arr a7 ray muwm mumug awnamme up yawnu IIe Locsl Weather Moith¢amdm wwwmmm OHish1laadsynlorttstt llamasy turn to page two If Continuing to expand with BarrisandiknaosCoimty icon Yasr No we Uneasy Peace LLooms Rochester NY nocacsren NY AP Thla riotrscarred Lake Ontario rity emerged today lmm bloody wcckend oi rsciai vim com with tour dead hundreds oi lniurcd and massive pr arty damage An uneasy pc was backed by lorca oi na tional guardsmen Governor Nelson llockcleiv ler activated 1000 guardsmen and ordered them into Roches ter to stand by ior antiriot duty it needed detachment of it open trucks with it gusrdsmen in each toured the city trouble areas In show of iorca shortly titer the arrival ol the guard Sunday night The men carried rifles with bayonets tired but had no ammunition 1hr perv sons were killed and county oiticiat was Injured critically Sunday when helicopter sun yeying potential trouble spot ashed Into threastorey was and set It allrc man was killed by an automobile when he was struck during wild rioting Saturday night which saw the height ol the racial ea ptostanand staggered into the street Two men were shot One as In critical condition rMora than 600 persons nearly all Negroes were arrested More than 300 persons wars in lured Including 35 police oili ccrs and several llrcmen There are about 25000 Ncgrocs In the citys population ol 35000 hooters ran wild pillaging 1nd smashing especially Satur day night Liquor stores were tavorite target State and local police work log with little rest were targets Over at bricks rocks bottles lull beer cans molotov cocktails and sheets oi glass In am out break alter another They Inwared with tear gas hishpressura stream irom iirs hoses and warning shots tram their Several individual rioicra were clubbed into sub mission when seized lha Rochester iait was iammed and clerk said the property mom was titled with everything you can think oi in recovered loot dawntodusk curiew wa imposed although there we widespread detianca in the Na gro sections tha sell of all Honor guns and ammunition was halted indeiinitely REACH PEAK SATURDAY The peak at the rioting oc curred Saturday night In the Jailcrson Avenue area on the citys west side weltkept sec tion populated by the citys mom prosperous Negroes lha area is across town irorn Joseph Avenue where the racial violt Iencs broke out late Friday night when police sought to ar rest drunken youth at street dance Police brought to dogs and titers were conflicting reports as to how they were used Negro woman said dog had bitten liyearoid girl but police denied this The racial outburst was seen by civil rights leaders II the inevitable result oi longsmould ering conflicts Negroes charged the police with persistent brutal Ity the same allegation made in the New York City racial outbreaks tiniedm Spending Authority wt UliAWA CPI An indica tion at parliamentary prospect summer holiday and ng it will last may be en in the Commons by the go ero ment today Finance Minister Gordon is scheduled to ask the Commons or interim spending authority or at least the month at Aug gt Whether he adds Septem and perhaps October is the point at interest to the iawnisk ers who missed their usual Easter recess this year Seeking interim spending au thority is one oi the awkward necessities of government in do under the parliamen tary system but no one has yet tound way to avoid it Porltamentary sessions norm ally beginearly in the new year The current one began Feb is The new liscal year starts lor to government April But be cause at the pressure oi law makiag and tho kifawiedge there is really no need to rush spend ing appropriations tor the new local year never are approved by April in the current session now in its sixth month law oi the senses spending appropriations chi By Finance Minister have been Iinatiy adopted The government hu been operating since April ion month by montb grants oi interim spand ing authority Last monthwben Mr Gordon naked tor such authority tor July the Commonsapent eight days discussing it Such debates can ramble over any subject conceivany connected with tba government oi Canada Singapore Shakes Riot Tensions SINGAPORE AP It was almost business as usual to day as Singapore sought to shake oil the tension builtup during that weeks bloody racial riots between Malaya and Chi nese The daytime auriaw was shortened to hours lrorn noon to 230 pm but the ban on street movements still was in altect tram pro to 530 am Shops and olflces reopened tor their lirst lull day at business since tha flarerrp last lhsesdsy oi riots which tell at dead and to injured NATO Barres Suggested Py Papandreou