mm cmr dog pound is the meeting place ior local stray canines brought there by city do catcher Bob Hallett Pictured ve is the Samoy an Judy who has made her aeii quite at home and being ma iarn pet is allow It range the compiiund young mongre pup isundell3 quarantine but ex pccta to be out and about shortly Meanwhile he co ioying his stay at his at Bob art Iesidence $450 Damage ln Collision An estimated tad damage was caused esterday by col listen on Hï¬hw ea east oi the FlorSunnid washlp line Drivers involved were Henry Duntlns 11 ot RR Elmvale and Victor Pecorarl oi oi no no Buntina has been charged by Victoria Harbour OPP Huge Mural Painted By Shan Philip Vcbb young artist who lives in Shanty Btw is the Rainier oi the mural recently ung in ihe Canadian Tire Stole Dunlap St The mural is so icet long and six ieei deep and do lots the his tory oi the automob irom the discovery of the wheel to iuture development into the space age Arch Brown manager oi Can adian Tire commissioned Philip Webb to point the mural about two months ago The artist was allowed complete ircedom in the layout or the pointing Ai ler borrowing number oi books on the history oi the automobile irom both Barrie and Oriiiia libraries he spent nearly two weeks on research The palate log oi the mural took nearly ilve weeks of steady work He sinted live panels each six by 10 ieot and each panel is complete painting The iirst panel depicts the importance oi the discovery of the wheel in the iorm oi Greek ebariot The next three panels show steam cars elec tricai cars and the asoiino en gine representing ierent area in the development of the car The iinal panel shows the cars at the More as the artist imag iacs them The border at the mural is outlined with paintings at well known cars as they have ll developed through the years GIVES HISTORY The theme oi the mural is to give the history of the auto moblie with something to tie in godpast said Mr Webb yes ay The mural is painted on iram ed bardboard which according to Mr Webb is betterrthsn the ty Bay Artist ARTIST PHILIP ween AT WORK Panel grounds used by the Flem painters The panels are sealed with hide glue and then flounded with white lead The drawing is made on the white bathroom with tur Eentine wash and the painting ullt up by colors mixed with Damaar varntsh andsun thick road all The last procus gives the psahioting durable enamel in TODAYS srocx PRICES Compiled by Fm mousnsans om Bridga table II Dis Ella nous rou Ahitibi Algoins Steel to at Dom atone 00 Dana Tat Aluminium raioanbrld Alberta Diet Albernts Baa Tr PM soil Euler Mont Blnl or NJ leil Tel greenish Oil Cdn Atllllldn In El Con Cdn rower DPR can Cement Chantal Cling Power Col etL Con Idln 5s 5m Con Papll Cone Gal Home In Oil In Ace lulltld inter Nickel Inter Jocks lub La on mines dunner oilingsr than use Duleui court rade hilt Utilities mo interprov Pipe so as Dunlhp at Darrte In Post lth Massey lerg Norsnda an that N41 oora om Moll Pore Paella Pete Pl II 15 arr Ktid Bay arm Hudsons Bay Imp Tobacco Hussy oil so It Btesl oi can 5an ask mil in ill€i°eu mum oaw Weston mus mornch Webb is ionner student oi the Ontario College oi Art in Toronto He came to Harris Iwo years ago and has lived in Shanty Bay for almost year He is partner with David McWiliiams in Wabb and As sociates Philip is responsible awlmmw hwfl ï¬rst vathmrmWt MW massamnassnrnraunanasmnssuq Creemore Man Charged With Careless Driving In Accident mad carlailgla driving charge was man last bt albumen toilisitatwbich aentiour arm and iacial lacerations tiia James liar id ol also received iaaiai lacerations The two were later rsietsed Mite ItcCailume ear eoilldodwiih hes vehicle driven by Gary Disg waid so at Coilingwod on Big way 2d aboutas as north west at Barrie no received headand beck uries liia passenger Itiu erie ONeil also oi Coillnmood auiiered chest and back urlea Canal George Moors ot Stay ntr OPP investigated Damage to the vehicles was described es vy Garner Pleased With Programs lack Garner chairmanoi the Barrie Recn tion Conuniuss said today he is that pinata uidn let their ahidren take when the program pm opera ng onhlï¬rle parks and also the nu as am nth0arner outed the park and sw ams yesterday and express com eta satire taction with the cal rs oi sup ervialon grain and the increased parks and swimming registrations the best pIograrn weve had ior many years and non complete then be ore The only problem being en countered is with the swimming iaclilties which Mr Garner said are not auiiicient ior instruction at swimmio in at or ior the gener le awmmin apoople want to eeommitteeaa il war on plans situa on within the next two or three years The swimming proï¬lam this year has the est registration over with over not germs registered Parks regls atioos are up more than 00 over last year Mr Garner said that in order to accommodate swimmin in structlon next year it be necessary to make some chang Beadvwhieh are already under Ll am to par program who want to lesrn to swim weve at to provide the swim mlng aeiiitiea ior them And our bu et is well spent it we teach one oi them to swim it is ioiiy ior any parent oi child eight years older older who cant swim not to let thamltalse advantage oi the mtng program after Runaway Truclt Crashes Into Barrie Bank drlvcrless threetqn truck rolled down an alley across Owen st clipped parked car and rammed into the side of the TorontoDominion Book this morning Driver Kurt Neuiiat 85 at Toronto told police he parked his inlet in the alley to unload shipment to the and Pgro cery store He said he ieit the emergency brake on When he came out oi the store his truck was gone lie iound ii lodged against the side of the bank Barrie Police Const Don Bul mar