Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1964, p. 5

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EAST OF EDENlilliE Rural scenes lllta this are lesion oi summeran on terms across Ontario This INNI$FIL NOTES one In at the Nottawasaga hover where Huhwsy ea pass Centennial Committee Meets Council Monday fly The Centennial Committee to gether wltlr Council member will hold meeting In the Coun Qlt chambers next Monday we nlns Just what pro rats have been deiinitciy dec dad on Is yet unknown The property tor central park in still to abeyance and so isr the lands needed have not ruched the bargaining tage The overall plane oi dev lopment in the municipality show several men belts which are still shadod portions ot the planning In some quarters the ealing seem to be that such gortions may be luet hold sck on role at there land so that later they would become Ivatlable ior commercial devel opmenta One oi theee portions the valley along Lovers Creek and although much oi this has at ready been acquired ior nae ot relldencca there titla big portion at thia very beautiiul property which Is vacant and he big creek make It an Ideal alte tor gcnorai park property Although probably really it ie alao valuable ior other than monetary reasons It the citys boundaries ehouid ever extend out as ier as Pains wick then ot courae this green belt would become part at their parke eyatcm buttha diiler cone in ownership would only mean that the development would be under dilterent man agement The public would still iind public lande and roadway that would be place to rest and enjoy nature The other pra Heavy Raina llid Crops In Ontario MTAWA CPIHeavy rains have Improvedgcrop conditions in Ontario the bureau oi statis tlcs said Wedneeday The bureau said in the iourth ol its aix telegraphic reporte or the whole country that wheat harvesting Is under way in southwastam Ontario and the crop Is ripening rapidly to the rest oi the province Springvsown grain is making excellent growth and there an are to be stltllclent moisture most areas to bring it to ma turity Good yielde are err pecied Corn and truck crops continue to do well and harvestin oi sweet cherries is lit hall ing The lirst cutting oi hay either completed or in final stages but wet weather has hampered storage 0er prospects remain below normal In molt central weetern and northern areas at Baskat chewan because ol drought the bureau said vgut crap conditions are being It maintained In Manitoba and in southern districte oi Bae lgatchdwan and Alberta to west ernAlberta and In the Peace Itlver district inecent warns weather on the Prairies has advanced crops apidly and the bulk otwheat Lheaded rty being sug ested has only is swamp and arge open spa ces to commend it WOULD RENT 0LD CAFE The township has large sale but tor want at place to keep it the sale standa In the tire hall The Stmud Telephone Com pany has made request ior the use at this iIraprool vault tor place to store its records and many oi their valuable par er which will have to reman available alter the company has been written oil Gordon son secretary at the Telephone Company Board asked the Coun cil to name rental value tor the equipment it it is not ior sale and aakcd it it could be lelt In the tire hall ior atorage It would appear that already the tire ch el had naked the sale be taken out oi the tire hall Tile sate wee one oi the assets oi the lormerstandard Bank which had branch in Stroud it was purchaaed by the townahlp or use in the ol ilce in Churchill and later was used by the Credit Union be lore it got new building No detinltedeciaion woo given about the sale but likely it will be uacd even II it has to be moved Mr Mseon told Council the Stroud Telephone Company would not be in position to surrcnder its Charter until well into the coming year One oi the directors at the company William Young has gone to live in New York State tor the sum mer He obtained visa and is employed at his trade near liolv land and lrom report receiv ed ha Is liking the change PARK CROWDED LAST WEEK END Innlelllslakelida parka were cmwded to capacity laet week end when the heat In the big metropolitan area drove hund reds to the most Inviting eports they knew oi along bake Elm coes shore lnniaill Park was so tilted by noon Sunday that it was almost record All this with no lite guard in attendance We can not expeet Lady back to con tinue to smile our way without at leaet taking ordinary precault lions and providing experienced tile revere and e3uipment at the beach where ousnnds oi people pay an admission ior thaday This matter cannot be compu ted on cost basis and the sooner there are provirlons on hand at both the beaches at this park the easier It should be lor the Council to slee alter there has