for Cyprus coupon AP Premier George Papandrcauoi Greece was reported here today to gJava suggcsled tor Cypnts crib Atlantic alliance military base which would include con tingent ol Turkish troops Papandreou was in London last week for talks with Prime vuiniater Sir Alec Douglas Horne They discussed possible newsoiutions to end the Cyprus dispute on which Unitedv Na tions mediation now has reached stalemate he NATO base would be sep arstairom the British bases at Akrotiri and Dhekelia iolorm ants said Papandrcou how ever suggested the British aould mergo their forces with NATO contingents Archbishop Makarios said on arrival in Athens today for death with the Greek govern meat that no NAN bases can included In any solution but titers ls enosis tuniont with Greece that isanotber story the Cypriot president told re porters at the airport that Cy and Greece have not de voted lromttielr com on pet ipyAaithough pressure as been exerted on GreekPremIEr Pal drcou irons Washington and Billion Pspaodreou is reported to lave insisted thatNATO play guise part to solving the pro tracicd dispute This would pra vent Cyprus becoming second Cuba he said Under his reported propdsals NATO base would have nonGreek commander would provide May with an anchor age irr Cypms and would ellro in ionic the necessity of withdraw ing the Turkish contingent now stationed on the island under the Zurich agreement It would also guarantee May that Cyprus will not be used as springboard tor aggression against her iniormanta reported Papan drcou Ishowed great deal oi flexibility but insisted that Cy prus should eventually come un der Greek government So lIr Greece has disclalsned oiiidslly that it Is at this slags seeking union with the Mediterranean island macs our Ansother pigeon was exasper ated with one at her squabs who we chicken about lying or fit tie string on you and tow you But mother protested tha Littlebird dont want pigeontowedl CONST JOE VERTOLLI IN at Barrie Ontario Canada Monday July 27 ms noun moans ottha ls to an accident aeturday Ives decry Jr Ir Mrs Damn miiy 61 Larry Raid loo John street were killed in the Harm lng wreckage of the tensity car Train Crack Kills 85 OPOBTO iCPAPtThe rear unit at twocar diesel train snapped its couplings5undsy night as It was speeding with holidayers on the way home irom the beach and overturned down an embankment killing 85 passengers The accident occurred near Custoias about 14 miles irom Oporto which is some 100 rnlles north of Lisbon Hospital sources said more than 100 were lniured in the worst disaster in the history at privately owned Portuguese Railway Company company spokesman said therear unit at the train jumped the track and ca reaned down sectionoi track flanked by walls slamming beak and iorth between them lt dropped irom thee bankrnent and turned over wherstha watts came to an endybe added ning on the Highway ll exten sion north oi Barrie Those kitted include IromvthI leit tiresome Nor Reid Debbie to and Randy Mr ï¬eld was not in the caratitha time oi the occld Shane seated on his liPPLICitBLE attic Exam roof or rtsismo aero can Net MorayTttsn 7a For Copyl4 III RM ACCIDENTS IM srvruuvr Three Childrenl ltdth Die In Flaming Wreckage Seven persons died this weekend in two accidents on the Gasoline Alley section at Highway 11 tour miles north oi Barrie in two other mishaps in the same vicinity seven others were iniured Three children their mother and aunt died in the biasing wreckage of their amatl European car Satur day evening iottowin collision with another veh Icla just short oi tha ird line at Oro At 1030 that night man and 10yearold Wore kitted instantly when struck by car while were crossin Highway oitha lirst no or Oro KILLED Killed in the Saturday night crash were Mrs Lorry Reid 31 oi ion John arrla her thrsecttiidre Ra Mimi ry Jr nine and Debbie to and Mrs italds sister Mrs Barbara Hobbs 82 oi It Henry St Barrie Fatally injured last night were Walter Havatock 07 hi Wright Avenue Toronto who was aros sing the highway irom motel to areataurattt and Donna lion soil at row Queen st West Tomato Thrown clear In the collision Saturday was eight yearold Shana Reid who was rushed to Victoria Hospital with baa iniuries He is re rted to lathcrs knee in this photo survived the crash and la in Royal Victoria Hospital in satisfactory condition Photo by Favcro By TheBook In Sduih VietNdm saloon AP We trap tary knowde begtotakelorm them every day we clean out tary knowhow bcgan to take their bases we beat them again torma hail century age under Lenins signature As socialist revolution moved intotha Far East new name emerged and again but they keep