estimated damage to the truck at so and to the park ed car at $50 building in spector will be called in to evaluate damage to the bank Charges an pending FAIR BOARD The board or directors oi the Barrie Agricniturai Society will meet in the Department or lig rlculture oiiieo Collier street toolsht at oclock the divsrsiiicd Prov JACK GARNER or to them tree swimming lessons Once mild gels to be is ears old hes not going to go oto class with sightyear olda He said the la year old who cant swim lust stays away irom iaï¬ystructional clasatask and even grows up now bpwlto trim ii he iiilirle wa er may poss loin an sduits swirnmin class Areturntothsaii ayday camp may also be ibliity ior next year he so Director oi the summer pro ram ior the Barrie Recreation ommiitee is David Paimsteer with lgape Winter as assistant no man routma Silt rm burr 315MnIIo in uawmmtr me vardim wmmawmwm Former Lolcal Teadher Subject or Bibgraphy It noted iormerchisiiustice who taught high school mathe matics in Barrie iron in to imistobethssubiectoia biography by Dr Richard Geese associate proiaseor at law at Queens University This summer as is the past three summers Dr touches used his time to search records Prepare material ior his by dllfllx0d in Badrris yesten ay ovaro newspa tiles ior iniormaiion on ï¬t all Bir Lyman Foore Wit and his wits Elisabeth Eleanor Bird daughter oi iormer city ciartr Henry Bird Bir Lyman was distinguish ed iudge who was appoion to the British Columbia Supreme Court in not and two years la tee to the Meme Court oi Canada His intmeot as Chisi Justice the Supreme Court was made in ms and he retired in me its died at age oi so in 1W Born in Msaiord in 1M be was the son oi Rev Charles Dull at that time Congrega tionalist minister in Msaiord PRACTIBBD 30 lie practised law in EC from me until his ap intmsnt to the 86 runs ln me he returns to Barrie to marry Elisabeth Bird and she retum ed with him to BC Dr Gone became interested lo the Canadian Judge when he was taking his doctor at ii osophy degree at Dsiord rom 1957 to woo He had written so man the judgments was loo at and discovered there was no pro biogra at him or or Csoadan judge be ll as He said there are many works by Americans at their promin ent Judges but Canadians were not that interested though they are becoming more interested now Dr Gosse had hoped to get down to the work of writing the book this summer but iound he hadnt exploited all the sources so work will probably begin next summer BEST ROUTINE Dr Gosse said that newspap ers are usually the best routine to follow to touching ior in iormation Billtltlt ants wrnrnsn Forecast Sunny Warm On Friday Sunny warm weather with light winds is expected to con tinue in the Barrie area today and Friday Temperature at the Barrie Examiner at noon was bl synopsis Today is expected to be mainly sunny and warm throughout the province with light winds Southern regions can look ior less humid weather today Little temperature change is expected or north ern and central areas Friday is ex ted to be another sunny day hmughout Ontario Niagara Lake Ontario Tor onto Hamilton Sunny and iittiaiesa humid today Molnl sunny and warm Friday Win light Low tonight high Windsor St Thomas Motion Kitchener Friday 57 62 52 52 66 so til 80 lb 82 ll Peierborough Trenton Muskolra Outline Plans For Annual Naval Ball Members oi the Barrie brands oi the Navy League plan to make this years Trai ar Naval Ball one oi the most in portant social events oi the year at committee meeting held last night at the home oi Fred Tenule Blake street the mam bers oi the Navy League com mittee outlined their plans to the oiiieers oi the Navyuaguo and Sea Cadets Plans arranged so lar have the Bali set ior October to at the Continental inn Provincial dignitaries will be invited to attend Committee members empha siud that this ball will be the top social event in Blrncoe DR 60555 CHECKS EXAMINER NEWSPAllER FILES Generally there is nobody still alive who can contribute anything toward his youth and career as young man be stated This summer he has visited Victoria and National Archives in Ottawa where he looked through the Eweoi Laurier and Borden at week he was in Bolton the town where Bir LynInns mothers iamiiy came imm in Fergus where hiai th or was once minister Msaiord Dr Goose has visited Liverpool are whee Sir Lymana tether was min Ister Sir Lyman was appointed member lJudieiai Committee oi the Pr vy Council in 1m and spent each summer in tendon going over pug council eases imm all over British Em pire it was at this time that Brian Knecahaw idis wort ing tor the summer at the county registry cities in Bar rie lie microï¬lm documents Whats the flavour secret of Geld Crest Whisky Its inHirdm Walkerh secret distilling process he became iriends with such noted British Judges as Viscount Simon Viscount Haldane sod Viscount Birkcohead Sir Lyman became knight commander oi at Michael and at George when lion it Bennett revived the honors list Working in newspaper is not new experience ior Dr Gem He was on the stsii oi the Nelson BC paper in the summer at me and the Van couver Province in the sum mer at rest Dr Geese was born in so took his bachelor oi arts degree at McGill and his law degree at the University at British cal umbis lie rscttced law ior seven years 50 He began his teaching careerio rm aitor returning irom Oxiord Dr lease is married and has three children sruorut or worn such as wills deeds and mort gages Brian is grade to student at Bradiord District Colieglate institute tEsamits er Photo IAsecretdirtfliingprnoessgimaold Crest is flavom youll really enjoy it combinestheqnalitiesyooiikeiben mrrwbaonouenoonut Igoidenmeilowtobestuejbutwith thesnbtiediiterenoe ot grsag