been an eeci at boat ehouid bemanned during the heavy Inilux oi people and the lite saver on dut should have equipment at hen ior any emergentye mvzlnruo come VICNRIA GP huge staclroi bitcent piecee saved ior many years has been ex changed by Mrs Touch Iogs tor trip around the world She teaches English to new Ce lxxdlans at George iey school re my axamNalt WANT ADB PHONE moors araf eoNplsloNsn lss cool Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Memorandum lllfld narrower MhuouCOLOR mom om 630 Future at Tend 915 mm rvwnmmrmm hm rpwenflw Wm an ronmvwzraaomuq MmMervv waveaver mm I$5OOO Debelrture Issue For SchOOI In Creemore as through Bdenvsia menu inor Photo Stayner Camp Program Tonight STAYNER tspecist Tonight starting at Mo will be Par ents Night tor the Stayner Day Camp conducted by the Simon County Community Recreation Service it will be held at the Stlyner Community Park it it ralna the parents at willrbe staged Friday instea The program theme is indlan Christmal recreation director ilrn Reid announced Baiora the program gets underway at pm there will be tour the camp and dis lays Cam director Barbara avldaon introduce the camp stall and the tribe Then the administra tive stall and day camp com mittee will be introduced to the audience other Iesturee oi the pro am are presentath oi swsr games rind and singeong Mr eld reminded members at the audience to bring their own lawn chairs so they wont have to stand through the pro gram Must Face Hard Facts In Farming WWW CF Agricullure Minister Hays said Wednesday night that the prob lems oi eastern agriculture wont be solved unless some pretty hard tools are to be laced Mr Hays speaking to the Prince Edward island Liberal Aaaociation rolerred to sur vey on eastern agriculture made by two nongovernmant economistl think probably the most disturbing point this aurvey made was Its observation that about hell the Iarmers In the arena studied it provided with other suitable work and the necessary training could leave taming altogether to the bene ilt at themselves the term com munity as whole and the na tional economy Mr Hayg said the survey re rt at which was recently to led in the Combos ralso pointed out that the poorer forms at today are the rural slums oi tomorrow and since they provide flow ttra un educated and uaekllled to the towns are the breeders oi iui ture urban slums The minister said any long term solution is going to take time and must Involve close co operation between the iederai and provincial governments MN ROBE Mrs Michael Landon wile at little Joe Cartwriurt in teie viliona Bonanza gave birth to sevenpound isounce son In June Her husband presented her with 125 rosesone or each MORE Stall Dr bootses ior 000 will be issued by Mil council to pay tor new olleed better or the sdaool In the village is ior Nottawssaga Tine slat School Ann No decilialm was salads alt Medea coon mee ing old boiler coal ilred model has served the Monte needs since it was in stalled in in to we on up carry out mean clerk Jack ununon Reeve Gordon Watson was heat item the meeting it is away on holidays this weak Creamorns water alteration received considerable discusa sion at the short meeting which me No on rat on age sea at with tit tar reetrictions iiecentliaine iicrosa Ontario IVBooat Crop Yield Prospects or On June to and the lirst three days oi July It and II veryI are all throu ut Ont to Tire vtest rain all was received in Toronto area mounting to II inches on July in chas on July and 410 Indies in the ddbour period ending are Monday My other psrt oi the province recelvsd good to excellent amount oi precipitation during the at two weeks but canal Toronto area Ralnlall during the twodey period ending July in reported by the Dominion Public Weather olltca at Mslton amountedte inches at Windsor in Count Id iiS Judges Upheld Civil lict ATLANTA Ga tAPi Three iederat Judges ruled Wednesday that the new ue Civil Rights Act is constitutional under the powers oi Congress to ragulats commerce in the tint two court teats oi the law the court relented ab tack on the legislations le al Ity and issued Inluoctons against the operation oi the Plcirrlclr Restaurant and the Heart at Atlanta Motel Corpor ation as segregatedbusinesses Eilectlve data oi the tnlunc items was delayed until Aug It to allow time ior appeals dl leetl to the us Supreme Court ior that decision on the issues The court said In the motel chee the attack on the con stitutionality at these sectloae oi the Civil Rights Act llliut tail And In the restaurant decision it aid the deiendanta attack on the constitutionality oi the actas applied to their opera tion must tall Woman Injured In cottage Fire HONEY HARBOUBOnt cwMrs Norman Eeobow of Hamburg NY broke her arm Moaday night as she and her alxyearold