com log back or more stronger than ever lust dont under stand it flie speaker was mud at tered American olticer ust back com field operation with Vietnamese unit He was talk ing about the strange and elu sive enemy the Victim The side Limb the masttreops and lirepower is cited titslob ing side ua military men who served th the second WorldWar and ianorca aay idmost none oi their axpcrienca haslbeen applicable here They are try POLKII oar sum wmsconresr NANAIMO BC tCPl About 000 personsi turned up to watchaitopiess bath in contest here Eie beauch turned up as advertised The winner wIaRoblnMelIaln who wore daring one placer roads oi two tiny polka dot rbandkerchiets ing toiind out what makes this new breedoienemy tick But oittciai grcs theyst have lot to learn ironically tbe enemy ha been publishing handbooks on this kind oi war tor two genars lions andrtha war in in st rahkldgrcommis the Viét Cong lighting hina knows mphI Mao Taolung The mastermind ot Chinas Communist move tactics to merit rclined Lenin lit new problems lilcsucccss oliMaos methods detailed in his military writings bore trultin lottHujwben his army swept over China in to Vietnamese army PM equipped larmats under the leadership oi Ho Chi Minh over wheimed the modern Frendi Army This victory was vio lation oi classic rule at iara Hos top militarydeputy Gen Vo Nguyen Gisp wrote the book both literally and ï¬gure lively on the current war Gtap commanded the Commu nist army at Dten Blen Phu and became detencï¬ minister Hoita president be In Istlslaetory condtlon The driver at the other car was Tod ho ho 30 oi oi tic oro He was ad RVH autiertng tram cuts Ind shock and was released yesterday ROAD SUPPER The accident occurred at an proximately N0 pm Saturday on Ilepary pavement lollowing heavy rainstormExact dc talis are not available ConsL Joseph Vartolii ot Barrio Da tacbment Provincial Patios is invasiigating The car which struck Have lock and thargirl was driven by In Dakvilte resident travet ling southbound Const Doug Rutledge oi the Harris Detach ment at the OPP is investtgw tlng Gasoline Alley was the scene oi another accident at 1260 pm Saturday in which tour cars were involved car driven by Allied Joseph Fisher as oi oi Quebec Aven ue Toronto was stopped on the quarter of mile nort southbound ning tana to make iii turn Another car driven by Ann Munday ol lat Wellington street north Woodstock unable to stop in time drove into the rear oi the Fischer cai shoving it into thenorthbound lane THROW FROM CAB third car operated by Sia ven Paul Farkas oi Garretts ville Ohio proceeding in tile northbound lane was struck on the trout lelt side it veered to the right shoulder at the high way where it hit car driven by Paul Baughmsn do at 1069 Broad street Wadsworth Ohio Mr and Mrs Fischer wars thrown irom their car to the passing northbound tone but ortunatoly were nothit They were tskontlo tho WAIWIIII laceratad arms to ad legs with Mrs Monday who had broken rib and iractured knaa Mr and Mrs Farkav and passenger Eugene Huhak were treated or minor bruises Garry Longsbort was detained with possible neck Injuries Another respond collision oc curred about 930pm Sunday on Highway it nearly quarter of mile north oi the itrat line Ora small Europcan car driven by Hans Lutsi to ol Hyman street Gait was stopped on the northbound lane preparing to turn Ialt when it was hit in the rear by car driven by Harry Tumor 52 Asplin Ont The damage to Lutais car was to the rear trunk lender and motor and estimated at £700 lha other car received damage to the tail lront lender grill hood and bumperand esti mated at $300 Thant Undecided AboutUN ofï¬ce RANGOON Reuters UN SecretaryGeneral Thant said here today it Is too early yet to decide whether he will serve second terrh oi oitica Talking to reporters during visit to Burma his homeland Thant said There Is yet tit ycsrs to go and cannot say now how will feel about second term st thsend oithe prescntterm depending on situation Bareioot an wearing bright greenailk robe Thant knelt andprayed today In the Shwe Dagon pagoda one at the most sacred aces amongAsisn ddhist the tinternatinnai caicsoor at ti ttanni Breathe Thant visited the shrine with his mother and other members at his tamiiy Sundayhlhaxnt visitled tha FIVI any son mms who was killed In traiiic ac cidenttwayesra ago Earlier Sunday he lied said he does not lavor serving new term as UN chicl than was elected acting sec rotary general In Novsmber 106i shortly alter the death at Swedens Dag Hammerskloid in an airplane crash or Ndota Northern Rhodesia He was elected NmIIInEIIt chicl in No venther rain11m term expires ovember 1m