie irom Five Points to lormer pcst otilcs square inow Memorial Pats shows crowd which welcomed home the towns contribution at vol untacra to the combined ssib Regiment Elmcoe Foresters and York County Rangers mil itary iorcs irons deieating the Louis Riel Rebellion In West ern Canada in tut Barrie Brass Band led the parade irons the Granli Nah Rall way station Drug stern sign on building It lclt is that at Kidd iust west oi IBaraey Hinds Wild Cat Dominion house Charlie Spry oi Barrie was the youngest oiilcor in that ma iiict between Canada and Rials Rebels local oiilcers included Colonel out Brien Major William Gra ham Maiordoseph Rogers Capts McKemie lyrwhitt and Ward From Fred Grant Barrie Library Books Britain seemed UanCire Of World war OneiDctnger LONDON 0P What wll the British cabinet doing during the latelul month at July laid that sultry lull between the assassination oi the Austrian archduke at Sarajevo and the outbreak oi the First World Wars lha short answernot much list of cabinet papers tor the period lull to loll now available ior anyones lns ec tlnn at the public records oi ice shows strangely mcdgrs tally ior those ominous days An 0x iord historian writing in The Times says it would beim possible to Judge iromthese msmoraads and ioral silica dispatches that word crisis was an iirebcll ThaJuly laid documents themselves are stillbound by the rule that keeps all British oiilclal papers under wraps tor lull so years They wont be open to ithe public until earl next year But the titles oi the prints speak eloquently oi how BIBLE THOUGHT no iust sisal live by slits Gaiations 311 To live by latch is to say There are no unknowns ior God knows andlle has it all glanned filters is no sounder asls ior successiut living moodsud ths Asquith cabinet was occupy ing its time during the last days at peace They were circllng endless sound the lrlsh question whic still seemed to many members oi the government more explos sivs than some dsmaad ioolish thing in the Balkans They were dslibcrntlag on such burn ing topics as in natured ioreign labor and local loan interest they perused iorclgnolilce memo on abill Ior relorming the Danish constitution The nearest they cameto the smouldering iuse in Europe was paper on Belgian neutrality butcoasidared In relation to the FrancoPrussianwar of 1310 Small wonder in view oi this ivory lower dctachmentin Whitehall that Foreign Secreo lary Sir Edward Grey ielt able to go calmly birdwaiching in the country the weekend bciore war broke out The pre ibis documents available to the public in photo graphic copier provide some intriguing sidelighis on political histo Plans tor channel iuaae ior instance were de bsted as early as not Only now does it look as them so tiori will be taken in February me tire eating member at the newly sicctrd Liberal vsrnmcoi sent memo round hs cabinetcol leagues beginning ihe time has come ior ths total abolition oi the House oi Lords The radical minister was Winston Churchill then ungeatly anti Conservative on home secrev lary in the Asquith administra tion The previous year Churchill then trade minister played leading part in opposing British naval expansion to match the estimates oi Germanys irem sled activityestimates he dis missed as alarmist But by loll when he was iirst lord oi the admiralty he had changed his views and In ill be setI about strengthening the British fleet only to come under much the same kind at criticism he bimselr bad voiced three years earlier The public records olilce tapped some private collections to garner the MOO cabinet pm poreamong them the late Lord Bcavcrbrooks pila oi Lloyd George papers and the limb well Trust which holds Sir Winston Churchills papers The documents are the latest addition to one oi Britains most extensive and iascinatingah chives which ioih century civil servant described as hav ing an equals la the civilised world nstnvnn want And PHONE rooms Pure things you went wwitirln your reach