granddaughter lied irons their burning summer oat ta near thIa community ao les northwut oi Orlllis The ootta was one at two bumedv dur violent elec trical storm Mrs Benbow broke her arm whenshe slipped on rock as ahe ran irom the flames with her granddaughter Heather liowell She was taken to Midland ior treatment and later returned to the United States with her granddaughter llllr voured Wig ersmoreeum local our returns all liiilltl Ill Willi ll BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE 28339 causewayteem muafghanww PbUSV we Di vised Wt um til lleLlIToFADRlA MEJSENGER hometown Asarm less than the Immediate lads at Mount Foreat in air Gray County we Inches at ioodan In Middiesex Couo Mb inch at Brantlord rBrsnt Collno Trantoainli York state All treat prepr ltsttca was nil Second cutting oi hay ero astures tobacco potatoes crope apples other is gr and ran will benail very great these rains Coming in the middle oi tb season they will mean millions oi do in Increased crop pro duction prospects ior Ontario iarmers Some ilelds oi early seeded spring which were in lull head lodged and some corn were bent over at considerable angle Some oovery lrorn this lodging ls ex pected to take lace The yield oi grain will eilnitely be in creased snd particularly so in Eastern Ontario where July indications wereior below sv eraga spring stain yields Additional moisture will be needed shortly to the counties at the extreme eastern end at the province where rainiall to date this season is still could ersb below nonnel Ha damage has occurred dur ing the past two weeks to sev eral at 0ntarioand the rain is now causing some spilt ting in not cherrie errles irom ey did smwinl Here it is mud by council earlier able month has eased the crisis it was reported There is new plenty oi water even though consumption during the pmenl heat wave is ebout 10000 gall one above average per an hours for the past three days water consunrptlon per hour period has run between 67000 and 000 gallons Mr Lemma said the viltege chlorinator has been workin sailslactoriiy tor the past two weeks since it was adlusted and repaired he said Beiore that it had been out oi serle weeks The Creemora Centennial Committee still engaged in search oi proapecls ior Cree mores oaotenntet protect it was not Nady to present re port to council Thluday night Council accepted the prices at Baugaan Spraying Co Dun ham ior oiling and shipping about hall mile oi vlaga streets Tender prices wen cents per gsllon ior oil and solo per ton ior chips About 000 worth oi rosdwork is to be done In aria contract The next meeting will be held Aug since the lirst Monday has been proclsimed at Civic Holiday in Creernore TONIGHT raroav seruaoav lanai ior about six IAIN xnesma WAY MY ll 118 Equipment Sold To Malaysia WASHINONN iAPi the Umnltedlstates will sell Malaysia ners trooocarryiag bel Icoptars and landing trait ior use in its war against Invading tan gllmillss Prime Minister nlnkn Abdul ltsbanan oiMstaysia announc ing this at press onnierenca Wednesday laid the tlalted State has also altered to train some Malaysian military per lorrael in the lam Nu amount tary ment to be obtained was not die closed but itahman spoke in general terms oi obtaining up to do Cessna twtndet trainers Nor was there any Immediate reaction irons Indonesian sources to the aid being altered to Malaysiaa nation Indonesia has vowed to crush as new term oi British colonialism Rahman eatdzqi dont think there is any poselble chance at making peace with Pmldsnt Sukarno oi indoneela although the door wsa still open to more meetblgs with him IALi COSTS WINNIPN CHMetropolb tan Winnipegs linsnce Monoli tee report that repairs to it miles oi boulevards damaged by abrasivel salt and soil dur Ing the winter will cost the city about 029000 All BAY Ouiiisbwayll Mills North at Barrie at Guthrie are lots We BIND nonram CPIThe v5 Navys Atlantic anlleubmarlne task tom save this city valuable gilt during recent visitno men irom tour de stroyers and submarine gave Nerd at lied Cross bdadquarb MPEIiit THEATRE Now snowrNo TEtlliiiillli IECiiiiidClllg MW VIM labeled itrslittiTEDMIlm Show at and pm seer naclNa littlesthohhytn North America On this l2 loot iigura eight tour lane track you can race your Thunrien bird or Ford against your buddies Chev or Corvettehwaiehlng it spin out on the corners or race aarou the iintsh line at 200 scale miles per hour You may build the car at your choice for is little as $395 Below are tyre examples of em you may custom build to your liking the neweat most exciting racing car in the world the and TCompetition it sleek twosealer capable of speeds near loo miles pen borer ltsthe car every racing enthusiast will want

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